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自学资料02 1 动词填空

篇者按: 动词填空是高中常见的考察项目,意在考察同学们对时态和非谓语的灵活应用。下面这些动词填空解释和练习是根据往年的学生常见的错误编写的,我又重新进行了整理,编的很辛苦,同学们如果不认真复习和完成练习,我会很伤心的。这只是第一期,我会根据你们完成的情况和态度决定是否进行第二期,第三期…. 你们的勤奋就是我们动力。 Come on!

动词填空秘笈 01

to do/to be done 一、sb/sth is said to do/to be done

to have done/ have been done

? 以下词汇同上

1. sb/sth is considered/ believed/ reported to/ expected to/ thought to/ known to… 2. happen to… (碰巧)

3. Sb/sth seems / appear to…(似乎) I’m sorry to…


a. she is said to have a lot of money. (is 与 to have 同时发生)

b. she is said to be sleeping in the next room. (is 与 to be sleeping 同时发生并且强调进行) c. she is said to have finished the work (to have finished 发生在is 之前,所以用完成形式) d. You’d better tell the truth, for the teacher seems to have known the whole matter. (to have known 发 生在seems 之前,所以用完成形式) e. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. (to have kept 发生在I’m sorry 之前,所以用完成形式)

二、注意to 用作介词

? 如果to 是介词,那么后面一定要加名词和动名词 look forward to sth/ doing sth.

The little boy is looking forward to being taken to see the expo. 类似的to 用作介词还有:

the key to the answer to pay attention to lead to be used to devote oneself to

三、 had + pp ? 表示未曾实现的希望、打算、意图、诺言等: had hoped + to do / that… had planned + to do / that… had meant to do / that… had intended to do / that… had wanted to do / that… had expected to do / that… had imagined that… had thought that…

注意:最后两个只跟 that 从句

We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't.

四、has/ have been done

? 常见的结构有

自学资料02 2 动词填空 Much has been done to do …

Little has been done to do… Nothing has been done to do Much had been said about… Enough has been said about

Measures have been taken to do sth

Every possible means has been tried to do sth. 1. Much has been done to improve your English.

2. Enough has been said about your school academic performance.

五、will have done/ had done

had done ---- 过去完成时---- 常见的状语标志是: 1. by the time +从句 (从句中时态为一般过去式) 2. by the end of + 过去时间 3. by then, until then

a. By the time he was forty, he had visited more than 100 cities throughout the world. b. Until then, he had left for New York for days.

c. By the end of last term, he had learned 4000 English word. will have done ---- 将来完成时---- 常见的状语标志是:

1. by the time +从句 (从句中时态为一般现在式) 2. by the end of 未来时间

3. by +未来时间 (by six tomorrow, by then,

a. By the time he knows it, we will have arrived there.

b. By the time you get to the Greenwich you will have seen the most historic parts of London. c. By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium.




1. By the end of last year, we _________ (produce)20,000 cars. 2. By the end of next year, we _______ (produce)20,000 cars. 3. By the time you came back, we ___________ (complete) the whole project. 4. By the time you comes back, we __________ (complete) the whole project. 5. By six tomorrow, I ____________ (arrive) the ancient city.

Keys: 1. had produced 2. will have produced 3. had completed 4. will have produced 5. will

have arrived

六. 非谓语做宾补

have sb do (省略 to 强调过程) have sb doing (强调进行)

have sth done (强调被动,指让某事被做或找人做某事或遭受到) a. Mother has me go to the shop to buy some fruit.

b. It’s cold. We should have the fire burning all the time c. He will have the computer repaired tomorrow.


自学资料02 3 动词填空 get sb to do (to不省略强,调过程) get sb doing (强调进行)

get sth done (强调被动,指让某事被做或找人做某事或遭受到) a. I’ll get someone to do it for you.

b. He had/get his computer stolen the other day.


make sb do sth (省略 to 强调过程) make sth done (强调被动)

a. In order to make himself heard, he raised his voice.

这里heard,强调被人听见。有的同学容易把heard写成 to be heard 或 be heard,这些都是错


b. Don’t make your kid work day and night.

注意:make sb doing 这种用法是错误的, make 不可以接 doing 做宾补。

七. Unit 1 中所涉及的动词搭配。 1. remind sb to do sth 2. mean to do sth 3. mean doing sth

4. seem to do/ be doing/ have done 5. hesitate to do sth 6. signal sb to do sth 7. consider doing 8. avoid doing sth 动词填空练习 Verb 01

1. The river will be further polluted unless some measures _________________(take). 2. The train I will take to Washington ______________ (leave) at 19: 30. Can you see me off? 3. By the end of next semester, we _______________ (finish) learning Unit 6 .

4. The star tried hard to avoid _______________ (see)by his fans while she was shopping. 5. She can’t help _______________(clean) the house because she is busy making a cake. 6. He came to the party without ________________(invite), which upset the host and the hostess. 7. The furniture of this style ________________(sell) well.

8. ________________(force) to study every day made Jack very unhappy. 9. The teacher used ________________(begin) his class with free talks. 10. Ways are found to prevent rivers ________________(pollute). Verb 02

1. Every possible means __________________ (try) to save the sick boy. 2. Enough ___________________ (said) on how to learn English.

自学资料02 4 动词填空 3. Much ___________________ (do) to improve the people's living conditions since three years ago. 4. Measures ___________________ (take) by farmers to make sure that spiders can survive the winter. 5. What we eat is said __________ (have) a lot to do with our health.

6. The scientist is said _____________ (write) twenty articles on this subject in the past two years 7. More than $ 50,000 damage is said _________ (cause) in the earthquake that occurred in that area. 8. The girl's parents are said __________________ (die) two years ago.

9. Augusta Maywood is generally considered _______________ (set) up the first traveling company. 10. His father is believed ____________________ (work) somewhere in Africa, but I don’t where. Verb 03

1. A new magnificent structure is reported ____________________ (build) there and it will be completed soon. 2. Another new Disney Land is reported _______________________ (build) in Shanghai, which is a very good

piece of news to us all.

3. Great changes ___________________ (take) place in Shanghai in the past decade. 4. It ____________________ ( be ) two weeks before you come to see me again. 5. It ____________________ (be) two weeks since he left Shanghai.

6. It ____________________ (not, be) long before they won the championship 7. It _______________ (be) the third time you have been late for class.

8. It was the third time you ____________________ (catch) stealing in the supermarket. 9. He admitted ________________ (steal) the car at the police station.

10. He tiptoed into his bedroom so as to avoid ___________________ (see) by his parents. Verb 04

1. Did you see a woman ___________________ (dress) in red around the comer just now? 2. The tour guide made herself _______________ (hear) by using a loud speaker. 3. He was in low spirits and even considered ___________________ (go) away

4. I _____________ (walk) along the street when an accident happened around the corner.

5. If you want her to enter for the competition, you should have your daughter ___________________ (teach) to speak English.

6. The party the students looked forward to ___________________ (hold) yesterday afternoon 7. By the time you made me a phone call, all my homework _______________________ (finish). 8. He was glad to see his son well _______________ (take) care of in the day-care center

9. The ______________ (confuse) expression on her face suggested that she I didn’t make myself understood. 10. If you are in a difficult situation, please don’t hesitate _______________ (turn) to me for assistance.

自学资料02 5 动词填空

Keys: Verb 01

1. is taken 2. leaves 3. will have finished 4. being seen 5. (to) help 6. being invited 7. sells 8. Being forced. 9. to begin. 10. being polluted

Verb 02

1. has been tried 2. has been said 3. has been done 4. have been taken 5. to have 6. to have written 7. to have been caused 8. have died. 9. to have set. 10. to be working

Verb 03

1. to be being built 2. to be built 3. have taken 4. will be 5. is/has been 6. won’t be 7. is 8. had caught. 9. stealing 10. being seen

Verb 04

1. dressed 2. heard 3. going 4. was walking 5. taught 6. was held 7. had been finished 8. taken 9. confused 10. to turn

