
更新时间:2024-05-15 16:04:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



班级: 姓名: 等级:


1、y ,e, s ,a_______ 2简单的 、y, i ,l ,r ,a ,b ,r___________ 图书馆 3、g,o,n,r,w________ 4 错误的 、l ,i ,m, f ________ 电影 5、d, a ,r ,c ___________ 6卡片 、v, h,e ,y,a________ 重的 二、英汉互译。

1、擅长____________ 2、去图书馆____________

3、on Shelf B____________3、一本英语书__________________ 5、在两周内_____________6、in the newspaper__________ 7、library card____________ 8、一本关于电脑的书___________ 9、get information 10、 科学项目 三、选词填空 in at on about for

1、The books are ________ Shelf D. 2、I want to make an e-card _____ Dad. 3、We can find a book _____ animals there. 4、I’m not good _____ English.

5、Tian Sisi lives ______ Beijing. 四、单项选择:

( )1. Let’s the library . A. go B. go to C. to ( )2.I want _____ an e-card ___ Mum.

A.to make ;at B. make ; for C. to make ;for ( )3. Where can you the book ? In the bookstore . A. look for B. find out C. find

( )4. I t is easy _______ a computer. A. to B. with C. at ( )5. I can use it the computer . A. in B. on C. at

( )6.We’ll bring ______ your radio _______ two days A. back,in B.with,after C. back,into ( )7. Where can you find out about ? In the Zoo. A. animal’s B. animal C. animals

( )8. is so easy . A. Every B. Everything C. Thing ( )9. You can use it a computer. A. with B. from C. out ( ) 10. We don’t have books you. A. for B. with C. to 五、我会连词成句

1. is our Here computer new (.)

2. are books about Where computers the (?) 3. to library Let’s the go (.) 4. all science about These books are (.) 5. this put on shelf Let’s them (.) 6. about are books sports the Where (?) 7. books got students We’ve for (.)


It was Sunday yesterday. It was nice. There were a lot of people in the park. Some girls sang and some boys jumped under the tree. An old man listened to the radio. A young man played the erhu near the lake. There weren’t any boats on the lake. Some people swam in the lake. All of them were very hy.

( ) 1、A young man played chess near the lake. ( )2、There weren’t many people in the park.

( )3、Some boys listened to the radio. ( )4、It was cloudy yesterday.

( )5、All of them had a good time in the park.

