人教版中考英语专项练习 介词

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人教版中考英语专项训练 介词

1.____ the age of ten, she had learned to play the piano. A.After B.In C.At D.By

2.The old man took a walk every day ____ when it rained. A.except B.besides C.beside D.as

3.Look at Lucy! How happy she looks ____ her new dress. A.after B.for C.at D.in

4.His mother bought him a new bicycle ____ the morning of his eighteenth birthday. A.on B.in C.at D.before

5. —The new dress looks very nice ____ you. —Thank you. I’m glad you say so. A.for B.at C.in D.on

6. —How long have you been working in this factory? —_____ 1986.

A.In B.Form C.After D.Since

7.Japan lies ____ the east of Asia, _____ the east of China. A.in; to B.to; in C.in; in D.to; to

8.The old lady _____ a pair of thick glass got on the bus. A.in B.having C.with D.on

9.The old woman died not ____ old age but ____ grief. A.from; from B.of; of C.of; from D.from; of

10.He can speak two other foreign language well ____ English. A.except B.besides C.beside D.except for

11.Your composition is excellent, ____ some spelling mistakes. A.except B.besides C.except for D.beside

12.The young man was given a medal _____ what he had achieved in his research work. A.since B.because of C.because D.as

13.Last summer we visited ____ beautiful places ____ Hangzhou, Huangshan and Nanjing. A.so; as B.such; like C.not as; as D.such; as

14.I met Jim ____ the first time when I was in Harry’s. A.at B.in C.for D.of

15.Went for a walk in the forest ____ the moonlight. A.on B.in C.for D.by

16.Which subject are you good ____, English or maths? A.on B.in C.of D.at

17.Did you see a girl ____ golden hair walk into the room? A.with B.of C.has D.in

18.____ the opinion of most people it is not good to eat too much meat. A.In B.For C.To D.On

19.It is the best answer ____ the question. A.of B.about C.for D.to

20.They found nothing ___ a stone in the parcel. A.beside B.but C.besides D.like

21.The fish with sharp teeth can eat a person ____ two minutes. A.after B.at C.for D.in

22.____ the afternoon of June 18, we’ll visit the school. A.In B.At C.On D.By

23.Some food and clothing will be supplied ____ the poor people in the mountain areas. A.for B.to C.at D.with

24.He spent a large part of his salary _____ books. A.in B.on C.for D.at

25.Sorry, I don’t agree ____ your plan. A.to B.on C.about D.with

26.There will be a party ____ New Year’s Eve. A.OnB.at C.for D.from

27.I’ve been here ____ the year 1995.

A.ever before B.ever since C.in D.during

28.The Yellow River is the longest river ____ to the Changjiang River. A.next B.than C.to D.for

29.—Grapes can be made ____ wine.

—Is this bottle of wine made ____ grapes, too? —Sure. And it is made ____ China. A.into, of, for B.into, from, in C.of, from, in D.from, into, by 30._____ my visit to Europe, I finally arrived ____ Italy. A.On, in B.On, at C.During, in D.In, at 31.The doctor will be free ____ .

A.10 minutes later B.after 10 minutes C.in 10 minutes D.10 minutes after 32.They will try their best to compete ___ a race ____ a prize. A.for, for B.in, for C.with, in D.in, in

33.It doesn’t seem useful ____ them to go on with the work. A.of B.for C.to D.by

34.It’s really nice ____ you to come and see me. A.of B.for C.to D.from 35.The door closed ____ itself. A.for B.of C.to D.in

36.It was careless ____ him to drop his watch into the river. A.to B.with C.for D.of

37.Since I came to China I’ve known that about seven people ____ ten speak Putonghua. A.of B.to C.in D.about

38.____ last month, Jack had been late for three times. A.By B.Since C.In D.For

39.Let’s walk over ____ the sun ____ the other side of the street. A.in, to B.to, on C.under, to D.by, at

40.They went to school by bike ____ foot today. A.but B.instead of on C.but on D.instead of

41.I knew nothing about the accident ____ what I read in the paper. A.but B.instead of on C.but on D.instead of 42.It is not always east to tell right ____ wrong.

A.or B.between C.and D.from

43.We walked ____ Tian An Men square to the Monument ____ the People’s Heroes. A.across, to B.across, of C.through, for D.past, to 44.The boat is passing ____ the bridge.

A.under B.through C.across D.towards

45.They will leave a week ____ today. I do hope they can finish the work. A.from B.on C.by D.for

46.We need fifteen more people ____ our team to do the job. A.but B.except C.as well D.besides

47.I couldn’t sleep well ____ all the windows open. A.when B.with C.for D.because of 48.I recognized the handwriting _____.

A.as our monitor B.like our monitor C.as that of our monitor’s D.like that of my monitor 49.Sports and games can be ____ great help to us. Let’s all do more sports. A.of B.with C.for D.in

50.____ the two stories I’ve just read, I like the one written by the young lady better. A.In B.By C.Of D.From

51.We planned to get to London ____ Monday, but I didn’t arrive ____ Friday. A.on, on B.till, on C.to, from D.on, until

52.The accident happened ____ a cold winter morning. A.in B.on C.for D.by

53.About twenty percent of the population of our country live ____ wages. A.by B.on C.with D.in

54.Your voice sounds different ____ the phone. A.in B.for C.from D.on

55.The house is ____ fire; call ____ help quickly, or break the glass to sound the alarm. A.on, for B.at, for C.in, to D.on, to 56.A new bridge will be built ____ the river. A.by B.in C.over D.through

57.Our National Flag stands out brightly ____ the blue sky. A.against B.by C.under D.over

58.Eating too much sweets and chocolates _____ meals is bad for you. A.among B.through C.between D.for 59.She looks quite young ____ her age. A.for B.of C.in D.about

60.I hope you can answer the paper ____ ink, not ____ pencil. A.at, with B.with, in a C.in, with a D.with, in 61.The small village lies ____ the west of the river. A.at B.in C.from D.to

62.The children are really hungry now, so we’d better find a restaurant to eat ____. A.at B.for C./ D.with

63.The manager walked ____ the room, not knowing what to do with the workers.

A.back and forth B.to and from C.up and down D.backwards and forwards

64.Shall we make it a rule that no language ____ English should be spoken in an English Class. A.but B.besides C.unless D.like

65.It is rude to make fun ____ the disabled. A.at B.about C.of D.with

66._____ the bad weather, we would have gone picnicking yesterday. A.In spite of B.But for C.Because of D.As for 67.It’s very kind ____ to help us ____ the harvest.

A.of you; in B.for them; with C.of them; with D.for you; in 68.They look _____ the way as the key _____ success. A.for; of B.through; for C.on; to D.at; with 69.It seems that he is always ____.

A.in hurry B.in a hurry C.with a hurry D.with hurry

70.Grapes are made ____ wine. That is to say, wine is made _____ grapes A.of, into B.into, of C.from, from D.into, from

71.The old couple went out for a walk every morning ____ when it rained. A.besides B.except for C.except D.except that 72.They used to live ____ 101 Heping Road, Tianjin. A.on B.at C.to D.of

73.Can you imagine how excited my grandma was the first time she talked to me ____ telephone? A.on B.by C.over D.through

74.Pop singers both at home and abroad are very popular ____ young people. A.by B.to C.with D.for

75.—Why were you absent ____ school yesterday? —I was ill ____ bed. A.from, in B.to, on C.at, in D.in, on

76.He introduced himself ____ Big John, but his real name is John Williams. A.to B.like C.as D.for

77.As a housekeeper, ____ working, washing and sewing, she had to take care of four small Children.

A.beside B.except C.except for D.besides 78.____ everyone’s surprise, the seven-year-old boy worked out the problem ____ no difficulty. A.To, with B.In, with C.To, in D.For, in 79.The old men was ____ help, he is dying.

A.without B.beside C.beyond D.against 80.We offered him our congratulations ____ his achievements. A.at B.on C.for D.of 81.It was a story ____ slum life(贫民窟)in Chicago. A.in B.about C.from D.of

82.A steamer was going along ____ full speed, when it suddenly got into shallow water and ran aground.

A.at B.on C.with D.by

83.John bought an expensive walkman ____ the money his father had given him. A.with B.by C.in D.through 84.I knew nothing about it ____ he told me the other day.

A.except B.except for C.except what D.besides that 85.The teacher together with ____ is going to see the film. A.us B.we C.our D.they

86.Many new houses and tall buildings have been set up for teachers and it ____ an improvement of their conditions.

A.has brought about B.has brought up C.has brought around D.has brought for

87.In the march ____ the blazing (炙热)sands they experienced hunger, thirst and heat. A.through B.past C.cross D.across 88.The bus stop is just across the street. It means ____. A.The bus stop is just on the other side of the street. B.The bus stop is just on the opposite side of the street. C.If you want to get to the bus stop, you must walk across the street. D.the bus stop is over there when you walk straight along the street.

89.With her brown hair and blue eyes Jane seems to ____ her mother but in other ways she is more like her father.

A.look after B.take after C.run after D.be after

90.Not only did they plant many trees but also they took measures ____ tree diseases. A.for B.against C.through D.to

91.Some people became passive(not active) and stop working whenever anything ____ their wishes or wills.

A.is against B.runs against C.goes against D.is for

92.Ah. Margaret, come ____, the fruit shop is quite near. Just ____ the corner. A.along, behind B.across, around C.with, across D.along, around 93.Try to be clam and sensitive ____ of danger.

A.at the moment B.of the moment C.in the moment D.on the moment

94.____ o the term, our form-teacher addressed us in an excellent speech. He impressed us a lot.

A.At the beginning B.In the beginning C.In the end D.At the middle 95.He has a good head ____.

A.by business B.in business C.for business D.on business 96.It happened to be very cold ____ the morning of our sports meet. A.at B.of C.on D.with 97.The table belongs ____ the corner.

A.to B.in C.with D.on

98.Tom was gentle and he often talked with others ____ a low voice but this time he shouted suddenly ____ the top of his voice.

A.in, at B.at, in C.at, with D.in, with

99.The policeman angrily seize the man ____ the collar, and asked him what he meant by such bad behaviour.

A.by B.in C.with D.at

100.They themselves take their work for granted, and do not care what strangers may think ____ it.

A.at B.about C.in D.with

B.答案:1-5CADAD 6-10DACBB 11-15CBDCB 16-20 DAADB 21-25 DCBBA 26-30 ABABA 31-35 CBBAB 36-40 DCABB 41-45 CDAAA 46-50 ABACA 51-55 DBBDA 56-60 CACAC 61-65 DACAC 66-70 BCCBD 71-75 CBBCA 76-80 CDACB 81-85 BAACA 86-90 ADABB 91-95 ABCAC 96-100 C DAAB

