四年级下册英语教案-Unit3 Lesson 13 How old are you? - 冀教版

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Lesson 13 How old are you ?


1.听说读写单词 am, when, birthday.

2.能灵活运用句型 How old are you? I’m ……years old. How old is she/he? She/He is …….years old. Ability aims

能在生活中灵活运用所学句型询问别人年龄. Attitude aims

提高学生的语言表达能力,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 2学情分析 学生分析:

处在此年龄段的孩子们活泼好动,对新鲜事物充满了好奇,简单有趣的教学更能激发他们的求知欲望,如果能借助不同的教学媒体,创设必要的情景,让学生参与其中,更能激发他们的兴趣和学习热情。 3重点难点

重点|:单词 am, when, birthday.

难点:句型 How old are you? I’m ……years old.

How old is she/he? She/He is …….years old. 4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动

活动1【导入】Greeting and warming up 1, greeting How are you? What day is it?

How’s the weather today? 2, questions

What’s this? It’s a ____. Where s ____?It’s on/in/unde____.

活动2【讲授】Presentation评论 1, Show students’ learning objective 2, Show new words When is your birthday? am→I are→you is→he/she/it 3, Show sentences

(1)Ask student how to ask people their age? How old are you? I’m _____ years old. (2)Ask Ss pair work. How old are you? I’m ___ years old. (10, 15, 17, 20) (3)How old is he/she? He/She is ____years old. (4)Ask Ss pair work. How old is he/she? He/She is ____years old 活动3【练习】Practice

1, Students read the text with questions. (1). How old is Danny? (2). How old is Steven? (3). what’s Danny’s birthday? (4). what’s Steven’s birthday? 2. Role plays the text

(1)T acts as Jenny, Boys act as Li Ming, Girls act as Danny. (2)Group work.

3,Let’s do it! (Page35)

Group work and finish the blanks. 活动4【测试】Conclusion Class summary

What did you learn today? 活动5【作业】Homework

1.Hello. My name is _____.I’m ______years old. I’m_____metres tall. My father is _____metres tall. My mother is ______tall. 2.Read the text three times. 活动6【讲授】Design of blackboard Lesson 13 How Old Are You? when

birthday How old are you? be(am,is,are) I'm .....years old.

