人教版高中英语必修一 unit5 - using - language课文语法填空 含
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Unit5 Using Language课文语法填空 The Rest Of Elias’ Story
Robben Island was a prison from 1________ no one escaped. When Elias got to Robben Island, Mandela was also there and helped him. Mr. Mandela began a school and taught them during the lunch breaks and the evenings when they 2________ (be) asleep. In order 3________ see the words they used anything they could find 4________ (make) candles. Mr. Mandela 5________ (allow) the prison guards to join them and said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees. After Elias was set free from the prison, he found a job since he was better 6________ (educate). But he lost his job after the police found out and told his boss about his 7________ (experience). When Mr Mandela and the ANC came to power, he was given a job 8________ (take) tourists around the prison on Robben Island. Though he felt bad the first time he talked to 9________ group, now he is proud 10________ (show) visitors over the prison, because he helped to make black people free in their own land.
参考答案: 1. which
2. should have been 3. to 4. to make 5. allowed 6. educated 7. experiences 8. taking 9. a 10. to show
人教版高中英语必修一 unit5 - using - language课文语法填空 含04-07
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