浙江工商大学英语Unit2 Topic Do you admire Tortoise for his cleverness or not, why
更新时间:2023-09-26 10:37:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
Do you admire Tortoise for his cleverness or not, why?
吴:Last week, we learned a passage in our textbook which is a story about “why the tortoise’s shell is not smooth.” What do you think about the story?
何:I think the tortoise is very smart and I really admire his cleverness.
许:Why do you think so?
何:Because he wants to go to the feast but he has no wings. So he borrows feathers from every bird. Then he made two splendidly colorful wings. Don’t you think he is artful and clever? 许:But he cheated all the birds who totally trusted him. That’s unwise.
奉:And you should know that at first, nobody trusted him, after saying several words, he made him believe him. He knew very well how to get trust from others. That’s why I admire his cleverness.
许:I don’t think so, I think he is just cunning, not smart. He had a sweet tongue and said some beautiful words to cheat the birds. On the other hand, the birds were too stupid to trust him. 刘:I agree with you. I don’t think tortoise is clever. When all the birds were angry, how could he trust the parrot to deliver his massage to his wife.
何:Maybe he did not make most use of his cleverness, but you can not deny that he is indeed very clever.
奉:Yes, absolutely. And he came up the great idea to bring out all the soft things in his house and cover the ground with them so that he can jump down from the sky without hurting himself. That’s a really good idea. 何:Yeah, he is so artful and creative.
刘:But look at what he got finally. His shell was broken into pieces. He paid for what he had done. The folk story tells us that there is no good end if you cheat others.
吴:To my deep understanding , wisdom uses in good place is clever , but in the wrong place is cunning . So we should not like the tortoise.
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- cleverness
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