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ask sth. of sb. 请求,要求

account for 说明(原因)等

associate sth. with sth. 将某事与某事联系起来

accuse sb. of doing sth. 指控

act as 担当

. I must find someone to act as a deputy for me during my absence.


attach...to 使附属于

Attach all the circles to the rectangle.

act for 代理

I have authorized him to act for me while I am away.

act on 按照……行事

2. My idea is that we shall act on his suggestion.


attend to 照顾,护理

adapt...to 使适应

attribute sth. to 把……归因于

adapt to 适应

add sth to 使增加

be absorbed in 专心于

add to 增添

be accustomed to 习惯于

be acquainted with 对……熟悉

adhere to 坚持

be ashamed of 为……而羞愧

adjust...to 使适应

be attached to 附属于

adjust to 适应

be based on 以……为基础

agree on 就……取得一致

agree to 同意,批准

be built up of 由……建成

agree with sb./sth. 同意某人/意见

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

be concerned about/with 关心,担心

aim at 瞄准,争取

be concerned with 与……有关

amount to 相当于……,合计


be determined to do sth. 决心做

be disappointed at sth./in sb. 对某事/某人感到失望appeal to sb. for sth. 向某人诉求

appeal to 吸引

be excited about/at 为某事所激动

apply to sb. for sth. 向……申请

The captain applied to headquarters for a transfer.


be faced with 面临

apply...to/in 将……应用于

to apply one's knowledge to a problem


be (make) friends with 与……交朋友appologize to sb./for sth. 为某事向某人道歉

This is the last time i appologize to you.


be known as 以……著称

be known for 为……而著称

approve of 赞成

I quite approve of your plan.


…argue with...about 与某人争论某事

Its useless to argue with them.


be made of 由……制成

arise from 由……引起,由……产生

. Accidents arise from carelessness.


be made up of 由……组成(构成)

arm sb. with sth. 用……武装

be satisfied with 对……满意

No one should be satisfied with just doing a passable job.



be supposed to do 应该做

arrive at a conclusion 得出结论

be used to doing sth. 习惯于

bear/keep in mind 记住

. Before you begin, keep in mind these caveats.


ask (sb.) for 请求,要求

begin with 从……开始

You must begin with yourself.


call in 来访

. Please call in at five.


call off 取消

benefit from 得益于

We can benefit from the latest advances in science.


call on/upon 拜访

blame sb. for sth. 为……责怪某人

call up 打电话;使想起

cannot but (do) 不得不;难免

. I cannot but admire his courage.


cannot help (doing) 忍不住,不得

care about 看重(某事),介意

Teachers only care about exam results.


care for 照管,关心

I belive you must care for his edication.


carry on 继续;从事

"If you carry on, one day something good will happen.



bread down 分解;(车)出毛病

carry out 执行,贯彻

break out (突然)发生,爆发

break through 突破

catch a glimpse of 瞥了一眼

bring about 引起

catch one's eye 引人注目

*bring down 使降低,击落

catch sight of 发现,看见

catch up (with) 赶上

bring forward 提出

change one's mind 改变主意

check in 登记(住宿),检票入

check out 核查;结帐(离开)

choose sth. from sth. 从……中选择

bring to an end 使结束

clean up 打扫干净

bring up 抚养,培养

clear away 清除

clear up 澄清;(天气)变晴

combine...with 使……与……结合起来

come about 发生

come across 碰到

call attention to 引起注意

call for 要求;需要

come down 下降;病倒

contribute...to 将……贡献于

come into being 产生

contribute to 有助于

convince sb. of/that 使某人相信

correspond to 与……相符

come on 加油;快点;来吧

criticize sb. for sth. 批评

come to a conclusion 得出结论

come to an end 结束

cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人……

come to one's help 帮助某人

cut back 削减,缩短

come true 实现

come up 走近;发生

cut off 切断;断绝

come upon 碰到,看到


come up to 达到;符合

date from 起始于;追溯到

come up with 提出

deal with 处理,应付

comment on 评论

compete with...for 为……与……竞争demand sth. of sb. 要求

complain to sb. about/of 抱怨

depend on 依靠,依赖

compare...to 把……比作

deprive sb. of 剥夺

compare...with 将……与……进行比较devote...to (sth.) 把……贡献于concentrate...on 集中于;专心于confuse...with 混淆

disagree with 不同意某人意见

congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺

differ from 与……有区别

connect...with 连接

consider sth. (to be) 认为

differ with 与……观点不同

dispose of 处置,处理

consist of 由……组成

distinguish...from 区别

consult with 与……商量

do away with 消灭,摆脱

contrast...with 使形成对比

do good to 对……有益(可接双宾)

do harm to 对……有害(可接双宾)

feel like(doing) 想要

do sb. a favor 帮……忙

figure out 算出,推测出

do one's best to do 尽力(做)

fill in/out 填写(表格)

do one's duty 履行职责

find fault with 挑剔,找毛病

find out 发现,查明

do one's utmost 尽最大努力

do well/badly 在……方面干行好/不好gain access to 获得

do without 没有……也行

gain an advantage over 胜过;优于

draw a conclusion 得出结论

get along(with) 相处;进展


draw up 写(画)出,草拟;(车)停住

dream about/of 梦见/梦到

get away(from) 逃脱,离开

drop by/in 顺便来访

get down to sth. 着手做某事

drop out (of) 退出

get hold of 抓住

eat out 在外面吃饭

get in touch with 与……联系

end in 结果为;最故意成为

end up with 以……结束

learn by heart 记住,背诵

engage...in 使从事于

get off 下车;动身离开

enjoy oneself 过得快乐

get on 上车

equip...with 用……装备

get on(with) 与……相处;取得进展exchange A for B 以A换B

get over 克服;从……恢复过来

expect sth. of sb. 期待得到

get rid of 摆脱

make the best of从中得到最大益处;充分利用experiment with 用……做实验

expose sth. to 将某物暴露于……

get through 通过,结束;接通电话

fail in 不及格

get to 到达

fail to do 未能做

get together 集合,聚会

fall back on 求助于

get up 起床

fall behind 落后

be used to(sth) 习惯于

give away 泄露;出卖;赠送

give back 送还

give birth to 生育

give in 投降;让步;上交

give off 发出(气体)

give out 分发

have an advantage over 胜过

give rise to 引起,造成

give up 放弃

give way to 让位于,对……让步


have sth. to do with 与……有关系

glance at 瞥一眼,匆匆一看

go after 追求

go ahead 开始;前进

hear from 收到……来信

hear of 听说

help oneself(to sth.) 自取所需

hold back 阻止,忍住

go by 过去,经过;依照

go down 下降,下跌

hold on 坚持,不挂电话

hold onto 紧抓不放

go in for 从事,致力于

keep pace with 跟上……

go off 爆炸;离开

go on doing/with 继续(做)某事

hope for 希望得到

go out 外出;熄灭

hurry up 赶快

go over 检查;复习

go through with 做完,完成

impose sth. on sb. 强加

go up 上升

go with 伴随;与……协调

inquire of/about 打听,了解

go without 没有……也行

go wrong 发生故障,出毛病

insist on 坚持(意见)

graduate from 从……毕业

interfere in 干涉(某事)

guard against 防止

interfere with 干扰(某人);妨碍

had better 最好

introduce...to 向……介绍

invite sb. to 邀请某人到某处

had/would rather...than 宁可……也不

join in 参加(活动)

hand down 传下来,传给

keep an eye on 留意,照看

hand in 上交

keep away 站开,使离开

hand out 分发,发给

hand over 移交

keep a diary 记日记


keep...from 防止

hand on 抓紧不放,不挂电话

keep...in mind 记住

hang onto 紧握住,坚持下去

keep...in order 保持清洁

hang up 挂断电话

keep in touch(with) 保持联系

happen to do 碰巧

have access to 可以获得

keep on 继续,保持

look after 照料,关心

look at 看,注视

keep one's head 保持镇静

look back 回头看,回顾

keep one's word 守信用

look down on 看不起

look for 寻找

look forward to 期望,盼望

keep up 继续,保持

keep up with 跟上,不落后

look into 调查,观察

knock down 撞倒,击倒

look like 看起来象

*knock out 击倒,击昏

look on 旁观

laugh at 嘲笑

look (up) on...as 把……看作

look out 留神,提防

lay down 放下;制定

lay off 解雇

look through 看穿;通读

look up 查阅,查找

lead to 通向,导致

look up to 尊敬,敬仰

lose heart 失去信心

leave sth. alone 听其自然;别管

lose sight of 忽略;看不见

leave sth. behind 忘带;留下

leave for 动身前往……

major in 主修(大学的某科目)

leave out 省略,遗漏

make a difference(to) 对……很重要,与……有关系lend sb. a hand 帮助

make an appointment with 约会


let alone 更不用说

let down 放下;使失望

make arrangements(for) 作按排

let out 释放,放出,流出

lie in 在于

make fun of 取笑,嘲弄

limit sth. to sth. 将……局限于

listen to 听;听从

make it 成功

line up 排队

make notes 记笔记

make one's way 前进,行进

live on 以……为生

make out 看出,理解,开支票

make preparations (for) 做准备

make progress 取得进步

long for sth./to do sth. 渴望(做)某事

make room for 为……腾出位置

make sense 讲得通,有意义

praise sb. for sth. 为某物表扬某人

make sure (of/that) 查明/务必

prefer A to B 宁要A不要B

make the best(most) of 充分利用

prepare for 为……做好准备

make up 组成;编造;补偿

make up for 弥补

make up one's mind(to do)下决心(做)

make use of 利用,使用

make one's way 前进

prevent...form 阻止……(做)

meet the needs of 满足……需要

pride oneself on 感到自豪

meet with 碰到

proceed with 接着进行

*minor in 兼修(科目)

profit by/from 受益于

name...after 以……命名

protect...from 保护……(免受)

object to sth. 反对(某事)

prove sth(to be) 证明某物是

occur to (sb.) 被(某人)想起

prove(to be) 证明是

operate on 给某人动手术

provide sth. for sb. 向……提供

owe sth. to 将……归功于

provide sb. with sth. 向……提供


pull down 折毁(房屋)

pass by 路过,忽视

pass through 穿过

pay attention to 注意

pull up 停下

pay back 偿还,回报

pay for 为……付出代价

put aside 搁置一边;储存

put away 把……收拾起来;积攒

put down 记下,写下

put an end to 停止,结束

put forward 提出

persist in 坚持

play a part(role)in 起作用;扮演角色

put into operation 投入运行

put off 拖延,推迟

put on 穿上;上演

put on weight 体重增加

play with (a toy)玩,玩弄

put out 熄灭;生产出;发布

point out 指出,指明

put through 接通电话

put (sth.)to use 使用;利用

search for 搜寻

put together 装配

see about 负责料理,查询

put up 举起;建造;投宿(vi.)

see sb. off 送行

put up with 忍受,容忍

see through 看穿,识破,做完

quarrel with sb. about sth. 争吵

see to 照料,注意

react against 反抗

see to it that 设法使;务必

recover from 恢复健康

seek after/for 寻求,探索

refer to 提到,查阅

send for 派人请(拿),召唤

refer to...as 将……称作

regard sth. as sth. 把……看作为

separate sth. from sth. 使分开

serve as 作为,用作

rely on 依靠,信任

serve sb. right 活该

remember sb. to sb. 代某人向……问好


set about(doing) 开始,着手

remind sb. of/to do 提醒

set aside 留出;储存

reply to 答复

set down 记下;放下

set fire to 点火,使燃烧

resort to 借助于

respond to 响应,作出

set free 释放

set off 动身;开始;引起

restrain from 抑制

result from 产生于,来自

set out 启程,出发;陈列

result in 导致

reward sb. with sth. 奖赏

set up 建立;扶持

ring up 打电话

show off 卖弄,炫耀

rob sb. of sth. 抢劫

show up 出席;(使)显现

run across 碰见;偶然发现

run after 追赶

shut down 关闭;停业

run away 跑掉

run for 竞选

run into 偶然遇到,碰撞

side with 站在……一边

run out (of) 用光,耗尽

run over 压过,扼要复述

sit up 熬夜

slow down 减速

take after 与……相象

speak about/of 谈到

take a photo 照相

speak highly of 赞赏

take away 拿走;减去

speed up 加速

take sb. by surpirse 使……大吃一惊

stand by 支持;旁观

take care 小心

stand a chance of 有成功的机会

take care of 照顾,负责

stand for 代表,支持

take charge of 负责,看管


stand out 突出;挨过(危机)

take delight in 以……为乐

stand the test of 经受考验

take down 记下,写下

take effect 生效,起作用

take sth. for granted 认为某事理所当然

take hold of 抓住

take in 吸收;了解;欺骗

take into account 把……考虑在内

stay up 熬夜

take measures 采取措施;设法

take notice of 注意

take off 脱下;起飞

take on 呈现,承担

take one's time 从容地进行

stick to 坚持;信守

take over 接管

stir up 搅起,激起

take pains 费心,费力

stop...from 阻止……(做)

take part(in) 参加,参与

take place 发生

take steps 采取步骤

take the place of 取代

succeed in 成功

take time 需要时间

suffer from 受……苦;患(病)

take turns 轮流

take up 占据;开始从事

supply sth. for/to sb. 向……提供

supply sb. with sth. 向……提供

sympathize with 同情某人

take...for 把……当作

tell sth. from 区别

thank sb. for 感谢

take a seat 坐下

think about 考虑

take a walk 散散步

take action 采取行动

think highly of 高度评价

take advantage of 利用,把握时机

think of 想起,想到

think of sth as... 认为是

turn up 开大音量;出现,到来


think over 仔细考虑

use up 用光,耗尽

think sth. to be 认为是

used to(do) 过去常常

throw away 扔掉

vary from 与……不同

wait for 等候

wait on 伺候,招待

wake up 醒来

warm up 变热,使温暖

try on 试穿

watch out(for sth.) 留神

try one's best to do 尽力去做

wear out 磨损;穿坏;耗尽

turn around 转过身来

turn down 拒绝;调低音量

wipe out 消灭

turn in 交出,上交

work at/on 从事于

turn sth. into 使变成

work out 算出;解决

turn off/on 关掉/打开

worry about 为……担心

turn out sth. 生产出

turn out (to be) 原来是,结果是

write down 写下

turn sth. over 使翻过来

turn to 变成;求助于

write out 写出

turn to...for help 求助于


able to(do) 能做

enthusiastic about/for 热衷于

equal to 等于

absent from 缺席

equivalent to 相当于

essential to 对……是必要的

excited about/at 为……所激动

afraid of 害怕

faithful to 忠实于

ahead of 在……之前

familiar to 为……所熟悉


angry with(sb) 对……生气

familiar with 通晓,熟悉

angry at/about 为……而生气

famous for 由于……而闻名

anxious about 为……而焦虑

fit for/to 适当的

applicable to 能用于……的

fond of 喜欢

ashamed of/that 为……而羞愧

free from 免于

aware of/that 知道,意识到

friendly to 对……友好

bored with 对……厌倦

full of 充满(比较:filled with 充满)

bound to (do) 必然……

generous to 对……慷慨

busy with/in 忙于……

good at/in 善于

capable of 能够(做)

good for 有益于,适合于

good to 对……友好

certain of/that 有把握的

happy about 因……而高兴

characteristic of 有……代表性

harmful to 对……有害

helpful to 对……有用的

considerate of 照顾,体谅的

important to sb. (对某人来说)重要的consistent with 与……相一致

independent of 独立于;与……无关conscious of/that 意识到

contrary to 与……相反的

convenient to 对……方便

interested in 对……感兴趣的

critical of 对……挑剔

jealous of 妒忌……的

keen on 热心于……的

dependent on 取决于,依赖于

different from 与……不同

doubtful about/of 对某事有怀疑的

likely to do 可能(做)

eager for/to do 热切希望

loyal to 忠于……的

necessary to 对……必要的


opposite to 与……相对立的

rich in 在……(方面)富有

patient with 对……有耐心的

(the)same as 与……相同

satisfied with 对……满意

preferable to 比……更可取的

separate from 与……分开的

sensitive to 对……敏感的

similar to相似

sorry about/for 为……抱歉

proportional to 与……成比例

strict with 对……严格

proud of 以……自豪

suitable for 适合……的

ready for 为……做好准备

subject to(sth) 易(遭)受……

ready to do 准备好做……

regardless of 不管

superior to 优越于……

relative to 和……相关的

sure of/that 肯定,确信

representative of 有……代表性的

thirsty for 渴望的

tired from 由于……而疲劳

resistant to 对……抵抗的

tired of 对……厌倦typical of 有……典型性的

responsible for 对……负责

worthy of 值得的


absence from 缺席

under/in the circumstances在这种情况下

by accident 偶然

(make) a comment on/upon对……作评论

In accordance with 按照

on account of 因为

by comparison 比较起来

(make) complaint about 抱怨

in addition 另外

in conclusion 总之,最后

in addition to 除……以外

on condition that 在……的条件下


adjustment to 调整

confidence in 对……的信心

in advance 提前,预先

congratulation on 祝贺

(get) advantage over 有……优势

(an) affection for 宠爱

in agreement with 与……一致

on the contrary 相反

in the air 在流行中

in contrast with/to 与……形成对照

(make) contribution to 做出…贡献

(the) answer to 对……回答

out of control 失去控制

anxiety about/for(to do) 对……忧虑;渴望under control 在控制下

(have) an appetite for 有……爱好cooperation with 与……合作

at all costs 不惜任何代价

in association with 与……联系

at any cost 不惜任何代价

on (the) average 平均,一般来说

at the cost of 以……为代价

on the basis of 根据……

in the course of 在……的过程中

on behalf of 代表

criticism against 对……的批评

belief in 对……的信念

(do) damage to 对……造成损害

(take) the blame for (承担)……的责任

in danger 在危险中

on board 在船(飞机)上

out of danger 脱离危险

out of breath 上气不接下气

out of date 过时的

in bulk 大批的

in debt 负债

on business 因公事

in case of 以防……

in case 假如,以防

in detail 详细地

in any case 在任何情况下

dependence on 依靠

in the case of 在……情况下

devotion to 献身


by chance 碰巧,偶然

on a diet 节食

in charge(of) 负责,管理

in difficulty 在困境中

around the clock 昼夜不停

under discussion 在讨论中

in disorder 处于混乱状态

at hand 在附近,即将到来

in dispute 争论中

in the distance 在远处

on the one hand 一方面

no doubt 无疑,必定

on the other hand 另一方面

off duty 下班

in haste 急急忙忙

on duty 值班

on earth 究竟,到底

heart and soul 全心全意

in the end 最后,终于

at home 在家,在国内

in honour of 为纪念……

in a hurry 匆忙地

* at all events 无论如何

an influence on 对……的影响

in any event 无论如何,至少

an inquiry into 调查

in the event of 万一,如果发生

for instance 例如

for example 例如

(an) interest in 对……的兴趣

with the exception of 除……以外interference in 干涉,干预

in excess of 超过

interference with 打扰,妨碍

(have) experience in/of/with具有……的经验at intervals 不时,时时

(an) introduction to 介绍,引进

(make) an experiment in/on/with

under investigation 在调查中


(be) out of a job 失业

exposure to 暴露于

for lack of 因为缺少……

to an extent 在某种程度上


at leisure 闲暇,有空闲

face to face 面对面地

at length 终于,详细地

in the face of面对,不顾

in the light of 根据,按照

in fact 事实上

in line 排成一条线

failure in ……的失败

failure to do 未能做

at a loss 不知所措

at fault 有(出)毛病

(live) in luxury (生活)奢侈

in favour of 赞成,有利于

loyalty to 忠诚

on fire 在燃烧

a matter of 关于……的问题

on foot 步行

a matter of fact 实际情况,真相

in front of 在……前面

by means of 通过……手段

in the future 今天,未来

a means to (an end) (达到某个目的的)手段(have) a gift for 有……的天赋

on the ground (s) of 由于

on guard 警惕,防范

by no means 绝不,决不

hand in hand 携手

in the meantime 同时

in memory of 纪念

at present 目前,现在

at the mercy of 在……的支配下

under pressure 在压力下

to my mind 在(我)看来

(take) a pride in 对……感到自豪

by mistake 错误地

in private 在私下

in proportion to 与……成比例

in public 公开地

for the purpose of 为了

in a...mood(humour,temper) 处于……情绪中on purpose 故意地

in nature 本质上

out of question 毫无疑问

out of the question 不可能的


(be) in need of 需要

on the radio 广播中

a number of 许多

at random 随机的,无目的地

objection to 反对……

at any rate 无论如何

under observation 在观察中

at that rate 这样下去

obstacle to ……的障碍

at the rate of 以……速度

by reason of 由于

on this occasion 在这种场合下

in my opinion 在我看来

in opposition to 反对;与……相对

with/in regard to 关于

in order 整齐,秩序井然

with/in relation to 有关

(be) out of order 出了故障

in the past 在过去

in reply to 为了答复

requirement for ……的要求

persistence in 坚持

resistance to ……抵抗

in person 亲自

(have) respect for 尊敬

in place 在适当位置

responsibility for 对……负责

in place of 代替

as a result 由此,结果

in the first place 首先,第一

in the long run 长远观点来看

out of place 不适当地,不合时宜

for the sake of 为了……(缘故)

in practice 在实践中

for sale 供出售

out of practice 荒疏,缺乏练习

on sale 有售

(have) a preference for 对……偏爱

to one's satisfaction 使……满意

(have) prejudice against对……有偏见

on a large scale 大规模地

on schedule 按预定时间

at no time 从不,决不

search for 搜查


at one time 一次;曾经

in search of 去寻找

at the same time 同时;然而

in secret 秘密地

for the time being 暂时

from time to time 时常,不时

in a sense 在某种意义上说

in time 及时地

a series of 一系列,一连串

in no time 很快,立刻

in shape 处于良好状态

on time 准时,按时

shelter from 躲避处

at times 有时,不时地

on shift 轮班

on (the) top of 在……之上

out of touch 失去联系

at first sight 初看起来

in sight 可看到的

out of sight 看不见的

in turn 轮流,依次地

in silence 沉默

a variety of 种种,各种

solution to ……的解决方法

at the speed of 以……的速度

in a way 在某种程度上,以某种方式

on the spot 当场

in no way 决不

in one's way 挡路

in the way 妨碍

in stock 现有的,有现货的

no wonder 难怪,怪不得

out of stock 缺货

word for word 逐字地

(a) substitute for ……的替代物

in a word 总而言之

in tears 流泪

in other words 换句话说

in term of 按照,依据

at work 在工作,忙于

for one thing 一则,首先

out of work 失业

on second thoughts 经重新考虑

in the world 世界上


at a time 一次


a few 少许,一些(接可数名词)

as usual 和往常一样

a good/great deal(of) (修饰不可数)许多,大量的as well 也

as well as 既……又

a little 一点,少许(接不可数名词)

a lot(of) 许多,大量

above all 首先,首要

at best 充其量,最好

according to 按照,根据

at first 起先

after all 终于,毕竟

at last 终于,最后

ahead of 在……前面,先于

at least 至少

ahead of time 提前,早于

at most 至多,不超过

all at once 突然

at once 立即,马上;同时

* all but 几乎;除……外都

at worst 在最坏的情况下

all of a sudden 突然

back and forth 来来回回

all over 到处

because of 因为,由于

before long 不久以后

both...and 既……又

but for 除……外,要不是

all the time 一直始终

along with 与……一起

by far (the best) (好)得多(用于比较级、最高级) by oneself 单独,独自地

due to 由于

anything but 根本不

each other 互相

as...as 象……一样

either...of 或……或,不是……就

as/so far as 到……程度,就……而言

even if/though 即使,纵然

as/so far as...be concerned 就……来说


