Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程之一
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Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
Create a circle, arc, line, and tangent lines Duplicate and translate lines Edit lines by splitting and displaying their IDs Delete redundant arcs and lines Duplicate and reflect an arc Create a surface square and two parallel lines on an X-Y plane Create fillet between two lines
Sometimes CAE users need to create models from sketches where there is no pre-existing geometry. The tools in this tutorial will help you accomplish that task.
Exercise: Creating and Editing Line Data
This exercise teaches you how to create lines and surfaces.
Step 1: Create a component collector to geometry.
1. Access the components sub-panel in one of the following ways:
From the toolbar, click components (). From the Menu Bar, select Collectors, then Create and click Components. 2. For comp name = type geometry.
Use the switch () to toggle from card image = to no card image.
4. Click color and chose yellow.
5. Click create.
6. Click return.
Step 2: Create nodes.
1. On the standard toolbar, click Isometric View
, ().
2. Access the create nodes panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Create, and then click Nodes. From the main menu, access the Geom page and click nodes
Create five nodes by entering the X, Y, and Z coordinates from the following table and
3. Go to the type in sub-panel.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
5. Click return.
6. Press f to fit the model to the model to the screen.
Step 3: Display the node IDs.
1. Pick the Tool page and click numbers to access the Numbers panel.
2. Change the entity type to nodes.
3. Select nodes and on the extended entity selection menu select all.
4. Click on to display all the node IDs.
5. Click return.
Step 4: Create a circle.
1. Access the
circles panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Create, then Circles From the main menu, select the
Geom page, and select circles
2. Go to the center & radius sub-panel.
3. With the active selector set to node list, pick node 2 from the graphics area. This will be the location of the circle’s center.
4. Switch () the orientation vector to the X-axis.
), pick node 2 from the graphics area. 5. With the active selector set to base point (
In this case, the base point defines the position of the plane on which the circle is going to be created.
6. Toggle () to circle.
7. For radius=, specify 5.
8. Click create.
9. Remain in the Circles: Center and Radius sub-panel.
Step 5: Create an arc.
1. Toggle from circle to arc.
2. With the active selector set to node list, pick node 2 from the graphics area. This will be the center of the arc.
3. Verify that the orientation vector is set to X-axis.
4. Pick the node with ID number 2 again as the base for the axis of rotation.
5. For angle = specify 180.
6. For radius = specify 2.5.
7. For offset = specify 90.
8. Click create to create an arc.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
9. Click return to exit the circles panel.
10. From the standard toolbar, click Rear (
Step 6: Create a line.
1. Access the lines panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Create, then Lines From the main menu, select the Geom page, then select lines
2. Go to the from nodes sub-panel.
3. Pick the nodes with ID number 4 and node 5 in node list.
4. Click create to create a line between nodes 4 and 5.
5. Click return.
Step 7: Duplicate and translate lines.
1. Access the translate panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Translate, then Lines From the main menu, select the Tool page, then select translate
2. Change the entity type to lines.
3. Pick the line that was created between nodes 4 and 5.
Select lines, then duplicate, then current comp from the extended menu to copy the new 4. line into the current component (Geometry).
5. Click the plane and vector collector switch and select y-axis.
6. Click magnitude = and enter 10.0.
7. Click translate -.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
8. Click return
Step 8: Edit lines by splitting at a line.
1. Access the line edit panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Edit, then Lines From the main menu, select the Geom page, and then select line edit
2. Go to the split at line sub-panel.
3. With the lines selector active, pick the circle.
4. Click cut line and pick the line between node 4 and node 5.
5. Click split.
The circle has one quarter split off from the rest.
Repeat this procedure, picking the remaining 3/4 arc of the circle and the other line that
6. was just translated.
7. Click return.
Step 9: Display the line IDs.
1. Go to the numbers panel.
2. Change the entity type to lines.
3. Click lines, then all from entity selection menu.
4. Click on to display all the line IDs.
5. Click return.
Step 10: Delete a redundant arc.
1. Access the delete panel in one of the following ways:
From the Collectors toolbar, click Delete ()
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
From the main menu, select the Tool page, then select delete
2. Change the entity type to lines.
3. Select the lower semi-circle (line IDs 5 and 10) from the graphics area.
4. Click delete entity to delete the redundant arc.
5. Click return.
Step 11: Duplicate and reflect an arc.
1. Access the reflect panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Reflect, then Lines From the main menu, select the Tool page then select reflect
2. Change the entity type to lines.
3. Choose the arc (line ID 2) from the graphics area.
4. Click the plane and vector collector switch and select z-axis.
5. Pick node 2 as the base node.
Select lines, then duplicate, then original comp from the extended entity selection menu 6. to copy the new line into the current component (Geometry).
7. Click reflect to create the lower arc.
8. Click return.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
Step 12: Create two tangent lines.
1. Go to the Lines panel, at tangents sub-panel.
2. Select the node with ID number 3.
3. Click the line selector to make it active.
4. Select the semi-circular line with ID number 8.
Note: Line ID may be different, depending on whether you needed to perform the split/delete/duplicate tasks more than once.
5. Click find tangent.
There are two tangent lines on the screen.
6. Pick one of the tangents.
7. Repeat steps 4-5.
8. Select the other tangent.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
9. Click return to exit the tangent panel.
Step 13: Redisplay the line IDs.
1. Go to the Numbers panel.
2. Change the entity type to lines.
3. Click lines, then all from the extended entity selection menu.
4. Click on to display all the line IDs.
5. Click return to exit the numbers panel.
Step 14: Split curves by tangent line and delete redundant line. 1. Go to the Line Edit panel and enter split at line sub-panel.
2. Pick semi-circular line 8 for lines and tangent line 12 for cut line.
Note: Line ID may be different.
3. Click split to split line 8 with line 12.
4. Repeat steps 3-5 in order to cut curved line 8 with tangent line 13 in line edit panel. 5. Press the F2 key to jump into delete panel from line edit panel.
6. Select the curved lines between tangent lines 12 and 13.
7. Click delete entity to delete the curves.
8. Click return twice to go back to main menu.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
Step 15: Create a component collector for surfaces.
1. Enter the components panel.
2. Click name = and enter surfaces.
3. Click the switch under creation method and select no card image.
4. Click color and select purple.
5. Click create.
6. Click return to exit the components panel.
Step 16: Create a surface square on an X-Y plane.
1. Access the Planes panel:
From the main menu, select the 2D page, then select planes
2. Go to the square sub-panel.
3. Set the orientation vector to z-axis.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
4. For base node, choose the node with ID number 1 to be the base reference node. 5. Switch from mesh, keep surf to surface only.
6. For size = enter 30.
7. Click create to create a square surface.
8. Click return to exit the planes panel.
Step 17: Create a line that connects two parallel lines on an X-Y plane. 1. Access the Lines panel.
2. Go to the at intersection sub-panel.
Select z-axis (located at the bottom-center of the panel, shared between the controls for 3. elements with plane and lines with plane) to represent the intersection plane.
The reason for choosing the z-axis is that you want to create the line on the X-Y plane. 4. For base, choose the node with ID number 1 to be the base node.
5. Use the lines with plane column.
6. For line list, choose the two straight lines that are perpendicular to the X-Y plane.
A bold line displayed on the screen represents the result.
7. Click intersect to create the line.
8. Click return to exit the panel.
Step 18: Switch the current working component surfaces to geometry. 1. In the Model browser right-click the geometry component and click Make Current. From this point onwards any element or geometry created will be placed in the geometry component collector.
Step 19: Extend a line to a surface edge.
1. On the standard views toolbar, click User Views
2. Click Iso1.
3. Go to the Line Edit panel.
4. Go to the extend line sub-panel.
5. Toggle from distance = to to:.
6. Change the entity type from node to line.
Activate the top line selector and pick the line created in step 17--the line that passes
7. through node 1-- as the line to be extended.
A red V marks the beginning of the line to be extended.
Activate the lower line selector and--with the view still in iso1--select the lower-right edge
9. of the purple plane.
11. Click extend +.
You can see the line is extended to reach one surface edge.
12. Click return to exit the Line Edit panel.
The result should resemble the following image. ).
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
Step 20: Create a fillet between two lines.
1. Access the line panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Create, then Lines. From the main menu, select the Geom page, then select lines.
2. Go to the fillets sub-panel.
You will use the create option.
3. Check trim original lines.
4. For radius=, enter 5.
5. For 1st line, pick the vertical line through which the line extended in step 19 passes. 6. For 2nd line, pick the extended line from step 19.
"Please select fillet quadrant" displays in the status bar. HyperMesh is asking you to select a reference location for the fillet.
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
7. Pick the upper-right X for the fillet quadrant, as shown in the image.
HyperMesh immediately creates a fillet on the screen.
8. Click return to exit the Lines
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
Step 21: Trim a line by plane and delete a redundant line segment. 1. Go to the Line Edit panel.
2. Go to the split at plane sub-panel.
3. With the lines selector active, select the vertical line that does not have a fillet. 4. Set the orientation vector to z-axis.
5. Choose node 1 as the base node.
6. Click split to split line 4 by the X-Y plane.
7. Press the F2 key to access the delete panel.
8. Switch the entity type to lines.
Choose the small line segment under the X-Y plane, and click delete entity to remove the
9. line segment.
10. Click return twice to return to the main menu.
Step 22: Remove all temp nodes.
1. Access the temp nodes panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Mesh, then Delete, then Nodes From the main menu, select the Geom page, then select temp nodes
2. Click clear all to remove all temp nodes.
3. Click return to return to the main menu.
Step 23: Change the rendering mode.
1. On the visualization toolbar, click Shaded Geometry (
The plane (purple) becomes shaded instead of wire frame. ).
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
Step 24: Export all geometry as an IGES file.
1. On the Files menu point to Export and click IGES Geometry.
2. Click Export geometry
3. Click File type: Iges.
4. Input a File name.
5. Click Export to save your file.
The IGES file you have generate can be shared with other CAD packages such as UG, Catia, and ProE. , on the Export tab.
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