机械工程专业英语 第一课文及阅读材料

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机械工程专业英语 华中科技大学出版社

Lesson1 the mechanical design process 1, the mechanical design process

The ultimate objective of mechanical design is to produce a useful product that satisfies the needs of a customer and that is safe ,efficient, reliable, economical, and practical to manufacture .think broadly when answering the question ,”who is the customer for the product or system I am about to design?”

it is essential that you know the desires and expectations of all customers before product design. marketing professionals are often employed to manage the definition of customer expectations , but designers will likely work with them as a part of a product development team .

many methods are used to determine what the customer wants. One popular method , called quality function deployment or QFD , seeks(1) to identify all of the features and performance factors that customers desire and (2) to assess the relative importance of these factors. the result of the QFD process is a detailed set of functions and design requirements for the product.

It is also important to consider how the design process fits with all functions that must happen to deliver a satisfactory product to the customer and to service the product throughout its lift cycle. in fact, it is important to consider how the product will be disposed of after it has

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served its useful life . the total of all such function that affect the product is sometimes called the product realization process or PRP . some of the factors included in PRP are as follows:

1 marketing functions to assess customer requirements

2 research to determine the available technology that can reasonably be used in the product

3 availability of materials and components that can be incorporated into the product

4 product design and development

5 performance testing

6 documentation of the design

7 vendor relationships and purchasing functions

8 work-force skills

9 physical plant and facilities available

10 capability of manufacturing systems

11production planning and control of production systems

12production support systems and personnel

13 quality systems requirements

14 sales operations and time schedules

15 cost targets and other competitive issues

16 customer service requirements

17 environmental concerns during manufacture , operation and

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disposal of the product

18 legal requirements

19 availability of financial capital

Can you add to this list? You should be able to see that the design of a product is but one part of a comprehensive process. in this text, we will focus more carefully on the design process itself , but the producibility of designs must always be considered . this simultaneous consideration of product design and manufacturing process design is often called concurrent engineering.

2 skills needed in mechanical design

Product engineers and mechanical designers use a wide range of skills and knowledge in their daily work . these skills and knowledge are included in the following :

1sketching, technical drawing , and computer-aided design

2 properties of materials, materials processing, and manufacturing processes

3 applications of chemistry, such as corrosion protection, plating , and painting

4 statics, dynamics, strength of materials , kinematics, and mechanisms

5 fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer

6 fluid power, the fundamentals of electrical phenomena, and

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industrial controls

7 experimental design and performance testing of materials and mechanical systems

8 stress analysis

9 specialized knowledge of the behavior of machine elements, such as gears, belt drives, chain drives, shafts, bearings, keys, splines, couplings, seals, spring, connections(bolted, riveted, welded, adhesive), electric motors, linear motion devices, clutches, and brakes

10 creativity , problem solving ,and project management

11 oral communication, listening, technical writing, and teamwork skills

3 functions , design requirements and evaluation criteria

Section 1 emphasized the importance of carefully identifying the needs and expectations of the customer prior to beginning the design of a mechanical device. you can formulate these by producing clear , complete statements of functions, design requirements , and evaluation criteria:

1 Functions tell us what the device must do , using general , nonquantitative statements that employ action phrases such as “to support a load”, “to lift a crate ”, “to transmit power”, or “to hold two structural members together”, etc

2 Design requirements are detailed, usually quantitative

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statements of expected performance levels, environmental conditions in which the device must operate, limitations on space or weight , or available materials and components that may be used

3 Evaluation criteria are statements of desirable qualitative characteristics of a design that assist the designer in deciding which alternative design is optimum-that is , the design that maximizes benefits while minimizing disadvantages

Together these elements can be called the specifications for the design

Most designs progress through a cycle of activities are outlined in figure1.1. you should typically propose more than one possible alternative design concept. This is where creativity is exercised to produce truly novel designs .Each design concept must satisfy the functions and design requirements . a critical evaluation of the desirable features, advantages, and disadvantages of each design concept should be completed . then a rational decision analysis technique should use the evaluation criteria to decide which design concept is the optimum and , therefore , should be produced.

Reading material

Mechanical design is the process of designing and/or selecting mechanical components and putting them together to accomplish a desired function. Of course machine elements must be compatible ,

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must fit well together , and must perform safely and efficiently. The designer must consider not only the performance of the element being designed at a given time , but also the elements with which it must interface.

To illustrate how the design of machine elements must be integrated with a larger mechanical design , let us consider the design of a speed reducer for the small tractor . suppose that,to accomplish the speed reduction ,you decide to design a double-reduction, spur gear speed reducer. You specify four gears , three shafts , six bearings, and a housing to hold the inpidual elements in proper relation to each other. The primary elements of the speed reducer are :

1 the input shaft is to be connected to the power source, a gasoline engine whose output shaft rotates at 2000 rpm . a flexible coupling is to be employed to minimize difficulties with alignment .

2 the first pair of gears, a and b ,causes a reduction in the speed of the intermediate shaft proportional to the ratio of the numbers of teeth in the gears. Gear b and c are both mounted to intermediate shaft and rotate at the same speed .

3 a key is used at the interface between the hub of each gear and the shaft on which it is mounted to transmit torque between the gear and the shaft .

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4 the second pair of gears , c and d ,further reduces the speed of gear d and the output shaft to the range of 290 rpm to 295 rpm .

5 the output shaft is to carry a chain sprocket.the chain drive ultimately is to be connected to the drive wheel of the tractor.

6 each of the three shafts is supported by two ball bearings .making them statically determinate and allowing the analysis of forces and stresses using standard principles of mechanics.

7 the bearings are held in a housing that is to be attached to the frame of the tractor . note the manner of holding each bearing so that the inner race rotates with the shaft while the outer race is held stationary.

8 seals are on the input and output shafts to prohibit contaminants from entering the housing .

9 details of how the active elements are to be installed , lubricated, and aligned are only suggested at this stage of the design process to demonstrate feasibility .one possible assembly process could be as follows.

Start by placing the gearing the gears, keys, spacers, and bearings on their respective shafts

Then insert input shaft into its bearing seat on the left side of the housing.

Insert the left end of intermediate shaft into its bearing seat while

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engaging the teeth of gears a and b.

Install the center bearing support to provide support for the bearing at the right side of input shaft.

Install output shaft by placing its left bearing into the seat on the center bearing support while engaging gears c and d.

Install the right side cover for the housing while placing the final two bearings in their seats.

Ensure careful alignment of the shafts.

Place gear lubricant in the lower part of housing .

The arrangement of the gears, the placement of the bearings so that they straddle the gears , and the general configuration of the housing are also design decisions . the design process cannot rationally proceed until these kinds of decisions are made . when the overall design is conceptualized, the design of the inpidual machine elements in the speed reducer can proceed . you should recognize that you have already made many design decisions by rendering such a sketch . first, you choose spur gears rather than helical gears , a worm and worm gear , or bevel gears. in fact , other types of speed reduction devices –belt drives , chain drives, or many others—could be appreciate.

1 gears

for the gear pairs ,you must specify the number of teeth in each gear ,the pitch (size) of the teeth , the pitch diameters, the face width ,

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and the material and its heat treatment . these specifications depend on considerations of strength and wear of the gear teeth and the motion requirements(kinematics ). You must also recognize that the gears must be mounted on shafts in a manner that ensures proper location of the gears, adequate torque transmitting capability from the gears to the shafts (as through keys ) and safe shaft design. 2 shafts

having designed the gear pairs, next you will consider the shaft design . the shaft is loaded in bending and torsion because of the forces acting at the gear teeth . thus, its design must consider strength and rigidity , and it must permit the mounting of the gears and bearings . shafts of varying diameters may be used to provide shoulders against which to seat the gears and bearings. There may be keyseats cut into the shaft, the input and output shafts will extend beyond the housing to permit coupling with the engine and the drive axle . the type of coupling must be considered, as it can have a dramatic effect on the shaft stress analysis. Seals on the input and output shafts protect internal components.

3 bearings

design of the bearings is next. If rolling contact bearings are to be used , you will probably select commercially available bearings from a manufacturer’s catalog , rather than design a unique one . you must

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first determine the magnitude of the loads on each bearing from the shaft analysis and the gear designs. The rotational speed and reasonable design life of the bearings and their compatibility with the shaft on which they are to be mounted must also be considered. For example , on the basis of the shaft analysis, you could specify the minimum allowable diameter at each bearing seat location to ensure safe stress levels . the bearing selected to support a particular part of the shaft ,then , must have a bore( inside diameter) no smaller than necessary. When a specific bearing is selected , the shaft at the bearing seat location and allowable tolerances must be specified ,according to the bearing manufacturer’s recommendations , to achieve proper operation and life expectancy of the bearing.

