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.2.1 Transferring results between Abaqus analyses: overview
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
? “Transferring results between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard,” Section 9.2.2
? “Transferring results from one Abaqus/Standard analysis to another,” Section 9.2.3
? “Transferring results from one Abaqus/Explicit analysis to another,” Section 9.2.4
? ? ? ? ? ?
“Transferring results between Abaqus analyses,” Section 16.6 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
Abaqus provides the capability to import a deformed mesh and its associated material state from Abaqus/Standard into Abaqus/Explicit and vice versa. This
capability is particularly useful in manufacturing problems; for example, the entire sheet metal forming process (which requires an initial preloading, forming, and subsequent springback) can be analyzed. In this case the initial preloading can be simulated with Abaqus/Standard using a static procedure and the subsequent forming process can be simulated with Abaqus/Explicit. Finally, the springback analysis can be performed with Abaqus/Standard.
Abaqus also provides the capability to transfer desired results and model information from an Abaqus/Standard analysis to a new Abaqus/Standard analysis or from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to a new Abaqus/Explicit analysis, where additional model definitions may be specified before the analysis is continued. For example, during an assembly process an analyst may first be interested in the local behavior of a particular component but later is concerned with the behavior of the assembled product. In this case the local behavior can first be analyzed in an Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit analysis. Subsequently, the model information and results from this analysis can be transferred to a second Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit analysis, where additional model definitions for the other components can be specified, and the behavior of the entire product can then be analyzed.
For this capability to work, the same release of Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard must be run on computers that are binary compatible.
Saving the analysis results
The restart files from the original analysis contain the analysis results that are transferred from Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit. Obtaining restart files is described in more detail in “Writing restart files” in “Restarting an analysis,” Section 9.1.1; brief summaries are provided below. By default, Abaqus/Standard does not write any restart information and Abaqus/Explicit writes results at the beginning and end of each step.
Saving results from Abaqus/Standard
If the results are to be imported from an Abaqus/Standard analysis, the results from the original Abaqus/Standard job must be written to the restart (.res), analysis database (.mdl and .stt), part (.prt), and output database (.odb) files. You can specify the increments at which restart information will be written. Restart information is
always written at the end of a step in addition to the requested increments whenever you request restart data in Abaqus/Standard.
重启动文件包含了之前分析的信息,关于重启动的描述参阅“Writing restart files” in “Restarting an analysis,” Section 9.1.1;下面做简要介绍,默认情况下,std不保存重启动文件,xpt在每个分析部开始和结束步保存重启动文件。
如果想从std分析后获得结果,原始的std分析必须保留重启文件(.res),分析数据(.mdl and .stt),PART(.prt),和输出数据(.odb)文件,用户可以指定具体的重启位置,重启信息除了在请求的位置输出外在每一分析步的最后也将输出。
Input File Usage: *RESTART , WRITE, FREQUENCY=n Abaqus/CAE Usage: Xpt结果保存
如果想要从某一时刻输入xpt分析的结果,则必须在原始的结果文件中保存.abq状态文件,状态文件重启文件数据文件,PART文件和结果文件共同用来从xpt分析后的结果作为输入。 可以具体指定是否精确的时间输出xpt重启文件,因为xpt会在每个分析步的最后给出重启文件。
Step module: Output
Restart Requests: enter n in the
Frequency column for each step
Input Usage:
File Use the following option to request results at the increments ending
immediately after each time interval:
Use the following option to request results at the exact time intervals:
Abaqus/CAE Step module: OutputUsage:
Restart Requests: enter n in the Number
Interval column; click to check the Time Marks column for each step if you want the results written at the exact time intervals
Saving results from Abaqus/Explicit
If the results are to be imported from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the results from the original Abaqus/Explicit job must be written to the state (.abq) file at the time when transfer of the state of the deformed body is required. The state (.abq), restart (.res), analysis database (.stt), package (.pac), part (.prt), and output database (.odb) files will be used for importing the results from Abaqus/Explicit.
You can specify whether the results are to be written at the exact time dictated by the specified time interval, n, during a step of an Abaqus/Explicit analysis or at the increment ending after the time dictated by the specified time interval. Results are
always written at the end of a step, so it is not necessary to request results at the exact time intervals if results will be read only from the end of a step.
Input Usage:
File Use the following option to request results at the increments ending
immediately after each time interval:
Use the following option to request results at the exact time intervals:
Abaqus/CAE Step module: OutputUsage:
Restart Requests: enter n in the Number
Interval column; click to check the Time Marks column for each step if you want the results written at the exact time intervals
下面讲解如何指定具体的输入请求,从一个模型数据和结果输入到另一个模型数据和结果,用户可以输入从没有被定义成装配件的实例的element set,或者可以输入part实例从已经定义成装配件实例的part实例。在CAE里面仅仅能从装配件的构件实例中输入模型。 指定从element set 中输入数据和结果。
输入的例子参见“Springback of two-dimensional draw bending,” Section 1.5.1 of the Abaqus Example Problems Manual, and “Axisymmetric forming of a circular cup,” Section 1.3.7 of the Abaqus Example Problems Manual。
Input Use the following option to import element sets from a previous analysis: File
Usage: *IMPORT
list of element sets that are to be imported
每个element set的名字在*import输入行必须在原始文件的截面定义中使用过,(e.g.*solid section),element set 仅能包含不超过三种类型的单元。 在CAE里面只能从PART INSTANCES里面输入结果和数据
如果输入的超过一个part instance,part instance必须从一个结果文件里输入且输入的参数必须和输入文件part instances里面的一致,每个instance的名字应该保持一致,只有import instance里面的sets才能被输入,sets在assemblies定义的必须在import分析中重新定义,重新定义的sets不能修改输入的新截面,材料的方向,法线,和梁方向 Input Usage:
File Use the following options to import a part instance from a previous
*INSTANCE, INSTANCE=instance-name
Additional set and surface definitions (optional)
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: choose
Otherfor the Category and Initial State for the Types for Selected Step: select the instances to which the initial state should be assigned
Specifying the transfer of model data and results
The import capability is used to transfer model data and results from one analysis to another. The following sections describe how to specify the import request. You can import element sets from models that are not defined as assemblies of part instances, or you can import part instances from models that are defined as assemblies of part instances. In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Specifying the transfer of model data and results for models that are not defined as assemblies of part instances
You can import element sets from a previous analysis to specify the transfer of model data and results for models that are not defined as assemblies of part instances. This import capability is illustrated in “Springback of two-dimensional draw bending,” Section 1.5.1 of the Abaqus Example Problems Manual, and “Axisymmetric forming of a circular cup,” Section 1.3.7 of the Abaqus Example Problems Manual.
Input Use the following option to import element sets from a previous analysis: File Usage:
list of element sets that are to be imported
To prevent any ambiguity regarding element and node definitions, the *IMPORT option must be specified before any options that define additional model data in the input file. In addition, the *IMPORT option can be
specified only once.
Each element set name specified on the data line of the *IMPORT option must have been used in a section definition option (e.g., *SOLID SECTION) in the original analysis. An element set can contain no more than three different types of elements.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Specifying the transfer of model data and results for models that are defined as assemblies of part instances
You can import part instances from a previous analysis to specify the transfer of model data and results for models that are defined as assemblies of part instances. If you import more than one part instance, the part instances must be from the same output database (.odb) file and all import parameters must be the same for each imported part instance. Each instance name that you specify must be the same as the instance name in the original analysis. Only sets that are defined within the imported instance will be imported. Sets defined at the assembly level must be redefined in the import analysis.New set definitions and surface definitions can be added upon import. You cannot assign new sections, material orientations, normals, or beam orientations to the imported part instance.
Input Usage:
File Use the following options to import a part instance from a previous
*INSTANCE, INSTANCE=instance-name
Additional set and surface definitions (optional)
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: choose Other
for the Category and Initial State for the Types for Selected Step:
select the instances to which the initial state should be assigned
Identifying the analysis from which the data will be obtained
You must specify the name of the job from which the model and results data will be obtained.
Input File For all models you can enter the following input on the command line: Usage:
abaqus job=job-nameoldjob=oldjob-name
If the oldjob parameter is omitted, Abaqus will prompt for the job name (see “Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD execution,” Section 3.2.2).
Alternatively, for models defined as assemblies of part instances, you can use the following option:
*INSTANCE, LIBRARY=oldjob-name
If you import more than one part instance, the oldjob-name specified by the LIBRARY parameter must be the same for each imported part instance.
If the job name is specified on the command line using the oldjob
option, the command line specification will take precedence over the LIBRARY parameter.
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: choose Other for the Category and Initial State for the Types for Selected Step:
Job name:output-database-name
从包含的数据文件中指定分析数据 必须具体制定包含数据和结果文件的名字 InputFile Usage:
For all models you can enter the following input on the command line:
Importing model data
Element property definitions of imported elements can be redefined only if the reference configuration is updated (see “Updating the imported configuration”) and the material state is not imported (see “Importing the material state”). In this case the material orientation definitions (“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5), hourglass stiffness but not hourglass control definitions, and transverse shear stiffness definitions (in the case of shell elements) of the imported elements can also be redefined.
For other reference configuration and material state combinations, the information required to define the section for each imported element will be imported from the original analysis. Material orientations cannot be redefined in the import analysis; orientation names cannot be reused in the import analysis. For imported elements, the material orientations will be transferred from the original analysis. Transverse shear stiffness for imported shell elements cannot be redefined; the values will be transferred from the original analysis. Hourglass stiffness for the imported elements cannot be redefined in an Abaqus/Standard import analysis; the default values will be used. The section control definitions (kinematic formulation, order of accuracy in the element formulation, and hourglass control approach) to be used for imported elements cannot be redefined (see “Transferring results between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard,” Section 9.2.2, for details).
Only nodes associated with the imported elements are imported. New nodes can be defined in the import analysis.
Nodes or elements that use the same numbers as nodes or elements being imported can be defined provided that the reference configuration is updated, the material state is not imported, and the import is not done from an instance library. The new definitions will overwrite the imported definitions. If the reference configuration is not updated, new nodes or elements cannot use the imported node and element numbers irrespective of whether or not the material state is imported.
During results transfer from an Abaqus/Standard analysis to another Abaqus/Standard analysis or from an Abaqus/Explicit to another Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the coordinates of imported nodes can be modified from their imported values by respecifying the nodal definitions if the reference configuration is updated and the material state is not imported. This modification of the coordinates of imported nodes is not allowed during transfer of results from Abaqus/Explicit to Abaqus/Standard or vice versa.
Importing model data defined by a distribution
While transferring results from one Abaqus/Standard analysis to another Abaqus/Standard analysis, most element or material properties defined by a distribution (see “Distribution definition,” Section 2.7.1) are imported along with the elements. The only exceptions are spatially varying thicknesses and orientation angles defined on the layers of composite shells and solids; in this case Abaqus issues an error message during input file preprocessing.
While transferring results from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to an Abaqus/Standard analysis, the only spatially varying element properties defined by a distribution that can be imported are shell thicknesses and section orientations for shell and solid elements. If any other element or material properties are defined with a distribution, Abaqus issues an error message during input file preprocessing.
While transferring results from an Abaqus/Standard analysis to an Abaqus/Explicit analysis or from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to another Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the only spatially varying element properties defined by a distribution that can be imported are shell thicknesses, section orientations for shell and solid elements, orientation angles defined on the layers of composite shells, and section stiffness matrices specified directly for general shell sections. If any other element or material properties are defined with a distribution, Abaqus issues an error message during input file preprocessing.
Importing results from an Abaqus/Standard analysis (other than a direct cyclic analysis)
If the results are imported from an Abaqus/Standard analysis, you can specify the step and increment in the restart file for which the results are to be imported. By default, the results written at the end of the analysis are imported.
Input File *IMPORT, STEP=step, INCREMENT=increment Usage:
For models that are defined as assemblies of part instances, the
*IMPORT option must appear within a part instance definition.
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: choose Other for the Category and Initial State for the Types for Selected Step:
select instances: Step: select Specify: step and Frame: select Specify: increment
Importing results from an Abaqus/Standard direct cyclic analysis
If the results are imported from a direct cyclic analysis, you can specify the step and iteration number in the restart file for which the results are to be imported. By default, the results written at the end of the analysis are imported.
Input File *IMPORT, STEP=step, ITERATION=iteration Usage:
For models that are defined as assemblies of part instances, the
*IMPORT option must appear within a part instance definition.
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: choose Other for the Category and Initial State for the Types for Selected Step:
select instances: Step: select Specify: step and Frame: select Specify: iteration
Importing results from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis
If the results are imported from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis, you can specify the step and interval in the state file for which the results are to be imported. By default, the results written at the end of the analysis are imported.
Input File *IMPORT, STEP=step, INTERVAL=interval
For models that are defined as assemblies of part instances, the
*IMPORT option must appear within a part instance definition.
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: choose Other for the Category and Initial State for the Types for Selected Step:
select instances: Step: select Specify: step and Frame: select Specify: interval
Updating the imported configuration
Once the current model configuration of an Abaqus analysis is imported into Abaqus/Explicit or Abaqus/Standard, the analysis can be continued with or without updating the reference configuration to be the imported configuration. If the reference configuration is not updated to be the imported configuration, the displacements and strains are reported as total values relative to the original reference configuration and will, hence, be continuous. If the reference configuration is updated to be the imported configuration, displacements and strains reported in the import analysis are the total values relative to the updated reference configuration. This choice is useful if results need to be displayed relative to the imported configuration, such as may be desirable in springback analysis. The reference configuration cannot be updated if the imported analysis is geometrically linear.
If connector elements are imported, the configuration can be updated provided that the state is not imported.
Input File Use the following option to specify that the reference configuration is
to be updated to the imported configuration: *IMPORT, STEP=step, UPDATE=YES
Use the following option to specify that the reference configuration
should not be updated to the imported configuration:
For models that are defined as assemblies of part instances, the *IMPORT option must appear within a part instance definition.
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances.
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: choose Other for the Category and Initial State for the Types for Selected Step:
toggle Update reference configuration on or off
Importing the material state
You can specify whether or not the associated material state should be imported. If you choose to import the material state, the following are imported:
? ? ? ? ? ?
equivalent plastic strains;
back stresses for the kinematic hardening models; user-defined state variables;
damage-related state variables for the concrete damaged plasticity model; damage-related state-variables for traction-separation response with cohesive elements;
? damage-related state variables for ductile metals;
? ?
damage-related state variables for fiber-reinforced composites;
maximum deviatoric strain energy density during deformation history for Mullins effect;
? ?
internal strains and stresses for viscoelastic material models; and
connector state variables such as plastic strains, frictional slip, and damage state.
Thus, the state is imported correctly for further analysis only for the following:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
linear elasticity,
Mises plasticity (including the kinematic hardening models), extended Drucker-Prager plasticity, crushable foam plasticity, Mohr-Coulomb plasticity, critical state (clay) plasticity, cast iron plasticity,
concrete damaged plasticity,
hyperelasticity (including Mullins effect), hyperfoam, viscoelasticity,
traction-separation response with damage for cohesive elements, damage for ductile metals,
damage for fiber-reinforced composites,
? ?
connector behavior, and
materials defined in user subroutines UMAT and VUMAT.
For all other material models only stresses will be imported. No other state variables will be imported.
If the material behavior is defined in a user subroutine, you must ensure that the UMAT and VUMAT are consistent.
If connector elements are imported, the state can be imported provided that the configuration is not updated.
Input Usage:
File Use the following option to specify that the material state should be
Use the following option to specify that the material state should not be imported:
For models that are defined as assemblies of part instances, the *IMPORT option must appear within a part instance definition.
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances. Abaqus/CAE
always imports the material state. If you want to import only the deformed mesh, you can import an orphan mesh from a selected step and increment of an output database; see “What kinds of files can be imported and exported from Abaqus/CAE?,” Section 10.1.1 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual.
Redefining constraints upon import
Most constraints (such as multi-point constraints and surface-based tie constraints) are not imported from the original analysis and must be redefined in the import analysis. For constraints such as surface-based ties it is appropriate to redefine these constraints in the original reference configuration. This ensures identical constraint data are regenerated in the import analysis. In an Abaqus/Standard analysis with adaptive meshing and acoustic-to-structure tie constraints, the structural as well as the acoustic nodes may move from their initial positions. When such acoustic and structure meshes are imported from Abaqus/Standard into Abaqus/Explicit and the tie constraint is redefined, the acoustic elements at the interface may appear distorted when viewed in the undeformed plot mode in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE (the deformed plot at time=0 displays the correct mesh). To regenerate constraints in the original configuration, specify that the reference configuration should not be updated to the imported configuration. If a new constraint is defined in the import analysis, it is appropriate to generate the
constraint data based on the current configuration. See “Updating the imported configuration” above for more information.
Importing element set and node set definitions
All element set and node set definitions associated with the imported elements are imported by default. For models that are not defined as assemblies of part instances, you can also selectively import only specified element set or node set definitions. This capability provides a convenient way of selectively reusing the element or node sets defined in the original analysis. However, any members of such sets that do not belong to the imported elements are removed from the specified sets.
For example, suppose three element sets—SHELL3D, MEMB, and ALL—are defined in the original analysis. Element set ALL contains all of the elements in element sets SHELL3D and MEMB, as well as other elements. You choose to import only the element sets SHELL3D and MEMB (i.e., the elements in these sets as well as the element set definitions). In addition, you selectively import the element set definition ALL (but not the elements in this set). If element 100 belongs to element set ALL but not to either element set SHELL3D or element set MEMB, it will not be imported and will be removed from the list of elements belonging to element set ALL. The imported element set definitions are processed before any node or element definitions; therefore, even if element 100 is subsequently redefined in the
import analysis, it will not belong to element set ALL (unless it is explicitly assigned to element set ALL in the import analysis).
Only node and element sets defined in the original or previous import analysis are available for importing. New sets defined during a restart run cannot be imported.
Input File Use either or both of the following options immediately following the Usage: *IMPORT option to import selected element or node set definitions:
For models that are defined as assemblies of part instances, you cannot selectively import element and node set definitions. All element and node set definitions are imported automatically.
Abaqus/CAE In Abaqus/CAE you can import model data and results only from Usage:
models that are defined as assemblies of part instances. You cannot selectively import element and node set definitions in Abaqus/CAE. All element and node set definitions are imported automatically.
Specifying a tolerance for shell normals in the updated configuration
When the imported configuration is updated upon import, the mesh discretization may not satisfy the mesh geometry checks imposed in Abaqus/Explicit or
Abaqus/Standard to evaluate whether or not a mesh is reasonable. In the case of highly warped shell elements it is possible that the normal at the center of the element that is calculated from the midsurface interpolation may differ from the normal that is interpolated from the rotated normals at the nodes. If the difference exceeds the tolerance specified, the analysis will terminate. This suggests that a fine mesh may be required to model areas of high curvature change to achieve a successful analysis.
The unit normal computed from the midsurface interpolation, predicted by the interpolation of the rotated normals at the nodes, the condition:
where you can specify the tolerance, default value of
= 0.1 is used.
, and that , must satisfy
. If you do not specify a tolerance value, a
Input File If you update the reference configuration to be the imported Usage:
configuration, you can specify a tolerance for error checking on shell normals:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: The shell normal tolerance is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Abaqus Analysis User's Manual
9.2.2 Transferring results between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
“Transferring results between Abaqus analyses: overview,” Section 9.2.1 *IMPORT *IMPORT ELSET *IMPORT NSET *IMPORT CONTROLS *INSTANCE
“Transferring results between Abaqus analyses,” Section 16.6 of the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
Abaqus provides the capability to import a deformed mesh and its associated material state from Abaqus/Standard into Abaqus/Explicit and vice versa. In addition, new model information can be specified during the import analysis. This capability is useful for problems that involve several analysis stages. For example, in manufacturing processes the preloading can be analyzed using Abaqus/Standard
and the subsequent forming operation can be simulated using Abaqus/Explicit. Finally, the springback of the material can be performed in Abaqus/Standard.
For this capability to work, the same release of Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard must be run on computers that are binary compatible.
Information about how to transfer results between Abaqus analyses is provided in “Transferring results between Abaqus analyses: overview,” Section 9.2.1.
Specifying new data in an import analysis
Additional model definitions such as new elements, nodes, surfaces, etc. can be defined during the import analysis. Initial conditions can also be specified during the import analysis.
New model definitions
New nodes, elements, and material properties can be added to the model in an import analysis once import has been specified. Nodal coordinates must be defined in the updated configuration, regardless of whether or not the reference configuration is updated on import (see “Updating the imported configuration” in “Transferring results between Abaqus analyses: overview,” Section 9.2.1). The usual Abaqus input can be used. Imported material definitions can be used with the new elements (which will need new section property definitions).
Nodal transformation
Nodal transformations (“Transformed coordinate systems,” Section 2.1.5) are not imported; transformations can be defined independently in the import analysis. Continuous displacements, velocities, etc. are obtained only if the nodal transformations in the import analysis are the same as those in the original analysis. Use of the same transformations is also recommended for nodes with boundary conditions or point loads defined in a local system.
Specifying geometric nonlinearity in an import analysis
By default, Abaqus/Standard uses a small-strain formulation (i.e., geometric nonlinearity is ignored) and Abaqus/Explicit uses a large-deformation formulation (i.e., geometric nonlinearity is included). For each step of an analysis you can specify which formulation should be used; see “Geometric nonlinearity” in “General and linear perturbation procedures,” Section 6.1.2, for details.
The default value for the formulation in an import analysis is the same as the value at the time of import. Once the large-displacement formulation is used during a given step in any analysis, it will remain active in all the subsequent steps, whether or not the analysis is imported.
If the small-displacement formulation is used at the time of import, the reference configuration cannot be updated.
Specifying initial conditions for imported elements and nodes
Initial conditions (“Initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,” Section 30.2.1) can be specified on the imported elements or nodes only under certain conditions. Table 9.2.2–1 lists the initial conditions that are allowed depending on whether or not the material state is imported (see “Importing the material state” in “Transferring results between Abaqus analyses: overview,” Section 9.2.1). The reference configuration can be updated or not, as desired.
Table 9.2.2–1Valid initial conditions.
Initial condition Hardening Relative density Rotational velocity Material state imported? No No Yes or No Solution-dependent state variables No Stress Velocity Void ratio
No Yes or No No Procedures
Results can be imported into Abaqus/Explicit only from a general analysis step involving static stress analysis, dynamic stress analysis, or steady-state transport analysis in Abaqus/Standard. Results transfer from linear perturbation procedures (“General and linear perturbation procedures,” Section 6.1.2) is not allowed.
Abaqus/Standard offers several analysis procedures that can be used in an import analysis. These procedures can be used to perform an eigenvalue analysis, static or dynamic stress analysis, buckling analysis, etc. See “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1, for a discussion of the available procedures.
For springback analysis of a formed component the first step in the Abaqus/Standard analysis usually consists of a static analysis procedure so that the initial out-of-balance forces can be removed gradually from the system. The removal of these forces is performed automatically by Abaqus/Standard during the first static analysis step, as described below. If the first step in the Abaqus/Standard analysis is not a static step (such as a dynamic step), the analysis proceeds directly from the state imported from the Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
Achieving static equilibrium when importing into Abaqus/Standard
When the current state of a deformed body in an explicit dynamic analysis is imported into a static analysis, the model will not initially be in static equilibrium. Initial out-of-balance forces must be applied to the deformed body in dynamic equilibrium to achieve static equilibrium. Both dynamic forces (inertia and damping)
and boundary interaction forces contribute to the initial out-of-balance forces. The boundary forces are the result of interactions from fixed boundary and contact conditions. Any changes in the boundary and contact conditions from the Abaqus/Explicit analysis to the Abaqus/Standard analysis will contribute to the initial out-of-balance forces.
In general the instantaneous removal of the initial out-of-balance forces in a static analysis will lead to convergence problems. Hence, these forces need to be removed gradually until complete static equilibrium is achieved. During this process of removing the out-of-balance forces, the body will deform further and a redistribution of internal forces will occur, resulting in a new stress state. (This is essentially what occurs during “springback,” when a formed product is removed from the worktools.)
When the first step in the Abaqus/Standard import analysis is a static procedure, the following algorithm is used to remove the initial out-of-balance forces automatically:
1. The imported stresses are defined at the start of the analysis as the initial
stresses in the material.
2. An additional set of artificial stresses is defined at each material point. These
stresses are equal in magnitude to the imported stresses but are of opposite sign. The sum of the material point stresses and these artificial stresses, thus, creates zero internal forces at the beginning of the step.
3. The internal artificial stresses are ramped off linearly in time during the first
step. Thus, at the end of the step the artificial stresses have been removed completely and the remaining stresses in the material will be the residual stress state associated with static equilibrium.
Once static equilibrium has been obtained, subsequent steps can be defined using any analysis procedure that would normally follow a static analysis in Abaqus.
When the first step is not a static analysis, no artificial stress state is applied and the imported stresses are used in the internal force computations for the element.
Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions, including any connector motion, specified in the original analysis are not imported. They must be defined again in the import analysis. In some cases nonzero boundary conditions imposed in the original analysis need to be maintained at the same values in the import analysis when the imported configuration is not updated. In such cases you can prescribe a constant (step function) amplitude variation for the analysis step (see “Prescribing nondefault amplitude variations” in “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1) so that the newly applied boundary conditions are applied instantaneously and held at that value for the duration of the step. Alternatively, you can refer to an amplitude curve in the boundary condition definition (see “Amplitude curves,” Section 30.1.2). If boundary conditions in the original analysis are applied in a transformed
coordinate system (see “Transformed coordinate systems,” Section 2.1.5), the same coordinate system should be defined and used in the import analysis.
For a discussion of applying boundary conditions, see “Boundary conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,” Section 30.3.1.
Loads, including those applied for connector actuation, defined in the original analysis are not imported. Loads may, therefore, need to be redefined in the import analysis. There are no restrictions on the loads that can be applied when results are imported from one analysis to the other. In cases when the loads need to be maintained at the same values as in the original analysis, you can prescribe a constant (step function) amplitude variation for the analysis step (see “Prescribing nondefault amplitude variations” in “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1) to apply the loads instantaneously at the start of the step and hold them for the duration of the step. Alternatively, you can refer to an amplitude curve in the load definition (see “Amplitude curves,” Section 30.1.2). If point loads in the original analysis are applied in a transformed coordinate system (see “Transformed coordinate systems,” Section 2.1.5) and the loads must be maintained in the import analysis, the load application is simplified if the same coordinate system is defined and used in the import analysis.
See “Applying loads: overview,” Section 30.4.1, for an overview of the loading types available in Abaqus.
Predefined fields
The field variables at nodes are not imported. If the elements being imported are coupled temperature-displacement elements, the temperature is imported if the associated material state is imported. The temperature is also imported for an adiabatic analysis if the associated material state is imported. For all other cases the temperatures at nodes are not imported.
If the original analysis uses predefined temperature fields (“Predefined temperature” in “Predefined fields,” Section 30.6.1) to vary the temperatures at nodes, the import analysis will not be allowed to continue. If the original analysis uses predefined field variable definitions (“Predefined field variables” in “Predefined fields,” Section 30.6.1) to vary the field variables at nodes, the import analysis will be allowed to continue only if all the elements being imported are coupled temperature-displacement elements; however, the field variables are not imported. If the original analysis uses initial temperature (“Defining initial temperatures” in “Initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,” Section 30.2.1) and field variable (“Defining initial values of predefined field variables” in “Initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,”
Section 30.2.1) conditions, the import analysis will be allowed to continue only if all the elements being imported are coupled temperature-displacement elements.
In addition, specification of initial conditions for temperatures and field variables is not allowed in an import analysis, unless all the elements being imported are coupled temperature-displacement elements. In this case initial conditions for temperatures and field variables can be specified on the imported nodes if the reference configuration is updated and the material state is not imported. Initial temperatures can be specified in the import analysis if it is an adiabatic analysis.
Material options
All material property definitions and the orientations associated with imported elements are imported by default. Material properties can be changed by respecifying the material property definitions with the same material name. All relevant material properties must be redefined since the old definitions that were imported by default will be overwritten. Material orientations associated with imported elements can be changed only if the reference configuration is updated and the material state is not imported; the material orientations associated with imported elements cannot be redefined for other combinations of the reference configuration and material state.
When connector elements are imported, any associated connector behavior definitions are imported by default. The imported connector behavior definitions can be modified only if the state is not imported.
If mass scaling (“Mass scaling,” Section 11.7.1) is used in Abaqus/Explicit, the scaled masses will not be transferred to the subsequent import analysis in Abaqus/Standard. The mass of the model for the Abaqus/Standard analysis will be based on either the imported or the redefined density definitions.
The material model must be redefined in the import analysis if changes to material damping are required.
When material definitions are changed, care must be taken to ensure that a consistent material state is maintained. It may sometimes be possible to simplify the material definition. For example, if a Mises plasticity model was used in the Abaqus/Explicit analysis and no further plastic yielding is expected in the Abaqus/Standard analysis (as is generally the case for springback simulations), a linear elastic material can be used for the Abaqus/Standard analysis. However, if further nonlinear material behavior is expected, no changes to the existing material definitions should be made. The history of the state variables will not be maintained if the material models are not the same in both the original analysis and the import analysis.
The import capability is available for first-order continuum, modified triangular and tetrahedral elements, conventional shell, continuum shell, membrane, beam (both linear and quadratic), truss, connector, rigid, and surface elements that are common to both Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard, as defined in Table 9.2.2–2.
Table 9.2.2–2 Common element types that can be transferred between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard.
Common element types CPS3, CPS3T, CPS4R, CPS4RT, CPS6M, CPS6MT CPE3, CPE3T, CPE4R, CPE4RT, CPE6M, CPE6MT CAX3, CAX3T, CAX4R, CAX4RT, CAX6M, CAX6MT C3D4, C3D4T, C3D6, C3D6T, C3D8, C3D8R, C3D8T, C3D8RT, C3D10M, C3D10MT M3D3, M3D4, M3D4R R2D2 R3D3, R3D4 RAX2 S4, S4R, S3R, S4RT, S3RT SC8R, SC8RT, SC6R, SC6RT SAX1 Common element types SFM3D3, SFM3D4R T2D2 T3D2 B21, B22 B31, B32 CONN2D21, CONN3D21 AC2D3, AC2D4R, AC2D4, ACIN2D2 AC3D4, AC3D6, AC3D8R, AC3D8, ACIN3D3, ACIN3D4 ACAX3, ACAX4R, ACAX4, ACINAX2 COH2D4, COHAX4, COH3D6, COH3D8 1Connector elements can be imported from Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit; but not vice versa. When S3R shell elements are imported from Abaqus/Explicit into Abaqus/Standard, they are converted into degenerated S4R elements automatically. However, when S3R shell elements are imported from Abaqus/Standard into Abaqus/Explicit, they remain S3R elements. When C3D6 and C3D6T solid elements are imported from Abaqus/Explicit into Abaqus/Standard, the results at the single point integration are applied to both integration points in Abaqus/Standard and the full integration is used automatically. However, when C3D6 and C3D6T solid elements are
imported from Abaqus/Standard into Abaqus/Explicit, only the results at the first integration point are imported and are used in the reduced integration. When quadrilateral and hexahedral acoustic finite elements are imported between Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard, they are converted to or from reduced-integration types, as required.
The following restrictions apply to the import capability:
? Connector elements can be imported from Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit but not vice versa. Further, if connector elements are imported, the configuration can be updated provided that the state is not imported and the state can be imported provided that the configuration is not updated.
? Rebars defined using rebar layers (“Defining reinforcement,” Section 2.2.3) are imported provided the underlying elements are also imported. Rebar reinforcements defined using the embedded element technique (“Embedded elements,” Section 31.4.1) are imported if the host and embedded elements used in this definition are also imported. Rebars defined as an element property (“Defining rebar as an element property,” Section 2.2.4) cannot be imported.
? ?
Infinite elements and fluid elements cannot be imported.
Rigid elements for which the thickness is interpolated from the nodes in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis will not be imported into Abaqus/Standard.
? A rigid body defined in the original analysis to include an element set (see “Assigning elements to a rigid body” in “Rigid body definition,” Section 2.4.1) can be imported only if the element set exclusively contains rigid elements; if the rigid body contains deformable elements declared as rigid, the rigid body cannot be imported.
? Nodes that are part of a rigid body (defined using tie node sets and pin node sets; see “Assigning nodes to a rigid body” in “Rigid body definition,” Section 2.4.1) cannot be imported.
? Failed elements in Abaqus/Explicit will not be imported into Abaqus/Standard.
? Elements that are being removed or are inactive (see “Element and contact pair removal and reactivation,” Section 11.2.1) in Abaqus/Standard will not be imported into Abaqus/Explicit.
? Rigid surfaces will not be imported.
When importing results from an Abaqus/Explicit analysis to an Abaqus/Standard analysis, each element set specified can contain only compatible element types listed in Table 9.2.2–3 and can contain at most three different element types.
Table 9.2.2–3 Compatible element types.
CPS4R, CPS3 CAX4R, CAX3, ACAX3, ACAX4 AC3D4, AC3D6, AC3D8, C3D8, C3D8R, C3D4, C3D6, C3D8I M3D4R, M3D3, M3D4 R3D3, R3D4 S4R, S3R, SC6R, SC8R, S4 SFM3D3, SFM3D4R CAX6M, C3D10M C3D8T, C3D4T, C3D6T SC6RT, SC8RT, S4T, S4RT, S3T, S3RT
Using section controls in an import analysis
When transferring results between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit, it is important that the hourglass forces are computed consistently. The enhanced hourglass control formulation (see “Enhanced hourglass control approach in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit” in “Section controls,” Section 24.1.4) is recommended for computing hourglass forces in the original as well as all subsequent import analyses.
Once section controls have been defined in the original analysis, they cannot be modified in any subsequent Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit analysis. Therefore, if section controls are to be used in any one analysis in a series of import analyses, they must be specified in the very first analysis. The section controls specified for an element set in the original analysis will be used for the elements belonging to that element set in all subsequent import analyses.
Section controls other than the hourglass control formulation have appropriate defaults depending on the type of analysis and, generally, do not need to be changed. Nondefault values can be chosen subject to certain restrictions.
In an Abaqus/Standard analysis only the average strain kinematic formulation and second-order accurate element formulation are available; other kinematic formulations, element formulations, or section controls that are relevant only in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis can be specified in the Abaqus/Standard analysis. Such controls will be ignored in the Abaqus/Standard analysis but retained for the subsequent Abaqus/Explicit import analysis.
If a kinematic formulation other than average strain is used for solid elements in the Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the differences in the kinematic formulations may lead to errors in Abaqus/Standard if the elements are distorted or undergo large rotations.
Using the first-order accurate element formulation (default) in Abaqus/Explicit and the second-order accurate element formulation (the only available formulation) in Abaqus/Standard is not expected to cause significant errors, since the time increment size in Abaqus/Explicit is inherently small. One exception to this is when the Abaqus/Explicit analysis involves components undergoing several revolutions, in which case it is recommended that the second-order accurate element formulation be used in Abaqus/Explicit.
Input File Usage: Use the following options in the original analysis:
Use options similar to the following one in the original analysis:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Define section controls when you assign the element type in the original analysis: Mesh module: Mesh
Element Type: Element Controls
Membrane and shell element thickness computation
The computations for membrane and shell element thicknesses are described below.
Shell elements defined using a general shell section
For shells defined using a general shell section, the current thickness is computed based on the effective Poisson's ratio, which is 0.5 by default, in both Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Property module: homogeneous or composite shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis: Advanced: Section Poisson's ratio
Shell elements defined using shell sections integrated during analysis and membrane elements
For shells defined using shell sections integrated during analysis and for membranes in Abaqus/Standard, the current thickness is computed based on the effective Poisson's ratio, which is 0.5 by default. In Abaqus/Explicit, on the other hand, the computation of the thickness could be based either on the effective
Poisson's ratio or the through-thickness strains, with the computation based on the through-thickness strains used by default.
If you do not specify a section Poisson's ratio for shell sections integrated during analysis or for membrane sections in an original Abaqus/Explicit or Abaqus/Standard analysis, the thickness computations in the original and all subsequent import analyses are carried out using the default methods. In other words, the thicknesses in all Abaqus/Standard analyses are computed using the default effective Poisson's ratio of 0.5, while the thicknesses in all Abaqus/Explicit analyses are computed using the through-thickness strains.
When the section Poisson's ratio is assigned a numerical value in an original Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the thickness computations in the original analysis and all subsequent import analyses are performed using the specified value for the effective Poisson's ratio.
Input File Usage: Use one of the following options:
Abaqus/CAE Property module: Homogeneous or composite shell section editor: Usage:
Section integration: During analysis: Advanced: Section
Poisson's ratio Membrane section editor: Section Poisson's ratio
Contact angle computation in SLIPRING-type connector elements
The contact angle, , made by the belt wrapping around node b (see
“Connection-type library,” Section 28.1.5) is computed automatically in Abaqus/Explicit, ignoring the value specified within the Abaqus/Standard analysis.
Most types of kinematic constraints (including multi-point constraints and surface-based tie constraints) specified in the original analysis are not imported and must be defined again in the import analysis; however, embedded element constraints are imported by default. See “Kinematic constraints: overview,” Section 31.1.1, for a discussion of the various types of kinematic constraints.
Contact definitions specified in the original analysis and the contact state are not imported. Contact can be defined again in the import analysis by specifying the surfaces and contact pairs; however, you may not be able to use the exact contact
definitions that were used in the original analysis because of differences in the contact capabilities between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.
The contact constraint enforcement may be different in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. Examples of potential causes for differences include:
? Abaqus/Standard typically uses a “pure master-slave” approach, whereas Abaqus/Explicit typically uses a “balanced master-slave” approach.
? Depending on the contact formulations used, Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit sometimes treat shell thicknesses and midsurface offsets differently.
Thus, when the contact conditions are defined in the import analysis, the contact state that existed in the previous analysis may not be reproduced at the beginning of the import analysis. This could lead to a redistribution of stresses and an analysis that differs from what you desire. In some cases this problem can be mitigated by using nondefault options, such as ignoring shell thicknesses in the contact calculations, to match behaviors in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.
For a detailed description of the contact capabilities in Abaqus and the differences in the contact capabilities between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit, see “Contact interaction analysis: overview,” Section 32.1.1.
Output can be requested for an import analysis in the same way as for an analysis in which the results are not imported. The output variables available in Abaqus/Standard are listed in “Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers,” Section 4.2.1. The output variables available in Abaqus/Explicit are listed in “Abaqus/Explicit output variable identifiers,” Section 4.2.2.
The values of the following material point output variables will be continuous in an import analysis when the material state is imported: stress, equivalent plastic strain (PEEQ), and solution-dependent state variables (SDV) for UMAT and VUMAT. Similarly, for a connector behavior, the plastic relative displacement (CUP), kinematic hardening shift force (CALPHAF), overall damage (CDMG), damage initiation criteria (CDIF, CDIM, CDIP), friction accumulated slip (CASU), and connector status (CSLST, CFAILST) will be continuous.
If the reference configuration is not updated, the displacements, strains, whole element variables, section variables, and energy quantities will be reported relative to the original configuration. Accelerations are recomputed at the start of an import analysis in Abaqus/Explicit and may be different from those obtained at the end of an Abaqus/Standard analysis. The differences in accelerations arise from the recalculation of the internal forces created by the imported stresses using the Abaqus/Explicit element formulation algorithms.
If the reference configuration is updated, displacements, strains, whole element variables, section variables, and energy quantities will not be continuous in an
import analysis and will be reported relative to the updated reference configuration.
Time and step number will not be continuous between the original and the import analyses if the reference configuration is updated. Time and step number will be continuous only if the reference configuration is not updated.
The import capability has the following known limitations. Where applicable, details are given in the relevant sections.
? The same release of Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard must be run on computers that are binary compatible.
? The capability is not available for fluid elements; infinite elements; and spring, mass, dashpot, and rotary inertia elements. Connector elements can be imported from Abaqus/Standard to Abaqus/Explicit but not vice versa. See the discussion on “Elements” earlier in this section for further details.
? If connector elements are imported, the configuration can be updated provided that the state is not imported and the state can be imported provided that the configuration is not updated.
? All elements and nodes must be included in at least one set in the original analysis when importing part instances.
? Node sets that are generated from existing element sets (see “Node definition,” Section 2.1.1) must be defined in the original analysis.
? Surface definitions, contact pair definitions, and general contact definitions are not imported. Analytical rigid surfaces will not be imported.
? If the material state is imported, only stresses will be imported for material models other than those defined by linear elasticity, hyperelasticity, Mullins effect, hyperfoam, viscoelasticity, Mises plasticity (including the kinematic hardening models), extended Drucker-Prager plasticity, crushable foam plasticity, Mohr-Coulomb plasticity, critical state (clay) plasticity, cast iron plasticity, concrete damaged plasticity, damage for cohesive elements, damage for ductile metals, or damage for fiber-reinforced composites. See “Importing the material state” in “Transferring results between Abaqus analyses: overview,” Section 9.2.1, for details.
? If the state is imported for connector elements with behavior defined, the plastic displacements, the frictional slip, and the damage state are imported and the connector forces are recomputed. Some of the connector output variables, such as CU, are also recomputed on import. The recomputed variables may differ slightly at the point of import due to precision and algorithmic differences between the two solvers across import. See “Importing the material state” in “Transferring results between Abaqus analyses: overview,” Section 9.2.1, for details.

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