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Unit 1



discreet a. –discreetly ad. –discretion/discreetness n. –indiscreet—indiscretion reserve n. –reserved a.

composed a. --discomposed adj. --composure n. --composedly adv. --composedness n. malicious a.—malice n. –maliciousness n. –maliciously ad. assurance n. –assure v.—assuring a.

distinct a. distinctive a. distinction n. indistinctive a. relax v. –relaxing a. –relaxation n.

humiliation n.—humiliating a. –humiliate v.

strategically ad. → strategic a. → strategy n. –strategist n. embarrass v. → embarrassing a. → embarrassment n. maneuver v./n. → maneuverable a.

mature a. → maturity n. Antonym: immature a. → immaturity n.


nothing more than

set out in the direction of set out on sth.

draw one’s attention to break out settle in/into tip somebody off

jump/ keep/pass/stay/ steer clear of dine on/off sth. in relief

my heart goes out to somebody live/survive to tell the tale live up to scribble down grope for

sneak in / out / away / off run with the crowd try on die down

distress oneself

Unit 2 Derivation:

precise a. precisely ad. precision n.

classic a. classical a. classicist n. classicism n. conceivable a. conceive v. conception n.


survive v. survival n. survivor n.

compete v. competition n. competitor n. competitive a. inquire v. inquiring a. inquiry n.

conceivably ad. conceivable a. conceivability n. conceive v. conceived a. conceivement n.

conceiver n. conceiving a. n.

embarrass v. embarrassing a. embarrassed a. embarrassment n. embarrassingly ad.

embarrassedly ad. embarras n.

replacement n. replace v. replaceable a. replaceability n. replacive a. n. replacer n. executive n. a. execute v. execution n.

confine v. confinement n. confined a. confineless a. confining a. abolish v. abolition n. abolishment n. abolished a. abolishing a.

innumerable a. numerable a. innumerate a. n. innumeracy n. innumerability n. boredom n. bore v. bored a. boring a.

discontent v. discontented a. content a. n. discontentation n. discontenting a. discontentedly ad. discontentive a. widow n. widowed a.

nerve n. –nervous a. –nerveless a.

preside v.→ president n. → presidency n.

marry v. → marital a. → marriage n.—extramarital a. company n. → accompany v. → companion n.


grab at/for something stay up phrasal verb

straighten out phrasal verb

pick somebody/something ? out phrasal verb die of care for

Unit 3


sedate v. a. sedation n. sedately ad. sedative n. compact a. compactly ad. compactness n. contort v. contorted ad. contortion n. ludicrous a. ludicrousness n. ludicrously ad. extravagant a. extravagance n.

thought n. thoughtful a. thoughtless a. thoughtlessly ad. thoughtlessness n. deficient a. deficiency n. dodge v. dodger n.

exasperate v. exasperated a. exasperating a. exasperation n. triumph n. compare triumphal and triumphant thrive v. thriving a.

eccentric a. eccentric n. eccentricity n. negotiate v. negotiation n. negotiable a.


agree v .→ agreeable a. → agreement n. ridicule v. ridiculous a.

acquaint v. → acquaintance n. → acquainted a. woe n. woeful a. woefully ad.

Phrases: go about go through settle on out of/in step

go about one’s business

pull up pull in pull out be habituated to doing sth./ sth. pop out

pace sth. Off/out be deficient in in this/that regard

bring sth. Home to somebody entertain an idea/hope/thought etc woe to / betide sb dig up

thrive on sth.

Unit 5


volunteer n. v. –voluntary a.

deceive v. deceptive a. deception n. deceit n. preoccupation n. preoccupied a. preoccupy v. prevaricate v. prevarication n.

lubricate v. lubrication n. lubricant n. cynic n. cynical a. cynicism n. suspect v. suspicious a.

participant n. a. participate v. participation n. serial a. n. series n.

admission n. admit v. admitted a.

respondent a. n. respond v. respondence/ respondency n. 反应;一致consultant n. consult v. consultancy n. consultable a. inspect v. inspection n.

initial a. initiate v. initiative n. initiation n. ethics n. ethicist n. ethical a. unethical a.

consequence n. consequent a. consequently ad. consequential a. collapse v. n. collapsible a. collapsed a. collapsibility n. feign v. → feigned a.

spare v. → sparing a. → unsparing a. → unsparingly ad.


confound v. → confounded a. → confoundedly ad. tangle v. → tangle n. → entangle v. will n. willful a.


profess to do/be something

spare somebody the trouble/difficulty/pain etc (of doing something) spare somebody's feelings preoccupation with

blurt something out phrasal verb wear down phrasal verb

speculate on/about (why/what etc) set sb. up rule of thumb spin the truth cover up specialize in

compliment sb. on sth. devote to

Unit 7


obscure a. obscurely ad. obscurity n.

perceive v. perception n. perceptible a. imperceptible a. apprehensive a. apprehension n. apprehend v. fervent a. fervently ad. fervency n.

overwhelm v. overwhelming a. overwhelmingly ad. scorn n. scornful a.

detach v. detached a. detachment n. substitute v. n. substitution n.

acquaint v. acquainted ad. acquaintance n.

oblige v. obliging a. obligatory adj. obligation n. obligingly adv. confidential a. confidentiality n. confidentially adv. impulse n. impulsive a. impulsively ad. solitude n. solitary a. neglect v. negligence n.

indulge v. indulged a. indulgent a. indulgence n. rapture n. rapt a. rapturous a. rapturously ad.

Phrases: such as it is better off indulge in


grounds for (doing) something have grounds to do something

be overwhelmed by/with something save up for care about reach for peer about deal in

go into raptures with detachment

make one’s acquaintance stock in trade

be in a /no position to do sth in a rapture


