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U2_A Break for Fun

Sharing 1

Reference answers

The people in the podcast mainly talk about how often they go to the cinema and what films they saw last time. They also talk about their favorite films, actors, and actresses.


F=Finn; M1=Man 1, etc.; W1=woman 1, etc.

Part 1

F: I love films. I love going to the cinema. I go at least once a week. How about you? How often do you go to the cinema?

M1: Uh, on average, probably once a month.

W1: I like going to the cinema a lot, but probably only get there about once a month. M2: Not very often. But I do go occasionally.

M3:I go to the cinema, probably once or twice a month.

W2: I go to the cinema about once a week during the summertime, usually when there are the best movies.

M4: We probably go together, maybe once a fortnight.

M5: I go, normally, probably once every month or two months, but it depends on the film.

M6: I go to the cinema about once every fortnight. Often I’ll go on a Wednesday because we get “buy one get one free” cinema tickets, so I can take a friend with me.

Part 2

F: What kind of films do you like?

W1: I always like romantic comedies. Slumdog Millionaire was a great movie. Australia was a movie I saw recently which was really good.

M1: …probably recommend, er, the new Terminator movie. Er, that’s once again filled with action. Very exciting.

M5: I like old films. I… I’ve a complete collection of John Wayne and Charlton Heston… And musicals, anything that’s quite happy or adventurous, that takes me away from real life. Those are the ones I watch.

W2: I saw The Proposal not too long ago and I really liked it. It was really interesting; it was a really funny, romantic comedy.

M3: Sweeney Todd. I really enjoyed with Johnny Depp – simply because h was fantastic; and Helena Bonham Carter one of my favorite actresses, was also really good.

M4: I’d recommendThe Graduate. I enjoyed that as a young man and .. and growing up as well. I think it’s a “coming of age” film.

M6: My favorite film is called Golden Eye. It’s a James Bond film and I think the action scenes are just absolutely fantastic in it.



1) once a month 2) Not very often 3) once or twice 4) once a week 5) once very month 6) every fortnight 3

Answers 1) romantic 2) great

3) recommend 4) action 5) collection 6) real life 7) scenes 8) fantastic

scripts part 3

F: Who’s your favorite actor?

M5: John Wayne’s my favorite actor.

M6: My favorite actor is the new James Bond, er, Daniel Craig. I think he’s very good at showing emotions in his films. My favorite actress is called Angelina Jolie. She’s very beautiful, but she’s also played lots of different roles in films.

M3: My favorite actor is Jonny Depp because I think he’s funny and I think he’s lively and he always has energy on stage.

W2: My favorite actor is Brad Pitt. He’s very good-looking and he can play many different roles and he’s very talented.

M4: My favorite film star’s Robert DeNiro because I look like him. 4


1-c 2-d 3-a 4-b 5

Reference answers

1. The Graduate.I like the movie because the music is fantastic. And I enjoy Dustin Hoffman’s

great performance, which shows many aspects of the hero’s rich character.

2. I prefer watching DVD movies at home because it saves both money and time. I have the

freedom to choose what I would like to watch. /I prefer going to the cinema because it

provides better sound effects. Besides, with more people around, the atmosphere is much better than when I watch movies alone at home.

3. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock. I like her because she is beautiful and her

performance is natural. I love her warm smiles as well. Every time I see her smile, Icouldn't help smiling too.

Listening Scripts

I=interviewer Part 1

I: Hello and welcome to Fashion Now, with me, Dan Taylor. In today’s program, we ask the question, “what is beauty?” Do men today really like women with blonde hair and blue eyes? And do women like the James bond look – tall, dark and very masculine, or do they like something different now? are ideas about beauty changing? We went out to see what you really think…

Before you listen 1


The program is about ideas of beauty. 2


Do men today really like women with blonde / black hair and brown /blue eyes? And do women like the James Bond look – tall, grey / dark and very masculine /feminine, or do they like something different now?

While you listen Scripts

I=Interviewer; W1=Woman 1, etc.; M1=Man 1, etc.

Part 2

I: Excuse me, ladies. Do you have a moment? W1: Yes?

I: Just a quick question. Research says that these days women prefer men with feminine faces… W1: Really?

I: Yes. It’s true… honestly!

W1: Idon't agree at all. I like masculine faces… I: Can I show you some photos? W1: sure.

I: So which of these guys do you like best?

W1: Hmm, Sean Connery. He’s definitely the best-looking man here. And he’s tall, isn’t he? Yeah…I like tall men. And I like a man with a beard. I: Uh-huh. What about you?

W2: Mm. I’m not sure. I like this one. Hats his name?

I: IT’s Gael Garcia Bernal. H’s a Mexican film star.

W2: Yeah? Well, he’s got quite a feminine face and he’s very good-looking. I like his eyes – he’s got dark brown eyes and I like men with dark eyes and black hair. But I think it’s more in the personality… in the smile… so I like this one best. Will Smith. He’s got a really nice smile. I: Thank you. And here’s another lady. Excuse me. Have you got a moment? W3: Well…

I: I’m doing a survey about the changing face of beauty. Can I ask you some questions? W3: Yes, OK. Yes.

I: I’ve got some photos here. Can you tell me which of these people you like? Do you think any of them are good-looking?

W3: Well, I don’t really like any of them…

I: No? r, well, so what sort of man do you like?

W3: What sort of man do I like? Well, my husband’s over there. I think he’s good-looking. I like his hair. I love guys with red hair.

I: Which one? The one looking in the ship window?

W3: No, he’s over there. He’s wearing a white T-shirt and he’s talking to…that blonde woman Excuse me…

I: And then I talked to some men to find out if they really prefer blondes –just like they did 50 years ago. Do you think it’s true that men prefer blondes, sir?

M1: What? No, not at all! Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and ages. Look at this photo of Judi Dench. She’s lovely. She isn’t young, but she’s got beautiful grey eyes and she always wears beautiful clothes. She looks kind and intelligent.

M2: Yeah, she does. But I still prefer blondes, you know… like Scarlett Johansson. She’s lovely.. slim, blonde hair, blue eyes – that’s the sort of woman I like. M1: Scarlett Johansson, slim? M2: Well, OK…but she’s not fat. M1: No, that’s true…

I: OK, guys. Thanks for talking to us… 3


Woman 1: Sean Connery

Woman 2: Gael Garcia Bernal and Will Smith Man 1: Judi Dench

Man 2: Scarlett Johansson 4


Speakers height/build hair/beard eyes other aspects

Woman 1 1)tall with a beard / 2)masculine face/best-looking Woman 2 / 3)black hair 4)dark brown feminine face/good-looking/nice


Woman 3 / 5)red hair / good-looking

Man 1 / / 6)grey lovely/beautiful clothes/kind and


Man 2 7)slim 8)blonde hair blue 9)lovely

After you listen 5

Reference answers

1. The man I like should be strong and fit, without a beard. And he should not have long hair.

The woman I like most is someone who is slim and healthy. She should have long hair and big eyes. And I like girls who smile a lot. I believe everyone has something beautiful about them, regardless of age, race, gender, size, ability, etc. I don’t think being lighter or slimmer equals beauty. Instead, I think the inner self counts a lot more than outer appearance. Virtues such as honesty, hard-working, and willingness to help make one a beautiful person. / beauty is what we see and feel. So my idea of beauty is what is pleasing to the eyes. As long as it makes you feel good, it is beauty. So both inner qualities and body features are important factors to make one look beautiful. Of course, what one considers beautiful may not appear the same to someone else. That is why beauty standards are different from person to person, culture to culture and time to time.

2. The ideas of beauty have changed over the past several decades in China. Truly, on the one

hand, many still stick to the idea that one’s inner quality counts more than outer appearance. Honesty, hard-working, generosity, and kindness are considered inner beauty. On the other hand, more and more people think outer appearance is more important. Nowadays, many people, especially young people, hold some new ideas about beauty. For example, long straight black hair used to be thought as one feature of beauty, but now young people want to look stylish by having their hair curled and dyed. They follow the fashion tread and put fashionable clothes and wear make-up. More people are afraid of not looking attractive enough. So they go on diet to look thinner and receive some cosmetic surgeries to look better. Still many others realize that it is important to live a healthy lifestyle and learn to love their own body for its uniqueness.

3. I don’t think it is wise to judge a person by his/her appearance because appearance is

superficial. Sometimes the appearance of a person may mislead your judgment when it doesn't match well with the inner part of that person. For example, an ordinary-looking person can be a scientist, a hero, or a great thinker. Just as the proverb goes, “Never judge a book by its cover.”The greatness of a book lies in its content instead of its cover. So it is with a person. Instead of focusing only on one’s appearance, we should get to know more about that person’s education, life experiences and life attitude before we make any judgment.


Before you view 1

Reference answers 1. It is a music festival

M: No surprise to me. You have earned it. While others are at parties, you are in the library. Q: What does the man mean?


1D 2B 3C 4A 5D

Long conversation Scripts

M: After such a tiring week, I can’t wait to have a rest and relax a little this weekend.

W: Me too, Mr. Simpson. So what are you doing this weekend? Looks like it’ll be nice weather for sailing.

M: Yes, Mary, I hope it stays this sunny. I’m going out to the beach and spending all weekend surfing.

W: You, sir? Surfing?

M: Haha, I bet you think I’m too old for surfing! I’ve been surfing since I was 11, and It’s still my favorite activity. The cool blue waves, the smell of the sea, just take me back to when I was a teenager free from care.. I forget all my troubles. By Sunday night, I fall into a deep sleep, sore and tired, without a care in the world.

W: That’s really nice. I’m going to the beach, too. I love relaxing in the warm sun, watching my niece and nephew play in the sand and jump in the waves. They’ll tire themselves out building sand castles, collecting seashells, and trying to bury each other in the sand.

M:Oh, I remember building sand castles with my brothers… such great fun. How old are little Timmy and Monica now?

W: Tim’s five and Monica’s three. M: Wow, kids grow up so fast!

Q1: Why is surfing the man’s favorite activity? Q2: What is the woman going to do this weekend? Q3: what does the woman love doing?

Q4: what does the man remember doing with his brothers?


1D 2C 3B 4C

Passage 1 Scripts

People in Britain enjoy various leisure activities including watching TV, seeing friends and relatives, listening to music, shopping, listening to the radio, gardening, doing sports, reading, and so on. The latest data from a survey show that in 2010, 89 percent of all adults watched television in their free time. Spending time with family and friends was the second most popular activity at 84 percent, listening to music came next at 76 percent, and shopping was fourth at 71 percent.

Truly, the most common leisure activity in the UK has been watching television.The average viewing time is 25 hours per person per week. Many television programs are about wildlife,

animals, holidays, cooking and gardening. All these things are much valued by British people. The second most popular activity in Britain is visiting or entertaining friends or relatives. Actually, in the survey, those aged 25 to 34 reported spending time with friends and family as their tip activity. Besides, many British people like to listen to music. Among those aged 16 to 24 spending time listening to music was selected as their top activity.

Younger people tend to have different hobbies from old people. According to the survey, comparing the 16 to 24 age group with those aged 55 and over, the activities which were reported less frequently as age increased were listening to music; surfing the Internet and emailing; doing sports and exercise; going out to pubs, clubs or bars; and going out to the cinema. For example, people aged 16 to 24 spent more than 3 hours a day using a computer while those aged 55 and over spent only 1 hour and 12 minutes. Again comparing the youngest and oldest age groups, the activities which were reported more frequently as age increased were reading and gardening.

Q1: According to the survey, what percentage of British adults watched TV in their free time? Q2: Which age group would be the most likely to visit their friends and relatives?

Q3: What does the speaker say about listening to music as a leisure activity for British people? Q4: According to the survey, how are leisure activities related to age?


1A 2B 3A 4C

Passage 2

Scripts and answers

People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads; everyone watches TV, rents videos, or goes to the movies. The most popular reading materials are 1)comic books, movie magazines, and TV guides. City libraries have only 10 percent of the 2)traffic that car washes have. But how do you explain this? A yearly book festival in west Los Angeles is 3)constantly“sold out” year after year. People wait half an hour for a parking space to become 4)available. This outdoor festival, supported by a newspaper, takes place every April for one weekend. This year, about 70,000 people 5)took part in the festival on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunday. The festival 6)attracted 280 exhibitors. There were about 90 talks given by authors, with an 7)audience question-and-answer period following each talk. A food court sold all kinds of local foods, from hotdogs to ice drinks. Except for a $7 parking fee, the festival was 8)free of charge. Even so, some people take their own sandwiches and drinks to avoid the high prices of the food court.

The idea for holding the festival in Los Angeles was 9)put forward years ago, but nobody knew if it would succeed. Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities, would people in this city 10)embrace one? “Fortunately, they do,” said one of the festival founders.

