最新外研版英语八年级下册完形填空、阅读理解试题及答案 - 图文

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Travelling abroad can be expensive, but there are ways of visiting Britain cheaply! We hope that we can give you some good 1 .

If you don't go in the busy 2 —July and August, your visit may be 3 . There will be 4 visitors. British weather can be pleasant from April to the end of September. 5 , you can go in winter, but it is often dark by early evening (4pm). Many places, such as large houses and castles are 6 in winter. However, if your interest is museums, art galleries or theatres, winter may be a 7 time to visit.

8 you are a student, it's a good idea to apply(申请) for an International Student Identity Card. With this card, you can 9 a lot of money. You can get the card from your local student travel office, and you can also call (44)08708 413224 to get it. To get the card, you 10 to show that you are a student, get a passport photo, and pay a little money. ( )1. A. pictures B. examples C. ideas D. thoughts ( )2. A. seasons B. months C. days D. years ( )3. A. cheaper B. dearer C. easy D. hard ( )4. A. more B. less C. better D. fewer ( )5. A. After all B. As a result C. Of course D. For example ( )6. A. closed B. open C. cold D. warm ( )7. A. bad B. busy C. free D. good

( )8. A. Whether B. If C. When D. Although ( )9. A. spend B. save C. get D. make ( )10. A. want B. decide C. need D. offer 1-5CBADC 6-10ADBBC

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born on July 23 rd, 1989 in London. When he was still a young boy, he began performing in small school plays. In 1999, Daniel played the young David Copperfield in a TV play called David Copperfield and became known to people. A couple of years later, he played Mark Pendel in The Tailor of Panama(2001). One star in the film told Daniel’s mother that Daniel could be Harry Potter. So the mother took Daniel to the director of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone(2001). The director chose him. As the film was shown, Daniel became a worldwide star Then he continued to play Harry Potter in the following Harry Potter films and has got more and more money from them. The following is his salaries in each film:

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(2007) $14,000,000 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2005) $11,000,000

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(2002) $ 3,000,000 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) $250,000

Except for money, Daniel has made friends working for the Harry Potter films. Hopefully, he will continue his acting career and be truly brilliant.

( )1. How many TV plays has Daniel played in? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ( )2. How old is Daniel now?

A. 15 B. 16 C. 17. D. 18.

( )3. When did Daniel become known around the world?

A. In 1999. B. In 2000. C. In 2001. D. In 2002. ( )4. What does “director” mean in Chinese?

A. 方向 B. 镜头 C. 导演 D. 放映商

( )5. How much money has Danel got from the Harry Potter films?

A. $14,000,000 B. $250,000 C. $53,000,000 D. $28,250,000

( )1. Why would Wu Ma Ma kitchen be Your Second Home? A. You can sleep there after dinner.

B. It can be bought as a second home.

C. You can relax and enjoy the food just like at home. ( )2. The kitchen will be closed at ____ on May 18. A. 9:00 pm. B. 10:00 pm. C. 8:00 am.

( )3. Li Ming went to Wu Ma Ma’s kitchen at 8:30 pm, ____ A. he can have all kinds of food there B. he can only have soup and dessert C. he will find the kitchen is closed.

( )4. If we go to We Ma Ma’s kitchen on May 13, ____.

A. we will find it is closed. B. we should not go there before 8:00. C. we should leave it before 9:00 pm.

( )5. How many hours does Wu Ma Ma kitchen open every day? A. Twelve hours. B. 10 hours. C. Thirteen hours.

I have many dreams. I dream about writing, and I dream about my son’s future, etc. I have been dreaming about being a writer since I was 6 years old. When I was in my first grade I wrote my first book. It was about 5 pages long and told the story of friendship. As I grew up, I wrote and read poetry. I published a few poems in college, but never considered that I could make a good living by writing. So I stopped to go to law school. Quickly I realized that I did not enjoy practicing law, so I stopped practicing law and began to focus on writing. I am proud to say that I recently published my first book, Black Families Online. As a mother and in the course of publishing, I have been doing a lot of online research. Black Famillies Online was written on the basis of three years experience of online searching for parenting information.

I am writing two books about the joy of my life—my son, Isaiah. The first one, Isaiah’s Story, is about his birth and process of growing. My second book is about lessons I am learning during raising Isaiah.

1. since 2. page 3. few 4. never 5. stopped 6. began 7. As 8. written 9. books 10. second

Several days ago, we held a party to celebrate Easter with some foreign students from the International Division of our school together. We met two twins. (a)他们是两个可爱的友善的女孩。. They spoke Chinese very well and knew much about China. I liked them.

We invited them to paint Easter eggs with us. When I was thinking about what to paint on my egg, I saw an egg made of chocolate the two sisters brought with them.(b) So I decided to paint a chocolate egg as well. I painted my egg brown just like chocolate.

(c) When I was about to add a rabbit on my egg, the teacher called us to have lunch, so I put my egg beside the twins’ and went away. When I came back, I couldn’t make out which of the two eggs was mine! My friends suggested that I have a taste at the two eggs. I picked up one egg and had a lap at it. “It is sweet! (d)因此这个是你们的。” I said. The twins were so kind that they gave their egg to me as a gift. I was very happy and e it at once. It was my best gift for Easter. 任务1:将划线部分的a和d的译为英文。 1. They were two lovely and friendly girls. 2. So this one is yours.

任务2:将划线部分译为中文。 3.因此我决定也画一个巧克力蛋。

4. 当我要在我蛋上加一个兔子的时候,老师叫我们去吃午餐,因此我把蛋放在双胞姐妹的蛋旁边然后走了。

任务3:在e处填上适当的单词。 eat


You can't tell your friends what's inside the bag on your back if you don't know what's in there yourself. Feelings are the 1 way. Before you can tell 2 to anyone, you have to clearly know what feelings you have.

Making a list of your feelings can help. You can do this in your 3 or by writing it out on a

piece of paper or even by drawing 4 . Is something bothering you? Does it 5 you sad or angry? Do you feel this emotion only 6 or do you feel it a lot of the time?

When you're trying to know your feelings, it might help to remember something that happened and think about 7 it made you feel. Then you can say, \ 8 when my friend doesn't play with me\you 9 your own feelings. It 10 gives the person you're talking with more thing about what's bothering you.

( )1. A. same B. different C. other D. others ( )2. A. it B. us C. them D. youq ( )3. A. hands B. nose C. head D. arms ( )4. A. lines B. photos C. pictures D. flowers ( )5. A. make B. let C. keep D. have

( )6. A. often B. always C. usually D. sometimes ( )7. A. when B. what C. how D. why ( )8. A. happy B. ill C. well D. sad

( )9. A. know B. knew C. known D. knowing ( )10. A. too B. also B. as well as D. either advices

Schools can help you to have a good life in the future, but lots of children hate schools. So let’s talk about what to do when you don’t like it.

If you don’t like your school, find out why at first. Perhaps because a child you don’t like wants to hang around with you. Or maybe you can’t get along well with your teacher. You might feel worried that you don’t have enough friends.

Sometimes it’s a problem with your school work. Maybe the work is too easy and you get bored. Or maybe the work is too hard, or you don’t feel yourself as smart as the other kids.

When you know why you don’t like your school, you can take steps to make things better. You can try this:

Make a list of the things you don’t like about school.

See what you can change on the list of the things you don’t like and change it.

Now, would you feel less lonely if you made one new friend or helped someone else? Would you feel even better?

Perhaps you can’t change everything on your “don’t like” list. But that’s OK. Try to change and you might like your school gradually.

If you don’t like your school

Reasons Do not like some kids

1. __________ 2.

3 Advices Make a list of “don’t like” 4 5 1. Can not get along with teachers 2. Have not enough friends

3. The problem with schoolwork 4. Make a list of the things you enjoy 5. Try to change your “don’t like” list

( )1. Which is the best logo(图标)for the Big Dream Summer camp?

( )2. Which of the following will students learn when they go camp? A. How to grow trees. B. How to learn English well. C. How to cook. D. How to ride a bike ( )3. How long will the Big Dream Summer Camp last? A. About two days. B. About half a month. C. About a week. D. About a month.

( )4. Sally would like to go to the Big Dream Camp. But she has something to do from July 10 to 31, and her parents will take her for a trip on August 12, which camp could Sally join? A. Camp 1. B. Camp 2. C. Camp 3. D. Camp 4. ( )5. Who of the following can join the camp?

A. 17-year-old farmer Tony. B. 11-year-old student Linda. C. 19-year-old student Michael. D. 15-year-old student Lin Ming.. DACCD

One day a woman was carrying a large pot. From a tree, a monkey watched her. Suddenly, the woman fell down and dropped the pot! The pot was broken and many cakes were on the


“Oh, I have so much trouble!” cried the lady. Because she had nothing to put the cakes in, she had to give up picking them up and left.

The monkey hurried to the ground. “Are these trouble? It looks quite delicious.” The cakes were really delicious. The monkey ate all of them.

“I must find more trouble!” said the monkey. Then he began to find trouble. When he saw a man he asked, “Please, sir, may I have some trouble?”

“You’re looking for trouble?” said the man. He went into a building and then came out with a bag and gave it to the monkey.

The monkey found a quiet place and got ready for a meal of trouble.

Three little dogs came out of the bag and rushed at the monkey. The monkey climbed on to a tree quickly. After the three dogs got bored and , the monkey quickly returned to the ground. He never looked for trouble again from then on..

( )1. What did the woman leave on the ground when she went away?

A. Some trouble. B. Some cakes. C. Three dogs. D. Some pots. ( )2. When did the monkey do after the woman left?

A. He came down from the tree and ate the cakes.

B. He began to look for trouble.

C. He ran after the woman and asked for some troubles D. He ate all the troule. ( )3. What was in the bag?

A. Some cakes. B. Some trouble. C. Three dogs. D. Three monkeys ( )4. Which of the following can be filled in to the blank?

A. went away B. looked for C. run away D. flight away ( )5. Which of the following can be the title of the story?

A. Monkey Looks for Trouble B. A Woman and Her Trouble C. Three Dogs and Their trouble. D. Trouble from a woman.

People always want to see far-away places and cultures and travelling is really the only way to experience these different environments(环境). Many people even small children can travel with their parents on a family vacation to see another city or even another country. People also travel for other reasons. They may travel because of another job. Sometimes business people must travel to buy or to sell things. There are many ways of transportation(交通)that people can use while travelling. A person can go by car, bus, train, airplane, boat, motorcycle, bicycle, or they can even walk. If you are travelling to a place far away it is often necessary(有必要的) to travel by plane. When people are travelling they may carry different kinds of things.

1. children 2. country 3. other 4. because 5. buy 6. ways 7. by 8. walk 9. away 10. carry

假设你的美国的一位好友Tony来中国学习,给你写了一封信,说她感到学习压力很大(stress out),常常不得不学习到深夜,并经常头痛失眠。请给他写一封信,提一些建议来帮助她。

Dear Tony,

I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I think you are too stressed out. You shouldn’t study late at night. It’s not good for your health and studies. You should go to bed early. A good rest helps you study better. You said you had a headache and couldn’t sleep welll. You should learn to relax. Listening to music or taking a shower before going to bed may help you.


