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Superkids 2 综合复习

Unit 1 Feelings

1、单词:happy sad sleepy angry sick hot cold scared elephant fish gorilla(大猩猩) hamster jacket kangaroo lion baseball 2、短语:knock on the door open the door say “hello”say “come in” go inside

close the door


① Are you scared ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. ②I’ m scared.

③ How are you ? I’ m OK. And you? I’ m great, thanks.

④What’ s that ? I don’ t know.或者It’ s a door. 4、歌曲1:Are you happy Are you happy? Yes, I am, I am. Are you sad?

No, I am not, I am not. Are you happy? Yes, I am, I am. Are you sad? Are you happy? Yes, I am, I am. (repeat: hot/cold)

5、歌曲2:How are you? Hi, Toni. How are you? I am great. And you? I’m OK, thanks.

Hi, Chip. How are you? I am sleepy. And you? I am Ok, thanks.

Hi, Peter. How are you? I am hungry. And you? I am OK, thanks.

Unit 2 Our House

1、单词:kitchen living room dining room hall bedroom bathroom closet

yard notebook snake umbrella violin witch zebra fox turtle monkey question 2、短语:hang up(挂)your coat make the bed wash the dishes wipe(擦) the table vacuum the carpet(地毯)

rake(扫) the leaves



Hi, I’m Beth. What’ s your name ? My name is Pluto. How old are you ? I’ m 9.

Where’ s Joey? He’s in the bathroom. 4、歌曲1:Where’s Toni?

Where’s Toni? She’s in the bedroom. Where’s mother? She’s in the kitchen. Where’s father? He’s in the living room. Where’s Chip? He’s in the yard. Toni is in the bedroom. Mother is in the kitchen. Father is in the living room. Chip is in the yard 5、歌曲2:I’m Chip

Hi. I’m Chip. What’s your name? My name’s Pluto. How old are you?

I’m 10. How about you? I’m 9.

Hi. I’m Beth. What’s your name? My name’s Jupiter. How old are you?

I’m 12. How about you? I’m 9.

Unit 3 Weather

1、单词:sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy foggy warm(温暖的)

cool(凉爽的) hat can van dad mom(妈妈) hot(热的) cold(寒冷的) 2、短语:put on(穿上)your raincoat put on your boots(靴子)

open/close your umbrella walk in the sun jump in the puddle(坑)close your umbrella


This(这) is my friend(朋友),Lisa. Nice to meet you. I’m Jupiter.

What’ s the weather like ? It’ s windy. Let’ s go to the park(公园). Good idea. 4、歌曲1:What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like?

It’s sunny. Sunny, sunny, sunny. What’s the weather like?

It’s sunny. It’s sunny. It’s warm. What’s the weather like?

It’s cloudy. Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy.


What’s the weather like?

It’s cloudy. It’s cloudy. It’s cool. 5、歌曲2:This is my friend, Toni This is my friend, Toni. This is my friend, Toni. Nice to meet you, Toni. I’m Jupiter.

This is my friend, Peter. This is my friend, Peter. Nice to meet you, Peter. I’m Pluto.

Unit 4 Telling Time


1:00,2:00,3:00,4:00,5:00,6:00,7:00,8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00,12:00,12:15,12:30,12:45 dot(点) pot(瓢) clock(钟) sock(短袜) pan(平底锅) 2、短语:

get upat 6:00 go to schoolat 8:15eat lunch at 12:00 do homeworkat 4:48take a bathat 7:45 go to bedat 9:00 3、句子:

What time is it? It’ s 12:00

I like your watch(手表). Thanks./Thank you.

It’ s time to eat lunch. Don’ t(表否定)forget(忘记)your hat. 4、歌曲1:What time is it? What time is it? It’s 8:15. What time is it? It’s 8:15. What time is it? It’s 8:15. It’s time to go to school. Yeah!

What time is it? It’s12:00. What time is it? It’s12:00. What time is it? It’s12:00. It’s time to eat lunch. Yeah!

歌曲2:I like your watch I like your watch. I like your watch.

Thank you. Thank you. What time is it?

It’s time to go home. Don’t forget your hat. Ok! (Repeat)


Unit 5

1、复数单词:kites video games board games toy cars comic books yo-yos

balloons rockets paintbrushes witches

2、短语:put(放) your marker(标记物) on Start(开始) throw(扔)the dice(骰子)count(数数)the dots

move(移动) your marker go farward(向前) 3 spaces(空格) 3、句子:What are these? They’re yo-yos.

What are those? They’re kites.

4、歌曲1:What are these?

What are these (这些)? They’re yo-yos. What are those(那些)? They’re balloons. What are these?(这些)? They’re rockets. What are those?(那些)?They’re kites. And these are boardgames(棋类游戏).Yeah! 歌曲2:Which toy car do you want? Which toy car do you want? The red one. The red one. May I have that red toy car? Here you are. Thank you.

Which balloon do you want? The green one. The green one. May I have that green balloon? Here you are. Thank you.

Unit 6 Eating out

1、单词:spaghetti French fries fish salad ice cream noodles fruit soup


2、短语:get in line choose(选择)your food(食物)take(拿走)your food find(寻找)a seat(座位) eat your lunch throw away(扔) the trash 3、句子:

What do you want(想要)? I/We want noodles. Can you use(用)chopsticks(筷子)? I’ m really(真的) hungry. Me, too. 4、歌曲1:What do you want? What do you want? I want noodles. I want noodles. I want noodles. What do you want? I want noodles.


I want noodles, please. What do you want? We want French fries. We want French fries. We want French fries. What do you want? We want French fries.

We want French fries, please. 歌曲2:Can you use chopsticks?

Can you use chopsticks? Can you use chopsticks. No, I can’t. Can you?

Can you use chopsticks? Can you use chopsticks. No, I can’t. Can you? (Repeat)

Unit 7 Art Class

1、单词:scissors paintbrushes paints stickers pins in on under

big(大的) dig(挖) hit(击打) sit(座下)ball(球)

2、短语:draw a head and a body(身体) draw 2 ears and a tail(尾巴) draw 4 legs(腿) draw 2 eyes and a nose color the picture(图片) write(写) f-o-x under the picture 3、句子:

How do you spell fox ? F-O-X

What’ s your favorite class(课)? My favorite class is art class(艺术课). 或者直接回答Art class.

Where are the scissors? They’ re in the box. 5、歌曲1:Where are the paints? Where are the paints? In the box. In the box.

They’re in the box. Where’re the paints? They’re in the box.

The paints are in the box.

Where are the scissors? Under the box. Under the box.

They’re under the box. Where are the scissors? They’re under the box.

The scissors are under the box. 歌曲2:How do you spell fox? How do you spell fox? f-o-x


How do you spell box? b-o-x A fox in a box. A fox in a box. How do you spell fox? f-o-x How do you spell big? b-i-g How do you spell cat? c-a-t

A big cat on a box. A big cat on a box. Oh, no!

Unit 8 After School

1、单词:English class math class calligraphy class swimming class dance class soccer practice(训练) judo practice baseball practice run


2、短语:put your books in your bag(包包) put on your jacket

say goodbye to your teacher(老师)put on your uniform(制服) run to baseball practice join(参加)your team(组,队) 3、句子:

Where are you going ?(你准备去哪里?) I’ m going to judo practice. Bye. See you at soccer practice.(再见。足球训练再见面。)See you then.(到时候见。) Are you ready to go?(你准备好出发了吗?)How about you?(你呢?) Let’ s go . 4、歌曲1:

Where are you going?

I’m going to swimming class. Where are you going?

I’m going to swimming class. Where are you going?

I’m going to soccer practice. Where are you going?

I’m going to soccer practice. 歌曲2:Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Yes. Yes.

How about you? How about you? Uh-huh. Let’s go. Uh-huh. Let’s go.

Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go.

Unit 9 Class Party

1、单词:eating a snack drinking juice playing the drums watching a DVD reading a book feeding the hamster painting a picture drawing a map name vase


2、短语:pick up(捡起)thetoys(玩具)put away(放好)the toys sweep(清扫) the floor(地板)wipe(擦)the desks

erase(擦掉) the board turn off(关掉) the lights(灯) turn on(打开) the lights 3、句子:

What’s Mojo doing? He’s drawing a map. This is for you.

A soccer ball. Thanks.

I had a great time. Thank you. Goodbye, Pluto.

4、歌曲1:What’s Chip doing?

What’s Chip doing? What’s Chip doing? He’s watching a DVD.

What’s Toni doing? What’s Toni doing? She’s eating a snack.

What’s Beth doing? What’s Beth doing? She’s reading a book.

What’s Mojo doing? What’s Mojo doing? He’s playing the drums. 歌曲2:This is for you

This is for you. A soccer ball. A soccer ball. A soccer ball. This is for you.

A soccer ball! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

This is for you. A video game. A video game. A video game. This is for you.

A video game! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


1、单词:flowers slippers chocolates earrings 2、句子:

Happy Father’ s Day! Happy Mother’ s Day! Happy Valentine’ s Day!(情人节快乐!) Happy Birthday(to you)! Happy New Year!(新年快乐!)


tie belt wallet handkerchief Merry Christmas!(圣诞节快乐!)


