Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 作品赏析

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Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Do you know the famous actress? She is regarded as the one of the most elegant ladies in the world. What s her name? Can you name some films which she acted in?

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

罗马假期 (Roman Holiday) 1953年

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

龙凤配 (Sabrina) 1954年

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

战争与和平 (War and Peace)1956年

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

修女传 (The Nun s Story) 1959年

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

第凡内早餐 (Breakfast at Tiffany s) 1961年

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady) 1964年

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Questions:1. Have you seen the film My Fair Lady ? 2. Who wrote the play?

George Bernard Shaw

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Do you know something about Shaw? George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950) Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, a leading figure in the 20th century theater. a freethinker, defender of women s rights, and advocate of equality of income.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Born in Dublin in 1856 to a middle-class Protestant family. He married Charlotte Payne-Townshend in 1898, but it is known that he never touched her once. He flirted with beautiful women but never had further committed relations. He was member of Fabian Society, a middleclass socialist group that aimed at the transformation of English government and society.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Literary Career and Achievements the second greatest English playwright behind only Shakespeare ―a day never passes without a performance of some Shaw play being given somewhere in the world.‖ died at the age of 94 his works including: 60 plays, 5 novels, 3 volumes of music criticism, 4 volumes of dance and theatrical criticism, and heaps of social commentary, political theory, and correspondence. One of Shaw’s greatest contributions as a modern dramatist is in establishing drama as serious literature, no less important than the novel.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Shaw accepted the honor but refused the money . He was a very humorous playwright.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

The Fair Lady by George

Bernard Shaw is an adaptation of a Greekstory. Do you know the


Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Pygmalion, a gifted artist, makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

His wish is granted.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

Do you heard of “the Pygmalion Effect”? The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably won t.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect),也有 译“毕马龙效应”、“比马龙效应”,由 美国著名心理学家罗森塔尔和雅格布森在 小学教学上予以验证提出。亦称“罗森塔 尔效应(RobertRosenthal Effect)‖或“期待 效应”。 “说你行,你就行,不行也行; 说你不行,你就不行,行也不行。” 皮格马利翁效应.doc

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

The Pygmalion Myth It derives its name from the famous story in Ovid’s Metamorphoses(奥德维变形记). Pygmalion is disgusted by the loose and shameful lives of the women in his era, women of Amathus, the first women to become prostitute

s, and decides to live alone and unmarried. With wondrous art, he creates a beautiful statue in ivory, Galatea, representing feminine ideal.

Bernard Shaw萧伯纳 简介和作品赏析,英文

He clothes the statue with colorful garments and adorns it with jewelry. The more he looks upon her, the more deeply in love he is. He goes to the temple of the goddess Venus and prays she give him a lover like the statue. Venus is touched and breathes life into Galatea and brings Galatea to life.

