043 IBM内部培训 国际业务管理〈上〉

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International Business ManagementIIBD 0105 Dr. Tang

Course Structure Module I: Globalization & Information Economy Module II: Country Evaluation Module III: Strategy & Entry Mode Module IV: Control & HRM Module V: Foreign Exchange & Multinational Financial Management Module VI: International Marketing & Operation

Module I: Globalization & Information Economy

IIBD 0105 Dr. Tang

Agenda Globalization– Concept & Measurement – Driving Force Trade & Investment Barriers Liberalization with WTO & Regional Groups – Response

Information Economy– Information Goods – Information Economy

Globalization Globalization of

– Product: irrelevance of national product – Market world wide or international mobile customers Converging taste Merger of national market – Competition global scale efficiency Multi-market cross subsidizing Multi-

As a result of international exchange of goods,service, capital & human resources

Globalization of ProductProduct Life Cycle Model

Irrelevance of the Model

Truncated Life Cycle Globalization of Product R & D Advanced Components Standard Components Assembly


Trade & FDI as a % of GDP Price convergence– As a result of arbitrage

International Trade & FDI

Export As Percentage of GDP

Driving Force

Transportation & telecommunicationtechnology Liberalization movement to breakdown trade & investment barriers

Average Tariff Rate1913 France Germany Italy Japan Holland Sweden Britain United States 21 20 18 30 5 20 -44 1950 18 26 25 -11 9 23 14 1990 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.3 5.9 4.4 5.9 4.8 2000 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9


Ad valorem: % of value Specific: fixed sum per unit Compound: Ad Valorem + Specific

Can Protection Protect?

Effective protection Price elasticity of demand & supply

Effective ProtectionT= t k ∑ wi ti 1 ∑ wiw: weight of imported components i: intermediate goods

t: tariff rate k: the final goods,

TV TV components Effective Protection (T)

Country A 10% 10% (10-5)*2=10 (10-

Country B 20% 40% (20-20)*2=0 (20-

Price Elasticity Q e =Elastic: Inelastic: Price before tariff 1000 909

Q P PDemand P↑D↓ P↑D no change Tariff 10% 10% Supply P ↓ S↓ P ↓S no change Price after tariff 1100 1000

NonNon-Tariff Barrier

Quota (VER: voluntary export restraint) License Customs valuation, classification & procedure Technical standard Government procurement Antidumping duty Countervailing duty (against subsidy)

Investment Barrier

Entry barriers (e.g. finance, transportation) Ownership limit Performance requirement (e.g. local content) Non-national treatment Non(e.g. factor price)


Freer trade No discrimination (MFN & National Treatment) GATT (general agreement on tariffs & trade) GATS (

general agreement on trade in services) TRIPS (trade related aspects of intellectual property rights) Quota (MFA phased out) Subsidy (prohibited & actionable) Safeguard (temporary protection)

Regional Integration Stages– FTA: Free Trade Area (low tariff for members) – Custom Union (same tariff on nonmembers)

– Common Market (factor mobility) – Economic Union – Political Union

