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Employee Self-Evaluation

Employee________Employee No.__________ Department_______Position___________

Start Date________Appraisal period_________

In preparation for your upcoming performance review on ________,consider the following question. Bring this sheet to your appraisal meeting for discussion.

List the performance objectives you established at your last appraisal. Indicate in the table whether you successfully achieved them, and comment on your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with you performance an results.

1. Are you performance goals reasonable and appropriate for you position?

2. Consider the strengths that enhance your job performance. 3. In what areas can you improve your job performance?

4. Do you feel that you need additional training? What training would you find helpful?

5. What are your short-term career objectives? How can you achieve them?

6. What are your long-term career objectives? How can you achieve them?

7. If you could change your job or company policies, what changes would you suggest? How can we work together to improve the company?

8. Are there any other aspects of your job or the company that you would like to discuss?

Advantages and disadvantages of 360-degree feedback

360-degree feedback is a relatively new feature of performance management. There are some benefits resulted from using 360-degree feedback:

1. Individuals get a broader perspective of how they are perceived by others than previously possible.

2.Gaining acceptance of the principle of multiple stakeholders as a measure of performance.

3.Encouraging more open feedback new insights.

4.Provided a clearer picture to senior management of individual’s real worth.

5.Open up feedback and gives people a more rounded view of performance than they had previously.

6.Identifying key development areas for the individual, a department and the organization as a whole.

7. A rounded view of an individual’s/team’s/the organization’s performance and what its stregths and weaknesses are.

8.It has raised the self-awareness of people managers of how they personally impact upon others-positively and negatively.

9.It si starting to improve the climate/morale, as measured through our employee opinion survey.

But there may be some problem. These include: 1. People not giving frank or honest feedback;

2. People being put under stress in receiving or giving feedback; 3. Lack of action following feedback; 4. Over-reliance on technology; 5. Too much bureaucracy.

Employee Termination Letter Dear Thomas:

It is with sincere regret that I must inform you that your employment at Addison Systems Inc. will be terminated as of December 31,2003.

As your know, the Downsizing Task Force delivered their report to the general manager in late December,2002. Among the task force recommendations was the elimination of all temporary and contract positions. Since you occupy a temporary position, your position is automatically subject to the task force recommendations.

I would like to make it absolutely clear that in no way does your termination reflect that the company is in any way unhappy with your work performance over the past 12 months. In fact, you have been highly regarded as one of our most productive contract staff. Unfortunately, your and the other non-permanent staff that are being let go are simply a reflection of the general economic downturn over the past year.

In an effort to try to reduce the impact of this termination, the company has worked out a severance arrangement that will give you one week’s pay for every two months you worked beyond 12 months. In your case this will amount to six(6) weeks of severance pay. In addition, your medical coverage will remain in effect until the end of the severance period. You will soon receive a letter from the Human Resources Department with all of the details on the severance package.

Thomas, Given your qualifications and proven abilities, I am confident that you will be able to find another position in the relatively near future. If you would like, I would be pleased to write a recommendation letter for you, to help with your job search. Sincerely (Name) XXX (Title) XXX

Job Description Questionnaire

Instructions: The following information will be used in designing a job description format. For many questions, you might want to leave a full page for an answer. What is the job title?

In what department is the job located?

What is the title of the supervisor or manager to whom the jobholder must report?

Does the jobholder supervise other employee? If so, give their job titles and a brief description of their responsibilities. Position Supervised_________ Responsibilities___________

What are the working conditions? List such items as noise, heat, outside work, and exposure to bad weather.

How much authority does the jobholder have in such matters as training or guiding other people?

How much education, experience and skill are required for satisfactory job performance?

At what stage si the jobholder’s work reviewed by the supervisor?

What machines or equipment is the jobholder responsible for operating? If the jobholder makes a serious mistake or error in performing required duties, what would be the cost to management?

How to deal with technology

Technology has stepped into practically every aspect of an organization, impacting everything from processes to people. This means that HR departments must work with their organizations to understand and anticipate these technological challenges and opportunities-the good, the bad and the unexpected.

But smart HR leader consider how technology trends impact the organization as a whole, rather than just their own departments. For example, if an organization pilots a new technology to reach customers in global markets never before explored, the HR leader needs to be in tune with the change to identify new requirements for HR as a result. Perhaps this new reach will mean that the organization needs to change the competencies for positions in certain divisions, provide training for employees on cultural issues in the new country, or even hire expatriates to manage the process in the field.

Only when HR professionals are aware of the impact of trends in areas like technology can they lead the change to explore people management issues to ensure the best possible outcome and enable the HR profession reach its potential.

