Comparison between Chinese and American Education(中美教育

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Comparison between Chinese and American Education

Class 材能学院电子科学与技术(电子材料)12(2)

Student’s number 3112007277

Name 叶碧华

Abstract:Nowadays, more and more people care about the education problem of China, and part of the researchers try to find out the shortage of Chinese education by compare to other country. This thesisanalyzes the difference between Chinese and American education from four aspects: the primary education and senior education, the status of teachers and students, the creativity and the equality of education. This thesis tries to figure what make China not as good asAmerica in academic. And finally find out that the main reason is Chinese education have an imperfect education system of primary education and senior education, and a wrong concept of the relationship between teachers and students.

Key Words:Education, Chinese, America

1. Introduction

Thousands of researchers try to find out what’s the difference between Chinese education and American education every year. It’s helpful to find out the shortage of Chinese education system and promote the education reform. The researchers did achieve a good result, and the research still continued. The Chinese had been taking exam-oriented education from the ancient to today while the United States was training talents. From the result, America has Nobel winner every year but none of Chinese Won the Nobel Prize until today. And obviously American academic research is much better than Chinese. This thesis is designed to compare American education and Chinese education and discuss the advantage of American education and the problem of Chinese education.

2. A Comparison between English and Chinese Idioms 2.1 Primary Education and Higher Education 2.1.1 Primary Education

In America, Schoolchildren do not have too much homework and test. America encourages students to have their own character, and they try to develop children’s talent and creativity as possible as they can. On the contrary, Chinese primary education is focus on Intellectual development. As a result, Chinese student face to a heavy pressure in their school life. The

Chinesechildren grasp much more knowledge than American children, and even the worst student in the class in Chinese can defeat the American student in the same grade.

Compare to America, it seems like China have a great primary education. But is it really? Huang quanyu, a doctor who research education between Chinaand America, had a great analogy on this problem: a gifted child is like a truck which has a good performance and carrying capacity, American try to refuel when Chinese adding to the weight of the goods on the truck. The Chinese truck can carry more goods but the American truck can go farther.

2.1.2 Higher Education

The relationship between Chinese and American higher education is totally different from the relationship of primary education. America has more comprehensive education system of higher education, and better academic atmosphere. Different college has its own character and they form healthy competition. It has colorful cultural activities on campus to make students adapt to society quickly. Colleges in America achieved great academic achievements and train a lot of talented person constantly.

In China, part of students feel tired of learning and become lazier because of the education system. Some of students do not be concentrating on learning because all of them can graduate if they pass the final exam every year. In the class, most of the teachers just follow the script without any communication to the student. And now more and more people criticized that Chinese university has been commercialized and mercenary because the education system is imperfect. ApparentlyChinese academic achievements have been deeply affected.

2.2 The status of teachers and students 2.2.1 Student

We all know that education should services for students, so students are the main part of education. The American well versed in teacher studentby crate a suitable environment to excite their own character and potential. They have enough free to choose knowledge to grasp. But in the China, students are treating as the acceptor of knowledge. They are training students, not teaching them. Most of Chinese students are force to learn because they have no right on this problem

. 2.2.2 Teacher

Teachers are not perfect, they make mistake like everybody. Therefore, to the students, teachers cannot be standard of anything. In America, teachers are friends of students. They communicate equally and always make active atmosphere in class.

Chinese think that teacher should be respect by their students. Teachers will scold students or punish them when they make mistake. So students always respect or even scared of their teachers. And not much of them like to talk to their teachers.The concept ofrespect teachers makes teachers ignoring the rights of students. Teachers don’t need to respect students’ independent personality, creativity and independent thinking.


An outstanding talent must be creative. Creativity is qualities that can’t be teach it can only be fostered. The American educators spent a lot of energy to foster children’s creativity. A typical example is that when Americanteaches children painting, they won’t limit children what they paint and children only care about whether their painting is good, but not care about if it look really. But Chinese children care, because they will be asked to paint a specific thing and the most similar one will be the best. Chinese people spent a lot of time to build up the primary education, they think they are teaching children creativity, but they are just developing children’s intelligence. To develop children’s creativity, must break the normal procedure and those unnecessary limitations.

2.4 TheEquality of education

The primary school and junior high school in America do not distinguishwith key school or not. So the rich can send their children to the best school but the poor have no choice. In China, children from poor family can study in the key school by test. But China adopts the nine-year compulsory education system. So the poor children’s living in the senior high school will be tough.

To go to the university, Chinese students must pass the college entrance examination. It can be an equally way but it’s still imperfect. America doesn’t have the college entrance examination, but they have many tests that can be admit by the college, like SAT, ACT, APS and IB. Senior high school students can take part in the examination many times during their school life. The personal statements, recommendations and extracurricular will be consider by the college, too. Some college even takes the audition.

3. Conclusion

Compared to American education, it seems like Chinese education have a lot of shortcoming. But Chinese education is not the worst, it just need a reform to make it perfect.To the primary education, we spent too much to develop children’s intelligence, the heavy pressure and a large number of limitations will restrictchildren’s creativity development. To the senior education, the commercialization and imperfectsystem make Chinese college can’t be a free and strong academic

atmosphere like American. The tradition of respect teachers makes the relationship between students and teachers in Chineseare worse. Students and teachers should be friends, like America. And the equality of education in China and America still need to discuss and make it perfect. In a word, Chinese education should be concentrate on develop children’s creativity in primary education, make the senior education system perfect, correct the relationship between teachers and students and make the education more equally.


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