【牛津译林版】(江苏专用)2012届高三英语一轮复习精品学案:语法部分 第9讲 状语从句

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第9讲 状语从句(要点透析)




1.when, as与while表示时间



I like tea while she likes coffee.

2. before 意为“在……之前;还没来得及;……(之后)才……”

I had felt hungry before I arrived home.


She left the office before I could say sorry to her.

我还没来得及向她道歉,她就离开了办公室。(在我能够说抱歉之前,她就离开了办公室) It was a long time before I got to sleep again.


3. since 从句中的动词不同,起算的时间也不同。since+瞬间动词的过去式,从该动作发生时算起;since+持续性动词的过去式,从该动作结束时算起。


He had worked hard since entered the factory.(enter为瞬间动词,从他入厂以来)

We haven't seen each other since I worked in the factory.(work为持续性动词,从我不在工厂以来……)

4.till/until 用于肯定句时,须和持续性动词连用,表示“直到……为止”,用于否定句时和瞬间动词连用,表示“直到……才”。till 与until句型在多数情况下可通用。但在句首时不可用till;在It is/was not until…that … 强调句型中及not until放句首时,一般不可用till。 I worked till/until he came back.

He didn't go to bed until/till eleven o'clock.

It was not until I came back that he went to bed.

Not until then did I realize the importance of learning English.

5.as soon as/ immediately/ the moment/the minute/ the second “……”

She gave a ring to her parents immediately she landed in Japan.

6.no sooner…than…/ hardly…when…刚……就…… had done;从句用did)

→No sooner had we ha7.every time 每当,每次;第一次……时候,next time 下次……时。 常见连词:if(如果)/ unless(除非)/ once(一旦)/ as(so) long as(只要)/ on condition that(条件是)/provided/ providing that(假若)/suppose/ supposing that(倘若)

Suppose/Supposing(that) they refuse us, who else can we turn to for help?


1.because, since和as 表示的语气强弱不同。

because 表示直接原因,语气最强;since表示显然的或已知的理由或事实,常译成“既然”;as用于说明原因,语气较弱,着重点在主句,常译成“由于”。






④连词前有only, just, simply等修饰时。

2.for 是并列连词,引导的句子表示一种推理或解释,或附加说明。一般不能置于句首。for表示因果关系时,可与because互换,但for前须用逗号。

It may have rained last night, for the ground is wet.

3. now that 与since/as同义, 通常表示用新出现的情况作为原因。

Now that you feel sick, you can have a rest in bed.

4. when既然……(有轻微的责备口吻)

How can I help them when they never listen to me?

5. in that-从句“在于……”



1. …so + adj./ adv.+ that…

2. So+adj.+a/an + n. 3. So+少) + n.(不可数名词或可数名词复数)that…

There is so little water that you can't drink.

4. …such+a/an +adj.+ n.+ that…

She is such a good girl that she can help you.

5. Such+adj.+ n.(不可数名词或可数名词复数)+that…

They are such lovely children.

【注意】that 后面必须跟上完整的句子,即必须要有完整的主语、谓语、宾语。


1. so that/ in order that +从句 ( 从句用can/could/ may/ might + 动词原形)为了…… We got up early in order that we could catch the first bus.


2.for fear that/lest/in case that+ 从句(从句可以用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形)以防/万一发生……

We got up early for fear that/lest/in case that we should miss the first bus.


1. where 在…… 地方= in the place where/ in the place in which

Make a mark where you have problems.

She lives where her grandparents lived 30 years ago.

2. wherever 无论在……地方= no matter where

I will find him wherever he may be.

Wherever the film star goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.


1. although/ though/ while 虽然;尽管

Although he is rich, he never wastes a coin.

2. as 句型

(1)表语(形容词/名词)+ as/though +


Much as I have traveled, I've never seen a man as capable as Tom.

(3)动词原形 +as/though + 主语+ might/may, 主句。

Try as he might, Tom could not get out of the difficulty.

3. even if/ even though(有一定的假设意味)即使, 纵然

Even if it snows tomorrow, we shall still go on business.

4. No matter how/ what/ where/ who…, 无论怎么/ 什么/ 哪里/ 谁……

【注意】 no matter 必须和特殊疑问词连用。



论……”,可与“no matter+疑问词“替换”。

6. whether…or…无论是否……

Whether you go or not tomorrow, we will go outing.


1. as if/though + 从句(从句的虚拟语气与wish 后的宾语从句虚拟语气类似),意为“仿佛,好像”。

She speaks English as though she were a native of New York.

2. as 正如

Do the experiment as I told you just now.

As is known to all, China is becoming stronger and stronger.

Leave the door as it is.


1. as…as 和…一样…

She is as tall as her mother.

She has as nice a bag as her mother does.

2. not as/ so…as …不如…一样…

She is not as healthy as her sister.

3. than 比…

第9讲 状语从句(考点突破)

( ) 1. It' s quite a time ______ Yao Ming got injured, but it won't be long ______ he returns to the court. (2010·河北冀州市中学高三仿真考试)

A. since; before

C. before; since B. after; when D. that; when

( ) 2. How can you expect him to make any progress ______ you never give him a chance to


have a try?(2010·江西九江一中高三适应性考试)

A. when B. unless

D. until C. even though


1. A 本题考查了两个固定结构:It is/has been+一段时间+since引导的时间状语从句(自从做某事已经有多长时间了);It will be/is/was+一段时间+before(多久之后才……, before引导时间状语从句)。

2. A 本题句意为:在你不给他机会试一试的情况下,你怎能期望他有进步?unless除非,不符合句意。when表示条件,故答案为A。

( ) 3. Put the book back to the same place ______ you finishing reading.(2010·四川棠湖中学高三适应训练)

A. where

C. as B. that D. which

( ) 4. — Will you tell the secret to Tom?

— No way! ______ I'm asked to.(2010·北京市)

A. Unless

C. Until


3. A 此处关系副词the same place, 在定语从句中作地点状语。

4. D even though 即使,引导让步状语从句,其他三项都不符合句意,故选D。

( ) 5. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. ______ you keep trying, you will achieve your goals in the future. (2011·湖南长郡中学高三分班考试)

A. In case

C. As long as B. Even though B. When D. As soon as

( ) 6. ______ unemployment and crime is high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former. (2010·上海市各区一模语法错题精选)

A. Before B. Where C. Unless D. Until



5. C in case 以防,以免;even though 即使; as long as表示条件,只要;as soon as 表示时间“一……就……”,根据句意选C。

6. B where引导一个地点状语从句,意思是“在失业和犯罪多的地方,可以这样认为:后者是因为前者造成的”

( ) 7. — The current international financial crisis is affecting most countries in the world.

— Would it be at least several years ______ everything returns to normal? (2011·宁夏银川二中高三月练)

A. when B. that C. since D. before

( ) 8. What an unforgettable experience! I'll write it down ______ fresh in my memory.(2011·四川成都市三校高三9月联考)

A. since


7. D 本题为句式考查。It is/has been做某事已经多长时间);It will be/is/was+一段时间+before(多久之后才It +时间点+when(做某事是什么时候);It is/was+被强调部分+that)。根据句意选D。

8. B while后面只能跟延续性动作,在……期间,趁……,故选BStrike the iron while it is hot。

( 上海市各区一模语法错题精选)

A. so

B. as D. that B. while C. after D. until C. since

( )10. You'll find it hard to get rid of the drug habit ______ you have it. (2011·云南昆明一中高三第一次月考)

A. before

C. until


9. B 本题考查了not so /as important as…结构,不如……。本句改为 to know some grammatical rules is not half so important as to have more practice,则更好理解。 B. once D. though


10. B before 在……之前; once 一旦,如果; until 直到; though 尽管, 根据句意选B。

( )11. I found her nice and honest ______ I saw her.(2011·江西南昌一中高三月考)

A. for the first time

C. on the first time B. the first time D. at first

( )12. — I wonder how much you charge for your services.

— The first two are free ______ the third costs $30.(2011·安徽亳州一中高三第一次月考)

A. while B. until C. when


11. B the first time名词词组引导一个时间状语从句,意为:第一次……就……。for the first time作时间状语,意为:第一次;at first 起初,最初。故选B。

12. A whileA。

( some truth in them. (2011·)

A. and B. so

D. until D. before C. because

( A. before

C. when


13. C 是主句的原因,故选C。

14. A 语境表示“还不等我们意识到”,用before 引导状语从句,表示“在……之前”。

( )15. When the environmentally friendly cars came onto the market, many people were eager to buy them ______ the price is.( 2010·江苏泰州/南通市高三第三次模拟)

A. wherever

C. whichever B. however D. whatever B. after ( )16. ______ online shopping attracts a certain group of people, there will always be some who enjoy shopping for their groceries.

A. When B. As C. If D. While



15. D whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于No matter what the price is。

16. D 由句意“虽然网上购物吸引了一部分人……”可知,应用while(虽然)引导让步状语从句,其他均无此用法。

( )17. — I have never spoken ill of Mary.

— ______ you don't like her.(2010·江苏南师附中高三5月模拟)

A. If B. Because C. Unless D. Though

( )18. She had just finished her homework ______ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. (2011·江苏白塔高级中学高三月考)

A. when B. while C. after D. since


17. D though 引导让步状语从句,意为:尽管你不喜欢她,()。故选D。

18. A when这里是“这时(突然)”while 代替;after 和since 不符合句意。故选A。

( things are. (2010·)

A. unless

C. once B. if D. as


A. Though

C. Until


19. A 本题意思是:如果你不满意可以向当地政府投诉。故选unless, 相当于if you are not happy; 如选if,意思则完全相反。

20. D unless引导条件状语从句,表示“除非;如果不”。

( )21. Several weeks had gone by ______ I realized the painting was missing.

A. as

C. since B. before D. when D. Unless

( )22. Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park ______ she was bitten on the leg by a lion.


A. when

B. while D. once C. since


21. B before这里表示“过了……(时间)才”,引导时间状语从句。

22. A when是等立连词,表示“正在这时”。

( )23. Parents should take seriously their children's requests for sunglasses ______ eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.

A. because

C. unless B. through D. if

( )24. It was evening ______ we reached the little town of Winchester.

A. that

C. since


23. A because引导原因状语从句。

24. D before引导时间状语从句,表示“在( be in demand.

A. While

C. As B. Since D. If B. until D. before


A. however

C. although


25. A while引导条件状语从句,表示“虽然、尽管”。

26. A however引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter how。

( )27. We were told that we should follow the main road ______ we reached the central railway station.

A. whenever

C. while B. until D. wherever B. no matter D. whatever

( )28. Scientists say it may be five or six years ______ it is possible to test this medicine on


human patients.

A. since

C. before


27. B until这里表示“直到……才”,引导时间状语从句。

28. C before引导时间状语从句,表示“过了……就”。

( )29. ______, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

A. However the story is amusing

B. No matter amusing the story is

C. However amusing the story is

D. No matter how the story is amusing


29. C however


A. As long as

C. Just as


30. B as far as I can seeas long as 只要……就……;even if即使。

B. As far as B. after D. when D. Even if

