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1.初中英语教材中共出现近500个词组,其中有一部分为常用词组,要求能熟练运用。 2.在学习中,要注意词组的积累,特别要注意介词词组和短语动词的积累。 3.对固定词组的意义,切不可望文生义。例如,动词look愿意为“看”,但look after意为“照料”,look up (a word in a dictionary)意为“(在词典中)查找(单词)”。

4.要十分注意固定词组中冠词的使用。有时冠词可引起词义的变化,例如,go the school意为“上学”,而go to the school意为“到学校里去”;take place意为“发生”,而take the place意为“取代”。有些词组中须用冠词,而另一些则不用。例如,in the evening, at night。 一、动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组 (一)由be构成的词组

1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出

he is back. he is in .he is out. 他回来了。他在家。他出去了 2)be at home/work 在家/上班

she is at home. i am at work.她在家。我在工作 3) be at work at善于,擅长于 he is good at English。他英语学得好。

4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细

you must be care of your health.你一定要保重身体。 5)be covered with 被??复盖

The ground is covered with snow. 大地覆盖着雪。 6)be ready for 为??作好准备

Mourinho said : \is not ready for sure, tomorrow (Tuesday) andagainst Newcastle .\


7)be surprised (at) 对??感到惊讶

Are you surprised at how easy it was today ? 今天那么轻松取得胜利你觉得惊讶吗? 8)be interested in 对??感到举

what are you interested in 你对什么比较感兴趣 We are interested in English 我们对英语很感兴趣 9)be born 出生

I am born in China or bring up in the U . S. A. 我出生在中国,在美利坚合众国长大。

A dream is being born, 一个梦想已经诞生。When A Child Is Born 当一个孩子出生的时候。We are all born superstars 我们都是天生的巨星

10)be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着

One more thing , be on time ! 还有一件事,要准时来!Yes . Look , it is on my desk . 是的。看,它就在我的桌子上。

And am on the school basketball team . 我还是学校篮球球队的队员呢。All my games are on that computer . 我所有的游戏都在那台电脑里面

11)be able to do sth. 能够做??

I do hope you'll be able to do something about it. Please try for my sake .我衷心希望你能够为此想点办法。请看在我的面上尽点力吧!

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Either you or he is able to do such work alone . 你和他都能够独自做这样的工作。I am able to do 30 sit ups in one minute . 我能够在一分钟里做30个仰卧起坐。Indeed , are able to do all things . 事实上,你可以做一切事情。

12)be afraid of (to do sth. that?) 害怕??(不敢做??,恐怕??)

I thought only girls be afraid of spiders . 我还以为只有女孩才害怕蜘蛛呢。I am afraid of being left alone . 我就害怕被一个人留在家里。 He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning . 害怕提问的人其实是羞于学习。Most people are afraid of change . 大多数人都害怕改变。

13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气

Come back , or your mother be angry with you . 回来吧,不然的话你妈妈要生你的气了。

14)be pleased (with) 对??感到高兴(满意)

i am pleased with you.我对你很满意i am pleased with what you have done. 我对你所做的 很满意

Your family may not be pleased with your decisions . 你的家人可能对你的决定感到不满 She is pleased with her new job . 她对她的新工作很满意。The public are pleased with his explanation . 公众对他的解释很满意。

15)be famous for 以??而著名

What would Confucius be most famous for if he were alive today ? 如果孔子今天还活着,那么他最为著名的是什么?。 It is famous for its sand beach . 那里以沙滩闻名。The Arabs are famous for their horses and camels . 阿拉伯人的马和骆驼都很出名。

16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求

We be strict in our work . 我们在工作中必须严格。A teacher be strict with his students . 一个老师必须严格要求他的学生。But as a student , you have to be strict with yourself . 但是作为一名学生,你必须要严格要求自己。

17)be from 来自??,什么地方人

This might be from others who are doing the same thing as you — friends orfamily, or people in your community. 它可能是来自于与你正在做同样的事情的朋友,家人或者你的小区你的人们

18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了

You've been chewing away all afternoon;you can't still be hungry.


Your children know what it feels like to be thirsty. 孩子们知道干渴是一种什么感受。

I knew the crowd would be tired and bored by the time we got up, but I took a gamble and chose to speak last. 我知道轮到我们的时候,听众肯定已经感到疲劳厌烦了,但我赌了一把,选择最后发言。

19)be worried 担忧

But they have reason to be worried. 但是他们却有担心的理由。

20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做??

Fracking might still be worth doing given those costs. 尽管需要消纳这些成本,水力压裂仍然是划得来做的

To sum up , exporting china to Portugal is to be well worth doing , don't let slip anopportunity , we ought to enter as soon as possible putting stage into practice.


21)be covered with 被??所覆盖??

Any sharp corners, especially those facing you, should be covered withdecorative photos or green, leafy plants.

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22)be in (great) need of (很)需要

Remember that at any moment during our journey, any one of our travel companions can have a weak moment and be in need of our help.

记住,在旅程中的任何时刻,我们的任何一位旅伴都可能有脆弱的时候,并需要我们的帮助。 You have a great need to be in control of your life You are very independent anddo not like working under someone, which can create problems while you areyoung.


23)be in trouble 处于困境中

The earth will keep getting warmer and we’ll all be in trouble – pretty simple, right? 地球将会变得更暖而我们都将会处于危险之中,很简单,不是吗?

24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做??

我们真是很高兴做了这次演习,因为我们发现了许多问题,现在我们正在重新设计。 We found so many things wrong that we're designing the whole thing over.


25)be late for ??迟到

Do you have to be late for work? 那你上班非要迟到不可吗?

26)be made of (from) 由??制成

―It appears to be made of cotton, ‖ the Man said. ―看起来好像是棉花做的。‖男人说。

contraversial issues …be made of, from Please convey my best wishes to yourfamily! 请向您的家人转达我最良好的祝愿!

27)be satisfied with 对??感到满意

One said that Chinese tend to be satisfied with what they have: a full belly, awarm home, good kids, good health. 一位学生说,中国人倾向于满足他们所拥有的:圆圆的肚子,温暖的家,好孩子和健康的身体。

28)be free 空闲的,有空

You will not get the job, but at least there will be free coffee and biscuits. 你不会得到这份工作,但至少会有免费的咖啡和饼干。

29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床

Also, people hesitate to call others late at night for fear they might be in bed. 同时,人们也不太喜欢太晚打电话给别人,因为怕对方已经上床睡觉了。 It was torture to be ill in bed. 病在床上真是一种折磨。

30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做??(忙于??)

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The conviction of the parent was

that I should be busy doing more importantthings rather than finding fault with an adolescent's vocabulary. 这名家长唯一确定的事情就是:我应该忙着做一些更重要的事情,而不是找一个未成年人用语方面的岔。

I believe that my psychiatric disorder has made it possible for me, as a treatment provider, to simply be with consumers when they are in distress, rather than staying busy, doing things to them.


(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 1)come back 回来

Life 's night begins : let him never come back to us !


2)come down 下来

Much will come down to politics .


3)come in 进入,进来

Excuse me , Jane , can I come in ?


4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来

Come on, show off your talent .


5)come out出来

Bats come out only at night .


6)come out of 从??出来

But at dusk the bats come out of their caves .


7)come up 上来

Is that the best answer you can come up with? 这就是你们能想出来的最好的答案吗?

Come up with 忍受 容忍

Is that the best answer you can come up with?


8)come from 来自??

They come from many areas .


9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业

Well , that'sone of the best lessons lies : do your best to produce a result ,but let others decide how much it 's worth . 所以,最有用的经验教训就是:尽自己所能取得工作成效,但让别人评 Doing one's homework is something which I do not like . 做家庭作业是我所不喜欢的。

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10)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读

Spend more time listening do speaking . 她指出―多用点时间在聆听,而不是说。 It' good for u to do more reading . 多读书对我们有好处。

11)do one's best 尽力

One must do one 's best . 一个人必须尽自己最大的努力。

12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)

It's time do some shopping. 是时候该购物啦!

He himself can do some cooking . 他自己能做饭菜。

do some reading on rainy days . 在雨天读些书是比较好的。

When does Mary do some cleaning ? 玛丽什么时候打扫卫生?

13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)

It's not easy to do a good deed . 做一件好事并不容易。

14)do morning exercises 做早操

Now let do morning exercises . 铃响了,早上了,让我们唱唱―早上好‖。

15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操

It's good do eye exercises . 做眼保健操是有好处的。

16)do well in 在??某方面干得好

America and Germany do well in inland river navigation . 美国和德国是内河航运强国。

17)get up 起身

Do you get up early every day ? 你每天早晨起的早吗?

18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好

Get everything ready beforehand . 事先准备好一切。

19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为??作好准备

We 'll get ready for the final exam . 我们要为这场期末考试做准备。

20)get on (well) with 与??相处(融洽)

So she just let me get on with my work . 所以她就让我自己来进行工作了。

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21)get back 返回

Will You getback when you lent him money? 借钱给他,会不会如同肉包子打狗?。

22)get rid of 除掉,去除

To get rid of garbage problems . 为了摆脱垃圾问题的困扰。

23)get in 进入,收集

When he applied, he knew no one who could advise him on how to get in. 当年他申请的时候,他不认识任何一个可以告诉他如何进入哈佛大学的人。

24)get on/off 上/下车

And I get on very well with her . 我与她相处得极好。

Get off the whirligig of management fads . 把管理狂热的奇怪念头撇到一边。

25)get to 到达

Can I get to these places by bus ? 这些地方可不可以坐公共汽车去?

26)get there 到达那里

Are you going to get there by air ? 你们准备乘飞机去吗?

27)give sb. a call 给??打电话


Call the police in the event of an emergency .

28)give a talk 作报告

I will give a talk to my students . 我将给学生作报告。

29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)

Prof . Smith did not give a lecture today . 史密斯教授今天没上课。 concert began with a piano solo . 音乐会以一首钢琴独奏曲开始。

30)give back 归还,送回

It hurt give back the watch . 归还手表使她心痛。

31)give??some advice on 给??一些忠告

I want to give some advice on Yahoo . 我想给雅虎意见,大家看这都是什么意思?

32)give lessons to 给??上课

Give swimming lessons to primary students ; 承担一部分的小学游泳教学任务;

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33)give in 屈服

Let your darker side give in . 让你黑暗的一面屈服。

34)give up 放弃

We will not give up until we find convincing evidence . 不找到令人信服的证据我们是不会放弃的。

35)give sb. a chance 给??一次机会


If the God would give me another chance .

36)give a message to?? 给??一个口信

I will give a message to her . 我将给她个信儿。

37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧

Yes . We ought go ahead now . 对。我们现在就该着手进行。

38)go to the cinema 看电影

Seldom do I go to the cinema . 我很少去电影院。

39)go go bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)

At what hour do you gobed ? 你在什么时候睡觉?。

We make the bed every morning . 我每天早上铺床。

40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)

I usually go to school by bus . 我通常是乘公共汽车去学校。

41)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病

You must go to hospital today . 你今天一定要去看病。 Do you to go to the hospital ? 请问您要去医院吗?

42)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝??走去

We must go over the mountain . 我们必须越过那座山。

43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西

We sometimes go fishing with him . 我有时候和他去钓鱼。

Shall we go skating tomorrow ?

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Shall we go swimming tomorrow ? 我们明天能去游泳吗?

I often go shopping with my mom . 我经常和我妈妈去买东西。

44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)

When do you usually go home ? 你通常几点回家?

We can go there by spaceship . 我们可以坐太空船去那。

45)go round 顺便去,绕道走

Love makes the world go round . 爱使得世界运转。

46)go up 上去

\go up to bed , \―你上楼去睡觉吧,‖我说。

47)go out for a walk 外出散步

Let's go out for a walk , shall we? 咱们出去散散步,好吗?

48)go on (doing) 继续(做??)

The list go onon.


49)go on with one's work 继续某人的工作

With one month go before the Olympics open on Aug . 8, 's work is hardlycomplete . 离8月8日奥运会开幕还有一个月,中国的准备工作几乎没有结束。

50)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼

He was seen go upstairs. 有人看见他上楼去了。

Please go downstairs /upstairs here . 请到这边下楼/上楼。

51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了

A break the circuit had caused the lights go out . 电路有一处断路,使电灯熄灭。

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52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会

I have a piano lesson on Monday . 我星期一有一节钢琴课。 I have a meeting in 20 minutes . 20分钟后我有一个会要开。

53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛

We 'll have a football match tomorrow . 明天我们有场足球赛。

54)have dictation 听见

We have dictation today . 我们今天要听写了。

55)have a try 试一试

Sink or swim , I have a try . 不论沉浮,我都必须试一试。

56)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴

We are sure have a good time . 我们一定会玩得很开心的。

We 'll have a wonderful time tomorrow . 明天我们要玩个痛快。

57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)

We have a lecture on … 我们将要听一个关于……的报告。

It is my last dinner at the dramatist 's Home. They have just rented a newpiano , a concert grand. 这是我在那个戏剧家那儿吃的最后一顿饭,他们刚刚租了架新钢琴,一架卧式钢琴。

58)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于??的报告

I have received a report on his studies . 我收到了关于他学习 ( 情况 ) 的报告。

Have a such joke : Some leader a report , harangue , but it is tissue of talk ,conventional phrases however, auditor has immerse oneself in on the spotsleep .


59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)

Could I have a glass of water ? 能不能给我一杯水?。

Have a cup of tea , Mr. Smith .

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60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

Did you have breakfast today ? 你今天吃早饭了吗?

Where do they usually have lunch ? 通常他们在哪里用午餐? I have supper with my family . 我和我的家人一起吃晚餐。

61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)

Can the fruit eat after have a meal? 在吃饭后可以吃水果吗?

We have meals three times a day . 我们一天吃三顿饭。

62)have a dinner 吃正餐

No . Thank you . I have a dinner date . 不 谢谢。我要去赴晚餐约会。

63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶

I have milk and bread for breakfast . 我早餐喝牛奶,吃面包。

64)have (have got) a headache 头痛

I have a headache /stomachache /…. 我头痛/肚子痛……

I have got a headache (toothache ). 我头痛(牙痛)。

65)have a fever 发烧

Doctor : Did you have a fever ? 医生:你发烧了吗?

66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)

have a cough from yesterday . 我从昨天咳嗽。

Doctor , I think I have a cold . 医生,我想我得了感冒。

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67)have a look (at) 看一看??

Great . Can I have a look at it? 太好了。我可以看一看吗?

68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)

Keep quiet . Let me have a rest . 安静点,让我休息一会儿。 We have a break and my friends . 我们休息了一会儿,跟朋友们聊天。

69)have a talk 谈话

Can I have a talk with you ? 我可以和你说话吗?

70)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步

They have a swim every Friday . 他们每星期五去游泳。 Later on, we have a walk . 过一会儿,我们就去散散步。

71)have sports 进行体育锻炼

Do you have sports every day ? 你每天都运动吗?

72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会

We have a sports meet every year . 我碰见她和约翰走在一起。 a year we have a sports meeting . 我们每年举行一次运动会。

73)have something done 让人(请人)做??

I have done something good . 我一定是做了好事。

74)have a test/an exam 测验/考试

would like have a test drive . 我想要试驾一下可以吗? They have an exam tomorrow . 他们明天要考试。

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75)have an idea 有了个主意

I have an idea for our poster . 对我们的海报我有个主意。

76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做??(最好不要做??)


During dinning time , your wise choice is to be an audient . 你最好自己做,不要总是依赖别人。

You 'd better do it yourself , Don't always depend on others .

77)have a word with 与??谈几句话

John , can I have a word with you ? 约翰,我能跟你谈一下吗?

78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. 在??方面帮助?? 帮助??做

这个证书就是在这方面帮助他。 That 's where this credential can help . 她经常帮助她妈妈做家务。

And she often helps her mother with housework .

79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉

80)help each other 互相帮助

Friend should help each other . 朋友应该相互帮助。

81)keep up with 跟上??,不落后于??

I never keep up with the news myself . 我总是跟不上这些新闻的脚步。

82)keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静

I think you should keep silent . 我认为你应该保持沉默。

He gestured to them to keep quiet . 他示意要他们保持安静。

83)keep sb. doing sth. 使??一直做??


Although they were trying to make the movement effective they were not ableto.

84)keep one's diary 记日记

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这也许是我这两年来第一次记日记。 It appears this is my first entry in two years .

85)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)

Make a noise in the world . 在世界上轰动一时。 They make a lot of noise . 同时它会产生很大的噪音。

86)make a living 谋生

Without it we could not make a living . 一直在我们生活中发挥着重要作用。

87)make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做??

敲诈(讹诈)某人迫使其做某事。 blackmail sb . into doing sth .

88)make faces (a face)做鬼脸

the children make faces to me . 孩子们朝着我作鬼脸;

89)make friends (with)与??交朋友

Is it easy for you make friends ? 你觉得你交朋友容易吗?

Never make friends with such a person . 不要和这样的人交朋友。

90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误

When I make a mistake , I' am an idiot . 如果我犯错了,那是因为我是个笨蛋。

91)make room/space for 给??腾出地方

Can you make room for me in the car ? 你可以帮我在车子里腾出一个地方吗?

92)make a sentence (sentences)with 用??造句

Make a sentence with this word . 用这个字造句。

93)make a fire 生火

He picked up sticks to make a fire .

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94)be made from/of 由??制成

Wine be made from grapes . 酒可以用葡萄酿造而成。

A boat must be made of buoyant material . 船一定要用有浮力的材料来做。

95)be made in 在??地方制造

ROSE :What ? How could be made in your home ? 罗斯:什么?在你们国家是怎样制造的?。

96)look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)

Yes . Look out of the window . 是的。你看看窗外。

ndeed she loves to sit in the sun and look outside ! 实际上,她很喜欢在阳光下眺望外面。

97)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典

You look up this dictionary for a word . 你拿这本词典去查一个词。 Look up the word in the dictionary . 请在字典上查这个单词。

98)look up 往上看,仰望

Please look up a fast train to Leeds . 请查一下去里兹的快车。

99)look after 照管,照看,照顾

Can you look after my bike ? 你能照看一下我的自行车吗?

100)look for 寻找

She turn all her pocket inside out look for her key . 她把衣服口袋都翻出来找她的钥匙。

101)look like 看上去像


look like … uh… Well… cups .


102)look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑

? ?

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I think I look fine , my dear .


You look well rested .


? ?

Ann: Hi , Jack . You look tired .


You look a little worried today .


103)look out 当心,小心



I shouted to him look out.

104)look on ?as? 把??当作??看待


I look on him as my bosom friend .


105)look around 朝四周看

106)look at 看着??


They look at the computer manual .


107)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)


The Kurdish opening was put on hold .


108)put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖


That night we put up in a peasant 's home .


109)put into 使进入,输入


When were the decimal put into circulation ?


110)put one's heart into 全神贯注于


One needs to put one's heart and mind into one's work .


111)put?down? 把??放下

The policy put down the inflation . 这个政策抑止通货膨胀。

112)put?into? 把??译成

When were the decimal put into circulation ? 十进位的硬币是什么时候发行的?。

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113)set up 竖起,建起

Connect to an existing home network or set up a new one. 连接到一个现有的家庭网络,或者设置一个新的。

114)set off 出发,动身

These losses set off a spiral in money markets . 这些损失造成了货币市场的漩涡。

115)set out 出发

Germany 's were set out two weeks earlier . 德国财政计划是在其两周前公布的。

116)set an example for 为??树立榜样

Teachers should set an example for the students ; 老师们应该给学生们树立榜样;

117)send for 派人去请(叫)

Please send for him quickly . 请赶快把他找过来。

118)send out 放出,发出

They began to trade and send out colonies . 他们开始从事贸易活动,并把殖民团派出去。

119)end up 把??往上送,发射

How does the film end up ? 这个电影是怎么结尾的?。

120)take one's advice 听从某人劝告

take one's advice)I wonder whether he could take your advice . 我想知道他能否听取你的建议。

121)take out 拿出,取出

But ou can't take China out of a Chinese . 但你不能把中国带出中国人的心。

122)take down 拿下

Take down the Christmas tree . 孩子们在装饰圣诞树。

123)take place 发生

And an international forum take place in Japan . 此外一个国际论坛也将在日本召开。

124)take one's place 坐??的座位,代替某人职务

No one can take your manager 's place . 没有人能够接替你们经理的工作。

125)take the place of 代替??

No one can take the place of your manager .

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126)take a walk/rest 散步/休息

Why not take a walka change ? 何不改变常规一下,去散散步呢? Why not sit down to take a rest . 为什麽不坐下来休息一下。

127)take it easy 别紧张

Take it easy , just have fun ! 是否可以很容易,只要有乐趣

128)take sth.with sb. 随身带着

Make up a story with these phrases : accept, take off, go sth. to sb . 以趣味性的故事开头引出所学单词,很有新意,也一定会取得很好的效果。

129)take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假 130)take care of 关心,照顾,保管

Let 's take care of the ocean . 让我们好好保护大海吧。

131)take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)

Can I take a look at your catalogue ? 我可以看看你们的样本目录吗?

132)take an exam 参加考试

All applicants must take an exam . 所有申请者都必须参加考试。

133)take away 拿走

Eat here or take away ? 在这里吃还是带走?

134)take back 收回,带回135)take hold of 抓住??

He take Back his former land . 他可以退还他以前的土地。

Take hold of buckler and shield And rise up for my help . 拿着大小的盾牌,起来帮助我。

136)take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉

We are now ready for take off . 我们现在正准备起飞。

137)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动)

Donald Rumsfeld says he never take part in a cover -up. 唐纳德·琳斯菲德表示他并没有参与掩盖事实。 We all take an active part in it .

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138)take photos 拍照

We take photos in a studio . 我们在摄影棚摄影。

139)take some medicine 服药

You should take some medicine . 你需要吃一些药。

140)take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船

May I take a bus to get there ? 我可以乘公式汽车到那儿吗? We can take a train or a bus . 可以乘火车或公共汽车。 But we take a boat. 就是咱们还得坐船

141)turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)

Mum , turn on the TV , please . 妈妈,请打开电视。

142)turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等)

Also , can you turn off the radio ? 还有,可以把收音机关掉吗?

143)turn in 交出,上交

Turn in your homework , please . 请把家庭作业交上来。

144)turn?into? 变成

Sometimes , a reply could turn into a debate . 有时为一个问题,还会争论上几个回合。

145)turn to 翻到,转向

Will its boom turn to bust as it did in Japan ? 中国的经济繁荣会不会像日本经济一样破灭呢?

146)turn down (把音量)调低

You should turn down the gas . 你应把煤气关小一点。

147)turn?over 把??翻过来

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And if that cart and bull turn over . 如果公牛和大车翻了个儿。

148)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球

We watch them play basketball . 我们观看他们打篮球。 Let 's play football together ! 我们一起踢足球!

Let 's go and play volleyball . 让我们一起去打排球吧。

149)play games 做游戏

Why don't you go to play games ? 你为什么不去做游戏?

150)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)

Tasmin : Mum can I play the piano ? 特斯明:妈妈,我现在能弹钢琴吗? Can you play the violin , Lily ? 你会拉小提琴吗,莉莉?

151)play with snow 玩雪

Winter . I can play with snow . 冬季,我可以玩滑雪。

152)play a joke (on) 对??开玩笑


They dare not play joke on him in case he becomes angry


153)think over 仔细考虑

We 'll think over your proposal . 我们将仔细考虑贵方建议。

154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处

When do we arrive at the airport ? 我们什么时候到达机场?。

Never make your home in a place . 决不要在某一个地方安置你的家。

155)eat up 吃完,吃光

Eat up the bread , please . 请把面包吃完。

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156)do well in 在??干得好

We can do well in this country . 我们在这个国家能够做得很好。

157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 喜欢干某事


a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing .

158)find out 发现,查出(真相等)

Where can you find out about history ? 在哪里能找到关于历史的资料?

159)finish off 吃完,喝完

OK . Finish off by jogging in place. 好,结束之前在原地慢跑。

160)stop doing sth. 停止做某事

stop somebody from doing sth . 阻止某人做某事。

161)stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

162)hold a meeting 举行会议

we propose to hold a meeting . 为了不出现误解,我们建议开一个会。

163)hold up 举起

Don 't count on the bumper to hold up during a low-speed collision . 那可不要指望保险杠能在低速碰撞时延缓冲击。

164)hurry up 赶快,快点

Hurry up, the film starts at 7 . 你得快点儿,电影7点开始

165)enter for 报名参加

We will enter for the meeting . 我们将参加这次会议。

166)langht at 嘲笑

At that moment , everybody began to langht and sing . 此时,人们开始大笑,同时唱起了歌。

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167)be used to 习惯于

Mine to be used to crickets . 我的耳朵恰好习惯了蟋蟀的叫声。

168)used to 过去常常

Rains used to fail every nine or ten years . 过去每九年或十年面临一次雨水短缺

169)wake?up 唤醒

It is night when they wake up . 当他们醒来的时候已经是晚上了。

170)work out 算出

Both sides badly need this to work out. 双方均急切地需要此次合作成功。


1)ask for 向??要??,请求

Evening outpatient department in general hospital ask for high quality of nursingmanagement . 全科夜间门诊在大型综合医院的开展,对护理管理工作提出更高的要求。

2)ask for leave 请假

This article is to give some personal comprehensions about resign limit ,deposition , accuse , ask for leave systems . 本文从辞退限定、免职、控告、请假制度四个方面给出自己的一些理解。

3)send for 派人去请(叫)

They must send Tibet grain for the army , send Lhasa ! 他们必须将军粮送到西藏,送到拉萨!

4)pay for 付??的款

Ex: I pay for my meal by cash . 我用现金付我的餐点。

5)wait for 等候

Wait for a form through media and rustic Zhang Bang , announce to executivearea farmer . 并通过媒体及乡村张榜等形式,向实施区农民公布。

6)thank for 为??感谢

Thank you for coming today . 感谢各位今天光临。

7)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉

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8)look for 寻找

Objective : To look for an ideal biological auditory ossicle . 目的:寻找一种理想的生物人工听骨。

9)leave?for 离开??去??

He would rather leave for Beijing today than tomorrow . 他宁愿今天而不是明天动身去北京。

10)fall off 跌落

In the production , capacitance fall-off is a common problem , but the causes are different . 电容量衰减现象在铝电解电容器生产过程中普遍存在,只是原因各不相同。

11)catch cold 着凉,伤风

Middle east hits a sneeze , the whole world should catchcold . 中东打一个喷嚏,全世界都要感冒。

12)catch up with 赶上

second, to renew the ideas catch up with the times and have modern thinking ; 要不断更新观念,与时俱进,牢固树立现代编辑意识;

13)agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见

This kind of sale that travels with public praise is politic more agree with small and medium sized business , apply so that will achieve the result of sb by a surprise .


14)filled??with 把??装满

A new type of seismic charge filled with expanded ammonium nitrate explosive isintroduced. 膨化硝铵震源药柱+是一种新型内部装填膨化硝铵炸药的成型药柱+。

15)tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事


used to say that you can tell someone something or do something later .

16)talk about 谈论??

When talk about \ or \heavy load\, brake cannot but be mentioned . 无论高速还是重载,―制动‖都是一个非常关键的问题。

17)think about 考虑??

WHat Think about Soybean Protein Fibre ? 大豆蛋白纤维,引发什么样的思考?。

18)worry about 担忧??

People have to worry about coal resource and lives of miner .

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19)look after 照料

Let us enter the market now , look after all . 现在就让我们进入市场,看个究竟。

20)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑

After run , its index meets the design requirements . 经试用,各项指标满足设计要求。

21)read after 跟??读

Read after the Disc , recite Module 1 . 听音跟读第一模块,背诵后家长签字。

22)smile at 对??微笑

To smile at strangers , seeing how infectious it can be. 对陌生人微笑,看着笑容的感染力。

23)knock at 敲(门、窗)

On the day when death will knock at thy door what wilt thou offer to him ? 当死神来叩你门的时候,你将以什麽贡献他呢?

24)shout at 对??大喊(嚷)

Don't run or shout at the party . If you do , you 'll have to leave . 不要在晚会上跑动或大声喊叫,如果你那样做,你就得离开。

25)throw away 扔掉

Rinse face thoroughly and throw away pad (do not flush ). 冲洗面临彻底扔掉垫(不要冲水)。

26)work hard at 努力做??

The reason why he didn't pass the exam is that he didn't work hard at his lessons. 他没有通过考试的原因是他没有努力学习功课。

27)wait in line 排队等候

We like to go to the movies , but we hate to wait in line for tickets . 我们喜欢去看电影,但是我们讨厌排队买票。

28)change?into? 变成

Not quite yet ready to change into destiny . 还没准备好迎接变幻的命运。

29)hurry into? 匆忙进入

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Pushing the canoe off into the bay Hurry seized his rifle to watch the result. 赫里将独木舟向湖湾深处划去,来复枪不离手,警觉地注视着动静。

30)run into? 跑进

Executives would linger in the halls , hoping run into him . 高级职员们会在大厅里徘徊,希望能够撞见他。

31)hear of 听说

I was shocked to hear of his poor death. 听到他惨遭不幸的噩耗,我十分震惊

32)think of 认为,考虑

I think of what these mean to me as a competitor. 作为一个竞争者我考虑过这些对我来说意味着什么。

33)catch hold of 抓住

Catch hold of this rope,and we'll pull you up. 抓住这根绳子,我们就会把你拉上来.

34)instead of 代替??

His success plays his luck instead of his skill. 他取得的成功靠的是运气而不是技术。

35)hand in 交上来

I licked her hand in the same way I used to comfort you so many years ago. 我温柔的舔她的手,犹如许多年前我在你悲伤的时候安慰你一样。

36)stay in bed 卧病在床

You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. 除了吃饭和上厕所,你应卧床休息。

37)hear from 收到??来信

Needless to say, that’s not what you hear from European policy makers. 毫无疑问,你从欧洲决策者当中不会听到这样的说法。

38)at once 立刻

He balled of that problem at once. 他立刻处理了那个问题。

39)at last 最后

He ran his eyes down the page and found his name at last. 他的眼睛顺着这一页往下看,终于找到了他的名字。

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40)at first 起先,首先

I did not tell you this at first because I was with you. 我起先没有将这事告诉你们,因为我与你们同在

41)at the age of? 在??岁时

What did you do at the age of six? 你六岁的时候能做些什么呢?

42)at the end of? 在??之末

Why do these trains always leave at the end of the day? 为什么这些火车总是在一天要结束的时候才发车?

43)at the beginning of? 在??之初

That is, at the beginning of the iteration, you determine its end date. 那就是在迭代的开始您可以决定它的终止日期。

44)at the foot of? 在??脚下

People pray at the foot of his low, simple grave. 人们在他低矮而简陋的陵墓的脚下祈祷。

45)at the same time 同时

I can’t attend to everything at the same time ——please come and help! 我不能同时处理每件事 ——请来帮个忙!

46)at night/noon 在夜里/中午

We will transit the strait at night. 我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。 We'd like to book out at noon. 我们想在中午结账离开旅馆。

47)with one's help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助

Fortunately, we finally got one with my husband's help! 幸运的是,在先生的帮助下,我们最终订到了!

48)with the help of ? 在??的帮助下

What end goal do you hope to reach, with the help of the site? 利用这个网站的帮助,你希望达到一个怎样的最终目标?

49)with a smile 面带笑容

They allow us to better our life, see the good things in life and just take each daywith a smile. 他们使我们的生活更加美好,让我们看到生活中的美好事物,而他们只是笑着面对每一天。

50)with one's own eyes 亲眼看见

To see a place with one's own eyes is better than any description.

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51)after a while 过了一会儿

After a while, she stood up. 过了一会儿,她站了起来。

52)from now on 从现在起

From now on, you do that for me. 从现在起,你就算为了我也得小心。

53)from then on 从那时起

From then on, he would be in close contact with people, maybe for a year ormore. 从那时起,他将与人群发生亲密接触,他大概将在那里待上一年多的时间

54)far example 例如

We see all additions and changes so far represented in Example 经过一系列的改变,我们将看到目前为止的效果。

55)far away from 远离

Nowadays, novels go far away from the sublimity. 当下小说远离了文学应有的崇高。

56)from morning till night 从早到晚

Crowds of people are pouring into the stores from morning till night, for soon it will be Christmas Day. 商店从早到晚充满拥挤的顾客,因为圣诞节即将来临。

57)by and by 不久

No patience to wait 'till by and by 没有耐心等到不久以后

58)by air mail 寄航空邮件

Will you send in your report by air mail early next week? 你可以把报告在下星期初用航空信寄来吗?

59)by ordinary mail 寄平信

t's $1 by ordinary mail. I think I'd better weight the parcel first, Anything else? 寄平信1美元。我想最好把包裹先称一下,还有其他的东西吗?

60)by the way 顺便说

You can tell by the way they talk with her. 你可以从他们与她谈话的方式中就可以看出来。

61)by the window 在窗边

I love to sit by the window.

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62)by the end of? 到??底为止

We officially launched in early 1996. By the end of that year we had about 70users. 我们的公司在1996年正式启动,到年底的时候我们有了大约70个客户。


63)little by little 逐渐地

Little by little, market forces are chipping away at the tight restrictions on tradeand investment that Taiwan has long maintained in an effort to limit its economicdependence on mainland China.

长期以来,台湾严格限制对中国大陆的贸易和投资,旨在降低台湾经济对大陆的依赖,但市 场的力量正在逐渐地蚕食这些限制措施。

64)in all 总共

The new method departs from the old in all respects. 这种新方法与旧方法在各个方面都不同。

65)in fact 事实上

Once you learn to do this, you can do it any time. In fact, all the time.


66)in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时

One thing that caught my attention is Jeff's comment that we tend to be moreadventurous in our twenties. 杰夫的评论引起了我注意,他说我们在二十多岁的时候更喜欢大胆地冒险。

67)in a hurry 匆忙

But in huge bureaucracies it is not always easy to get to the man in charge in ahurry. 然而在庞大的官僚机构中,立即找到相关负责人不总是那么容易的事。

68)in the middle of 在??中间

There were some dark months there, like living in the middle of an interminablefog. 这是都些灰暗的岁月,就像生活在漫无止境的迷雾当中。

69)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快

We'll do up your car in no time at all. 我们很快就能把你的汽车修好。

The performances will commence in a minute. 演出马上就开始。

70)in time (on time) 及时

The jet was descending steeply, but its pilot was able to pull it out just in time. 这架喷气式飞机直线下降,但飞行员及时制止了飞机的俯冲。 Don't stint on time to make a plan. 在制定计划上不要吝惜时间,多想一想好。

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71)in public 公众,公开地

You should not humiliate her in public. 你不应该在公共场合出她的丑。

72)in order to 为了??

But in order to do this, we have to decide what our priorities are. 但是为了能够做这些,我们必须决定我们的优先次序。

73)in front of 在??前面

She spent hours in front of the mirror, combing through her long hair. 她在镜子前花费好几个钟头梳理她的长发。

74)in the sun 在阳光下

The snow thawed in the sun. 雪在阳光下融化了。

75)in the end 最后,终于

He calmed down in the end. 他的情绪终于平定下来。

76)in surprise 惊奇地

Our brows went up in surprise. 我们惊奇地竖起了眉毛。

77)in turn 依次

And we are going to look at each of them and their contributions in turn. 我们将依次看到他们每个人,及其所作出的贡献。

78)of course 当然

Of course this isn't enough, its extension will continue to expand with thedevelopment of commerce and support of technology. 当然,商业标识并不限于此,随着商业的发展和技术的支持,它的外延将继续扩展。

79)a bit (of) 有一点儿

I don't mind a bit (at all). 我一点也不在意。 He learned a bit of Latin. 他学过一点拉丁语。

80)a lot of 许多

I will not burden you with a lot of questions. 我不会提许多问题来烦扰你的。

81)on one's way to 某人在去??的路上

There is a way of encountering error while on one's way to the truth.

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82)on foot 步行,走路

The men move in pairs or trios on foot and elephant-back—or by boat. 他们巡逻的时候以两三个为一组,或步行,或骑在象背上,偶尔也会划船。

83)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告

One of the maximum serious problems a lot people talk acres centers on the lack of adequate housing space . 许多人谈论的一个最重大的重难点型集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。

84)on the other hand 另一方面

One thing not

yet shown here is how a policy attachment can link to a servicedefinition on one hand, and link to a policy on the other hand, when both areloaded in the registry as separate files.


85)at/on the weekend 在周末

One of his very close friends had died at the weekend. 他的一个很亲密的朋友在周末的时候去世了。 He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend. 他经常和朋友在周末的时候打高尔夫。

86)on the left (right) 在左(右)边

Note the series of numbered files on the left. 注意,在左边是一系列数字编号的文件。 Write the correct words on the right blackboard. 在右边的黑板上写上正确的字。

87)on the other side of 在??另一边

Perhaps on the other side of eternity, when I see God face to face. 到那时可能我已经在天堂了,也已经面对面地见到了上帝。

88)on the radio 通过收音机(无线电广播)

Old songs, long-banned, are on the radio again. 长期被禁的老歌再次在广播中响起。

89)to one's joy 使??高兴的是

In essence, the non-Duchenne smile is contrived, whereas the genuine smileseems to emanate from a deeper connection to one's joy. 事实上,非杜兴式微笑是做作的,然而,一份真诚的微笑像是从一个人的内心深处的快乐散发出来。

90)to one's surprise 使??惊讶的是

To one's surprise , he is our teacher's husband. 让我吃惊的是,他竟然是我们老师的丈夫。

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三、量词词组和其他词组 (一)量词词组

1)a bit 一点儿

If you have asked someone to do something and they need a bit more time, youmight joke with them: \如果你让某人做什么事情而他们需要更多的一些时间,你或许会这样和他们开玩笑: ―什么?

2)a few (of) 一些(可数),几个??

A few of the men wore hats. 这些男人中有几个戴着帽子

In other seasons there might be 20 of us and only a few of them. 如果是在别的季节,我们这边的人马大概会有20个,而对方只会有几个。

3)a little 一些(不可数)

I struck upon that antique in a little shop in London. 我在伦敦一家小店里偶然发现那件古物。

4)a lot of (lots of) 许多

We have grown a lot of beautiful roses this year. 今年我们栽种了许多漂亮的玫瑰。

There are lots of pear trees near the house. 屋子近旁种着许多梨树。

5)a piece of 一张(一片,块)

He buttered a piece of bread for himself. 他为自己把一片面包涂上黄油。

6)a cup of 一茶怀

I use them pretty rarely, but they are nice to relax with when I deliberately maketime to enjoy a cup of tea. 虽然极少使用它们,但是当我特意花足一番功夫来品味香茗的时候,这些茶杯还真让人感到惬意。

7)a glass of 一玻璃杯

He was allowanced a glass of wine at dinner. 允许他在宴会上喝一杯酒。

8)a pile of (piles and piles of) 一堆(一堆堆的)??

A pile of books avalanched out of the shelf. 一堆书从书架上雪崩似的掉下来。

It's been a challenging couple of weeks here in Minnesota —brutal temperaturesand piles and piles of snow. 这几周对明尼苏达来说是个挑战—严酷的气温和成堆的积雪。

9)a box of 一盒

One gave me a box of hand-crafted chocolates. 有一位朋友送给我一盒手工制作的巧克力。

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10)a copy of 一份,一本

We traipsed all over town looking for a copy of the book. 我们走遍了全城都没找到一本这种书

11)a bowl of 一碗

It might be a bowl of steaming soup, if one likes soup. 它也可以是一碗热气腾腾的汤——如果你喜欢喝汤的话。

12)a basket of 一篮

But it has only risen half as fast against a basket of currencies because the dollarhas slipped in value during that time. 但人民币兑一篮子货币的升值速度只是它兑美元升值速度的一半,原因是美元在同一时期内不断走软。

13)a plate of 一盘

How about starting off with a plate of fruits? 刚上一盘水果的餐桌旁如何?

14)a bottle of 一瓶

He made up a bottle of cough medicine. 他配制了一瓶咳嗽药。

15)a basin of 一脸盆

She then brings a basin of hot water, tries the heat several times and washes hisfeet for him. 然后,又打来一盆热水,试了几试水温后又温存的给男人洗起了脚。

16)a set of 一套

Governance should not be a set of static processes without any flexibility. 治理不应该是一组没有任何灵活性的静态过程。

17)a kind of 一种

It started almost as a kind of game. 刚开始的时候几乎就像一场游戏。

18)a type of 一种类型的

An Architectural Style is a type of Architectural Pattern. 一个构架方式就是一个构架模式的类型。

19)a great deal of 非常多,大量的(不可数名词)

There are also protocols and procedures which add a lot of carbon withoutproviding a great deal of health. 还有一些协议和规程,本身对卫生保健并无很大作用,但却导致了大量的碳排放。


20)a large (great) number of 非常多,大量的(可数名词)

A large number of people rated him as one of the greatest scientists of the world.

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很多人认为他是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。 A large/ great number of our students are Danish. 我们的学生中有许多是丹麦人。

21)a great many 大量,许多(可数名词)

We have a great many things to do at present. 我们当前有许许多多事要做。

22)a different type of 一种不同型号的

Now we also have, in this case, we have a different type of response. 现在,我们也有,在这个情况中,我们有一个不同类型的回应。

23)a group of 一队,一组,一群

A group of girls led the parading procession. 一群女孩子们在游行队伍的前面。


1)all kinds of 各种各样的

No, blacks have all kinds of jobs. 不,黑人从事各种各样的工作。

2)all over the world/the country 全世界/全国

Students all over the world have to work for their education. 世界各地的学生都得为自己的教育而工作。

3)all over 遍及每一部分,浑身

I have stamps from all over the world. 我有来自世界各地的邮票。

4)all one's life 一生

Genius only means hardworking all one's life. 天才只意味着终生努力工作。

5)one after another 顺次

Each test should be run once to completion, one after another, without repetitionof any test. 每个测试都应该运行一次直到结束,一个接一个地运行,不能重复运行任何测试。

6)the Children's Palace 少年宫

Later I have to go to the children's palace to learn the piano. 稍后我必须去少年宫学弹钢琴。

7)day after day 日复一日

This is why we go on, day after day, concocting fictions with utter seriousness.

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8)up and down 上上下下

Jump up and down if you need too. 如果有必要的话,你还可以上下跳动。

9)the day after tomorrow 后天

Can you make it any other time the day after tomorrow. 你能把它安排在后天的另外一个时间吗?

10)the day before yesterday 前天

This note to the bank matured the day before yesterday. 这张银行票据前天到期了。

11)the last/past two years (or so) 最近两年(左右)

Still, she says she has watched their habits change dramatically in the last twoyears. 然而,她还是发现过去两年中他们的习惯发生了巨大的变化。

At that stage, I felt the last two years or so had been a total waste of time. 在那个阶段,我觉得过去的两年完全都被浪费了。

Ministers will try again next week but deadlock has pretty much marked all other such meetings over the past two years or so. 各国部长下周将再次进行尝试,但过去两年来,僵局成为了所有此类会议的标志。 Investors have been bearing down on these fees for the past two years. 在过去的两年间,投资者对于这些费用的忍耐已经到底了。

12)the whole country/the whole world 全国/全世界

Any right to create and operate smoking exclusion zones would apply to the wholecountry. 任何开辟并掌控吸烟禁区的权利都适用于整个国家。

Since then people have been serving here maintaining peace in the whole world. 自那时起,军人们开始在此服役来维护整个世界的和平。

13)a moment ago 刚才

Excuse me, was it your foot I stepped on when I was going out a moment ago? 对不起,请问我刚才出去的时候是踩着你的脚吗?

14)just now/then 刚才/那时

As I said just now, the world has gone past me. 我刚才说过,这世界已经从我身边走过去了。

Just then, below her, she saw the man who had jumped out of the helicopterbefore her. 就在那时,她看到在她前面跳下直升机的那个人就在她正下方。

15)half an hour's walk 步行半小时的路程

It's about half an hour's walk from my home to our school. 从我家到学校步行需要半个小时。

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16)late on 过后,后来

Objective To study amplitude of accommodation in different refraction group andevaluate the relationship between amplitude of accommodation and late-on-setmyopia. 目的评价不同屈光状态下的眼调节幅度特点,分析调节幅度在近视眼的发生发展中的作用,进一步明确眼调节幅度与近视眼的因果关系。

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