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CHECK-LIST des dossiers à préparer



A/RESUME - 简历(尽量压缩在A4纸1页 / 正反面),用英文或法文撰写,右上角贴身份照并在页未签署姓名和日期。内容包括:

- Family name, Given names (exactly the same as in your passport) - 姓名(与护照相符)

- Place and date of birth –出生日期(日/月/年)和地点 - Sex (M/F) - 性别 - Nationality –国籍

- Permanent address (address, telephone and fax number of Office of International Cooperation & Exchange of your University)-联络地址/电话/传真(均填写学校外事处的联络号码)

- Your Email-申请人电子邮件地址

- List of studies (high school, university)-学历情况(从中学到大学)

- Results of the entrance examination (marks or ranking if available) - 高考成绩及排名(所在省,所在学校或所在系,等等……)

- Ranking of your academic results in your department –一年级成绩在全系排名(本人排名/全系总人数)

- List of academic awards and honours (if any, such as prizes, in any field) - 各类获奖证书(如可能提供中英文复印件)

- Foreign language competence - 外语能力(口笔表达水平)

- List of activities such as music, sport … and social activities such as participation in students' union or any other collective activity -参加社会活动情况和业余爱好 - And all details which could help us to know you better. - 提供让我们能够全面了解你并展示你各项优势的详细情况

This page should be signed by yourself in order to signify your agreement. An identity photograph on the upper corner of this page would be appreciated

B/Letter of motivation and personal career project

职业发展计划和申请4+4项目理由(A4纸1页/正反面), 请在页末署名。

- a one-page letter about your personal career project and your motivation ( Why you’re interested in this program or what prompted you to apply?). This letter is very important for applying scholarship and your professional project should be to become a high-level engineer or manager

C/Academic record - 大学一年级(第一学期和第二学期)成绩单英文件,必须加盖学校公章。

- a summary of the marks you have got during the first year in your University, with the titles of topics written in English, and an official stamp on this summary.

D/ 2 Letters of recommendation signed by one of the professor of your University –2封推荐信, 一封由所在院系教授签发的,另一封最好由实习企业负责人或实习导师签发(如有实习经验)。

