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哈哈 不错哟
,but they will
feel more bored if they do not work.
2. Henry has prepared a party for his girlfriend, (结果却被告之她到时到不了).
3. The chief reason for the population growth is (与其说是出生率的上升,还不如说是死亡率的下降).
4. True friendship foresees the needs of others (而不是声明自己的需求).
5. Although I liked the appearance of the house, (真正让我决定买下它的)was the beautiful view through the window.
1. Few people do not complain about the tedium of their jobs
2. only to be told that she couldn't come by then
3. not so much a rise in birth rates as a fall in death rates或more a fall in death rates than a rise in
birth rates
4. rather than proclaims one's own
5. what really made me decide to buy it
1. I am not sure whether I want to take this course; (我第一周可否旁听)to see if I like it?
2. The police are on the trail of new evidence (希望能有助于该案的处理).
3. The volume of trade between the two countries,as is reported, (增长了四倍多).
4. My question is (谁将接任该基金会主席职位).
5. He looks honest,有时是靠不住的),aren't they?
1. may I sit in for the first week
2. which they hope will help solve the case
3. has increased more than fourfold
4. who will take over as president of the Foundation
5. appearances are sometimes deceiving
1. The government was accused (没能实现其改善城市交通状况的承诺).
2. Only in this way (我们
3. No sooner (我刚点着蜡烛,它就被吹灭了)by a violent draught.
4. Surrounded by the police,the kidnappers (没有选择只能当场投降).
5. I'm very glad to know that (作为一些服务的回报,我的老板慷慨地同意将我欠的债一笔勾销).
哈哈 不错哟
1. of failure to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions/ of failing to fulfill its
promise to improve urban traffic conditions
2. can we adapt (ourselves) to the society quickly after we graduate
3. had I lit the c 鈴懖 灻缗 /event/©版权所有沪江网 缗灻
懖鈴 andle than it was put out
4. had no choice but to surrender on the spot
5. my boss has generously agreed to write off my debt in return for certain services
1. People _______________(往往会发胖)after giving up cigarettes because they turn to snacks as
a substitute.
2. The frightened child _______________(紧紧抓住母亲的手臂).
3. If we want to ________________(提前一个月完成这项工程的话),we have to hurry with it.
4. When he succeeded in finishing his design,the technician _______________(似乎忘乎所以
5. He is the sort of person ________________(你永远琢磨不透他讲的话).
1. tend to put on weight
2. grips his mother’s arm
3. complete the project a month ahead of time
4. seemed to let himself go
5. whose words you never can make out
1. Being out of work and having two young children, (夫妻俩发现勉强维持生计是不可能的).
2. Generally speaking, (按照说明服用
时),the drug has no side effect.
3. Some people argue that most crime (可归咎于对金钱的贪婪).
4. (发现
很难适应那里的气候),he decided to move back to the north. 我要高分
5. Over a third of the population was estimated (没有机会享受医疗保健服务).
1. the couple found it impossible to make ends meet
2. when taken according to the direction/instruction
3. can be attributed to the greed for money
4. Finding it difficult to adapt to the climate there
5. to have no access to the health service
1.They are going to (紧急情况时调动军队).
2. Swimming in the sea (有助于增进体力和毅力).
3. They called on Black people to (反对征召黑人青年当兵).
哈哈 不错哟
4. (她表现出了很强的自制
力)when they told her the news.
5. He is said to (一直在工作而
不是一直在学习)in the U.S.A.
1. mobilize the army in an emergency
2. helps to build up both physical strength and willpower
3. to oppose the drafting of Black youth
4. She displayed great self-control
5. have been working instead of studying
1. The customer complained that no sooner (他刚起动这台计算机,它就不运转了).
2. What upset me was (不是他所说的话,而是他说话的方式).
3. This piece of writing is (与其说是短篇小说,不如说更像是新闻报道).
4. The court ruling (剥夺了他的政治权利).
5. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning (然而,动物的行为主要依靠本能).
1. had he started the computer than it stopped working
2. not what he said but the way he said it/ not what he said but the manner in which he said it
3. more like a news report than a short story
4. deprived him of his political rights
5. while animal behavior depends mainly on instinct /whereas the behavior of an animal depends
mainly on instinct
2. All things have passed; (昔日的
3. (被告涉嫌参与)a murder case.
4. The acoustics in the Festival Hall (效
5. With the last hours of the afternoon (她所有的希望、勇气和力量都随之消失了).
1. throw themselves into the revolution
2. nothing remains of its former glory
3. The accused is suspected of being involved in
4. are extremely good
5. went her hopes,courage,... 呕孖 瘐 ©考试大英语网站
瘐 孖呕 and strength
哈哈 不错哟
1. (除非你和保险公
司签订货物保险合同),you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.
2. (据报道,这个地
方卫生组织25年前就成立了)when Dr. Mark became its first president.
3. Mrs. Smith shut the window lest (外面的噪音会影响她儿子的睡眠).
4. The new mayor was charged (未能履行他降低通货膨胀率的承诺).
5. (每当遇到这
类问题时,我的大脑就一片空白),and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.
1. Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods
2. It is reported that the local health organization was established 25 years ago/The local health
organization is reported to have been established 25 years ago
3. the noise outside (should) interfere with her son's sleep
4. with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate
5. When confronted with such questions,my mind goes blank
1.The doctor (建议用一种新药来治疗这种病).
2. The two parties differ very sharply from each other (在采取正确的补救办法的问题上).
3. An average student with average intelligence can be a top student (只要仔细安排他/她的时间).
4. (让世界发展如此之快的)is
the modern science and technology.
5. A student must treasure his time and (吸
收尽可能多的知识)to lay a solid foundation for his future career.
1. suggests treating the case with a new drug
2. over the correct remedies to apply
3. if he plans his/her time carefully
4. What makes the world develop so fast
5. absorb as much knowledge as he can
1. We'll be all right (只要我们能到达下一个加油站).
2. Seeing these pictures (让我想到了我的童年时代).
3. We all know the fact that (他们已使工厂现代化).
4. It is quite clear that (整个计划注定要失败).
5. All the lights in this building (都受这个开关的控制).
哈哈 不错哟
1. if only we can get to the next petrol-station
2. reminded me of my own childhood
3. they have modernized their factories
4. the whole project is doomed to failure/fail
5. are controlled by this switch
2. The beauty of the lake is (难以用语言形容).
3. (一个人如果关在家里),a person can't
know much about the world.
4. (完成作业
后),they went to the library.
5. I found him (被打
1. in the last office but one
2. beyond description
3. Kept within houses
Influenced by his ideas, she joined the revolution too.(作原因状语)
Heated,ice changes into water.(作条件状语)
He went there with great hope,but returned greatly disappointed.(表伴随状况)
4. Having finished their homework
5. beaten black and blue
1. If only (你没把我的话告诉杰吉),
everything would have been all right.
2. They had no sooner gone to the plant (就开始干活了).
3. Don't trust such men (当面过分称赞你).
4. I've got many novels, (其中一些很有趣).
5. (那两个国家中断了外交关
系)on the eve of World War.
1. You hadn't told Jackie what I said
2. than they began to work
3. as overpraise you to your face
4. some of which are very interesting
5. The two countries broke off diplomatic relationship
哈哈 不错哟
1. Man,no less than the lower forms of life, (是演化过程的产物).
2. (不止
一个人觉察到)her agitation.
3. (液体密度越大),the
easier it is to float on it.
4. (只有工人的要求得到
满足)will they return to work.
5. Had (要不是有水库)we'd never
have been able to beat the drought.
1. is a product of the evolutionary process
2. More than one person has noticed
3. The denser a liquid is
4. Only when the workers' demands are satisfied
5. it not been for the reservoir
1. It's believed that mixed-ability teaching can (促使他们知识的积累和经历的丰富).
2. We (使我们的行为符
合别人的)based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.
3. The class are very active. They (争先恐后地回答问题).
4. Oxygen is (一种能
5. Mr. Smith is (这
1. enrich their knowledge and experience
2. fit our actions to those of other people
3. vie with each other in answering questions
4. a gas which unites with many substances
5. one of those who have witnessed the accident
1. It was essential that (我们在月底前签订合同).
2. (家庭人口多好
还是人口少好)is a very popular topic,which is often talked about not only by city residents but by
farmers as well.
3. We must (用一切可能的办法来帮助他们).
4. We (尽情地吃了一
顿)at the new restaurant last Friday.
5. To most of the travelers, (衣、食、住、行)are all important elements.
哈哈 不错哟
1. We sign the contract by the end of the month
2. Whether a large family is good or not
3. help them in every way possible
4. ate to our hearts' content
5. food,clothing,shelter,and transportation
原因是由于)that social environment is becoming worse.
2. The workmen think (遵守安全规则很重要).
3. The new government was accused (未实现其降低失业率的承诺).
4. Only with combined efforts, (我们
5. Several thousands of quake-smitten inhabitants (得到了政府充分的救济).
1. The main reason why juveniles commit crimes is
2. it crucial to abide by the safety regulations
3. of unfulfilling his promise to lower the unemployment rate
4. can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course
5. got plentiful relief from the government
1. (我没有买到一张
好票)for yesterday’s movie.
2. It’s confirmed that (铁路将延伸到我们村子).
3. The new manager of our company (有很强的事业心).
4. When I walked past his house, (我听见他在弹钢琴).
5. (学生们应该从这里得出
一条经验):Don’t be misled by false appearances.
1. I didn’t buy a good seat
2. the railway will be extended to our village
3. is a man of great enterprise
4. I heard him playing the piano
5. Students should draw a lesson here
1. We had better (天天锻炼身体).
2. (为了不影响他们),
we left quietly.
3. (我答复她)
哈哈 不错哟
that I would accept her invitation.
4. According to the newly-announced policy,we should (努力搞活国有大中型企业).
5. It has become an utmost urgency that (必
1. take exercise everyday
2. Not to disturb them
3. I replied to her
4. invigorate the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises
5. the administration must be cleaned of graft and corruption
1. In the old society,five hundred million careworn people (生活在水深火热之中).
2. We think it most important that (理论与实际相结合).
3. (不论晴
雨),we’ll have to go tomorrow.
4.This is (正是
要找的人)we are looking for.
5. Their income is (一般家庭的3~5倍).
1. were plunged into a dire suffering
2. theory be combined with practice
3. Rain or shine
4. no other than the man
5. three to five times that of ordinary households
1.I have had great deal of trouble______________________________.(跟得上班上的其他同学)
2.I don't mind your_____________(你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late.
3.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_____________(起着不可缺少的作
用) in raising children.
4.Mark often____________________________(试图逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic
5.When I __________________(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing
with another shop.
6.I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应) his new conditions.
7. What a lovely party! It's worth_________________( 牢记一生 ).
8. If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________( 他们也不会同意 ).
9. His remarks left me ____________________________( 想知道他的真实目的 ).
10. If you had_____________________ ( 听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦)
11.Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not____________( 失去联系 ) the outside
12.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_____________( 正在研制 ) and
perfected now.
哈哈 不错哟
13.How close parents are to their children_________________ __( 有很强的影响 ) the character of the children.
14.The room is in a terrible mess; it _____________________ (肯定没打扫过) .
15.With tears on her face, the lady _____________________ (看着他受伤的儿子被送进手术室)
16.(这个计划成功的关键) ___________is good planning.
17.The specific use of leisure______(每一人都不同)
18.The ship ' s generator broke down and the pumps____________________( 不得不用手工操作 ) instead of mechanically.
19.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________( 习惯了学生迟到 ) his lecture.
20.I prefer to communicate with my customers ______( 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话)
21.After the terrorist attack, tourists ______ ( 被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游)
22.( 他把自己奉献于社区工作 ) ______ and is passionate about what he is doing.
23:Man should not exploit the natural resources ______ ( 以牺牲其他物种为代价 ).
24.When Sandy recovered from cancer, her doctor ______ ( 把此归因于她对未来的信念 ).
25.At the end of his speech, the school master encouraged the children to work hard ______ ( 不要让父母失望 ).
26.In the budget for this building, they failed to __( 考虑价格增长的因素 ).
27.Only after I slapped him on the back ____( 他才发现我并高兴得叫起来 ).
28.I didn ' t even speak to him, ____( 更不用说与他讨论事情 ).
29.Some young people would rather try hard themselves to go through life than _____( 求助于他们的父母 ) with a sense of guilt.
30.The victim _____( 本来有机会活下来 ) if he had been taken to hospital in time .
31.Though a skilled worker, _____( 他被公司解雇了 ) last week because of the economic crisis.
32.He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, __( 也从未屈服于任何困难 ).
33.The little boy next door has been beating his drum for a whole morning, which got on my nerves so much __( 以至于我无法集中注意力学习 ).
34.The scientist tried to convince us that a tiger would not attack us __( 除非它走途无路 ).
35.The nation ' s population continues to rise ______ ( 以每年 1200 万人的速度 )
36.(如果你设法与Smith先生取得联系)___the problem will be solved easily because he is an expert in this field.
37.The problem lies in how people look at those students ___(专心追求知识的).
38.On Children's Day, kids ___有资格免费进入) to all the city parks.
39.The restaurant next door serves good food, but the one across the street is much better ___(就服务而言).
40.___(每当天气不好时), he takes whatever umbrella he can find.
41.Animal experiments will continue to be necessary to resolve existing medical problems ___( 尽管一些人公开反对 ).
42.Professor Clark was a bit strict with us, ____( 但我们确实从他那里学到了很多 ).
43.The more you explain, ___( 我愈糊涂 ).
44. He has done so much for the poor in his community that ___( 再怎么赞扬他都不过分 ).
45.Since my childhood I have found that __( 没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力 )
1.keeping up with the rest of the class.
「超级句型」trouble可以用在句型"have trouble doing sth. " 做某事有困难"中,这时,trouble可以用difficulty来代替。
哈哈 不错哟
「超级短语」keep up with意为“跟上……”,指并肩前进,并驾齐驱,不至落后、掉队。catch up with意为“赶上”,指从后边追上或改变落后状。;
2.delaying making
3.play indispensable roles
「超级短语」play a part/role in起着……作用,饰演……的角色。
4.attampts to escape being fined
「超级单词」escape后面要接动名词形式。常与介词from搭配,如He has escaped from the fire.
5.caught /found him cheating me
「超级句型」find/catch+宾语+宾补,如I found him standing by the river.
6.should adapt himself to
「超级句型」suggest作“建议”时,其宾语从句中要用虚拟句型"suggest that sb.(should)do sth.“结构;从suggest还可以联想到宾语从句中同样要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand,order,ask,advise等。
「超级短语」adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于,其他搭配: adapt from 根据……改写/改编
7.remembering all my life
「超级单词」Be worth doing…/值得做某事,还有说法是worth sth. 如:He is worth the praise.
8.neither will they
「超级单词」neither表示“两者都不”, 表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。如:If you won't go, neither will I.
9.wondering about his real purpose
「超级单词」leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态;leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事
10.followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.
「超级句型」虚拟语气在if 引导的条件句中的用法
从句:if + 主语+ 动词的过去式(be 用were) + ……
主句:主语+ would (should, could , might) + 动词原形+ ……
11.lose contact with
「超级短语」lose contact with/lose touch with与……失去联系
12.are being developed
「超级句型」"be being done"现在进行时的被动语态表示此时此刻某事正在被做。其中动词be应随主语作相应变化。
13.has a strong influence on/effect on
influence指"通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响",如:Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.
effect指"实现"、"达成",着重"造成"一种特殊的效果,如:This book effected a change in my opinion.
14.can't have been cleaned
「超级句型」"情态动词+have done"表示推测,must/can/may/might/could各用于不同句型中,must只用于肯定句中,can/could不能用于肯定句中,may/might不能用于疑问句中。can't表示不可能,may not表示可能不。如题中推测的为过去的事情,情态动词后则用完成形式。
哈哈 不错哟
15.watched her injured son sent into the operation room.
16.The key to the success of this project
17.from individual to individual.
「超级短语」不及物动词vary 的用法。搭配为:vary … from … to 各不相同。
18.had to be operated manually
「超级短语」have to通常指由于客观原因则不得不做某事,意思为“不得不”。 其否定形式意思是“不一定”或“没有必要”。
19.to students' being late for
「超级句型」be used to+doing/noun,表示过去习惯于做某事。used to+do,表示过去有规律的习惯性动作或状态,而现在已不存在了。
「超级短语」be late for,迟到。
「超级句型」one's doing,非谓语动词的复合结构。
20.via E-mail instead of telephone
「超级短语」Instead of 的意思是“代替……”、“而不……”,后面常跟名词、代词和动名词,偶尔也跟复合结构
21.were advised not to travel to that country at the moment
「超级单词」advise 一般用法: advise sb. to do; advise doing
特殊注意: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。
22.he devoted himself to the community
「超级短语」be devoted to 有两个含义:A.专心致志于,献身于;B.热爱,很喜欢。作为动词的devote常用下列成语类的搭配:devote oneself/one's life to sth/doing sth.
23.at the cost of sacrificing/loss of other species_
「超级短语」at the cost of(以……为代价),其含义和用法与at the expense of相同。另at all costs意为“不惜一切代价”。
24.attributed it to her firm belief in the future
25.and not to let their parents down
26.consider/take into account the factor of increasing price.
「超级单词」Take… into account=take… into consideration 把…考虑在内
27.did he notice me and shouted with happiness
28.let alone discuss with him
「超级短语」let alone用作连词,译为“更不用说了”
29.turn to their parents
「超级短语」turn to sb. for help 求助于别人
30.would have survived
「超级句型」在虚拟条件句中,如果表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句用过去完成时,而主句中则用“情态动词+现在完成时”,即would/ could/ should/ might have done
31.he was dismissed/fired/sacked
32.and never yielded to any difficulties as well
哈哈 不错哟
「超级短语」yield to屈服,让步。
33.that i have no way to concentrate on my study
「超级短语」concentrate on+sth./doing sth.全神贯注地做某事。
34.unless it"s cornered
35.at a speed of 12 million per year
「超级短语」at a speed of… (以……的速度);其二是数字1200万人的表达,也就是12个百万――12 million 而million后面加上多余的复数s则是很多同学容易出现的错误。
36.if you manage to get in touch with Mr Smith
「超级短语」manage to do表示成功地做成某事,不成功不可以用。
37.who are kownledge-oriented/absorbed acquiring kownledge
「超级单词」sth.-oriented追求…,orient n.东方adj.东方的,上升的vi.向东 vt.使适应、确定方向。oriented导向的,其实这里可以很多种译法。
38.are entitled to free admissions
「超级单词」be entitled to do sth. 对……享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格[权利]
39.as far as the service is concerned
「超级单词」so/as far as…be concerned就……而言,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后臵定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。
40.whenever the weather is bad
「超级单词」whenever无论何时, 随时n.只要,这个好像不怎么难~呵
41.even though some people object to/are against it openly
「超级短语」object to/be against反对
42.but I do learn a lot from him
43.the more I am confused
「超级句型」"the more……, the more……"句型常表示"越……就越……",是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。the用在形容词或副词的比较级前,more代表形容词或副词的比较级。
44.you can't praise him enough
45.nothing is more attractive to me than reading
「超级短语」"Nothing is more…than"和"Nothing is so…as"都具有最高级比较的意思,指“没有…比…更…”。
1.I have had great deal of trouble______________________________.(跟得上班上的其他同学)
2.___________(我们没有人料到主席会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.
3. A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,________________(正如预料的那样).
4. Most doctors recognize that medicine is as much__________(是一门科学,也是一门艺术).
5. Some women ___________________(本来能够挣一份很好的工资) in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sale of the family.
6.Over a third of the population was estimated_________(无法获得) to the health service.
7. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________(习惯了学生迟到) his lecture.
8. The price of beer____________(从50美分到4美元不等) per liter during the summer season.
9.We’d like __________________(预订一张餐桌) five for dinner this evening.
哈哈 不错哟
10. There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means____________(想找麻烦).
11. It may be necessary to stop__________________________(每隔…时间) in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.
12. The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he ______________(伤害自己).
13.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was_______________(忙着准备) her examination.
14. The ship’s generator broke down and the pumps____________________(不得不用手工操作) instead of mechanically.
15. Why didn’t you tell me you could me the money? I___________________________ (本来不必从银行借钱的)
16.By the time you get to New York, I____________(已经动身去) London.
17. Buying clothes______________________(是一件很耗时的工作), because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
18. It’s time_____________________(采取措施) about the traffic problem downtown.
19. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon__________(克服了这种心理).
20. Please don’t stand in the kitchen, you’re________________(挡路了).
21.There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone ____________(打扰我) that evening.
22._____________________(正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.
23.When I __________________(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop.
24. The manager would rather his daughter__________________(不在一个办公室内工作).
25. The sports meet originally due to be held last Friday_______________(最终因天气不好而取消了).
26.I__________________(将在做实验) from three to five this afternoon.
27. How close parents are to their children_________________ __(有很强的影响) the character of the children.
28. But for his help, I _____________________(我不可能这么早完成).
29. His remarks left me ____________________________(想知道他的真实目的).
30. Mark often____________________________(试图逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
31.If this can’t be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to______________(诉助武力).
32. The room is in a terrible mess; it _____________________(肯定没打扫过).
33. Everybody knows he____________________________(受到了冤枉指控).
34. He wears a pair of sunglasses________________________(惟恐被别人认出来).
35. She never dreams of _______________________(被派到国外).
36. If you won’t agree to our plan,_____________________(他们也不会同意).
37. I should say Henry is _______________________(与其说是个作家不如说是) as a reporter.
38. _____________________(信不信由你), his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.
39. If you don’t like to swim, you ____________(不妨待在家里).
40. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you____________________(弄脏了新地毯).
41.Frankly speaking, I’d rather you ________________(不采取任何措施) about it for the time
哈哈 不错哟
42. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_____________(起着不可缺少的作用) in raising children.
43. John seems a nice person, ___________________(即使这样), I don’t trust him.
44. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_____________(正在研制) and perfected now.
45. What a lovely party! It’s worth_________________(牢记一生).
46.Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not____________(失去联系) the outside world.
47. Cancer is _________________(仅次于) heart disease as a cause of death.
48. It is a pity that we should stay at home when we have ______________(这么好的天气).
49. I would ______________(不会诉诸法律) a court of law if I hadn’t been so desperate.
50. John cannot afford to go to the university, _________________(更不用说出国了).
51.I don’t mind your_____________(你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late.
52. I suggested he ____________________(使自己适应)his new conditions.
53. I have no objection_______________________(再听听你的故事).
54. This popular sports car___________________(正在生产出来)out at the rate of a thousand a week. 55. _____________________________ (请你找张空白纸)and write your name at the top?
56.The students _____________ (有权进入) the library only in the afternoon.
57.(我们都很同情) _____________the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.
58.(如果我有钱了) _____________, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.
59. The soldiers_____________ (非常疲累由于没有休息一直向前走) in a blizzard.
60.No one likes _____________ (被当作) a poltroon.
61. I don't want to ____________ (冒险去尝试) this.
62. He pronounced not clearly but don't ____________ (妨碍) understanding.
63.Guangdong might ____________ (征税) extra housing owners.
64.We are prepared to ____________ (采取武力) if negotiation failed.
65.(除了大约半小时) ____________ for lunch I am here all day.
66.He doesn't seem to ____________ (意识到) the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal. 67Majority ____________ (赞成) Golden Week holidays.
68.Car drivers must ____________ (遵守) the rules of driving.
69____________ (相比较) the two companies,we see two different points of views.
70.Could you ____________ (照看) my child?
71 The truck driver is __________________________________(对这起交通事故负全责). 72:In the court, the defendant ____________________________(声称自己是清白的).
73:Unemployed, John ________________________________(几乎无法维持生计).
74______________________________(中国政府声明任何情况下都不首先)use nuclear weapons.
75:___________________________(要想他人尊重你),you should learn to respect them first. 76: _________________________( 我刚刚到家 ) than the telephone rang.
77:The old man regretted __________________________( 一事无成 ) in his life.
78:____________________( 他五十多岁 ), but he looks younger than his age.
79:Many big cities in the world ________________________( 正面临淡水资源短缺 ).
80:He said nothing, leaving me _____________________ ( 对他的计划毫不知情 ).
81: He clenched his teeth to_______________ (确定事故中遭受的伤口的疼痛).
82: I'd rather read books in the library ______________________( 也不愿上课 ).
哈哈 不错哟
83:Our aim is to ____________________________( 全心全意为人民服务 ).
84:I'd like to _______________________( 借此机会 ) to express my heartfelt thanks for your help.
85:The court ruling _________________________( 剥夺了他的政治权利 ).
86.That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle_______( 这是我们应当牢记的一条原则 )
87________ (除了以身作则) , there ' s no better way to teach children.
88. The more things a man is ashamed of, ________ (他就越受人尊敬) .
89.True wisdom consists not only in seeing what is before your eyes, ________ (而且在于预见将来的事情) .
90.Not until people can completely trust you ________ (你才能对他们产生积极的影响) .
91. If you can't think up a new idea, try finding _________. (一个方法更好的利用老的观点)
92. _________(为战争做好准备)is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
93.________ (如果全面考虑), work is less boring than amusing oneself.
94.They thought it a pity ________(没有邀请她).
95.Your character will have been completed _________(当生命走到尽头时).
96.The boss would be angry________ (假如老板发现你经常在办公室打私人长途电话)。
97.The journey took three days________ (比我们原先所预计的多用了)。
98.The old and young should be________ (尊重和照顾)。
99. (我为这些话所深深感动) ________I used them later for a Christmas card.
100. (这就全看) ________whether you support me.
1.The club __________ (采用一套新的制度) concerning its membership.
2.My parents are ________ (不同意) our picnic plan.
3.The swimmer caught in the whirlpool__________ (挣扎着避免溺水 . )
4.The carpet was __________ (固定在地板上) with tacks.
5. ( 2 天了都没有走出沙漠,又没有水喝 ) __________he was unquenchable.
6.A lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back _____ ( 主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的 ).
7. More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and _________________________________-
( 超过 250 万的家庭已经摆脱贫困 ).
8. _______ ( 除主席之外的所有成员都投票赞成我的建议 )to set up a branch office in the suburbs.
9. The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are ___ ( 为中国的国内外贸易提供了新的增长机遇 ).
10. The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before___ ( 发达国家尤为如此 ).
11. (只要看一眼这封信) ____________ , will convince you that you have been taken in.
12. Please don't stand in the kitchen, you're________________ (挡路了) .
13. ________ (如果暴露在空气中) , iron will react with the oxygen of the air.
14. ________ (对听到的事情感到震惊) , he placed both his hands on his mouth.
15. We'd better struggle for the future ________ (而不是为过去而懊悔) .
16.The substance does not dissolve in water _____ (不管是否加热).
17. Not only _____ (他向我收费过高), but didn't do a good repair job.
18. Yur losses in trade this year are nothing _____ (与我相比).
19 On average, it is said, visitors spend only_____ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.
哈哈 不错哟
20 By contrast, American mothers were more likely _____ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent
21.There is no rush now —— _____ (比赛已经取消了).
22. I'm not supposed to let anyone in without a card, _____ (但对你我就破一次例).
23. _____ (我们得把休假日推迟) until you're better.
24. Don't bother carrying all those things, _____ (我本不想给你添许多麻烦).
25. _____ (我不大想去参加那个聚会), but I'd better put in an appearance.
26.__________________ (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health.
27.The bag was stuffed____________________( 脏衣服)
28.___________________ (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off.
29._______________________ (给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor.
30.There engines are___________________ (不如我们制造的那些发动机功率大) .
1. keeping up with the rest of the class.
2. none of us expected the chairman to turn up
3. as was to be expected
4. an art as it is a science
5. could have made a good salary.
6. to have no access
7. to students’ being late for
8. ranges/varies from 50 cents to
9. to reserve a table for
10. to make trouble
11. at intervals
12. injure himself
13. busy preparing for
14. had to be operated manually
15. needn’t have borrowed it from the bank
16. shall have left for
17. is often a very time-consuming job
18. something was done/some measures were taken
19. overcame it/got over it
20. in the way
21. had interrupted me
23. caught him cheating me
24. did not work in the same office
25. was finally called off/cancelled because of the bad weather
26. will be doing/conducting the experiment
27. has a strong influence on
28. would not have finished so early
29. wondering about his real purpose
30. attempts to escape being fined
31. resort to force
32. can’t have been cleaned
33. was wrongly accused/charged
34. for fear that he should be recognized
哈哈 不错哟
35. being sent abroad
36. neither will they
37. not so much a writer
38. Believe it or not
39. may just as well stay at home
40. stain the new carpet
41. didn’t do anything
42. play indispensable roles
43. Even so
44. are being developed
45. remembering all my life
46. lose contact with
47. second only to
48. such fine weather
49. have never resorted to
50. not to speak of/not to mention/let alone going abroad
51. delaying making
52. should adapt himself to
53. to hearing your story again
54. is now being turned
55. Could you take a blank sheet of paper?
56.have access to
57We all sympathized with
58If I were rich
59.are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest
60.to be regarded as
61.take the risk (of) trying
62..interfere with
63..impose tax on
64.resort to force
65.But for a half hour or so
66.be aware of(=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)
67.approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)
68.adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to)
69.By comparison of
70.keep an eye on
71.responsible for the transportation accident.
72.claims himself innocent
73.nearly couldn't live on himself
74.Chinese Government declares that under no circumstance will China first
75.If you want to be respected by others
76.No sooner did I get home
77.being nowhere78.He is more than fifty years old
79.are facing the problem of lack of water resource
80.having no idea about his plan
81.ensure the pain of the wound suffered from the accident
哈哈 不错哟
82.than go to lessons
83.serve the people with our hearts
84.take this opportunity
85.has deprived his political rights
86 we should always keep in mind
87.Apart from setting a good example
88.the more respectable he is.
89.but also in foreseeing what is to come
90.will you be able to positively influence them.
91.a way to make better use of an old idea.
92.To be prepared for war
93.Everything considered
94.not to have invited her
95.the time your life comes to an end.
96.if he should discover you often make personal long distance calls in the office.
97.longer than we had expected
98.respected and taken care of
99.I was so impressed by these words that
100.It all depends on
1.adopted a new set of rules
2.averse to
3.struggled to keep from drowning
4.fastened to the floor
5.Having been in the desert without water for two days
6. mainly due to stress and tension in their work
7. more than two and a half million families have been lifted out of poverty
8. All the members except the Chairman voted for my proposal
9. providing new growth opportunities for China's foreign and domestic trade
10. especially in developed countries
11.A glance at this letter
12. in the way
13. If exposed to the air
14. Shocked at what he had heard
15. rather than regret for the past.
16. whether (it is) heated or not
17. did he charge me too much
18. compared with mine
19. half as much (money)
20. to attribute their children's success to
21. the match has been called off
22. but I'll make an exception in your case
23. We'll have to put off (going on) vacation
24. I didn't mean to give you a lot of trouble
25. I don't really want to go to the party
26.It is not until they lose it
27.with dirty clothes
哈哈 不错哟
28.With many friends absent
29.What impressed me the most
30.less powerful than the ones we have made
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