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Adjective Clauses

1. 对此我确实无能为力。

I have no power to change it./ I can really do nothing about it. 2. 一个人的精力是有限的。

One’s energy in limited./ There is only so much one can do. 3. 我们的忍耐是有限度的。

Our tolerance is not unlimited./ Our tolerance has a limit./ There is only so much we will put up with. 4. 她不喜欢他那样盯着她看。

She doesn’t like him to stare her like that.

5. 他滔滔不绝地讲一些我根本不感兴趣的话题。

He kept talking on/ rattled away about/ droned on about/ talked nonstop about things/subjects I had no interest at all. 6. 我想换个工作单位,在那里可以一切重新开始。

I want to change my job so that I can start everything anew./ I want to find a new job where I can start afresh.

7. 从第一次见到他,我就知道这个人不易相处。

From the first time I set/laid my eyes on him, I knew he was a difficult man to get along with.

8. 总有一天他要为其所作所为付出代价。

Someday he will pay the price for what he has done./ The day will come when he has to reap what he has sown. 9. 你在孩子面前不应该说那种话。

This is not the way you should speak in front of children.

10. 总经理出国联系业务了,王先生代表他向董事会提交了报告。 On behalf of the general manager, who was on a business trip abroad, Mr. Wang submitted a report to the Board of Directors. 11. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。

The water can not only bear the boat but also overturns it./ The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 12. 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。

The Tao that is utterable is not the eternal Tao; the name that is namable is not the eternal name.

13. 厂长决定让三百名工人下岗,对此他们本人暂时还一无所知。 The factory director has decided to make over 300 workers redundant, none of whom knows anything about it yet. 14. 他口才便给,必要时也能尖酸刻薄。

He has a ready tongue, which can be quite caustic/ bitterly sarcastic when necessary./ ,depending on the occasion.

15. 感情挫折若受到意识的压抑,就会在下意识中变得越发强烈。 Emotional frustrations that are suppressed by one’s consciousness will become all the more powerful in the subconscious mind. 16. 人际关系复杂是我不喜欢在那儿工作的原因之一。

Complicated/ intricate interpersonal relationship was one of the reasons I didn’t like working there.

17. 孩子上学第一年成绩不好并不说明他智力有问题。

The poor scores the child got in his first year in school should be no reflection on his intelligence./ For first-year schoolchildren, low score does not mean poor intelligence. 18. 照我看,你八成通不过测试。

I think it’s very likely/ the odds are four to one that you’ll fail the test. 19. 美国快餐业是世界一流的,它给中国带来的好处绝不仅限于向消费者提供更多选择。

The US fast-food industry is among the most advanced in the world, and it brings to China benefits that extend far beyond providing more consumer choice.

20. 不管遇上什么困难,我们都有信心战胜它们。

We are confident to surmount all obstacles that may come our way. 21. 饮食中如果不含有人体健康和成长所需的营养成份,就会导致营养不良。

Any diets that fails to provide nutrients needed for health and growth can lead to malnutrition.

22. 孝道是儒家教育的基石,它宣扬不仅要孝敬父母,而且要臣服于各级各类的权威。

The foundation of Confucian education was the doctrine of filial piety, which advocated not only devotion to one’s parents but deference/submission to all types of authority at all levels.

23. 这对老夫妻有三个孩子,都已长大成人,建立了自己的家庭。 The old couple has three children, who are all grown up with families of their own.

24. 主任叫我明天交报告,我只好晚上加班了。

The director/ chief told me to submit/ hand in the report tomorrow, which means I have to work overtime this evening.

25. 他虽然经验不足,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领域获得成功的关键。

Though inexperienced, he is highly motivated and creative, which is exactly the key to success in this field.

26. 他连着三天上班迟到,结果丢了工作。

He got fired after being late for work for three successive days/ three days running.

27. 不管父母怎么说,她依旧我行我素。

Nothing her parents said could make her change her way. 28. 他根本没有聊到妻子会对他不忠。

The last thing he expected was his wife’s unfaithfulness.

29. 怀孕经常伴随有轻微的高血压,但这通常对母亲的健康并不构成威胁。

Mild hypertension that often accompanied pregnancy usually does not pose any threat to the mother’s health.

30. 超市警卫拦住了一名中年妇女,在她的包中发现价值数百元的未付钱的商品。

The security guard at the supermarket stopped a middle-aged woman, in whose bags were found unpaid for merchandise worth several hundred yuan.

31. 你所能记起的任何细节都可能成为破案的有用线索。

Any details you remember may serve as a useful clue for cracking/ solving the case.

32. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

Near vermilion, one gets stained red; near ink, one gets stained dark./ He that lives with cripples learns to limp.

33. 今年春季,旅游业受到不良天气影响的不止杭州一个地方。 Besides Hangzhou, other places also suffered a decline in tourism due to bad/ unfavorable weather.

34. 比起上次我来的时候,北京变了很多。 Beijing has changed greatly since my last visit.

35. 需要坐飞机长途旅行的商人经常受到时差的困扰。

Business people who have to travel long distances by air are often victims of jet-lag.

36. 你们谁想参加郊游就请在张先生那里报名。

Those of you who want to join the outing should sign up with Mr. Zhang.

37. 我和他认识多年,他总是言出必践。

In the many years I’ve known him, he is always as good as his word. 38. 颐和园是他最喜欢的公园之一,每年都要去好几次。

Several times a year he visits the Summer Palace, which is one of his favorite parks.

39. 我很高兴向你推荐我的老朋友比尔,他具有丰富的营销经验,是贵公司空缺职位的理想人选。

It is my pleasure to recommend my old friend Bill, whose rich marketing experience makes him an ideal candidate for the vacancy in your company.

40. 战国时代百家争鸣,其中最有影响者为儒家、道家和墨家。 The Warring States period saw the contention of many schools of thought, among which Confucianism, Taoism and Mohism exerted the greatest influence.

41. 他在上层有一些关系,正因为如此才官运亨通。

It is his high-level connections that has enabled him to enjoy a successful official career.

42. 他竟然这样恩将仇报,我对此感到震惊。

We are dismayed at the way he returned evil for good.

43. 对于那些溺爱孩子,对孩子百依百顺的家长,她颇不以为然。 She is very critical of parents who pamper their children and comply with all the whims.

44. 中国历史由此进入一个黑暗时期,整个国家都处于一个喜怒无常、暴虐专治的女人统治之下。

Thus began a dark period in Chinese history, when the entire nation was under the sway of a brutal, erratic and despotic woman.

45. 以为我无权透露其姓名的、颇有身份的人向我提供了这条信息。 This information was given to me by a person of considerable status, whose name I have no right to divulge/ disclose.

46. 在谈判中,你要学会在无关紧要的方面妥协,而在至关重要的方面坚持立场。

In negotiation you should learn to compromise on points that don’t matter to you while maintaining your stand on things that really do. 47. 开发商承诺盖楼明年八月竣工,对此我们深感怀疑。

We very much doubt the developer’s promise that the building would be completed in August next year.

48. 对于不得不忍受空气、噪音和光污染的大城市居民而言,感官灵敏绝非福分。

Keen senses are no blessing for someone who has to endure all the air, noise and light pollution in a big city.

49. 劳心者治人,劳力者治于人。治于人者食人,治人者食于人。 Those who labor with their minds govern; those who labor with their strength are governed. Those who are governed support others; those who govern are supported by others.

