七年级下册英语Unit 7导学案

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七下Unit 7 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit


一、朗读生词并理解其意思。 二、翻译下列短语和句子。

1. 当心 ______ 2. 植树 _________ 3. 给某人让座 ____ 4. 探望敬老院 ___ 5. 为-----付款 _____ 6. 最需要----- _______________

7. 清理公园 __________________ 8. 将----寄给 _______________ 三、根据句意,中文提示完成单词。

1. I (相信)our football team will win.

2. On March 12th every year, people in China (栽种)trees all over the country. 3.People have different (能力).Some people use them to help others. 4.Tom likes (收集)stamps. It’s his hobby.

5.Jack is one of the (成员)of the Helping Hands Club.

6.The little students always give the (座位)to the old people on the bus. 四.从对话中找出下列问题的答案。 1)Is Eddie Superdog ?

2) Can he fly?

3) What does Hobo say when Eddie wants to fly ? 4)Why does he say that?

五、找搭档分角色朗读80页对话。 六.看图思考:(81页)。

1.Where are the boy and the old man?

2.What do they want to do?

3. Is the boy helping the old man?




回答:What can the members at the Helping Hands Club do for the children in poor areas?

思考:What can we do to help others? Then make a dialogue using Part B as a model.

九.十.准备A short speech: Say something about yourself. (1) your name (2) your ability

(3) your personality (个性)

(4)What would you like to do to help others?

六、默写下列课文中的句子。 1. 信还是不信!

2. 当心,Eddie!

3. 我们可以给他们寄送一些过去。

4. .一些家庭甚至没有能力付得起钢笔和笔记本

5. 我们可以为他们筹集一些钱来买这些东西。


七下Unit 7 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit



1. Be c__________! There are a lot of cars and people in the street. 2. On March 12th, her mother often takes her to p______ trees near the river. 3. We should h_______ each other.

4. ---Do you like c________ stamps? --- Yes, I do. 5. Look! The girl is g_________ a seat to an old man. 二、用合适的介词或副词填空。

1. I usually help my classmates ____ their homework.

2. ---Can you help me _________ my English? ---Yes, with pleasure. 3. It’s important to be careful ________ fire. 4. Planting Trees Day is _________ March 12th. 5. Daniel is a member ____ the Helping Hands Club. 6. There isn’t a home _______ the elderly in our village . 7. We will clean ____ the classroom after school. 8. Simon often gives a seat ____ someone ____ the bus. 三、句型转换。

1. 信不信由你,李阳将到我们学校来。

!Li Yang will come to our school. 2. 同学们想为希望工程收集东西。

The students want to _______ Project Hope. 3.李阿姨每天都将办公室打扫的干干净净。

Aunt Li ______ _ the office every day. 4.He often __________ __________ to the __________ on the bus. ( 他经常在公共汽车上给老人让座)

5.We often go to __________ the __________ for the elderly every year. (我们每年都去访问老年公寓)


初中英语七年级下册导学案 七下Unit 7 Reading (1)


一.借助音标朗读单词表中的82页生词。记忆生词意思。并完成一下填空。 1. There was a lot of (烟)from the window of a wooden house just now. 2. Today Linda’s parents are out, so she has to stay at home (独自)。 3. It is a good habit to check your work (仔细)before you hand it in. 4. She is a very (勇敢)little girl. 5. Is the fire still (燃烧)?


smoke hurt_______ pour____________ rush_______ blanket_______ save___________ burn______ arm_________ glad______ dangerous help sb. out on 10th May be at home alone hear sb. doing the 79-year-old Mrs Sun happen to pour sth. Over rush into put out the fire be careful with 三、阅读课文标出生词及不理解的句子。 四.快速阅读课文一遍,判断正(T)误(F)。

1)Lin Tao is 26 years old, Mrs Sun is 79—year—old. 2)Lin Tao was at home with his parents on 10th May. 3)Mrs Sun shouted ―Fire! Fire!‖ in the kitchen. 4)Lin Tao was in hospital for only one month.

5)Many people visited him with some flowers and presents. 五.阅读课文两遍,并回答下列问题。 1. What did Lin Tao see and hear on May 10th?

2.How old was Mrs Sun?

3.Why couldn’t Mrs Sun get out of the fire?


4. How did Lin Tao save his neighbour?

5 How long was the young man in hospital?

6、What did Lin Tao say at last?

7. What do you think about the young man?

五.再阅读课文一遍,完成83页B2部分内容。 六、快速朗读完成课本84页B3部分和C部分练习。 七、思考:What do you learn from Lin Tao?


1. 他真够勇敢的从火海里就出了他的邻居。

2. 他跑了出来看见了许多来自隔壁的烟。

3. 他的左腿严重受伤了,他不能出去了。

4. 他把他的外套浇湿了来保护他自己。

5. 然后他冲进了厨房。

6. 他把一个湿的毯子盖在了孙夫人身上,然后把她救了出来。


七下Unit 7 Reading (1)



1. a careful boy___________________ 2.一个勇敢的年轻人___________________ 3.hurt one’s leg________________ 4.让某人脱离危险_______________ 5.put out___________________ 6. hurt by fire ___________________ 7.冲进去___________________ 8. be in hospital ___________________ 9.从大火中救出某人______________10.在此刻___________________ 二、完成短文。

The 25—year—old man c 1 Lin Tao helped his neighbour out of a f 2 . On 10th May, he was at home a 3 . Suddenly he h 4 someone shouting ― Fire!‖. He ran outside and saw a lot of s 5 from next door, Mrs Sun’s house. Then he r 6 into her kitchen to s 7 her. The fire was very hot, but he was not a 8 . Lin Tao said ―We should help e 9 other and it is important to be c 10 with fire.‖ 三、用下列单词的正确形式填空。

1. Suddenly he heard someone ________ (shout ) ―Fire!‖. 2. At that time,I saw him (cross) the street. 3. Lin Tao put out the fire _________ (quick ). 4. He saw __________ (many ) smoke from next room. 5. It’s dangerous for the children to play with (knife). 6. Thank you for _________ ( join ) us.

7. How terrible!Is she getting (well)now?

8.He is a ______ ( care ) man. He often makes some mistakes (错误). 四、将下列句子译成英语。

1. 上周他呆在床上休息了2 天。_______________________________________. 2. 你刚才听见有人在隔壁唱歌吗?_______________________________? 3. 我们应该互相帮助,互相学习。____________________________________. 4. 这音乐听起来不错。______________________________________________. 5. 刚才我用一个湿毯子扑灭了火。

I the fire just now.


初中英语七年级下册导学案 七下Unit 7 Reading (2)


一、阅读课文两遍,找出语言点。(重点词汇、短语、句子) 二、翻译下列短语。

1.小心火 2. 扑灭大火 3.住院 4.打110 报警 5.冲进... 6. keep one’s life from danger_______________ 7.呆在家 8.带给某人某物 9.烧伤某人的腿 10.把水浇在他的裤子上 11.听到某人正在做某事

12.a brave man___________________ 三.自学文中重要短语或句型。

1. help sb out of a fire help with /(to)do sth.

2. alone/lonely eg:I often stay home alone on Sundays but I don’t feel lonely. 3.hear sb do /doing sth; see do/ doing

4. 79—year—old 79岁大的,是用连字符所构成的一个形容词结构,一般放在名词前作定语用,其中所含名词必须用单数。 eg. a 12—year—old boy 一个12岁大的男孩

an 8—hundred—word article 一篇800字的文章 a 2—metre—long desk 一张2米长的桌子

5.hurt The boy fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg. hurt by fire

6.pour… over

7. put out the fire put on/ up/down/ into/away

8. in hospital 住院,指生病

eg. She was in hospital for two months. 她住院已有两个月了。 My grandma is ill in hospital. 我奶奶生病住院了。

in the hospital 在医院里(不是生病)

eg. My uncle is a doctor. He works in the hospital near here.



9.It is important to be careful with fire. Be care with sth Children must be careful with matches.

10.keep one’s life from danger keep … from I should keep my father from smoking. 11.Thank you for joining us this evening.

四.假设你是一名记者,想对Lin Tao做一次采访,请列出你想问他的问题(留作课堂采访) 五. 如何用火才是安全的,请列出你的想法:(Fire safety)

六、延伸学习:判断下列行为是否安全。(S=safety;D=dangerous) 1. Ride a bike very fast on the road. 2. Do not drive a car after driving. 3. Sleep with the stove on.

4. Be alone at home without locking the door.

5. Do not go swimming in the river. 6. Do not speak to strangers.


1. 后来一些消防员来了扑灭了火。

2. 火烧伤了林涛的胳膊、脖子和脸。

3. 他在医院住了两个星期。

4. 我们应当当心它。

5. 我听到某人求救。

6. 你听说了关于林涛的消息吗?

7. 他把一个湿的毯子盖在了孙夫人身上,然后把她救了出来。


七下Unit 7 Reading (2)



1.I often hear her____________(sing) in the room. 2. Thank you for ____________(help) us.

3.The brave boy rushed into the room ____________(save) the girl. 4.Miss Xu ____________(teach) me maths last term. 5.She fell off her bike and______________(hurt) her leg. 6.You should do something _____________(keep) water clean. 二、句型转换。

1. The man put out the fire with a blanket. (5-6划线提问)

2. Mrs. Li is 80 years old. She is an old woman. (同义句) Mrs. Li is woman. 3. He is a brave young man. (感叹句)


( )1. Yi Jianlian is a _________ basketball player.

A.2—metres—tall B.2—metre—tall c. 2 metres tall

( )2._______is important _______careful with fire.

A.That;be B.It;be C.It;to be D.That;being ( )3. His grandpa lives ____ in the country but she doesn’t feel_______. A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely ( )4.If we __________ careful,fire can be dangerous。

A.don’t be B.are C.aren’t D. won’t be ( )5. There was a big fire last night, but the firemen _______.

A. put down it B. put it down

C. put out it D. put it out



七下Unit7 Grammar A



smoke by the way_______________________ camera no problem______________________ ride a horse swim across the river ride a bike go camping a good place to have fun_________________________ (二)阅读书P85例句,体会两组例句中相同单词的不同用途。 1.Can/could:______________________________ 2. Can,could,may:__________________________ 二、用can和could造句,表示能力。

___________________________________________________- ___________________________________________________

三、分别用can,could和may造三个句子(表示许可)。 四、根据要求改写下列的句子。

1. He can play tennis now. (用two years ago改写句)

2.Pingping could speak English last year.(用now改写句子)

3. The parrot can speak some English words. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) 4. They can go to Guannan today. (改为否定句)

五.朗读书本85页A部分内容,然后完成A trip to South Hill。


六、默写下列课文中的句子。 1. 能说很好的英语。

2. 不会骑马。

3. 这个老人能横游长江。

4. 抱歉,我恐怕你不可以。

5. 当然,你可以。

6. 顺便问一下,你可以带上你的相机吗,Amy?

7. 没问题。


七下Unit7 Grammar A



1. — you lend me your ruler?—Yes, of course.

2. — Kate ride a bike when she was five years old?—No, she . 3. Look at the sun! It be a nice day today. We go fishing today.

4. Mike work out(解决) this problem yesterday. He thinks hard and he work it out now. 5. I sing many Chinese songs. But I sing any English songs at all. 6. — you row a boat now? —No, I . But my brother _____. 7. It rained hard yesterday. We fly kites outside.

8. Kitty play the violin last year. But she play the violin very well now. 9. — you speak Japanese now?—Yes, I . But I speak Japanese last year. 10. Tim is very clever. He play the piano when he was a little boy. 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.Could you (sing) an English song when you were Grade One? 2.We can (fly)the kites now. But we (can’t)a moment ago. 3.Would you like (draw)a picture of our classroom? 4.The rushed into the room (save)the boy. 5.We must do something (help)the poor children. 三、句型转换。

1. Simon can ride a bicycle. (用last year改写句子)

2. Could she speak Japanese two years ago? (作否定回答)

3. The children can go swimming in the river. (对划线部分提问) 四、翻译句子。

1. 去年他不会划船,但是现在他能划得很好。

2. 年轻人应该为老年人多做事情。

3. 我的网球拍坏了,我不能打球了。


初中英语七年级下册导学案 七下Unit7 Grammar B


一.阅读课本86页内容,了解感叹句的基本结构是什么样的并写出来。 1 What + ! 2 How+ ! 二、按照例子进行练习。(小组探讨)

如: A boy is very tall.

→What a tall boy!

1.A girl is very beautiful. _________________ 2. Elephants are very tall. ___________________ 3. Bread is very tasty. 4.A story is very interesting.

三、用另外一个感叹句结构将上面句子的意思表达出来。 如:What a tall boy! ---How tall the boy is!

1.short, a pencil _________________ 2.beautiful, pictures ___________________ 3.delicious, bread 4.amazing, story

四、根据掌握内容试着用what或 how填空。 1. _____________ delicious Beijing Duck is!‖

2.__________ a beautiful girl! Look!__________ long her hair is! 3.Oh, it’s a dangerous snake. ________________ dangerous it is! 五.根据所掌握的感叹句结构试着翻译下列句子。 1. 太棒了!

2. 多么勇敢的年轻人啊!


六、 默写下列课文中的句子。(用两种感叹句翻译瞎下列句子)

1. 这是多么漂亮的一朵花啊!

2. 这是多么漂亮的一些花啊!

3. 他的主意多么有意思啊!

4. 这音乐真是太好了!

5. 多么棒的一个人啊!


七下Unit7 Grammar B



1. ________ a lovely boy! 2. _________ boring the book is ! 3. _________slowly the tortoise moves! 4. __________amazing it is ! 5. _________an honest boy he is! 6. __________hard work it is ! 二、按要求写感叹句。

1. He is a very handsome boy. (用what改写)_______________________________ 2. This is an interesting story. (用what改写)____________________________ 3. The weather is very bad. (用how改写)______________________________ 4. These students are very helpful. (用how改写)________________________ 5. The juice is very sweet. (用how改写) ____________________________. 三、互相转换。

1. What a pretty girl she is!_______ _______ the girl is!

2. How difficult the questions are!_________ ________ ________ they are. 3. How big the factory is!_______ _______ big factory _____ ____! 4.What an interesting story!_______ _______ the story_______! 5. How tall the trees are!_______ tall trees ______ ______!

6. What interesting books they are!________ _______ the books ________! 7. How funny the girl is!________ _______ funny girl ____ _____! 8. How old the man is!______ _______ old man ______ _____! 9. What clever boys they are!_____ ______ the boys________!

10. How amazing the building is!_____ _____amazing building ____ ____!


初中英语七年级下册导学案 七下Unit 7 Integrated Skills


一、 在课文中划出本课的生词,借助音标拼读、理解并记忆。 1.term____________2.hard___________ 3.article____________ 4.careless _________ 5. piano_____________6. at the age of____________ 7.violin____________ 8.show ___________ 9. do/try one’s best____________ 二、 翻译下面重点短语。

1.this term________________ 2. work hard on_______________ 3.do her best _______________4. play the piano______________ 5. parents’ meeting ______________6. do well in________________ 三.根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1.We started to learn Art last (学期)。

2.Mo Yan is a famous writer. He can write good (文章) 3.Lang Lang is good at playing the p . 4. Her sister enjoys playing the (小提琴)。 5.I (相信)I can dance better than Liu Tao. 四.写一份个人有关学习方面的简介。

五.读88页B部分内容两遍,回答下列问题。 What can Sandy do?

What about Daniel?




1.play the piano well 钢琴弹得好 =be good at/ do well in playing the piano 2.do one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 =try one’s best (to do) We must do our best to learn English well. He does his best to help us.

3.It’s + adj. +for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事。。。。怎么样 It’s difficult for us to learn English well.

It’s important for a dancer to be healthy.

4.teach sb how to do sth. 教某人如何做某事 You must teach me how to learn English well. 七、默写下列课文中的句子。

1. Suzy热爱这门学科而且很努力学习。

2. 做的好,Suzy写很好的文章。

3. 这学期她没有尽力。

4. 很好,但是她有时粗心。

5. 擅长数学。

6. 我在六岁时开始拉小提琴。

7. 你能展示给我看如何演奏吗?


七下Unit 7 Integrated Skills


一、根据句意或用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.She tries her ________(good)to learn English well.

2. She loves history and knows a lot about___________(China) history.

3. After school he spends a lot of time reading books, so he is good at __________(写作)。 4. You can get_________(well)results in the exams if you do your best. 5. He needs (show)you how (dance). 6. He practises (play) chess every week. 二、单项选择。

( )1. Su Ning has good grades______ Chinese, English and History.

A. on B. in C. for D. as

( )2. My brother knows_______ about________ .

A. a lot of; Chinese history B. a lot ; the history of China C. lot of; the history of China D. lots of; Chinese history

( )3. Suzy is _______ history , but_______ geography.

A. well in ; poor at B. good at ; weak in C. good at ; weak at D. good in ; poor in

( )4.Sandy likes playing ____piano, but she is good at playing tennis.

A. the; the B. the; / C. / ; the D./ ; /

( )5.----You dance so well. Can you teach me at weekends?-- _________.

A. Never mind B .No problem C. That’s all right D. That’s OK



We will help you. 2.我九岁开始学英语。

I started to learn English . 3. 我几乎一点也不会说日语,对我来说太难了。(翻译句子) ___________________________________________________ 4.顺便问一下。其他的我还能吃什么?

, can I eat? 5.Suzy在历史学科做的不是太好。

Suzy doesn’t History.



七下Unit 7 Study skills


一、翻译词组 。

1.do more exercises ___________ 2.their differences 3. need more practice _________4.read English newspaper __________ 5look for information in a library______________________________

6. a useful place to find information____________________________ 二、阅读书上89页部分内容,理解其意思。并试着完成89页分类内容。 三、你从这一课中学到了什么样的学习技巧。


七下Unit 7 Study skills


一.根据首字母、中文提示、句意或英语解释写单词 1. How many _______ are there in a year? Twelve.

2. -Look, the bird is in d . -Don’t climb up the tree. It’s d_______ . 3.How ________ he is! . He makes so many mistakes(错误).

4. He always stays at home ____ (by oneself) But he doesn’t feel l____ . 5. The earthquake is so __________ . (可怕的,糟糕的)

6. Millions of foreign________ visit the Great Wall every year. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Peter’s father fell into the river. He drove his car __________ (care). 2. The buildings fell down _____________ (terrible). 3. The old men have poor__________ (memory). 4. There are many _______ (piano) in the classroom. 5. Today, many old men live _________ (lonely).

6. To play with matches is very _________ (danger) for children.

7. They are twins. I can’t tell the__________ (different) between them. 8. He didn’t get a good result in Maths, so he was _________ (happily).



七下Unit 7 Task



1.The parents’ meeting is (可能的)to be in the morning. 2.I am sure that Tom can get the (奖项)because he is very brave. 3.I will write a letter to the club to (推荐)him as a leader.

4.My friends can do different things because they have different (能力)。 5.He forgot to bring the homework again. How c he is! 二.阅读90页A部分, 完成下面的表格。

Ability Personality



五、默写下列课文中的句子。 1. 在工作时总是考虑得很细心。

2. 上周,一个五岁的男孩在街上迷路了并且在哭泣。

3. Daniel看见了他并且把他带到了警察局。

4. 在这男孩的父母来之前,他陪这男孩呆在一起玩了两个小时

5. 我们期待着马上收到你的来信。

He can_________. He can___________. He helps_________ He is clever,_________and___________. What he did He helped a ______boy who__________his way. 20

七下Unit 7 Task


一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 。

1. He didn’t get a good result in Maths, so he looked _________ (happy). 2. Daniel is very clever and he can learn things (quick). 3. You’re too careless. You should be (think). 4. My brother is too young to look after (he). 5. She is (real)kind to others. 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. I caught a fish after (wait)for two hours.

2. Simon is good at ________ (write).

3. I’d like (take)some seafood to him tomorrow. 4. You’re weak at writing. You need (read)more. 5. He (teach)me how to dance last week. 6. She ________ (save) a child from the fire.

7. They didn’t play football because Simon forgot ________ (bring) a football. 8. Yesterday Amy _________ (catch) a big fish.

9. This weekend I’ll go shopping instead of _______ (watch) TV at home.

10. Everyone is looking forward to _______________ (get) an award in the game show.


你(Wang Bing)想向王老师推荐你的同学王军获三班最乐于助人奖,请写一封推荐信。 包含要点:



3、曾为班级或他人做的好事。 4、适当发挥,字数不少于70字。 Dear Miss Wang


Yours faithfully Wang Bing


七下 Unit7单元测试卷

一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 1. An __________ boy drew this picture.

A. 8 years old B. 8 years C. 8 year old D. 8-year-old

( ) 2. My mother heard her _________ the piano in the next room at 10:00 last night. A. played B. to play C. playing D. plays ( ) 3.--_______ did he catch a fish? - -Within five minutes.

A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How often

( ) 4. .On ______ home, Susan found a robber getting out of a van yesterday.

A. her way to B. her way for C. her way at D. her way ( )5.If we drive__________,we can be_________.

A.slow;safe B.slow;safely C.slowly;safe D.slowly;safely ( )6.—May I play with Jack,Mum? —________.He is a lazy boy.

A.Yes,you may B.No.I can’t C.Yes,you do D.No,you mustn’t ( ) 7. It’s important __________ fire.

A.to care B.be careful

C.to be careful D.to be careful with

( )8. His grandpa lives ____ in the country but she doesn’t feel_______.

A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely ( )9. ________ he told me!

A. What bad news B. How a bad news C. How bad news D. What a bad news ( )10. Don’t smoke _________. It’s bad for your health.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too ( ) 11. .Daniel is helpful, and he always________.

A. thinks of himself first B. thinks of others first C. thinks himself first D. thinks others first

( ) 12. When Mary was young, she _________ able to dance very well. A. could be B. can be C. was D. could ( ) 13. Is there _________ in today’s newspaper ?

A. something important B. anything important

C. important something D. important anything

( ) 14.一 Can you teach me some English songs? 一_________ .

A.No problem. B.You are welcome. C.Thank you. D.Why so ? ( )15.If we __________ careful,fire can be dangerous。

A.don’t be B.are C.aren’t D. won’t be 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

During the war, an English pilot(飞行员)was hurt. But he was __1__by a group of nuns(修女). He had been very __2__ and__3_ his sense(知觉). When he came to himself he was__4__ to find a woman beside him. It was Sister Mary. She said to him, ―This is a woman hospital. We have many girls here learning to be nurses. We will hide you here as long as_5_, but you will have to follow our advice.‖

The pilot__6_ to dress himself __7__as a nurse. He could not talk with the nurses or the nuns. He had to stay___8__ a small room as _9__ as possible. He was asked to shave(刮胡子) every day,


wearing a beautiful cap, and the nurse’s uniforms. It was a very difficult time, however he didn’t feel very__10_ especially when one of the nursing girls caught his eyes. She was very quiet, and ran away whenever she saw him looking at her. The pilot found__11__ fall in love with her.

One day he found the nurse working in the kitchen alone. He went over to her and said, ―Please don’t do that. I love you so much.‖ He started to put his arms_12__ the nurse, and then drew back__13__. He found __14___ the nurse was actually another pilot saved by the nuns just__15__ himself. ( )1.A.caught B. saved C. killed D. helped ( )2.A.lucky B. hungry C. strong D. weak ( )3 A.lose B.losed C.lost D.loses ( )4.A.angry B. sorry C. surprised D. worried ( )5.A.possible B. able C. possibly D. need ( )6.A.decided B. liked C. agreed D. asked ( )7. A.up B.to C.as D.for ( )8.A.at B.in C.with D.from ( )9.A.soon B. much C. early D.late ( )10.A.lonely B. alone C. hungry D. hungrily ( )11.A.her B. him C. herself D. himself ( )12.A.behind B. in front of C. around D. on ( )13.A.happily B. sadly C. in surprise D. in danger ( )14.A.it B.that C.why D.how ( )15.A.as B.like C.for D.in



Dear Sir or Madam,

Last Thursday, I traveled on the 8:00 a.m. train from Glasgow to London King’s Cross and I was quite angry with the service of your company.

The train didn’t come on time and it was forty minutes late when it left Glasgow. A man at the station said sorry to us, but he didn’t give us any reasons for the delay(误点). We then had further delays on the way and had to wait another thirty minutes. As a result, I missed my plane from London to Frankfurt and had to wait for several hours.

What’s more, the service on the train was also very poor. The trip took more than five hours. Unluckily, we could buy nothing but some soft drinks on the train. Worst of all, something was wrong with the air conditioning(空调系统)and it got hotter and hotter in the train. Before we reached King’s Cross, the temperature was over 40°C.

Because of your poor service, I feel you should pay me compensation(赔偿). I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, David Roberson

( ) 1. When did the train leave Glasgow?

A. At 8:00 a.m. B. At 8:40 a.m. C. At 9:00 a.m. D. At 9:20 a.m.

( ) 2. How did David go to Frankfurt from London?

A. By air. B. By bus. C. By car. D. By train.


( ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. This is a complaint letter.

B. David was very pleased with the trip.

C. The service of the company was very poor.

D. Something was wrong with the air conditioning on the train.


The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means (通讯设备). Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it. Man has been polluting the earth. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people. When the land was used up or the river was dirty in one place, man moved to another place. But this is no longer true. Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.

Air pollution is still the most serious. It’s bad for all living things in the world, but it is not the only kind of pollution. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.

Many countries are making laws (法规) to fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal (煤) in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the air. Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It is caused by heavy traffic. We are sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means keeping the land, water and air clean. And we must take care of the rise in pollution at the same time.

( ) 4. According to the passage, our world is becoming much smaller because of _____. A. science development B. the rise in population C. the serious pollution D. coal burning in houses ( ) 5. The underlined word ―it‖ in the first paragraph means _____. A. rubbish B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution ( ) 6. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Modern communication means should not be used. B. Pollution grows as fast as the world population does. C. All kinds of pollution are bad for all living things.

D. Many countries are making laws to fight pollution.


Jed couldn’t keep the tears running down his face. His friend, Rob, wanted to help, but the more he talked about it, the worse Jed felt.

―I know how terrible you must feel,‖ Rob said. ―Everyone on the team thought the coach (教练) would choose you. He must be crazy (疯狂) to let Tom swim the breaststroke (蛙泳)!‖

When the coach told him about the date and place of the state swimming meeting for boys of 15 and under, Jed was sure he would be swimming the breaststroke. He even told his family that


the team couldn’t win the event without him.

When the coach chose Tom Timmons, the new boy from Spring field, to swim the breaststroke, Jed could hardly believe it. Coach Robertson told Jed he could swim on the relay team, but that offered little consolation.

―I may leave the team,‖ he told Rob. ―I’d rather not swim at all than be on the relay team.‖ ―I don’t know whether you should do that or not,‖ Rob said. ―We need you on the relay team. Of course, if you say you won’t swim at all, the coach may change his mind and let you swim the breaststroke.‖

Jed left Rob and headed towards home. He knew it would be embarrassing (尴尬) to have to tell his family and his friends that someone else would take his place. He wondered if he should make up a story and tell his mom and dad that he asked the coach to put the new boy in. Jed didn’t know what to do.

( ) 7. We can learn from the passage that _____. A. Rob failed to make Jed less worried

B. Jed was bad at the breaststroke

C. Tom would swim on the relay team

D. the coach did not like Jed at all

( ) 8. If Jed really makes up a story, it might be that _____.

A. the coach thought Tom would do better B. he was not good enough to swim C. he wanted Tom to swim instead of him D. his friend Rob wanted to swim ( ) 9. Rob thought _____.

A. Jed should be chosen to swim the breaststroke B. the coach made a clever answer

C. Jed should ask for help from his mom and dad D. Tom should be on the relay team

( )10. The best title of the passage may be _____. A. Too Good to Swim B. It’s Terrible to Be Out C. The Coach and Jed D. What a Silly Choice 四、根据括号内提示填入适当单词 (10分). 1. People have different ________(能力).

2. I want to ________(收集)things for Project Hope.

3. Suddenly Wang Fang heard someone ________(呼叫)“fire,fire‖.

4. Fire can be very dangerous. It’s ________(重要的)to be careful with fire. 5. He ________(花费)a lot of time at the Helping Hands Club last year. 6.I hear you were ill yesterday. Are you feeling _____________ (good )now ? 7.He thinks_______________ (care)and makes a few mistakes in exams. 8.He has the _____________ (able)to finish the work on time. 9.I think Jim is a very _______________(think) boy.

10.The firemen were so b ____________that they rushed into the fire. 五、动词填空(10分)

1.I don't know what ____________ (happen)in a hundred years.

2.Did you see an old woman ____________ (fall)into the river just now? 3.We must do something ____________ (help)the poor children. 4.We put out the fire by ____________ (pour)water.


5.It’s important ____________________(not talk)in class.

6. We _______________________(hold) a sports meeting next month,are you? 7. Mr. Green often ____________(drink) a lot when he was young..

8.I will go to visit my uncle if it _________________ (not snow)tomorrow. 9. --Who ______________(not join) you in the game? –Simon,he was busy. 10.Listen! How well she _________________ (sing)in the next room ! 六、翻译句子(5分)

1. 你一定不要将热东西倒入垃圾箱。

You mustn’t put ____________ _________ into the rubbish bin . 2. 我想要一个人来教我如何游泳。

I want a person to __________ ________ _________ ________swim. 3. Daniel 总是在自己之前先想到别人。

Daniel always ___________ ________ others before himself . 4 他冲进了大楼救了一位80岁的老人。

He ___________ the building and saved ______ eighty-year-old man . 5. 这音乐听起来不错。The music ____________________. 七、默写课文中的句子。 1. 信不信由你!

2. 当心,Eddie!

3. 我们可以给他们寄送一些过去。

4. 我听到某人求救。

5. 当然,你可以。

八.书面表达 (15分) 假如你是kitty,你想推荐你班同学simon为本学期最佳学生奖得主,请根据下列要点写一封推荐信(90词左右):




4.Simon做事很仔细,如果他能获奖,我将很高兴。 Dear Sir/Madam,

I’d like to________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ Yours faithfully Kitty


Unit 7

Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 一、用所给首字母完成下列句子。

1. careful 2.plant 3. help 4. collecting 5.giving 二、用合适的介词或副词填空。

1. with 2. with 3.with 4. on 5.of 6.for 7. up 8. to, on 三、句型转换。 1.Believe it or not. 2raise money for 3. cleans up

4.gives seats elderly 5.visit , home Reading(1)


1一个细心的男孩 2. a brave young man 3.伤了某人的腿 4.keep sb away from danger险 5. 扑灭 6. 被火弄伤 7.rush into 8. 住院 9.save sb from the fire 10.在那个时候 二、完成短文。

1. called 2. fire 3. alone 4. heard 5. smoke 6. rushed 7. save 8. afraid 9. each 10. careful 三、用下列单词的正确形式填空。

1. shouting 2. crossing 3.quickly 4.much 5. knives 6. joining 7.better 8. careless 四、将下列句子译成英语。

1. He stayed in bed to have a rest for two days last week. 2. Did you hear someone singing next door?

3. We should help each other and learn from each other. 4. The music sounds good. 5. put out , with a wet blanket. Reading(2) 一、 动词填空

1. sing 2.helping 3.to save 4.taught 5. hurt 6.to keep 二、句型转换

1. How did the man put out the fire? 2. Mrs. Li is an eighty—year—old woman. 3. What a brave young man he is! 三.单项选择 B C B C D Grammar A


1. Can/ Could 2.could, couldn’t 3 may, can . 4. couldn’t 5.can, can’t

6. Can, can’t can 7.couldn’t 8.couldn’t, can 9. Can, can, couldn’t 10. could 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.sing 2. fly, couldn’t 3. to draw 4. to save 5. to help 三.句型转换

1. Simon could ride a bicycle last year. 2. No, she couldn’t. 3 Who can go swimming in the river? 四、翻译句子


1. He couldn’t row a boat, But now he can row very well. 2. The young should do a lot of things for the elderly. 3.There is something wrong with my bats. I can’t play tennis. Grammar B

一、用how和what填空。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. What a handsome boy (he is)! 2. What an interesting story! 3. How bad the weather is! 4. How helpful these students are! 5. How sweet the juice is! 三、互相转换

1. How pretty 2. What difficult questions 3. What a it is 4. How interesting is 5. What they are 6. How interesting are 7. What a she is 8.What an he is 9. How clever are 10. What an it is Integrated Skills


1.Best 2. Chinese 3. writing 4.better 5.to show, to dance 6. playing 二、单项选择。

1.B 2.B 3. B 4.B 5. B 三、 句型转换 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

try our best to

when I was nine years old/ at the age of nine I can hardly speak Japanese. It’s difficult to me. By the way, what else do well in What How How How What What

Study skills

一、 根据首字母、中文提示、句意或英语解释写单词

1.months 2.danger, dangerous 3.careless 4.alone, lonely 5.terrible 6. visitors 二.用所给词的适当形式填空

1. carelessly 2. terribly 3. memories 4. pianos 5. alone 6. dangerous 7. differences 8.unhappy Main task


1.unhappy 2. quickly 3. thoughtful 4. himself 5. really 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. waiting 2. writing 3. to take 4. to read 5. taught 6. saved 7. to bring 8.caught 9.watching 10. getting 三、书面表达略

七下 Unit7单元测试卷

一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


一、1—5 B C C D C 6—10 DDBAB 11—15 B A B AC 二、1—5 BDCCA 6—10 C A B B A 11—15 D C C B B 三、1—5 B A B A C 6—10 C A C A B

四、 1.abilities 2.collect 3.shouting 4.important 5.spent 6.better 7.carelessly 8.ability 9. thougtful 10. brave

五、1. will happen 2. falling 3. to help 4. pouring 5.not to talk

6. are going to hold 7. drank 8.doesn’t snow 9. didn’t join 10.is singing 六、翻译句子。 1.anything hot

2. teach me how to 3. thinks of

4. rushed into an 5. sounds great

七.默写课文中的句子 1. Believe it or not! 2 Be careful, Edddie!

3. We can send something to them. 4. I heard someone shouting for help. 5. Of course, you can. 八.略


