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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.Are you concerned ________ your mother when she is out in Africa? A.about B.inC.at D.over

22.As a driver,you shouldn’t________speed limits(限速) in the center of the city. A.put B.ignoreC.notice D.take

23.The report said that today the sea would be ______ and we could enjoy ourselves on the boat. A.quiet B.calmC.strong D.nervous

24.When he ________the dog on the street,he saw the accident. A.played B.tiedC.walked D.got

25.He has grown up after he ________so much in his life. A.went through B.looked through C.got through D.broke through

26.—Did the naughty boy break the glass by chance?


A.of course B.on purpose C.by hand D.for pleasure

27.Those series of stamps ______ incomplete,while this series ______ complete. A.are;are B.is;is C.are;is D.is;are

28.The old lady ______ great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident. A.took B.suffered

C.suffered from D.stood

29.It is so dirty that I don’t want to live here ______. A.longer B.more

C.any longer D.any better

30.She won’t leave ______ her friends come back. A.since B.whenC.after D.until

31.I won’t go to his birthday party without ________. A.inviting B.being invited C.invited D.to be invited

32.To my joy(高兴),my daughter is getting along ________ with her classmates than before. A.well B.muchC.better D.more

33.Emergency line operators must always ______ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.

A.grow B.appearC.become D.stay 34.I want to know ______.

A.what city does she come from

B.from what city does she come C.from which city does she come D.what city she comes from

35.—It’s late;I have got to leave now.


A.Thank you B.Don’t worry C.I’m sorry for it D.Take care

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 We,Patty and I,had been best friends since Grade Four.Just about everywhere we went,people __36__ we were best friends.We __37__ secrets over popcorn and soda year after year.But the best part about having a best friend was taking __38__ sleeping over on Friday nights. Then in Grade Eight,everything changed.Suddenly,my interest in make-up and clothes __39__ even my mom.I __40__ believe Patty started the first day of school __41__ the same pigtails(辫子)she had worn forever.What was happening?Other girls seemed more __42__ than Patty. I started avoiding her and making excuses.__43__,during the middle of the year,as we were sitting in my backyard,the __44__ broke out.I said,“Go home,Patty,and don’t come back.”I ran into the house crying.Mom sat me down and I told her __45__.I’ll never forget her words.She said,“__46__ will come and go in and out of your life forever.You are __47__ and it’s okay for both of you to make new friends.__48__ is happening is hard but perfectly __49__.”

Time healed(治愈)a lot of the __50__,and over the next few years,we clearly went down __51__ paths.Still,when I saw her in the halls of high school.I __52__ a strange sadness.I thought if I went back and “fixed”everything between us,we could somehow start all over __53__ friends.But that was a fantasy(幻想).Our differences were too great,and I could only __54__ she understood.

I’ll always remember the years when Patty and I were best friends,but Mom was right.__55__ can change,and we have to let them go when it’s time. 36.A.realized B.believed C.knew D.understood 37.A.shared B.spared C.kept D.reminded 38.A.beds B.places C.turns D.sides 39.A.surprised B.scared C.frightened D.satisfied 40.A.wouldn’t B.shouldn’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t 41.A.wearing B.design C.keeping D.staying 42.A.boring B.interesting C.pleased D.exciting 43.A.Finally B.Naturally C.Generally D.Especially 44.A.tears B.words C.anger D.hate 45.A.matter B.everything C.trouble D.nothing 46.A.Interests B.Friends C.Sadness D.Childhood 47.A.changing B.studying C.quarreling D.imagining 48.A.What B.which C.Why D.When 49.A.common B.ordinary C.regular D.normal 50.A.unhappiness B.similarity C.memory D.emotion 51.A.different B.same C.hard D.separate 52.A.remembered B.thought C.felt D.lost 53.A.like B.as C.with D.on 54.A.suppose B.believe C.hope D.suggest 55.A.Environments B.Opinions C.Friendships D.Impressions

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



A woman who had been diagnosed with cancer had been given 3 months to live.So she told her pastor which songs she wanted sung at the service,what scriptures she would like read,and what she wanted to be wearing.The woman also told her pastor that she wanted to be buried with her favorite bible.

“There’s one more thing.” she said excitedly. “I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.”

The pastor stood looking at the woman not knowing quite what to say. The woman explained,“In all my years of attending church socials and functions where food was involved;my favorite part was when whoever was clearing away the dishes of the main course would lean over and say ‘you can keep your fork’. It was my favorite part because I knew that something better was coming.So I just want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder ‘What’s with the fork?’ Then I want you to tell them,‘Something better is coming,so keep your fork too.’”

The pastor’s eyes were welled up with tears of joy as he hugged the woman goodbye.He knew this would be one of the last times he would see her before her death.But he also knew that the woman had a better grasp of heaven than he did.She knew that something better was coming.

At the funeral the pastor told the people how he could not stop thinking about the fork and told them that they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either.

So the next time you reach down for your fork,let it remind you so gently that there is something better coming.

Keep your fork.The best is yet to come.

56.Why did the woman have a talk with the pastor?Because ________. A.she wouldn’t like to die B.she was anxious about death

C.she wanted to discuss certain aspects of her final death D.she begged him to help her to get rid of her illness

57.When hearing the woman’s last wish,the pastor felt ________. A.shocked B.excited C.entertained D.amazed

58.Someone says to you “Keep your fork”,which suggests ________. A.the main course will be served B.your favorite is coming C.the service will begin soon

D.the service will be finished at once

59.Why was the pastor so pleased when he heard her expression?Because________. A.he understood the woman better

B.he realized she has understood death completely C.the woman didn’t ask for too much D.he could carry out her last wishes


Before you can communicate with others,you must learn to communicate with yourself.Discover your own thoughts and feelings.Put what you think and feel into words,say, write a composition or a letter.You can then send your ideas and feelings to others.Sometimes writing a song or a poem can help you do this.

Are you pleased that your father had offered to take you out for a holiday?Express your thankfulness to him

by giving him a hug.Do you feel proud because a friend of yours won in a game?Share your pride by telling him how much you are proud of him.These are good feelings that you would like to share with others.

Learning to express bad feelings is important,too.For example,you and your friend have disagreement on a certain point.You feel very unhappy about it.It’s wise to tell your friend what you think about the matter and tell him that it’s important that you two should reach an agreement because you need the support from a friend like him.If you have too many unexpressed feelings,they can affect both your physical and mental health.

60.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Learn to communicate with yourself first.

B.Share with your friends both your happiness and sadness. C.We should avoid expressing bad feelings.

D.Don’t forget to say thanks to your parents when they’ve done something for you. 61.What feelings are bad for your health? A.Good. B.Unexpressed. C.No. D.Expressed.

62.How can people communicate with each other? A.With feelings. B.Through symbols. C.Through thoughts. D.With hands.

63.What can you tell from a handshake? A.Sharing pride.

B.It’s a symbol of friendship. C.Showing winning in the game. D.Expressing thankfulness.


Having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with stress better.Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight disease than people who are alone.

Make friendship a priority.Find the time to be with friends even if it means letting the lawn go unmoved or the dishes unwashed for a while.When you can’t get together, use the phone to keep in touch.

Open up to close friends. Maintaining a deep friendship requires a level of “heartfelt” intimacy (亲密).Don’t be afraid to express your inner fears and disappointments. Listen to your friends when they have problems,but offer advice only when it’s wanted. Help raise friends’self-esteem when they are shaken by a job loss, or other such events.

Have different friends for different activities, such as going to the movies,singing in a choir,and joining in a bowling league.

Don’t wait for a friend to ask a favor. When a friend has the flu,offer to go to the store or drive his or her children to their after-school activities.

Never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage,friendship needs care and patience.Become a joiner. Find a group that matches your interests.

Talk to strangers. Conversations started in museums, laundry rooms,or bookstores can lead to firm friendship.

Enroll in an adult-education course. A classroom is an ideal place to meet others with similar interests. 64.People with close friends have a________ ability to fight disease than people who are alone. A.less B.greater C.poorer D.little

65.According to the passage,you’d better offer advice to your friends________.

A.at any moment

B.only when they are happy C.only when they want it D.only when you are glad

66.What we should do to have friends according to the author? A.Make friendship a priority. B.Open up to close friends.

C.Never take a friendship for granted. D.All the above.

67.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.You should have different friends for the same activities. B.You should wait for a friend to ask a favor.

C.You should avoid talking with strangers in museums,laundry rooms,or bookstores. D.You should never take a friendship for granted.


How do you address (称呼) people in English when you want to talk to them? The following may be some simple rules the beginners should follow.

1.When talking to a stranger,there is often no special form of address in English. Usually,if you want to catch the attention of a stranger, it is necessary to use such a phrase as “Excuse me”.

2.In British English “Sir”and “Madam”are considered to be too formal (正式的)for most situations. They are used mostly to address customers (顾客) in shops or restaurants. While in American English “Sir” and “Madam”are not so formal and are commonly used between strangers, especially with old people whose names you don’t know.

3.When you talk to some people you know,you can use their names.If you are friends, use their first names;if your relationship is more formal, use “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Ms.”, etc. before their family names.

4.There are many other forms of address which can be used between friends and strangers.However,many of these are limited in use. For example,“pal” and “mate” can be used between strangers,but are usually only used by men talking to other men.

68.According to the passage,“Excuse me” is mainly used to ________. A.address a person you don’t know B.apologize to others

C.catch the attention of a stranger D.suggest good manners

69.If John Smith is your best friend,according to the passage you should often call him ________. A.John B.Smith

C.Mr. John D.Mr. Smith

70.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.“Sir” and “Madam”are used more often in America than in England.

B.People often use“Mr.”“Mrs.”or “Ms.”before the first names of those people who they don’t know very well.

C.“Pal” and “mate” are usually only used among men. D.While addressing friends,people just use their first names. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it.

● Recite and repeat in conversation. When you hear a person’s name, repeat it.__71__You could also

repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial.

● Ask the other person to recite and repeat.__72__After you’ve been introduced to someone, ask that person to spell the name and pronounce it correctly for you. Most people will be pleased by the effort you’re making to learn their names.

●__73__Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed. Most of them will feel sympathy (同情) if you say, “I’m working to remember names better. Yours is right on the tip of my tongue. What is it again?”

● Use associations (联想).__74__For example, you could make a mental note“Vicki Cheng—tall, black hair.” To reinforce (强迫) your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.

● Limit the number of new names you learn at one time. When meeting a group of people, concentrate (全神贯注) on remembering just two or three names. __75__Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.

A. Admit you don’t know. B. Recite and repeat names.

C. Free yourself from remembering everyone.

D. You can let other people help you remember their names.

E. If you can’t remember someone’s name, you may tell him the truth. F. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips. G. Link each person you meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual.


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I went to see the film after supper. In my way to the cinema, I met an English woman, who lost her way. I gave up the chance see the film and took her to her hotel. While go there, I told her about great changes that had been taken place here in the past few years and she told me something about her country. Although I missed the film, but I still felt very happy, for I have not only helped her out of trouble but practiced my spoken English. If I had not worked hard on English, I would not have been able to help him.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

下面是一个中学生给某报编辑写的一封信,仔细阅读并就信的内容以编辑的名义给此中学生写一封100词左右的回信。 Dear Editor,

I am an active girl,and I speak and laugh loudly in the classroom like a boy.I don’t care about small matters.On the contrary,my neighbour,the girl who sits next to me,speaks quietly and dare not do the things I often do.I can understand this.

What I can’t understand is that she often gets angry with me about small things.How can I get along with her?

Yours sincerely,












1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B10.B 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.C

听力材料: Text 1

M:It tastes good.How do they make it?

W:I don’t know,but they put lots of eggs in it. Text 2

M:Do you know the programs for tonight? W:Yes.TV programs for tonight:19∶00 English Learning for Children;20∶25 Science and Health;21∶30 Star Sports:Women’s Football Match.

Text 3

M:Does this bus go to Oxford Street?

W:I am afraid not.But you can get off at the bank and take a NO.19 bus. Text 4

M:Mary,what’s the matter?Are you hurt?

W:I slipped on the stairs and fell down.I think my arm is broken. M:Oh,I hope not.Which arm is it? W:The left one.It hurts right here. Text 5

M:It looks like rain.

W:You may be right.I’ll take a raincoat with me. Text 6

M:Hello,what seems to be the problem? W:Well,I’m not feeling very well at the moment.I’m preparing for exams and I’ve been staying up late at night studying.This morning I got up very early to do some more work,and I fell onto the floor.I came around after a few seconds.

M:Mm.Have you had any other signs?

W:I’ve been pretty nervous and my eyes hurt sometimes.

M:Well,it sounds as if you’ve probably been overdoing your study and you’re too tired.I don’t think there’s anything to worry about,but I think you should take it easy for a while and try to get plenty of sleep.

W:Yes,I haven’t been getting much sleep lately. Text 7 W:Hi.


W:How are you getting on?

M:Oh,not bad.Say I was just wondering whether you’d like to go swimming with me this Saturday afternoon.

W:Oh,I’d like to.But I’m afraid I can’t.I’ll have to attend a meeting. M:Oh,that’s too bad.

W:But I’ll be free in the evening. M:Shall we go to see a film? W:That’s a good idea.

M:Great.What about having supper first? W:Sure,why not?Where shall I meet you? M:Why not let me pick you up at your house? W:OK.What time? M:Six o’clock,OK?

W:Fine.Well,see you then. M:All right.Bye. Text 8

W:Why don’t you get a good job for a change? M:But I like my job.

W:You have graduated from university.Digging gardens is not a job for you. M:But the money is not bad and there is plenty of fresh air.

W:If I were you,I would go on some kind of course,you really must think of the future. M:To tell you the truth,I’d like to be a doctor. W:Well,you should think very seriously about that.It means a lot of study,and then work all sorts of hours. M:Yes,maybe.But I like it.

W:Well then,you should get more information about it as soon as possible. Text 9

W:It’s Alice’s birthday next Tuesday.What shall we buy for her birthday? M:Does she like reading?We can buy her a book.

W:Well,she has lots of books already.Besides,her birthday present last year was also a book. M:How about a basketball?

W:No,she doesn’t like basketball,but she likes football. M:Get her a football,then?

W:Do you know how much a football costs? M:I have no idea,about 20 dollars,maybe.

W:But I have only 6 dollars.How much do you have?

M:I have 8.Why not go and ask John if he would like to join us? Text 10

Mrs.Green was going to give a birthday party for Mary.Mary was her daughter.Mary was going to be thirteen years old.A lot of Mary’s friends were going to come to the party.Twenty girls were going to come to the party.Mrs.Green was getting ready for the party.Mrs.White was helping her.“That’s a nice cake,”

Mrs.White said to Mrs.Green.“Thank you very much,”said Mrs.Green.

Mrs.Green was going shopping.Mrs.Green bought a lot of oranges,apples and bananas.Then she went home. It was three o’clock in the afternoon.Everything was ready.Now the first girl was arriving.The party was going to start.

21.A [be concerned about意为“关心,挂念”。] 22.B [ignore意为“忽视,不理睬”。]

23.B [calm意为“(海洋、湖泊)平静的;有轻微波浪的”。]

24.C [walk the dog遛狗;play with the dog与狗玩耍;tie系住,拴。]

25.A [go through经历;look through浏览; get through完成,(电话)接通; break through突破。] 26.B [由问句中的by chance以及答语中的No可知此处应用on purpose(故意地)。] 27.C [series的单复数同形,作主语时,谓语动词根据句子具体意思而定。由series前的修饰词those与this判断两空分别为复数与单数,故选C。]

28.B [suffer遭受;忍受;经历,其宾语可以是pain;suffer from遭受;患病,其宾语通常是疾病的名称,而不是痛苦(pain);stand忍受。]

29.C [not...any longer=no longer“不再??”。] 30.D [not...until句型表示“直到??才??”。]

31.B [此处表示“被邀请”,而且介词without后面必须跟v.-ing形式。] 32.C [get along well with和??相处得很好,由than before知应用比较级。] 33.D [stay作系动词有“保持”的意思。]

34.D [宾语从句用陈述语序,还要注意时态一致原则。] 35.D [Take care小心;Thank you表示感谢;Don’t worry用于安慰别人;I am sorry for it表示道歉。] 36.C [由上一句知,Patty作为我的好朋友已经很长时间了,因此我们去过的所有地方的人们都知道我们是好朋友。realize意为“意识到”;believe意为“相信”;know意为“知道”;understand意为“明白,懂”。]

37.A [share意为“分享”;spare意为“抽出;节省”;keep意为“保持”;remind意为“提醒”。] 38.C [take turns doing sth.是固定短语,意为“轮流做某事”。] 39.A

40.C [由于作者已对化妆打扮产生了兴趣,所以她不敢相信Patty还是留着那样的发型,即在她看来,Patty应该变一变发型。]

41.A [动词 wear除了表示“穿戴”外,还可指“留头发、胡须等”。]

42.B [interesting意为“有趣的”。由下文的“I started avoiding her...”可知,作者认为其他的女孩好像都比Patty有趣。]

43.A [开始,“我”尽量避免见到Patty,最后“我”终于把话说了出来。]

44.B [由下文的“Go home,Patty,and don’t come back.”可知此处指“我”的话脱口而出,而不是指眼泪、愤怒或憎恨。]

45.B [由下文可知妈妈了解了所发生的事情,因此此处指“我”把一切都告诉了妈妈。]

46.B [文章一开头就表明Patty是自己的朋友,因此此处应用friends。本句意为:生活中总会有朋友来来去去。]

47.A [由上文“我”对化妆的兴趣的增加,以及觉得Patty不如以前可爱了,这一切表明“我”的转变,故此处用changing。]

48.A [What在此处引导主语从句,表示“所发生的事情”。]

49.D [common意为“常见的,共同的”;ordinary意为“平凡的,一般的”;regular意为“有规律的、定期的”;normal意为“正常的,平常的”。妈妈认为所发生的事情是正常的。]

50.A [两人不再是好朋友,内心都很不快乐。因此应表示“时间治愈了内心的不愉快”。] 51.D [既然上面提到两个朋友分手了,因此,此处指“我们”两人各走各的路了。]

52.C [remember意为“记起”;think意为“认为,想”;feel意为“体会,深感”;lose意为“失


53.B [“我们”还是有可能作为朋友重新开始。表示“作为”应用介词as。]

54.C [正因为“我”和她之间的差别实在太大,所以“我”也只能希望(hope)她理解。] 55.C [因为在本文主要讲述和好朋友分手的事情,所以此处应指友谊。]

56.C [由他们的对话可以看出他们谈及的都是病人的临终遗言及最后的一些愿望。] 57.A [由第四段知选择A。]

58.B [由第五段的第二句话知选择B。]

59.B [由倒数第四段的第三句话知B最佳。] 60.C [由第三段第一、三句可知。]

61.B [文中最后一句话是说“如果有太多不能表达的情绪会影响你的身心健康”。] 62.B [人们互相交流是通过某种符号来进行的。] 63.B [互相握手是友好的一种标志。]

64.B [细节理解题。从第一段第二句可知。]

65.C [分析判断题。由第三段第四句话可知C项正确。] 66.D

67.D [分析判断题。由文章的第四、五、六、七段的内容可判断得知。] 68.C [根据文中第一条第二句可知答案为C。]

69.A [根据文中“ If you are friends,use their first names”可知答案为A。 ] 70.B

71.F 72.D 73.A 74.G 75.C

I went to see

theIn∧ film after supper. my way to the cinema, I met an English woman, who had lost aOn


her way. I gave up the chance to see the film and took her to her hotel. While there, I told her about

goinggreat changes that had been taken place here in the past few years and she told me something about her country. Although I missed the film, but I still felt very happy, for I but practiced my spoken English. If I had not worked hard


not only helped her out of trouble hadonhim English, I would not have been able to help . ather


Dear Sunny,

It’s very good that you want to make friends with the girl.In my opinion,you’d better first have a heart-to-heart talk with her,because understanding each other is very important for you two.And I also think it’s better for you to ask her to join you and your classmates in all kinds of activities,such as birthday parties,going out for a walk,discussing some fashionable topics,and so on.Besides,helping each other is also very important for both of you.Just share happiness and sadness with her.And I believe she will understand you in time and it is certain that you will be good friends in the future.

Good luck to you.

Yours, Editor Tape



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.John said he would pay ______ second visit to China ______ next month. A.the;/ B.the;a C.a;the D.a;a

22.She understood what I was talking about________ it was the first time we had spoken together. A.whether B.even thoughC.as though D.since 23.I don’t like the way ________you speak to her. A./ B.in thatC.which D.of which

24.Sometimes ______ English is quite different from ______ English in many ways. A.speaking;writing B.spoken;written C.speaking;written D.spoken;writing

25.Mr.Huang will ______ in the movement. A.play a leading part B.take parts C.play leading part D.take a part

26.His theory ______ practice,so you can believe it. A.based on B.bases on

C.is based on D.is basing on

27.The policeman warned the driver ______ so carelessly. A.never to drive B.to never drive C.to not drive D.doesn’t drive

28.The officer ordered his soldiers ______. A.to stand still B.to not stand still C.not stand still D.stand still

29.They lived a hard life and were often made ______ for over ten hours a day. A.work B.to work

C.to working D.worked

30.Do you have any difficulty ______ listening? A.on B.toC.for D.in

31.Xiao Hong worked harder last year.______,she still didn’t get high grades. A.As a result B.After all C.By the way D.However

32.Please tell me the way you thought of ______ the garden. A.take care of B.to take care of C.taking care of D.to take care

33.America is an ________ country.You can hear ________ everywhere. A.English-spoken;English speaking B.English-speaking;English spoken C.speaking-English;English spoken D.spoken English;English speaking

34.When Bob woke up,he found himself in hospital,but he didn’t know how that ______. A.came about B.came out C.came along D.came across

35.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ________ Chinese in the school,most ________ were from Germany.

A.study;of whom B.study;of them C.studying;of them D.studying;of whom

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 If you are learning English because you’re going to travel in England and wish to be __36__ there,don’t try to speak English perfectly,__37__ if you do,no one will understand you.In London ninety-nine in every hundred people speak __38__English.You may say that __39__ they don’t speak English well themselves,they can __40__ understand it when it is well spoken.They __41__ when the speaker is English.But when the speaker is a __42__,the better he speaks,the __43__ it is to understand him. No foreigner can __44__ stress the syllables and make the tone __45__ and fall in question and __46__,exactly as a __47__ does.__48__ the first thing you have to do is to speak with a strong __49__ accent,and speak broken,that is,English without any __50__.Then every English person you __51__ will at once know you are a foreigner,and try to understand you and be ready to __52__ you.He will not __53__ you to be polite and use grammatical phrases.He will be __54__ by his cleverness in making out your __55__ and being able to tell what you want to know. 36.A.settled B.heard C.understood D.for 37.A.because B.unless C.understood D.known 38.A.American B.bad C.standard D.no 39.A.because B.since C.when D.even if 40.A.hardly B.really C.at least D.at most 41.A.say B.can C.think D.hope 42.A.foreigner B.native C.Londoner D.traveler 43.A.better B.easier C.harder D.clearer 44.A.never B.even C.ever D.hardly 45.A.right B.exact C.raise D.rise 46.A.request B.answer C.sentence D.phrase 47.A.native B.foreigner C.child D.reporter 48.A.While B.Although C.Because D.Therefore 49.A.London B.British C.foreign D.country 50.A.grammar B.mistake C.idiom D.words 51.A.know B.see C.ask for D.speak with 52.A.welcome B.help C.teach D.praise 53.A.expect B.scold C.show D.think 54.A.strict B.surprised C.pleased D.praised 55.A.way B.meaning C.mistake D.country

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Very few people look forward to and enjoy exams.That doesn’t have to mean that you should be afraid of them,though.The following tips will help you get through that terrible exam period.

Here are eight steps to help you during exams:

1.Make sure you know how much time you will have in the exam and how many questions there will be.Then you can divide your time among the questions to make sure they all get answered.

2.When you’re doing an exam that involves long answers,it is a good idea to leave some space at the end of the answer so that you can add any extra comments that might come to mind when you reread your paper.

3.Don’t spend all of your time only on questions that you know answers to because you will get a worse mark for answering some questions very well and some not at all.

4.It is worth taking a little extra time to make sure that your handwriting is neat.The examiner will be able to read it!Try to avoid spelling mistakes too! 5.The more prepared you are,the more likely you are to succeed. 6.Keep calm.If you feel yourself getting worried,take a deep breath.

7.Don’t try to discuss the exam after you’ve finished it.If you’ve got different answers from your friends,there’s no point in worrying about it.

8.Once an exam is over,just forget about it.There is nothing more you can do about it.The best thing you can do is to go home and prepare for the next one.

56.The underlined word“avoid”in the passage most probably mean“______”. A.check out B.go over C.think about

D.prevent sth. from happening

57.You can get a better mark if ______.

A.you spend all of your time on questions that you are good at B.you talk about with your teachers before exams C.you go over your notes carefully for the exam

D.you leave out the questions you don’t know the answers to 58.The passage is probably written for ______. A.people who mark exam papers B.people who take exams C.high school teachers D.language learners

59.Which of the following will NOT help you to deal with exams? A.Divide your time among the questions during the exam. B.Take a deep breath when you feel worried. C.Keep your handwriting neat.

D.Discuss the answers with your friends after exams.


Many years ago,my student asked me the question,“Mrs.Kindred,why do you teach?”Without taking time to reflect,I answered,“Because someday I might say something that might make a difference in someone’s life.”Even though I was sincere,that wasn’t a very good answer and my student didn’t let it slide.

“Let me get this straight,”he said,“You went to college for four years so you could come here every day because you have the hope that someday you might say something that will influence someone?”He shook his head as if I were crazy and walked away looking confused.I’m one of those people who look back and wish they had said something smart or witty,or swift.

Even though that particular student might no longer wonder why I teach,there are days when I wonder.In those days,I remind myself of the real reasons I teach.

It’s in my blood.My mother was my most influential teacher,and she was a 6th grade reading teacher until

her death in 1990.She instilled(逐渐灌输) in me a love of reading and the knowledge that education opens doors.

Teaching is a way to make a difference.If you throw a stone in a pond,the ripples will go on and on until they reach the shore.You can’t have ripples without a “stone”.Good teachers throw stones that make a positive difference,and that’s what I strive to do.

I genuinely love teenagers.

I want to share with others what I know and what I have learned through the years.Life is full of ups and downs,and if I can help students avoid some potholes on the road of life,I want to do so.If they’ll allow me to celebrate their victories with them,I want to do so,too.

Teaching isn’t for everyone,but I know I made the right career choice.

60.Why did the student continue to ask the question about the writer’s being a teacher? A.Because he thought her answer was unbelievable. B.Because the writer was insincere. C.Because the student was naughty.

D.Because the answer was difficult to understand. 61.What do you think of the writer? A.Stupid. B.Honest.

C.Conservative. D.Polite.

62.According to the text,which of the following is NOT true? A.The writer’s mother has the greatest influence on her. B.The writer’s answer made the student confused.

C.In the writer’s opinion,some people in the world are unfit to teach. D.The writer annoyed the student who asked the question. 63.We can infer from the text that ______. A.the writer was also a good teacher in school

B.the writer often plays with her students beside a pond C.the writer devotes herself to teaching and her students

D.the writer often accompanies the students on their way home


A Russian,a Cuban,an American businessman and an American lawyer were on a train traveling across England.The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka,gave each of the men a drink and then threw the rest half bottle of vodka out of the window.

“Why did you do that?” asked the American businessman.

“There’s too much vodka in my country,” said the Russian,“And really we have more than we will ever use.”

A little later,the Cuban passed around fine Havana Cigars.Then he threw his out of the window.

“I thought Cuba is not a rich country”, the businessman said.“But you throw that very good cigars out of the window!”

“Cigars,” the Cuban answered,“are the cheapest in my country.We have more of them than we know what to do with.”

The American businessman sat quietly for a moment.Then he got up,caught the lawyer by the arm and threw him out of the window.

64.Vodka is a kind of ________. A.treasure B.alcohol(酒) C.food D.medicine

65.The Russian and the Cuban both wanted to ________. A.tell the businessman what their countries are rich in

B.prove(证明) that they were rich

C.ask the two Americans to visit their countries D.make the businessman happy

66.When the businessman said “I thought Cuba is not a rich country.”,he meant “________”. A.Russian is richer than Cuba

B.America is richer than Cuba and Russia

C.You shouldn’t throw that very good cigar away D.Do you have more cigars than me?

67.What did the businessman want to say by throwing the lawyer out of the window? A.I want to buy some vodka.

B.We have too many lawyers in my country.

C.I’ll go to Cuba and do some business of cigars. D.If you need lawyers,come to America.


Some people are never right.They never have good luck. They usually do the wrong things and say the wrong things. And even if what they say and do is OK, they say it or do it at the wrong time. So these people always have problems. They often break glasses. They sometimes miss buses or trains.

Mr.Neff is different. He is always right. He is never wrong. He usually has good luck. He hardly has problems. He never misses buses and trains. Even though he really misses them, it is always the fault of the buses and the trains.

Mr. Neff knows almost everything. He doesn’t ask questions. He answers questions. He never says “I don’t know”.

I don’t know Mrs. Neff. It seems that not many people know her. I sometimes want to know about her. Is she always right? Or maybe she is always wrong? Does she often break glasses or miss buses and trains?

Does she have problems? I really want to know! 68.What kind of man is Mr.Neff? A.He’s cleverer than other people.

B.He does everything better than his friends. C.He’s the luckiest man in the world. D.He is pleased with himself.

69.The writer really thinks that ________. A.Mr.Neff is always right B.Mr.Neff usually has good luck C.Mr.Neff almost knows everything

D.it’s the fault of buses and trains when he misses them

70.Which of the following do you think is TRUE of Mrs.Neff? A.She perhaps listens to her husband in everything. B.She perhaps doesn’t agree with her husband. C. She perhaps feels strange to be so lucky. D.She is very happy to have a lucky husband. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


__71___If you’re looking for a challenging situation to practice your English, just pick up the telephone. Not being able to see the person you’re talking to and the body language they’re using can make chatting on the phone one of the most difficult forms of communication.Never fear, though! Here are some tips to guide you through an average telephone conversation in English.


__72___Even if you’re calling a business contact for a specific purpose, it’d be rude to jump right into business without a little small talk at the beginning.

Getting to the point

There always comes the point, however, where you want to move on from friendly banter and get down to business. __73__If you are waiting to find out why someone called you, you can guide the conversation by saying, “So what can I do for you?”

Interrupting without insult (冒犯)

If you happen to be speaking with a very talkative person, and you’d like to interrupt, be sure to do it politely. For example, begin with “I would like to say something here, if I may” or “Allow me to make a point”.

Closing the call

__74__Sometimes it’s easiest to just say you enjoyed speaking to the other person. Also, keep in mind that strategically (策略地)saying the word “well” at the beginning of a sentence can indicate that you are ready to end the conversation: __75__. A. It may be the time to offer some good wishes, such as “good luck on that interview”. B. Believe it or not, talking on the phone can improve your English. C. You should pick up the phone and say “Hello”.

D. Every phone call should begin with a polite greeting, such as “Hi, how’ve you been?” E. You can also make friends by talking to others on the phone. F. For this situation, use the phrase “I’m just calling to”. G. Well Jone, it’s been a pleasure talking to you.


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank you with your kind help. Before you came to teach us, I had not interest in English. My pronunciation was terribly. I could only speak a few words. But one and a half year later, I now think English fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I would always remember what you said. “If you try to, you can be No.1!” I hope you’ll have a pleasant journey home but will come to China again sometimes in the future, I will write again and send you photos we take together.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

现在许多人都在努力学习英语。请你根据以下提示写一篇题为“Why Should We Learn English?”的短文,论述学习英语的重要性,词数100左右。


1.英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件、书籍、杂志都是用英语书写。 2.学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验。 3.借助英语可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。

4.学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务。 5.学习英语有时也是一大趣事。























1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.A

听力材料: Text 1

W:I heard you’re going abroad,aren’t you?

M:I wanted to go on Monday,but I couldn’t get a ticket for Monday.I bought a ticket for Tuesday. Text 2

M:Would you go to the cinema with me this afternoon? W:Well,I’m meeting an old friend of mine at 4 p.m.. Text 3

M:Where are we going tomorrow,Mary?

W:We’ll first visit the Science Museum,which is to the east of the zoo,and then drive to the People’s Park.

Text 4

M:How shall we go for the picnic on the West Hill,by bus or by bike? W:By bike.I think it’ll be more interesting. Text 5

M:Kate,do you know we are going to visit Disneyland today?

W:Yes,I know.I really want to go with you.But we are going to have a maths test instead. Text 6

M:Answer the telephone,Mary.I’m writing a letter. W:But Dad,I’m washing my hair. M:Then,ask Kate to do it.

W:She is watching a football game on TV. Text 7

W:Good afternoon,Mr.Dunn.Nice to see you again.

M:Good afternoon,Lee Li.I came from Hong Kong yesterday. W:Really?Was it on business or just sightseeing?

M:On business.The trip was most interesting and enjoyable.

W:Glad to hear that.Would you like to have a drink first,Mr.Dunn? M:Yes,beer,please.Thank you.

W:You are welcome,sir.Need I take your orders now? M:Yes,please.I am very hungry. Text 8

W:Can I help you,sir?

M:Yes.I want my room key back.

W:May I know your name and room number,please? M:Barry Low,Room 701. W:Just a moment please!

M:There’s no need to hurry.I’ve got plenty of time. W:Here’s your room key,Mr.Low.

M:Thank you very much.By the way,are you a new comer? W:Yes,I’ve just begun on duty here this morning. Text 9

M:Hello.I wonder if you could help me.I’ve just arrived here,and I need to find somewhere to stay.


M:Can you tell me where I can find a cheap hotel? W:Certainly.There are a few around the corner.It’s called the Euro Hotel.Need I phone to see if they have a room for you?

M:No,that’s OK.I’ll just walk there myself.Ah!Another thing.I need to change some money,but I don’t know at what time the banks close.

W:They close at 7 o’clock in the evening. M:OK.Thank you very much. Text 10

Welcome,everyone.This is our Saturday Radio Programme.Today is Saturday,March 12. Now for the news:

First some bad news.Someone stole one of the school computers last night.We don’t know WHO,but a taxi driver saw a tall man at the school gate at about midnight.The man was wearing black trousers and a black hat.

Did you see him?If you did,please telephone the police on 6426,that’s 6426.

Now for some good news.The new Sports Center opens at nine thirty tomorrow morning.In the afternoon,at three o’clock,there is a swimming match.If you can swim,go there and try to win.The first prize is a radio.

See you there.Goodbye. 21.C [a second“再一次,又一次”。a与序数词连用常表示“又一,再一”的意思。next month“(从现在算起)下个月”,常用于直接引语中。the next month表示“(从过去某个时间算起)第二个月”,常用于间接引语中。]

22.B [考查连词用法。even though“尽管,即使”;whether主要用来引导名词性从句;as though“好像”;since“既然”引导时间或原因状语从句。主句意思是“她明白我在说什么”,从句的意思是“尽管那是我们第一次谈话”,只有B项符合语境。]

23.A [定语从句的先行词是the way,表示“方式,方法”时,关系词可用in which或that,也可省略。]

24.B [spoken,written过去分词作English的定语。]

25.A [play a part in “在??中起作用”;take part in“参加”。]

26.C [句意为:他的理论以实践为基础,你可以相信。be based on 为固定搭配,意为“以??为基础”。]

27.A [warn sb.(not/never) to do sth.“警告某人(不)做某事”。] 28.A [“order sb.(not) to do sth.”命令某人(不)做某事。] 29.B [make sb.do sth.,其被动形式为sb.be made to do sth.。] 30.D [have difficulty in doing sth.“做某事有困难”。]

31.D [however表示前后意义的转折。句意为:萧红虽然去年学习很刻苦,但成绩仍然不高。] 32.B [you thought of是定语从句,修饰the way,to take care of...不定式短语作定语,修饰的也是the way。]

33.B [“English-speaking country”意为“说英语的国家”,spoken English意为“英语口语”,而You can hear English spoken everywhere 则为“到处你都可以听到人们在说英语”。]

34.A [根据句意,Bob不知道“发生”了什么,故用come about“产生,发生”;come out“开花,出来,出版”;come along“跟随”;come across“偶然碰到”。]

35.D [动词-ing形式作students的定语,表示主动,即表示有一些正在学习的学生。of whom引导定语从句,whom代替先行词students 作of的宾语。]

36.C [去英国旅游,当然希望被当地人“理解”。]

37.A [说明不能这样做的原因,所以用because来引导原因状语从句。]

38.B [从后一句“they don’t speak English well themselves”,可以判断用bad。] 39.D [even if意为“即使”。]

40.C [at least意为“至少”。你可能会说“即使”他们自己说不好,“至少”他们应明白说得好的英语。]

41.B [与上句的“they can...”相呼应,can后省略了上文出现过的understand,完整句子应为:They can understand when the speaker is English。]

42.A [由前一句“They can when the speaker is English”和“but”这一转折词可知道选A。把English与foreigner对比。]

43.C [从前面的语境可以猜出用“harder”,即:对外国人来说,说得越符合语法,当地英国人就越难理解你。]

44.C [ever曾经,句意为:没有一个外国人曾做到??。] 45.D [和后面的“fall”形成对比,因此用rise。]

46.B [与“question”一词对比可以判断用“answer”。]

47.A [a native意为“本土人”,与前面的foreigner对比。即:外国人说英语不会像英国本土人在音调上注意得那么好。]

48.D [therefore表结果,意为“因此”,承接下文;while与although表让步;because表原因。] 49.C [由后面的“speak broken”判断选C。a strong foreign accent“很重的外国口音”。] 50.A [“speak broken”和“that is”的作用(用来对前面的话解释说明)可以知道,作者表达的是“没有语法的英语”。]

51.D [前文一直在讲“说英语”的问题,其他选项与其义不合。speak with“与??谈话”。] 52.B [得知“你”是外国人,为使“你”在伦敦避免遇到交流方面的困难,他们会“帮助你”。] 53.A [由于他们想理解你,甚至想帮助你,因此他们当然不会“期待”你的礼貌性和使用语法词组。] 54.C [对他们自己的聪明感到“高兴”。]

55.B [make out your meaning“理解你的意思”。] 56.D [根据上下文可知。]

57.C [根据第五点建议“The more prepared you are,the more likely you are to succeed.”可知。] 58.B [根据文章给出了对考试有帮助的建议可知是写给学生的。] 59.D [细节理解题。根据第七点建议可知。]

60.A [推理判断题。根据文章前三段内容得知,作者的回答没有令该学生相信她的从教理由是那么的简单。]

61.B [推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句和全文内容可以排除A项(愚蠢的)、C项(保守的)和D项(有礼貌的)。]

62.D [细节理解题。根据文章第四、第二、第八段分别可知选项A、B、C三项是正确的;“我”并未使该学生苦恼。]

63.C [推理判断题。根据作者自己的阐述,她很热爱并献身于教育事业;其余选项文中没有提及。] 64.B [生活常识题。伏特加是俄罗斯的一种烈性酒。]

65.A [细节理解题。根据文章第三、六两段可以确定答案。] 66.C [细节理解题。根据文章第五段可以确定答案为C。]

67.B [推理判断题。根据对文章的整体理解,可以确定答案为B。]

68.D [推理判断题,从文章的第二、三两段,我们可以看出Mr. Neff是一个十分自满的人。] 69.B [细节考查题,从第二段的“He usually has good luck.”可知答案为B。]

70.A [推理判断题,从文章的第四段,我们可以猜想,Mr. Neff的运气那么好,又十分自满,如果Mrs. Neff没有她丈夫那么好的运气的话,她肯定是对丈夫言听计从。]

71.B 72.D 73.F 74.A 75.G

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank you


your kind help. Before you came to teach us, I had interest in English. forno

My pronunciation was


. I could only speak a few words. But one and a half later, I now think terribleyears


English is fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I always remember what you said. “If

willyou try to, you can be No.1!” I hope you’ll have a pleasant journey home sometimestake

in the future, I will write again and send you photos we together.



Why should we learn English?

Now a large number of people are working hard at English.Why should we learn English?The reasons are as follows:

English is one of the most widely used languages in the world.There are many English-speaking countries,including England,the United States,Canada and many other countries.It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more often used than the others.It is said that most business letters are written in English.Millions of books and magazines are written in English,too.English is really a bridge to knowledge.With the help of English,people in developing countries can learn a lot of advanced experience,modern science and technology faster and better from the developed countries.Only in this way can we serve our country better.And,

sometimes,learning English is also great fun.


will come to China again and



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.You can depend on him;he is a(n) ______man. A.happy B.interestingC.exciting D.reliable

22.He is sure to come.I’ve ______ him to attend our meeting. A.advised

B.tried to persuade C.persuaded D.suggested

23.I am ______ to set out as early as possible since time is limited. A.decided B.determinedC.minded D.suggested

24.Hawking is familiar ________ Chinese college students and foreigners are familiar ________ Qian Xuesen.

A.to;to B.with;toC.with;with D.to;with

25.Although the natural situation was quite bad,the soldiers and volunteers were determined not to ________ rescuing the victims in the ruins(废墟).

A.give in B.give upC.give out D.give away

26.All the goods that were ________ by plane were shared among the homeless villagers far away from our


A.sent B.translatedC.transported D.given

27.The old man ______ that he ______ from the countryside. A.insisted on;was B.insisted;be

C.insisted on;should be D.insisted;was

28.It is ______ beautiful a picture ______ I’ll hang it in my room. A.such;that B.such a;that C.so;as to D.so;that

29.He appeared on stage three years ago.We ________ him in the entertainment industry (娱乐界) ever since.

A.haven’t heard B.didn’t seen C.don’t see D.haven’t seen

30.The poem “Children,quickly,hold mother’s hands” is so moving that we are all ______ of it and moved by it.

A.tired B.afraidC.fond D.confident

31.It was because of bad weather ______ the football match had to be put off. A.that B.so thatC.why D.so

32.—When ______ you ______ for Beijing?

—I’ve not decided yet. A.do;leave B.are;leaving C.are;leave D.will;leaving

33.______ you form a bad habit,it’s very difficult to get rid of it. A.Once B.BeforeC.Because D.Though

34.Nobody has ________ exactly when and where an earthquake will happen by now. A.seen B.heardC.forecast D.understood 35.—I will go home this weekend.

—Give my best wishes to your parents. —______. A.No,thanks

B.I will,thank you C.The same to you D.You are welcome

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 On Thursday afternoon,Mrs.Clarke locked the door and went to the women’s club as usual.It was a pleasant way of passing time __36__ an old woman who lived __37__. When she came home,she sensed something __38__.Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all locked and there was no __39__ of forced entry (进入).Had anything been taken? She went from room to room,__40__,and found her camera and spare watch missing.

The following Thursday,she went out at her usual time,but didn’t go to the club.__41__,she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home,__42__herself in through the back door.She settled down to wait and see what would __43__. It was 4 o’clock when the front doorbell rang.Mrs.Clarke was __44__ tea at the time.The bell rang again,and __45__ she heard her letter box being pushed open.__46__ the kettle (壶) of boiling water,she moved quietly __47__ the door.A piece of wire (金属丝) appeared through the letter box,and then a __48__.The wire turned and caught around the knob (圆形旋钮) on the door lock.Mrs.Clarke raised the kettle and __49__ the water over the hand.__50__ was heard outside as the __51__ fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back,which was __52__ by the sound of running feet.

It wasn’t long __53__ the police caught the thief.And Mrs.Clarke was greatly __54__ at the club for her successful __55__. 36.A.by B.to C.with D.for 37.A.lonely B.alone C.away D.busily 38.A.terrible B.uncomfortable C.unusual D.bad 39.A.information B.show C.sign D.sight 40.A.looking B.examining C.searching D.checking 41.A.Therefore B.However C.Instead D.Again 42.A.pushing B.letting C.pulling D.leading 43.A.appear B.follow C.happen D.do 44.A.cooking B.making C.burning D.serving 45.A.the next moment B.for a while C.in time D.at once 46.A.Putting down B.Laying aside C.Picking up D.Taking away 47.A.towards B.away from C.from behind D.near 48.A.knife B.hand C.letter D.key 49.A.used B.dropped C.poured D.covered 50.A.A sad voice B.A strange noise C.A low shout D.A sharp cry 51.A.key B.kettle C.door lock D.wire 52.A.followed B.caused C.produced D.ended 53.A.before B.since C.until D.when 54.A.surprised B.praised C.encouraged D.supported 55.A.self-satisfaction B.self-protection C.self-respect D.self-service

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Without proper planning,tourism can cause problems.For example,too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country.If tourists create too much traffic,the inhabitants become annoyed and unhappy.They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely.They forget how much tourism can help the country’s economy.It is important to think about the people of a destination(目的地)country and how tourism affects them.Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists.Tourism should also advance the well being(health and happiness)of local inhabitants.

Too much tourism can be a problem.If tourism grows too quickly,people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry.This means that other parts of the country’s economy can suffer.

On the other hand,if there is not enough tourism,people can lose jobs.Businesses can also lose money.It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels,airports,air terminals,first-class roads,and other support facilities(设施)needed by tourist attractions.For example,a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build.If this room is not used most of the time,the owners of the hotel will lose money.

Building a hotel is just a beginning.There must be support facilities as well,including roads to get to the hotel,electricity, sewers(阴沟)to handle waste,and water.All of these support facilities cost money.If they are not used because there are not enough tourists,jobs and money are lost.

56.Which of the following has most probably been discussed in the paragraph that goes before the passage? A.It is extremely important to develop tourism.

B.Building roads and hotel is essential. C.Support facilities are highly necessary. D.Planning is of great importance to tourism

57.Too much tourism can cause all these problems EXCEPT ______. A.a bad impact on other industries B.a change of tourists’ customs

C.over-crowdedness of places of interest D.pressure on traffic

58.Not enough tourism can lead to ______. A.an increase of unemployment B.a decrease in tourist attractions C.the higher cost of support facilities D.a rise in price and a fall in pay

59.It is good for local people to be well aware that tourism will ________. A.use up a large amount of water B.weaken their economy

C.help establish their traditions D.help improve their life


I shook hands with my father in the truck,and for a long time he looked straight ahead and didn’t say a word.But I knew he was going to say a little to me.“I can’t tell anything,” he finally said.“I never went to college,and none of your brothers went to college.I can’t say don’t do this and do that,because everything is different and I don’t know what is going to come up.I can’t help much with money either,but I think things will work out.”

He gave me a new check-book.“If things get pushing,write a small check.But when you write one,send me a letter and let me know how much.There are some things we can always sell.” In four years all the checks I wrote were less than a thousand dollars.My part-time jobs such as reading to the blind student and sitting with the teachers’ kids filled in the financial_gaps. “You know what you want to be,and they’ll tell you what to take,” my father went on.“When you get a job,be sure it’s honest,and work hard.” I knew that soon I would be alone in the big town,and I would be missing the cool winds and a life where your thinking was done for you.

Then my dad reached down beside his seat and brought the old,broken Bible that he had read so often,the one he used when he wanted to look something up in a friendly quarrel with one of the neighbours.I knew he would miss it.I knew,though,that I must take it.

He didn’t say I must read this every morning.He just said,“This can help you if you will let it.”

Did it help? I got through college without being a burden on the family.I have been able to make money since.

60.What is the writer’s main purpose (目的) in writing this passage? A.To tell the readers his life story.

B.To tell people what kind of person his father was. C.To let people know how poor he was.

D.To tell the readers what present he got from his father.

61.Why did the father not ask his son not to do this and do that? A.Because he felt quite confident of him. B.Because he was born from a poor family. C.Because he was a man of few words.

D.Because he didn’t want to be much too strict with him. 62.What would you learn from this passage? A.How to live by oneself.

B.How to stand on one’s own feet. C.What a good father should do. D.What the self-important is like.

63.What may be the proper Chinese for the underlined part in the passage? A.闲暇时光 B.学费

C.经济不足 D.精神空虚


Claude and Louris are “giraffes”.So are police officers Hankins and Pearson.These men and women don’t look like giraffes;they look like you and me.Then,why do people call them “giraffes”?

A giraffe,they say,is an animal that sticks its necks out,can see places far away and has a large heart.It lives a quiet life and moves about in an easy and beautiful way.In the same way,a “giraffe” can be a person who likes to “stick his or her neck out” for other people,always watches for future happenings,has a warm heart for people around,and at the same time lives a quiet and beautiful life himself or herself.

“The Giraffe Project” is a 10-year-old group which finds and honors “giraffes” in the US and in the world.The group wants to teach people to do something to build a better world.The group members believe that a person shouldn’t draw his or her head back;instead,they tell people to “stick their necks out” and help others.Claude and Louris,Hankins and Pearson are only a few of the nearly 1,000 “giraffes” that the group found and honored.

Claude and Louris were getting old and they left their work with some money that they saved for future use.One day,however,they saw a homeless man looking for a place to keep warm and they decided that they should “stick their necks out” and give him some help.Today,they lived in Friends’ House,where they invite twelve homeless people to stay every night.

Police officers Hankins and Pearson work in a large city.They see crimes every day and their work is sometimes dangerous.They work hard for their money.However,these two men put their savings together and even borrowed money to start an educational center to teach young people in a poor part of the city.Hankins and Pearson are certainly “giraffes”.

64.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Some of the people around us look like giraffes. B.Giraffes are the most beautiful animal in the world.

C.“Giraffes” is a beautiful name for those who are ready to help other people. D.A “giraffe” is someone who can stick his neck out and see the future. 65.“The Giraffe Project” is a group ________. A.of police officers

B.which appeared ten years ago C.of ten-year-old children D.which takes care of children

66.People call Claude and Hankins “giraffes” because they ________. A.do what is needed for a good world B.are not afraid of dangerous work

C.found a home for some homeless people D.made money only for other people

67.What does “The Giraffe Project” do? A.It tells people how to live a quiet life.

B.It helps the homeless and teaches the young people. C.It tries to find 1,000 warm-hearted people in the US. D.It shows people what their duty is for a better world.


When you walk along a street in a big city in the United States,you may see clocks in most stores.Radio announcers give the correct time during the day.People there think that it is important to know the time.Most Americans have watches.They do not want to be late.

Not all people all over the world value time.Suppose you visit a certain country in South America,You would find that people living there do not like to rush.If you had an appointment(约会)with someone,he would probably be late.He would not care for arriving on time.In some countries in South America,even the radio programs may not begin right on time,nor do the radio announcers think it important to announce the right time.Many people regard a clock as a machine.It seems to them that a person who does everything on time is controlled(控制)by a machine.They do not want a clock or any machine to have that much power over their lives.

68.There are clocks in most stores in the US cities because ______. A.people in the stores want to sell these clocks B.bosses want to make their stores beautiful C.people think it important to know the time

D.they needn’t wear watches when they are away from home

69.The underlined word“rush”in the passage most probably means “______”. A.run B.race C.hurry D.move

70.South America,he might not arrive on time,and this is because ______. A.he didn’t have a watch with him

B.he forgot to have a look at a watch or a clock C.he didn’t think it important to arrive on time D.he didn’t like an appointment with someone 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


There is one thing that everyone wants more than anything else. __71__They think that when they have enough money to buy such things as houses, farms and cars, they will have the one thing that everyone wants.

Other people believe that if they know enough they will find this thing .__72__Still others think that if they have power, they will find this thing. Some people keep telling themselves “When I am a boss, I will no longer have to search for this thing.”

What is it that everyone wants more than anything else? What is it that all of us keep working and striving for (奋斗) each day? __73__ Happiness is a strange thing.__74__ What will make one man happy and may not make another man happy. Some men say that happiness comes from helping others;other men say that happiness comes from making life more pleasant for everyone.What do you mean when you say “That makes me happy.”

__75__ Perhaps you will learn something that will bring you peace of mind, comfort, money or it may be what you search for-happiness.

A. Happiness means the same to everyone.

B. Read what different people have said about happiness. C. They study all their life in search of it.

D. When one man feels happy, another man will feel sad. E. Some people try to get it by making money. F. It does not mean the same to all men. G. It is happiness.


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


On a snowy winter night, a bus with 45 passenger had an accident because of the wet road. And all of them were trapping in the bus and what was worse, the bus ran out of gas and it is very cold in it. They could do nothing but to wait for help.A man who lived nearby saw what happened. He and some villagers managed to open the door and helped all of them out of bus. He took them to his home but offered food and water and even some warm clothes to the children. They spent two days in their home and finally helps came. All of them were thankful with his help.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假如你叫李华,今年十一和同学到南方某著名旅游城市旅游,在一些景点发现了一些不好的做法。你将给China Daily写信反应这些情况,以引起社会的关注。

时间:十月一日至五日 地点:南方某著名城市 旅行方式:随团

问题:在景点时间有限,购物点去了很多,买回了一些劣质土特产 建议:??

注意:词数100左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Editor,

As a reader of your paper,I have something that I want you to make known to the public. ________________________________________________________________________



















________________________________________________________________________ Thanks!

Yours truly,

Li Hua



1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C10.C 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A

听力材料: Text 1

W:Shall we have some fish first?

M:If you don’t mind,I’d like to have some juice to start with. Text 2

M:Well,I’d better be getting home now.It’s great seeing you again. W:It’s nice seeing you too. Text 3

M:Three people died and five were injured in a car accident this morning. W:I’m sorry to hear that. Text 4

M:Do you think Mark will telephone us? W:Who knows?

M:If he doesn’t call us,we’d better give him a ring. Text 5

M:Which shirt is larger? W:The green one is larger. M:OK.I’ll take the green one. Text 6

M:Excuse me,Madam.Is this Seat 11,Row 9? W:Yes.Is there anything wrong?

M:I’m afraid you’ve taken the wrong seat. W:Just a second.Let me find my ticket. M:May I have a look at your ticket? W:Here it is.

M:Yours is Seat 11,Row 6,Madam. W:Oh,I’m very sorry.

M:That’s all right.There’s still some time before the film starts. Text 7


W:Hello,Jack!What a lovely surprise to meet you here! M:Indeed,it is.

W:How are things with you? M:Just fine.And you?

W:Not too bad.I was away on a trip for two months,and just got back yesterday.I visited many countries,Canada,Australia,Egypt and so on.

M:That sounds interesting.

W:Really!But I miss everything here.I must go now.Will it be convenient for you if I call on you at seven this evening?

M:That’s great. Text 8

W:Good morning.How are you,Mr.Smith? M:I’m very worried,doctor.

W:Oh?What are you worried about? M:I’m afraid that I’m very ill.

W:I’m sorry to hear that.Why do you think so?

M:Because I feel tired all the time and even when I wake up early in the morning.And I can eat only a little. W:How about your sleep? M:Very bad,doctor.

W:Are you worried about anything?

M:Yes,I’m worried about my work.I’ve just taken a new job,and I’m always afraid of making a mistake.

W:I see.Don’t worry about your work.Take it easy and take more exercise. Text 9

M:I’d like to book seats for the play Romeo and Juliet,please. W:Yes,of course,Sir.

M:Have you got any seats downstairs,please? W:Yes,we have.

M:How much are they,please? W:$3.75 each.

M:Are there any seats at $2.50?

W:Yes,they are upstairs.For how many? M:For four,please. W:For which night?

M:What about Saturday,October 21st? W:I can give you four seats in Row 8. M:How long will the performance last? W:Two and a half hours.

M:Thank you.How much altogether? W:Ten dollars. Text 10

Now back to the evening news.The police are looking for a man and a woman in their early twenties who broke into a bank in the early hours this morning.This was reported by the people working in the shop opposite who heard the breaking of glass.Two people were seen running away.The man is said to be very tall and well-built,with long dark hair.The woman with him is said to be small with short hair.She was wearing blue trousers and a brown jacket.Anyone who has any information please give further details to the police.

21.D [由“You can depend on him;”可知选reliable“可信赖的,可靠的”。]

22.C [根据“He is sure to come.”可以得知“我已经说服他来参加我们的会议了”。] 23.B [“决心做某事”是“be determined to do sth.”。]

24.D [be familiar to“为??所熟悉”;be familiar with“对??熟悉”。]

25.B [give up“放弃”,give up (doing) sth.“放弃做某事”;give in“屈服,让步”;give out“发出(声、光、热等),用完,发表”;give away“捐赠,泄露”。]

26.C [send意为“发送,派送,发射”,不合题意,飞机只能是运送或携带货物。]

27.D [insist后接从句时不能加on;insist后的宾语从句的行为若已经发生或说明的是事实,这时不用虚拟语气而用陈述语气。]

28.D [so...that...“如此??以致于??”,so+adj.+a/an+单数名词;若选A项应是:such a beautiful picture。]

29.D [ever since常与现在完成时连用。] 30.C [be fond of“喜欢??”。]

31.A [本题考查强调句型:It is/was...that...。] 32.B [现在进行时表将来。]

33.A [一旦养成了坏习惯,你就很难改掉它。once作连词,意为“一旦??就??”。] 34.C [forecast意为“预测,预言”,其过去式、过去分词为原形。] 35.B [表示意愿,故使用will回答。]

36.D [俱乐部对于孤独老人来说是一种消磨时光的好方法。] 37.B [从全文看,Mrs.Clarke 是独自一人住。] 38.C [她感到家里有点“反常”(unusual)。]

39.C [由上半句可见并无破门而入的“迹象”(sign)。] 40.D [这里应该是核查,看看丢了什么东西。] 41.C [相反,她抄近路回家了。]

