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\\author{Bcorref{cor1}\\fnref{label3}} %\\ead{}
\\author{C$^3$\\corref{}} %\\ead[url]{home page}
\\fntext[label2]{A is a postgraduate student } \\fntext[label3]{B} \\fntext[label4]{C is a professor }
\\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author} \\address{$^1$ } \\address{$^2$} \\address{$^3$ }
\\title{ Biao ti}
\\begin{abstract} %% Text of abstract In this paper, \\end{abstract}
%% keywords here, in the form: keyword \\sep keyword
recurrent neural networks\\sep finite-time stability \\sep tunable
activation function \\sep quadratic programming
%% MSC codes here, in the form: \\MSC code \\sep code %% or \\MSC[2008] code \\sep code (2000 is the default)
\\end{frontmatter} %%
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%% main text
\\section{D }
\\section{Numerical simulations and application}
\\section{Conclusion} In the paper,
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China …..
%% The Appendices part is started with the command \\appendix; %% appendix sections are then done as normal sections %% \\appendix
%% \\section{} %% \\label{}
%% References %%
%% Following citation commands can be used in the body text: %% Usage of \\cite is as follows:
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%% References with bibTeX database: %\\section*{References}
\\bibliographystyle{mode1-num-names} \\bibliography{
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%% References without bibTeX database:
K.A. Smith, {\\it Neural networks for combinatorial optimization: a review of more than a decade of research.}
Informs Journal Computing, 11 (1999) 15-34.
\\bibitem[\\protect\\citeauthoryear{Li, Lou and Liu}{2012}]{LB2012}
S. Li, Y. Lou and B. Liu, {\\it Bluetooth aided mobile phone localization: a nonlinear neural circuit approach.}
ACM Trans Embedded Comput Syst, January 2013.
\\bibitem[\\protect\\citeauthoryear{Lin, Li and Liu}{2012}]{B2012}
S. Lin, Y. Li and B. Liu, {\\it Model-free control of Lorenz chaos using an approximate optimal control strategy.}
Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simul, 12(7) (2012) 4891-4900.
\\end{document} %%
%% End of file `elsarticle-template-1-num.tex'.
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