
更新时间:2023-11-01 12:19:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



适用层次:专 培养类型:普通函授

专业班级: 姓名: 学号:


I. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.

Come to come up with disturb get to program Typical involve fee from actually gap Nevertheless communicate current worthwhile

1.Being a sailor(水手) _involves__ long periods of time away from home. 2.I'm sure she'll _actually__ like her new job as a nurse.

3.This year's fall in profits(利润) was not unexpected.__Nevertheless_ , it is very disappointing. 4.The Tibetans(西藏人),-coming to-- feudal serfdom (封建农奴制),隶have made remarkable achievements towards the building of a socialist society.

5.Though Washington, D.C. is the seat of government of the United States, New York is __fee from__ the nation's most important city.

6.He was so __disturbing__ to hear of his mother's illness that he could no longer concentrate on his studies.

7.A __typical__ summer day in that area is hot and dry.

8.Mr. smith kept thinking hard, but failed to __come up with__ a workable plan. 9.You ought to spend more of your time on some __worthwhile__ reading. 10.The new theory has __get to___ be widely accepted.

11.The government is taking effective(有效的) measures to overcome _currently___ difficulties. 12.It is necessary that young and old people should __communicate___ more with each other. 13.I am afraid there is a great __gap___ between your viewpoints(观点) and mine.

14.It is thoughtless of them to allow their children to watch whatever __program__ is on television.

II. Fill in the blanks with the given words or expressions in their proper forms:

1. hear/hear of

(1)Would you please speak louder? The students sitting at the back can't _hear__ you.

(2)People in that mountainous district have not even __hear of ___ TV sets or recorders(录音机).

(3)We jumped with joy when we ___hear____ their success.

(4)I seldom ____hear of____ him complain. 2. mistake /fault

(1)Whose ___mistake____ is it that you failed in the exam?

(2)She is the brightest student I have ever taught. There is no __fault___ about it.

(3)Cathy was in such a hurry that she took her sister's bag by __ mistake ___. (4)Laziness is his only ___ fault ___.

III. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

whoever whatever whichever wherever whenever however

1. If we work with a will, we can overcome any difficulty, ___ whatever ____ great it is.

2. __ Whoever ____ asks to see the manager, tell him to wait until ten. 3. Henry will lend me ___ whichever ____ dictionaries I need.

4. The bandits (土匪) found themselves surrounded on all sides. __ Wherever _____ way they turned, they couldn't escape.

5. Come and see me __ whenever ___ you want to.

6. __ Whatever ______ the criminal (罪犯) may hide, the police will seek him out. 7. ___ Wherever _____ spits (吐痰) in a public place will be fined (罚款).

8. As university graduates, we are ready to go __ Wherever ___ we are needed most. 9. Take __ whichever ___ of the three paintings you like best.

10. We will go on with the project ___ whatever __ obstacles (障碍) we may meet. 11. __ Wherever _____ Father says \12. ___However ____ hard I tried, I still couldn't unlock the door. IV. Study the following pairs of words and use them correctly in the given sentences:

1. heart / mind

(1)The bad news broke my __ heart ______ .

(2)Tom works very hard and never loses __ mind _____ in face of difficulties. (3)I promise that I will always keep your warnings in ___ heart ___ . (4)To my __ mind _____, this guy is a good - for -nothing (无用的人).

(5)Were you in your right ___ mind ____ when you did such a foolish thing? I think you must have been out of your ___ mind ____ .

(6)Don't take his rude words too much to __ heart ______. He often speaks like that.

2. find / find out

(1)He became so interested in her life story that he decided to __ find out ____ more about her.

(2)The librarian promised to ___ find ____ me the book I wanted.

(3)I'll try and __ find out ____ who broke the transistor (晶体管收音机) (4)I ___ find ___ this to be true in all the cities I visited.

(5)Two of the young men were sent to town to __ find out ____ about the situation there.

(6)The wind was blowing all night. But the next morning. I __ find ____ the rice shoots (秧苗) standing up straight, not a bit damaged.

V. Fill in the blanks with words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.

Potential differ universe make notes compared to Physical look into recall involve complicated Equipment damage amount put ... to good use

1.More than two substances(物质) ___involed____ in this chemical reaction. 2.If you don't know how to ___put___ your books ___to goog use___, give them to others.

3.If we compare our earth with the moon, we will find that the former __differ___ from the latter in many ways.

4.The __amount___ of money one earns is not the only measure of success. 5.In the earthquake many houses were _damage_____ and some were destroyed. 6.The police are looking into______ the records of all those involved_______ in the crime(罪行).

7.The multiple origins (多种来源) of the English language make it a ____complicate__ one for the non - native speakers to learn.

8.These young people have a _potential____ for learning which has been neglected. 9._____compared to_ most women of her time, she was indeed very fortunate. 10.Americans who were old enough can clearly __recall___ what they were doing on November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was assassinated (暗杀) in Dallas. 11.His new theory might hold the key to understanding how the __universe___ came into being.

12.A ____physical__ examination is required for a marriage license (证书). 13.Knowledge of the use of specialized __equipments_____ is important in any technical field.

14.Students often, but not always, find it necessary to make notes _______ of their professors' lectures.

