河南省郑州市2022届高三第二次质量预测英语试题 含答案

更新时间:2023-04-10 14:15:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载








1.What might Amy be?

A. A car saleswoman.

B. A customer.

C. A waitress.

2.How was the concert?

A. Boring.

B. Exciting.

C. Interesting.

3.What are they talking about?

A. A film.

B. An artist.

C. A painting.

4.What is the girl's trouble?

A.She can't hear clearly.

B.She doesn't know the answer.

C.She can't see the blackboard.

5.What can be known about Bill?

A.He has finished his paper.

B.He is going to write a paper.

C.He seldom finishes his work on time.




6. What made Jack feel upset?

A.Losing a lot of money.


B.Making a big mistake.

C.Quarreling with his boss.

7. What does Jack decide to do?

A. Be more careful.

B. Make an apology.

C. Leave the company.


8.Why will the woman put on a show?

A. To have fun.

B. To earn money.

C. To perform on stage.

9.What does the woman think of the man?

A. He has many talents.

B. He dances well.

C. He can sing well.


10.What did Bill worry about at first?

A. Suitcases.

B. Long queues.

C. Heavy traffic.

11 . Who offers to carry the suitcases?

A. Bill.

B. Alice.

C. The taxi driver.

12.How will they probably go to the bus stop at last?

A. By bus.

B. On foot.

C. By taxi.


13.Where did Tony go last year?

A.The Channel Islands.

B.Some European countries.

C. The seaside near his house.

14.Which country is close to the Channel Islands?

A. France.

B. Spain

C. England.

15.Why will Tony visit George tomorrow?

A. To change his plan.

B. To borrow some money.

C. To persuade him to travel together.

16.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A travel plan.

B. Famous places.

C. Their travel experiences.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17.How was John Curtis' gum (口香糖)at first?


A. Soft.

B. Hard.

C. Sweet.

18.What did William Wrigley think of chewing gum?

A. It made people less tired.

B. It helped people work better.

C. It was popular among children.

19.What will the speaker talk about next?

A. Why gum is popular.

B. How people feel about gum .

C. How to deal with chewed gum.

20.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The history of gum.

B. The attitude to gum.

C. The reason for chewing gum.





Time magazine listed its top inventions of 2019, some of which will surely become a big part of our everyday lives over the next decade . Here are some we're most looking forward to.

●Virtual (虚拟的)surgery

According to Harvard Business Review, our current system of training surgeons can't keep up with the speed of technological development. “Even after 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and 5 years of advanced training after working, 30% of graduates still can't operate on their own,” said Justin Barad, who is the CEO and co — founder of Osso VR.

This VR software is made to give doctors virtual operating-room experience so they can practice and prepare for surgeries. Apparently, it works. Gideon Blumstein of California University conducted a study on using Osso VR. His team found that participants' overall surgical performance improved by an astonishing 230% over traditional training methods.

●Vending veggies(出售素食)

"Eat happier. ” That's the Farmers Fridge advertising message. It is a good one, as this company wants to bring fresh, healthy food to people on the go.


It's trying to change more than just food, though. It also wants to change the delivery method. Farmers Fridge has created its very own automatic machines. They can be placed in high-traffic areas. These super-smart vending machines can know their contents at any moment, and can allow customers to reserve and pay in advance. They can even learn about what customers want. Shayna Harris is the company's Chief Growth Officer. “We have developed salads, sandwiches and breakfast items that taste as fresh as if you were to make them in your home kitchen,” she said in an interview with Insider Trends.

●Recycling pollution

When we write with black ink, we're writing with soot — a powder made by burning coal or oil. Cars are machines that produce soot. To collect the soot, Anirudh Sharma, creator of AIR-INK, made a device called Kaalink, which attaches to a vehicle’s exhaust pipe (排气管).Once collected, it's made into ink color and mixed with vegetable oil to create inks, markers and paints with the brand AIR-INK.

“I don't know if it's pollution, but the quality of the ink is really special,” said artist Kristopher Ho. “It's black, really thick and dries extremely quickly.”

The Guardian describes AIR-INK as "remarkably green”. Each 30-milliliter pen contains between 40—50 minutes of air pollution, while each 6-liter spray can hold 2,000 minutes of diesel exhaust (柴油废气). In the past year, Sharma said, his team has cleaned nearly 1.7 trillion (万亿)liters of air in India and Hong Kong.

21. What can be known about Osso VR?

A. It is an assistant to help surgeons do operations.

B. It can perform operations on patients automatically.

C. It offers doctors a virtual environment to practice surgeries.

D. It is a piece of software to help medical students do research.

22. What makes Farmers Fridge different and special?

A.Why its advertisement works.

B.What its vending machines sell.

C.How its vending machines operate.

D.Where its vending machines serve.

23.What attitude does Kristopher Ho hold toward AIR-INK?

A. Doubtful.

B. Casual.


D. Positive.

24.What is the authors main purpose in writing the passage?

A.To encourage scientists to make technological inventions.

B.To tell readers some of the latest inventions in technology.


C. To call on people to keep up with technological development.

D. To raise everyone's awareness of the environmental protection.


When I heard that Vitaminwater is giving away $100,000 in a contest where the winner has to give up their cellphone for a year in favor of a 1996-era app-free version, my immediate thought was: I could never do that. Even a day would be very difficult for me. I admit that I'm addicted to my iPhone.

I sleep with it under my pillow. It's the first thing I reach for in the morning. I've never counted how many times I pick it up during the day, but it's at least several per hour, and often I can't go 5 minutes without looking at it.

What am I doing on my phone? Everything, it feels like:making to-do lists, searching for random information, checking e-mails and so on. I've also become attached to social media because somehow it's become vital that I know exactly what my childhood best friend’s cousin is doing.

I know the importance of communication in theory. But in practice, I've been scolded more times than I can count by my boyfriend, "You love your phone more than me.” I feel anxious when my phone isn't easily within reach, like life is happening without me. My already high general level of anxiety increases if I don't feel as informed as I can possibly be. I'm tricked by my phone’s simplicity. I'll just look at it while I'm in the bathroom or waiting in line at a store. Those few minutes that seem harmless enough likely represent the whole days’ worth of time when I could have been reading books or simply letting my mind relax.

The possibility of going even a day without my smartphone fills me with fear. And yet it upsets me that I've become completely dependent on this technological advancement.

So, on second thoughts, I'm going to enter the contest. And even if I don't win, I promise to limit my phone usage to 15 minutes a day in May, for a start. So this May, I'm going conservative. I hope I remember how.

25. How did the author react when hearing about the contest?

A.She declared it would be meaningless.

B.She decided to participate in it eagerly.

C.She thought it would be a challenge for her.

D. She was quite confident of winning a great prize.

26. What is the result of the author's frequent use of her cellphone?

A.It gets her dependent on her cellphone.

B.It makes her do shopping online easily.

C. It helps her keep in touch with her friends.


D.It gives her an easy way to get information.

27. What can be the best tide for the passage?

A. Getting Addicted To Cellphone

B. Entering Cellphone-free Contest

C.Bringing Cellphone Under Control

77f26c6aad45b307e87101f69e3143323968f5b4ying Down Cellphone For Contest


Every morning I walk outside and bring in the morning newspaper. There was a time when every house on both sides of the street had a newspaper in the driveway. There was also a time when every house had a landline telephone, but not anymore. Not for a long time.

My husband is less willing to accept the downward trend of print-edition newspapers, as he has worked in newspapers since the age of 16. Even before that, he was what you would call an “independent publisher”.

Recently, we were at a Chicago park with our grandchildren. My husband had a newspaper folded under his arm. He sat down and put the paper on the bench beside him. A young girl walked over, looked at the newspaper, picked it up and asked, " What's this?"

I thought he was going to fall over. The color faded from his face. His eyes rolled back in his head and his legs were giving out. I rolled up his paper and waved it under his nose. The smells from the ink woke him up.

Some people simply love paper ― the feel, the portability, and the pleasure of piling them higher and higher until their wife cries, “Enough!" My husband was happy when he spent time with our youngest daughter and her husband. When they lived with us, they raced to pull the crossword puzzle from the paper every day. It's hard to do a crossword online. Pencil doesn't come off a computer screen as easily as you might think.

Now my husband will be very excited that I have found further proof that there may still be hope for the survival of print. I was chatting with a young mother who subscribes to the daily newspaper. I asked why she did something so conservatively. She looked shocked. "Because it's print!" she said. "I love print! When the paper didn't come one day, would you believe I called the main number to let them know and the lady said, ' Why don't you just subscribe to the online version? '” She shook her head in disbelief.

My husband will be so thrilled that he might write this young woman into his will. I say we leave her all our piles of old newspapers.

28. How did the author's husband feel when a girl asked a question in the park?

A. Shocked.

B. Thrilled.

C. Disappointed.

D. Confused.

29. What does the author probably mean by saying “his legs were giving out”?


