2020年高中英语外研版一轮复习综合素质提升学案:必修1 Unit 6 Section Using Language

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Section Ⅲ Using Language


根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1.Many deserts(沙漠)are covered by sand.

2.I realized I had to get over the language barrier(障碍).

3.Pugh is the only person to have completed a long distance swimming in each of the four oceans(海洋)of the world.

4.The structure of the building surprised the experts attending the meeting. 5.The high platform makes the tourists have a good view of the city. Ⅱ.拓展词汇


1.locate v.位于→located adj.位于……的→location n.位置,场所;定位;外景(拍摄地)

2.organ n.器官→organise v.组织→organism n.生物,有机体

3.sail v.(乘船)航行→sailor n.水手;海员→sailing n.帆船运动;(乘帆船的)航行


根据提示补全下列短语 1.be home to 2.a number of

3.the difference between the two

4.be located in 5.share...with... 6.divide...into... 7.in harmony with 8.separate...from...

两者之间的差异 坐落于 与某人分享某物 把……分成…… 与……相和谐 把……和……分离开 ……的家园/所在地 大量的

9.be famous for Ⅳ.选词填空



1.I would like to share my happiness with my close friends. 2.The watermelon was divided into several irregular parts. 3.The long river separates my school from my home. 4.Human beings are getting to know how to live in harmony with nature. 5.The singer is famous for his appearance instead of his songs. 6.As we all know, China is home to giant pandas. 7.A number of students were flooding into the playground to have a meeting. 8.Our beautiful school is located in the east of our city. 9.No one can tell the difference between the original and the copy. [寻规律、巧记忆]

“出名”形式种种 be famous for因……而出名 be famous as作为……而出名 be famous in在……范围内出名 be famous to对……来说是出名的

population n.人口;数量;全体居民; 特定(生物)种群;(物)布居; (教材P65)The population of the Zhuang people is the largest of the ethnic groups in China.


?(通常在句中作谓语)(1)有……人口?with a population of+数字 ?(通常在句中作定语)(2)某国/某地的人口the population of+地点 have a population of+数字(3)询问某国某地有多少人口 ?How large is the population of+地点?? ?What's the population of+地点?(4)整体人口(the population of...)作主语时,谓语动词用单数;部分人口(表示“人口的百分之几、几分之几”)作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 ①Japan has a population of nearly 130 million. 日本有近1.3亿人口。

②The population of Jiangsu has grown(grow)to more than twice what it was in 1949.


③About seventy percent of the population in China are(be) farmers.中国70%的人口是农民。

④Do you know how large the population of your city is? 你知道你们市的人口是多少吗?

[温馨提示] population可用large或small来修饰。 divide into把……(划)分成……

(教材P65)The Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.中国的农历把一年分为24个节气。

divide...into... divide...among/between 把……分成 在……之间分配…… divide...in half/two/halves 把……分成两部分 ①The man divided the food into halves and carefully placed one before his wife.这个男人把食物分成两份并小心翼翼地把一份放在妻子面前。

②After his death his property was divided(divide)among his children. 他死后,他的财产就由他的孩子们平分。

③As is known to us, a year is divided into four seasons.众所周知,一年分为四个季节。

(1)add to (2)add up (3)add up to 增加;增添 把……加起来 合计达 (4)in addition (5)in addition to [明辨异同] divide/separate divide separate 另外 除……之外 常指把某个整体划分为若干部分,常与into搭配 表示“将……与……分开”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的个体分隔开来,常与from搭配 located adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的

(教材P66)Located in the Coral Sea, the Great Barrier Reef is the biggest structure made by living organisms.大堡礁坐落于珊瑚海,是由活着的有机体组成的最大的结构。

be located on/in/at... locate v. location n. 位于……的;坐落在……的 位于; 说出来源; 查找……的地 点; 确定……的位置 位置,场所; 定位; 外景(拍摄地) ①That is a small town located just(to the)south of Cleveland.那是一个地处克利夫兰以南的小城。

②Try to locate(located)exactly where the smells are entering the room. 找找看气味具体是从什么地方散入房间的。

③The location(located)has been changed at the last minute.在最后一刻改变了地点。


语 境 自 主 领 悟 先观察原句 后自主感悟 阅读下列句子,并体会黑体部分的用法 1.He likes the birthday gifts that his friends gave him. 2.The girl who you have just seen is very good at English. 1.例句1、例句2和例句3中关系词在 3.I don't know the teacher whom I 从句中作动词的宾语。2.例句4、例句5和例句6关系词在从met in the computer room. 4.Is this the play which you were 句中作介词的宾语。 talking about just now? 3.例句7和例句9中,关系代词在定语5.Daniel is the person whom I want 从句中作介词宾语时。代指人时从句常to make friends with. 可用that,who,whom引导,且可以省6.The subject which Eric is interested 略掉。代指物时从句常可用that,whichin is Physics. 引导,且可以省略掉。 This is the house() I 7.which/that4.例句8和例句10中,若介词放在关系used to live in. 8.This is the house in which I used to 代词前, 关系代词指人时常用whom,live. 不可用who,that。指物时用which,不9.We'll go to hear the famous 能用that并且都不可以省略。 singer(whom/that/who)we have often talked about. 10.We'll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked.


此类从句是定语从句中一种介词前置句型,介词与关系代词之间存在一种介宾关系。 当关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,把介词置于关系代词前, 即演变出“介词+关系代词”句型。


1.“介词+关系代词”结构引导的定语从句中,关系代词只能用 which(指

