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Cindy and Anna were best friends.Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument, but other days they just could not 46 on what to do. One day they decided to play in the garden near their school.“Come on, let’s play chess,”Anna said.“I don’t want to play chess,”Cindy replied.“We always do what you want to do, Cindy.It’s my turn to make a47,” Anna said.She was getting a little unhappy and 48, leaving Cindy alone. Cindy was very angry.49 she got home, she found she still had Anna’s notebook in her schoolbag.“Well, I’m not giving it back to her today.I’m too mad at her,”Cindy thought. The next day at school, their teacher Mrs.Stone 50their notebooks.But Anna didn’t have hers, and she looked 51.Cindy knew she should tell Mrs.Stone that she had the notebook, but she was 52 mad at Anna. When it was time for lunch, Cindy finally told

Mrs.Stone the 53.“Thank you for being54, Cindy.I’m sure Anna will be thankful that you have given me her notebook,” said Mrs.Stone. Later, Mrs.Stone asked the two girls together and talked with them.Mrs.Stone helped them 55 that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity.They became best friends again. ()46.A.agree B.live C.depend D.try

()47.A.promise B.project C.decision D.dialogue

()48.A.went over B.went on C.went by D.went away

()49.A.Because B.After C.Unless D.If

()50.A.gave away B.asked for C.handed in D.paid for

()51.A.worried B.normal C.proud D.relaxed

()52.A.still B.never b0aacb305d0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee14b3ually D.almost

()53.A.chance B.method C.truth D.rule

()54.A.patient B.honest C.active D.quiet

()55.A.describe B.explain C.guess D.realize




46.A句意:但是有时候她们对于接下来做什么不能够达成一致意见。考查动词辨析和句意。agree同意,live 居住,depend依靠,try尝试;根据“Some days


they could spend hours happily together without any argument”可知前面是不争吵,but表示转折,转折后应是意见不一致;故选A。

47.C句意:轮到我做决定了。考查名词辨析和语境。promise承诺,project工程,decision决定,dialogue对话;根据“We always do what you want to do, Cindy.It’s my turn to make a 47.”可知“我们总是做你想做的,现在轮到我做决定了”;故选C。

48.D句意:她有点不高兴就走开了。考查动词短语辨析和语境。go over复习,go on继续,go by经过,go away走开;根据“leaving Cindy alone(把辛迪独自留下)”,可知是安娜走开了;故选D。

49.B句意:她到家后,发现书包里有安娜的笔记本。考查连词和语境。because 因为,after在……之后,unless除非,if如果,是否;根据“she got home”和“she found she still had Anna’s notebook in her schoolbag”之间的关系,可知是到家后发现笔记本;故选B。

50.B句意:Stone老师要他们的笔记本。考查动词短语辨析和语境。give away 捐赠,ask for要求, hand in 上交, pay for支付;根据“their teacher Mrs.Stone”和“their notebooks”可知是老师要他们的笔记本;故选B。

51.A句意:她看起来很担心。考查形容词辨析和语境。worried担心的,normal 正常的,proud骄傲的,relaxed放松的;根据“Mrs.Stone 50 their notebooks.But Anna didn’t have hers(老师要笔记本,但是安娜没有)”,可知她是担心的;故选A。

52.A句意:但是她仍然生安娜的气。考查副词辨析和语境。still仍然,never 从不,usually通常,almost几乎;根据“I’m not giving it back to her today.I’m too mad at her”,可知辛迪仍然生安娜的气;故选A。

53.C句意:辛迪最后告诉Stone老师真相。考查名词辨析和语境。chance机会,method方法,truth真相,rule规则;根据“Thank you for being 54 (谢谢你的……)”,可知是告诉了老师真相;故选C。

54.B句意:谢谢你的诚实,辛迪。考查形容词辨析和语境。patient耐心的,honest 诚实的,active积极的,quiet安静的;根据“Cindy finally told Mrs.Stone the 53.(辛迪最后还是告诉老师真相)”,可知辛迪是诚实的;故选B。

55.D句意:Stone老师帮助她们认识到轮流决定做什么活动是一个好主意。考查动词辨析和语境。describe描写,explain解释,guess猜测,realize意识到;根据“Mrs.Stone helped them”和“that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity”,可知Stone老师帮助她们意识到轮流决定做什么活动是一个好主意;故选D。


Every year, malaria (疟疾)takes thousands of lives around the world, especially in Africa.But a Chinese scientist 1Tu Youyou found a way to fight this disease.She 2 a common plant in China.It is sweet wormwood (青蒿).

In 1969, many people in China had malaria.Tu, an expert in Chinese medicine, had to find a way to 3it.But her medical equipment was not good enough.Sometimes she had to test 4 by trying it herself! Over the years, she tested over 2,000 prescriptions (药方).

Tu read old Chinese books to 5prescriptions.One day, she found a new plant—sweet wormwood.She began to make extracts (提取物)from it.In 1971, after more than 190 6, Tu found an extract that was 100-percent effective against malaria 7.

Soon, people all over the world began to use the new drug.The drug is not only effective, but also 8.People in poor countries can be cured.From 2000 to 2015, the drug 9 over 6,200,000 lives.

In 2015, Tu won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.She was the first native Chinese scientist to win this prize.

Tu never complains about how hard she works.“I feel more rewarded10 I see so many cured patients,” she said.

()b0aacb305d0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee14b3d B.asked C.made D.told

()2.A.wants B.has b0aacb305d0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee14b3es D.takes

()3.A.start B.stop C.touch D.kill

()4.A.medicine B.ability C.knowledge D.machine

()5.A.look at B.look after C.look for D.look at

()6.A.extracts B.persons C.plants D.failures

()7.A.exactly B.finally C.early D.quickly

()8.A.sweet B.bitter C.expensive D.cheap

()9.A.killed B.saved C.found D.knew

()10.A.when B.if C.unless D.until


