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第6次课 Unit 2 Family Activities (家庭活动)(1)

四会词: 亲属类:aunt 姑姑,阿姨 uncle 叔叔,舅舅 cousin 堂兄弟,妹 father 爸爸 mother 妈妈 grandmother奶奶,姥姥 parents 父母亲 grandfather爷爷,姥爷 Words 职业类: barber 理发师 coach 教练 secretary 秘 mail carrier邮递员nurse 护士pilot 飞行员 dentist 牙医 teacher 教师 waiter 服务生doctor 医生 firefighter 消防员 三会词: scissors 剪刀 nurse cap 护士帽 food tray托盘 fire hat 消防帽 stethoscope 听诊器 1. What do you do? 你是做什么的? I am a student. 我是学生。 2. What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的? Sentences She is a doctor. 她是医生。 3. Is she a barber? 她是一名理发师吗? Yes, she is. 是的,她是。 4. Is he a pilot? 他是一名飞行员吗? No, he isn’t. 不,他不是。 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Homework Student Book: P12,P13 2 抄写四会词和句子,每个两遍,不写汉语意思. 3 WB:P9,P10

第7次课 Unit 2 Family Activities (家庭活动)(2)

四会词: 动词 : serve 服务,提供 fight打架,战斗 type 打字 cut 剪,切 bring 带来 help 帮助 teach 教 fix 修理 名词 : sports 体育,运动 形容词 :sick 恶心的,有病的 Words 三会词: whistle 口哨 computer 电脑 envelope 信封 动词单数第三人称: serve – serves fight – fights type – types cut –cuts bring – brings help – helps teach – teaches fix – fixes fly -- flies serve(s) food 供餐 help(s) sick people 医治病人 fight(s) fires 救火 type(s) letters 打字 cut(s) hair 理发 Phrases bring(s) the mail 送信 drive(s) a car 开车 teach(es) sports 教体育 teach(es) English 教英语 fix(es) teeth 治牙 fly(flies) planes 开飞机 What does your aunt do? Sentences My aunt is a mail carrier. She brings the mail. 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Homework Student Book: P12, P13 2 抄写短语,每个两遍,不写汉语意思。 3 WB: P11,P12

第8次课 Unit 2 Family Activities (家庭活动)(3)

四会词: Words 频度词:always 总是 usually 通常 never从 不 sometimes 有时 go shopping 购物 go for walks 散步 go to the movies 看电影 play games 玩游Phrases 戏 clean the room 打扫房间 1.I always play games with my friends. 2.I usually do my homework at night. 3.I never drive a car. Sentences 4.I sometimes go shopping with my mother. 5.My father is a doctor. He always helps sick people. He never teaches sports. 频度副词: 1. 放在系动词(am,is,are)后面。 Grammer I am always happy. 我总是很开心。 2. 放在行为动词的前面,(不影响但三变化)。She never cuts hair. 他从不剪头发。 serve(s) food 供餐 help(s) sick people 医治病人 fly(flies) planes 开飞机 fight(s) fires 救火 type(s) letters 打Review 字 cut(s) hair 理发 Phrases bring(s) the mail 送信 drive(s) a car 开车 fix(es) teeth 治牙 teach(es) sports 教体育 teach(es) English 教英语 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Student Book: P12,P13,17,18 Homework 2 抄写四会词和短语,每个两遍,不写汉语意思; 3 仿照Sentences部分的句子,用今天新学的每一个短语造一个句子。

第9次课 Unit 2 Family Activities (家庭活动)(4)

四会词: Words mountain 山 shepherd 牧羊人 next 下一个的 horn 羊角 poke 刺,戳 cry 哭,喊 river 河 when 当…时 next day 第二天 get out of here 离开这Phrases 儿 look behind 向后看 start to do 开始做某事 get to 到达 < The Two Btothers> 1 Where is the little family? 2 What does the father do? 3 What does the mother do? 4 What do the brothers want to to be? 5 The next day, What do the two Questions brothers do? about the story 6 After lunch, What do the brothers do? 7 When a horn pokes Big Brother in the arm, What do the brothers do ? 8 When the mother asks:“Do you like being shepherds?”, What do the brothers say? Sentence 1. What do you want to be ? 你将来想做什么? 2. I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。 3. How about shepherds? 牧羊人怎么样? 4. Let’s get out of here! 让我们离开这儿! 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Student Book: P12,13,17,18 Homework 2 抄写四会词及短语,每个两遍,不写汉语意 思; 3 回答Questions部分的问题。写在作业本上

Unit 2 Family Activities (家庭活动)(5)

三会词:parrot 鹦鹉 go(es) shopping 购物 go(es) for walks 散步 go(es) to the movies 看电影 play(s) games Phrases 玩游戏 clean(s) the room 打扫房间 how about 如何,怎么样 1.She always goes shopping with her mother. 2.She usually goes to the park with her aunt and uncle. Sentences 3 She sometimes goes to the movies with her grandmother. 4.She never drives a car. 5.What a good idea! 多好的主意啊! Hello, everyone! I’m Tammy. I want to introduce my father to you. He Speaking is thirty-nine years old. He is a doctor. He Practice works in a hospital. He has a stethoscope. He helps sick people. He alwaysplays games with me. I love him. (P19) We always/never do that! 我们总是/从不那样Chant 做! What a good idea! 多么好的一个注意! Let’s go for a walk! 我们去散步吧! 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Student Book:Unit 1,2 Homework 2 写一篇介绍家人的小作文. 并将它背下来,课上 将给小朋友们听! 3 复习1,2单元的词汇,短语和小故事。


