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英国文学史资料British Writers and Works

I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages

<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons

Epic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in

vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated.

e.g. Homer‘s Iliad and Odyssey

Artistic features:

1. Using alliteration

Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence

begin with the same consonant sound(头韵)

Some examples on P5

2. Using metaphor and understatement

Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way

Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas

Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里 乔叟1340(?)~1400

(首创―双韵体‖,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为―英国诗歌之父‖。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。)

The father of English poetry.

writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.

① <The Canterbury Tales>坎特伯雷故事集:

first time to use heroic couplet‘(双韵体) by middle English

②<Troilus and Criseyde>特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德

③ <The House of Fame>声誉之宫

Medieval Ages‘ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事)

Famous three:King Arthur

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


II The Renaissance Period

A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.

Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.

Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival:

1. new discoveries in geography and astrology

2. the religious reformation and economic expansion

3. rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture

The most famous dramatists:

Christopher Marlowe

William Shakespeare

Ben Johnson.

1. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙 斯宾塞1552~1599

(后人称之为―诗人的诗人‖。) The poets‘ poet. The first to be buried in the Poet‘s corner of Westerminster Abbey

The theme is not ―Arms and the man‖, but something more romantic ―Fierce wars

and faithfull loves‖.

Artistic features:

1. Using Spenserian Stanza

Definition of Spenserian Stanza:a stanza of nine lines ababbcbcc. Eight lines in iambic pentameter, and last line in iambic hexameter.

② <The Shepherds Calendar>牧人日历

The theme is to lament over the loss of Rosalind. ③ <Amoretti>爱情小唱

2. Thomas More托马斯 莫尔1478~1535

One of the greatest English humanists


3. Francis Bacon弗兰西斯 培根1561~1626


Philosopher, scientist, lay the foundation for modern science. The first English essayist. Writing style:brevity, compactness&powerfulness, well-arranging and enriching by Biblical allusions, metaphors and philosophy to man‘s reason.

The theme of Of Studies: uses and benefits of study and different ways adopted by

different people to pursue studies.

4. Ben Jonson

①<Comedy of Humours>

②<Volpone, or the fox>狐狸

5. Christopher Marlowe柯里斯托弗 马洛1564~1595

―University Wits‖, the pioneer of English drama


Blank verse: written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.

①<The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus>浮士德博士的悲剧(根据德国民间故事书写成)


③<The Jew of Malta>马耳他的犹太人

6. William Shakespeare威廉 莎士比亚1564~1616

②Four Comedies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜; <Twelfth Night>第十二夜; <A


③Four Tragedies: <Hamlet>哈姆莱特; <Othello>奥赛罗; <King Lear>李尔王;

④Shakespeare Sonnet :154 <The Sonnets>

Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefgg

A sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic

pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.

III The 17th Century

1. John Milton约翰 弥尔顿1608~1674

(诗人、政论家;失明后写 《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》。)

①Epics: <Paradise Lost>失乐园

②Dramatic poem: < Samson Agonistes>力士参孙

③ <Areopagitica>论出版自由

④ <On His Blindness>我的失明

This sonnet is written in iambic pentameter rhymed in abba abba cde cde, typical of

Italian sonnet.

Its theme is that people use their talent for God, and they serve him best sho can

endure the suffering best.

2. John Bunyan约翰 班扬1628~1688


Puritan poet(清教徒派诗人)

①Religionary Allegory:<The Pilgrim‘s Progress>天路历程

3. John Donne

the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).

Metaphysical Poetry(玄学诗):(用语)the diction is simple, the imagery is from the actual, (形式)the form is frequently an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)

Artistic features:

1. conceits or imagery奇思妙喻

2. syllogism三段论

② Songs And Sonnets

IV The 18th Century

A revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion(抑制情感) and accuracy

The Age of Enlightenment/Reason: the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason(rationality), equality&science(the 18th century)

小说崛起:In the mid-century, the newly literary form, modern English novel rised(realistic novel现实主义小说)

Gothic novel(哥特式小说):mystery, horror, castles(from middle part to the end of century)

1. Alexander Pope亚历山大 蒲柏1688~1744

(18世纪英国最伟大的诗人,其诗多用―英雄双韵体‖/ ― heroic couplets‖。词句工整、精练、富有哲理性。)

One of the first to introduce rationalism to England.

①<An Essay on Criticism>批评论

Artistic features:

ing ―heroic couplets‖

② <The Rape of the Lock>卷发遇劫记

③ <Moral Essays>道德论

2. Samuel Johnson塞缪尔 约翰逊1709~1784

3. Jonathan Swift乔纳森 斯威夫特1667~1745

(十八世纪杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家a master satirist。)

① <Gulliver‘s Travels>格列佛游记(fictional work)

Four parts: Lilliput 小人国 Brobdingnag 大人国

Flying Island 飞岛 Houyhnhnm 马岛

② <The Battle of Books>书战

③ <A Tale of a Tub>木桶的故事

④ <The Drapper‘s Letters>一个麻布商的书信

4. Daniel Defoe丹尼尔 笛福1660~1731


He is the first writer study of the lower-class people,hislanguage is smooth, easy,

colloquial and mostly vernacular, and he is the founder of realistic novel.

① <Robinson Crusoe>鲁宾逊漂流记

It praise the fortitude of the human labor and the Puritan.

Robinson grew from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened

man,tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life.

It is an adventure story, Robinson, narrates how he goes to sea, gets

shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island, struggles to live for 24-years there

and finally gets relieved and returns to England.

② <Moll Flanders>

③ <Colonel Jacque>

④ <Captain singleton>

5. Henry Fielding亨利 菲尔丁1707~1754

(英国小说家,戏剧家,被誉为―英国小说之父‖ 。)

He is called “Father of English novel”. He was the first to write a “Comic epic

in prose”(散文体史诗), and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.

① novels:

② plays:

6. Oliver Goldsmith奥利弗 格尔德斯密斯1730~1774

① poems:

② novel:

7. Richard Brinsley Sheridan理查德 布林斯利 施莱登1751~1816

① <The Rivals>情敌

② <The School for Scandal>造谣学校

8. William Blake威廉 布莱克1757~1827

① <Songs of Innocence>天真之歌

A happy and innocent world from children‘s eye.

② <Songs of Experience>经验之歌

A word of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy

tone from men eyes.


Lamb is a symbol of peace and purity

Tyger is a symbol of dread and oiolence ③ <The Marriage of Heaven and Hell>天堂与地狱的婚姻

9. Robert Burns罗伯特 彭斯1759~1796

The greatest Scottish poet in the late 18th century.

Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗

③ <Auld Long Syne>往昔时光

④ <A Man‘s a Man for A‘That>不管那一套

⑤ <My Heart‘s in the Highlands>我的心在那高原上

⑥ <Bruce At Bannockburn>

⑦ <The Tree Of Liberty>

V The Romantic Period

The romantic period began in 1798 the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge‘s <Lyrical Ballads>, and end in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott‘s death.

Romanticism:It emphasize the specialqualitie of each individual‘s mind.(人应该是独立


In it, emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer

world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit, poetry

should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplace.

Two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen (realistic) and Walter Scott (romantic).

“The Lake Poets”湖畔诗人,who lived in the lake district.

William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Robert Southey

1. William Wordsworth威廉 华兹华斯1770~1850

(与柯尔律治、骚塞同被称为―湖畔派‖诗人。 The Lake Poets)

Theme:1.Nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstance. It

is nature that give him ―strength and knowledge fullof peace‖

2.It is bliss to recolled the beauty of nature in poet mind while he

is in solitude.

Comment:The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In

the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a

vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poet‘s

philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.

③ Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey ④ The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女

② <The Prelude>序曲

2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge塞缪尔 泰勒 科尔律治1772~1834

The Lake Poets

① <The Rime of the Ancient Mariner>古舟子颂

Artistic features: mysticism, demonism with strong imagination, a strange territory

④ <Frost at Night>半夜冰霜 ⑤ <Dejection, an Ode>忧郁颂

⑥ <Lyrical Ballads>抒情歌谣集(with William Wordsworth)

3. George Gordon Byron乔治 戈登 拜伦1788~1824

(拜伦式英雄Byronic heroes孤傲、狂热、浪漫,却充满了反抗精神。内心充满了孤独与苦闷,却又蔑视群小。恰尔德·哈罗德是拜伦诗歌中第一个―拜伦式英雄‖。) “Byronic hero” is a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin, against tyrannical rules or moral principles.

① <Don Juan>唐 璜

4. Persy Bysshe Shelley波西 比希 雪莱1792~1822

① Poetic Drama:<Prometheus Unbound>解放了的普罗米修斯

Theme: the drama celebraies man‘s victory over tyranny and oppression

② <Queen Mab>麦布女王

Theme: The author express his eagerness to enjoy the boundless freedom

from the reality. Compare the west wind to destroyer of the old who

drives the last signs of life from the trees, and preserver of the new

who scatter the seads shich sill come to life in the spring. This is a

poem about renewal, about the wind blowing life back into dead

things, implying not just an arc of life (which would end at death)

but a cycle, which only starts again when something dies.

Comment: Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" is written in

iambic pentameter. It contains five sonnet length stanzas, each with

a closing couplet. The rhyming scheme form is aba bcb cdc ded ee.

The tone is poignant. Many will agree that this poem is an

invocation for an unseen force to take control and revive life.

Artistic features:

Using rerza rima(三行诗aba bcb cdc ded efe …)

5. John Keats约翰 济慈1795~1821


Theme: The theme of John Keats' poem, "To Autumn", is that change is both

natural and beautiful. The poem praises the glories of the fall

season by using almost every type of imagery to both charm and

appeal to the reader.

Comment: The speaker in the poem acknowledges that time passes by, but also

asserts that this change usually yields something new and better

than what came before. Each of the poem's three stanzas represents

the evolving of two different types of change. One type of change

shown in the poem is the change of periods in a day.

6. Jane Austen简 奥斯丁1775~1817

She compared her works to a fine engraving upon a literary piece of ivory only

inches squire.

【Elizabeth Bennet & Darcy】in the end false pride is humbled and prejudice


【Collins & Charlotte Lucas】see the reality of marriage as a necessary step

if a woman is to avoid the wretchedness of

aging spinsterhood

【Lydia & Wickham】shown the dangers of feckless relationships

unsupported by money.

【Mr.&Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Collins, Lady Catherine de Burgh】comic


7. Walter Scott沃尔特 斯科特1771~1832

(历史小说之父‖)Father of history novels

① <Rob Roy> 罗伯 罗伊

② <Ivanhoe> 艾凡赫

VI The Victorian Period

Common sense and moral propreity, again became the predominant preoccupation.

Critical realists were all concerned about the fate of the common people and everyday events.

1. Charles Dickens查尔斯 狄更斯1812~1870

(批判现实主义小说家)critical realist writer

① <The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club>匹克威克外传

② <Oliver Twist>奥利弗 特维斯特(雾都孤儿)

③ <The Old Curiosity Shop>老古玩店

④ <A Christmas Carol>圣诞颂歌

⑤ <Dombey and Son>董贝父子

⑥ <David Copperfield>大卫 科波菲尔

⑦ <Bleak House>荒凉山庄

⑧ <A Tale of Two Cities>双城记(London & Paris)

⑨ <Great Expectations>远大前程

⑩ <Our Mutual Friend>我们共同的朋友

2. William Makepeace Thackeray威廉 麦克匹斯 萨克雷1811~1863

①<Vanity Fair> or a Novel without a Hero名利场(the name is an excerpt from <The

②<The Book Of Snobs>


Jane Eyre, a plain little orphan, was sent to Lowood, a charity school. There

she suffer a lot and 8 years later she left school and became a boverness at

Thornfield Hall. There she falls in love with the master,Mr. Rochester.

It is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society, e.g. charity institution

such as Lowood School

It is a successful introduction to the first governess heoine in the English

novel, whom represents those middle-class working women struggling for

recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being.

② <Shirley>雪莉

③ <Professor>教师

A story about two familie and an intruding stranger.

【TheEarnshaw Family】Mr. Earnshaw, his wife, the son Hindley, the daughter

Catherine, Heathcliff

【The Linton Family】Mr.Linton, his wife, son Edgar, daughter Isabella

② < Old Stoic>

5. George Eliot乔治 艾略特1819~1880 ① <The Mill on the Floss>弗洛斯河上的磨坊

② < Adam Bede>亚当 比德

③ < Silas Marner>织工马南

④ < Middlemarch>米德尔马契

6. Alfred Tennyson阿尔弗莱德 丁尼生1809~1892


Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人)

① < In Memoriam>悼念

To memorialize his friend

② < Break, Break, Break>冲击、冲击、冲击

③ < Idylls of the King>国王叙事诗

7. Robert Browning罗伯特 白朗宁1812~1889

① < My Last Dutchess>我已故的公爵夫人 ② < Home Thoughts From Abroad>海外乡思

Elizabeth Barrett Browing:

① <Sonnet from the Portuguese>葡萄牙十四行诗

8. Robert Louis Stevenson

① <Treasure Island>金银岛

9. Thomas Hardy托马斯 哈代1840~1928

(小说多以农村生活为背景;自然主义小说家。Wessex novels; novels of character and environment)

Theme:experience is as to intensity, and not as to duration

② < Jude The Obscure>无名的裘德

③ < Under The Greenwood Tree>绿荫下

④ < Far From The Madding Crowd>远离尘嚣

⑤ < The Mayor Of Casterbridge>卡斯特桥市长

⑥ < The Return of the Native>还乡


Wessex Poems And Other Verses

Poems Of The Past And Present

The Dynasts 列国

VII 1900~1950 The 20th Century


① Oscar Wilde

② George Bernard Shaw

1. Oscar Wilde奥斯卡 王尔德1856~1900

(The Aesthetic Movement: Art for Art’s Sake)

① 4 Comedies:

② Novel:

③ Fairy Stories:

2. George Bernard Shaw乔治 伯纳 萧1856~1950(英国杰出的批判现实主义剧作家)critical realistic dramatist


① Plays Unpleasant

② Plays Pleasant


Novelists (Realists)

1. Joseph Concrad

1.Why the book‘s title is Heart of Darkness?

The story happened in Congo, the heart of Africa, and the color of people‘s

skin in there is black. Most important point about the title is to the evil in humans‘


2.What is the symbolism of black and white

【Black / dark- 】death, evil, ignorance, mystery, savagery, uncivilized

Middle Ages, when science and knowledge was suppressed,

as the Dark Ages.

According to Christianity, in the beginning of time all was

dark and God created light.

According to Heart of Darkness, before the Romans came,

England was dark. In the same way, Africa was considered to

be in the ―dark stage‖.

【White / light】life, goodness, enlightenment, civilized, religion.

Yet, in Concrad, the usual pattern is reverse and darkness means

truth(The truth within, therefore dark and obscure.), whiteness

means falsehood. This contrast tells a political truth about

colonialism in the Congo. The contrast also suggests a

psychological truth about Marlow and the Europeans mind.

White also suggests any number of unpleasant moral truths. The

trade in ivory is white and dirty.Kurtz the white man is totally



The book implies that civilizations are created by the laws and codes that

encourage men to achieve higher standards. The law acts as a buffer to prevent men

from reverting back to their darker tendencies.

Civilization, however, must be learned. London itself, in the book a symbol of

enlightenment, was once "one of the darker places of the earth" before the

Romans forced civilization upon the Britons.But civilized society does not get rid

of primeval savage tendencies which lurk in the background. has totally thrown off the restraint of civilization and has de-evolved into a

primitive state.

3. Character

4. 【Kurtz】 represents what every man will become if left to his own intrinsic

desires without a protective, civilized environment.

【Marlow】 represents the civilized soul that has not been drawn back into

savagery by a dark, alienating jungle.

5.Narrative Structure

In Heart of Darkness, we have an outside narrator telling us a story he has

heard from Marlow. The story Marlow tells centers around Kurtz.However, most of

what Marlow knows about Kurtz, he has learned from others.They have good

reason for not being truthful to Marlow. Therefore Marlow has to piece together

much of Kurtz‘s story.

2. William Somerset Maugham

3. Edward Morgan Foster (E.M.Foster)


3 Novelists

① James Joyce

② David Herbert Lawrence

③ Virgirnia Woolf

【Mrs. Morel】, daughter of a middle-class family, is "a woman of character and

refinement", a strong-willed, intelligent and ambitious woman who is fascinated by

a warm, vigorous and sensuous coal miner, Walter Morel, and married beneath her

own class.Then, she was desponded at her husband and put her love to her sons.

She hopes that they will become outstanding

【Paul Morel】depends heavily on his mother‘s love and help to make sense of the

world around him. He struggle to free from his mother‘s influence, but he failed.

After his mother has died and he is left alone, in despair.

Theme:Lawrence was one of the first novelists to introduce themes of psychology into his works. He believed that the healthy way of the individual‘s psychological development lay in the primacy of the life implulse, or in another term, the sexual impulse.huaman sexuality was, to Lawrence, a symbol of life force.by presenting the psychological experience of indivudual human life and of human relationships, Lawrence has opened up a wide new territory to the novel

Oedipus Complex is a thematic feature of D. H. Lawrence‘s Sons and


②<The Rainbow>虹

③<Women In Love>恋爱中的女人

④ <Lady Chatterley‘s Lover>查特莱夫人的情人

2. James Joyce詹姆斯 乔伊斯1882~1941



3. Virginia Woolf弗吉尼娅 沃尔芙1882~1941


① Novels

2 Poets

① W. B. Yeats (William Butler Yeats )

② T.S. Eliot ( Thomas Sterns Eliot )

1.William Butler Yeats威廉 勃特勒 叶茨1865~1939

(爱尔兰诗人,剧作家; The Irish nationalist movement 爱尔兰独立运动; The Irish Literary Revival 爱尔兰文艺复兴; The Irish Literary Theater, or the Abbey Theater 爱尔兰民族剧团)


① <The Wind Among The Reeds> 苇风

② <The Tower> 塔


2. Thomas Sterns Eliot(诗人,剧作家,批评家)


① <The Waste Land>

② <Four Quartets>四个四重奏

③ <The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock>


① <Murder In The Cathedral> 大教堂谋杀案

文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧dramaOrigin起源:Christianity 基督教 → bible 圣经 Myth 神话 The Romance of king Arthur and his knights 亚瑟王和他的骑士(笔记)

一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)

1、这个时期的文学作品分类: pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)

2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》 ( national epic 民族史诗 ) 采用了隐喻手法

3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)

例子: of man was the mildest and most beloved,

To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.

二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)

Canto 诗章

1、romance 传奇文学

2、代表作: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗

三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里.乔叟 时期

1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父

2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)

3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事 (英国文学史的开端)

大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.


小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character.


小说观点:he believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions(迷信) and a blind belief in fate(盲目地相信命运).


4、Popular Ballads 大众民谣 :a story hold in 4-line stanzas with second and fourth line rhymed(笔记)

Ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission(书上).


代表人物:Bishop Thomas Percy 托马斯.帕希主教

代表作:Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 罗宾汉和阿林代尔

四、The Renaissance (16世纪) 文艺复兴时期

(Greek and Roman) 戏剧 drama 诗章 canto

The term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences.


The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama


1、key work: humanism 人文主义: admire human beauty and human achievement


1)、Thomas More 托马斯.莫尔 Utopia 乌托邦

2)、Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯.培根 第一个散文家(essayist)

3)、Thomas Wyatt 托马斯.怀亚特 引入十四行诗的第一人

sonnet(十四行诗): form of poetry intricately rhymed(间隔押韵) in 14 lines iambic pentameter

4)、Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙.斯宾塞 poet‘s poet(诗人中的诗人) The Fairy Queen《仙后》(epic poem 史诗)

5)、Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗.马洛

blank verse(无韵体:不押韵的五步抑扬格) 是十六世纪英国戏剧的主要表现形式。

6)、William Shakespeare 威廉姆.莎士比亚 戏剧 drama

四大悲剧:Hamlet(哈姆雷特),Othello(奥赛罗),King Lear(李尔王),The Tragedy of Macbeth(麦克白)

五、the period of Revolution and Restoration (17世纪) 资产阶级革命与王权复辟

prose 散文

1、文学特点:the Puritans(清教徒) believed in simplicity of life、disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry、breaking up of old ideals.



1)、John Donne 约翰.多恩 ―metaphysical‖poets (玄学派诗人) 的代表人物

sonnet 十四行诗 《Death be not proud》(笔记)

作品特点:① strike the reader in Donne‘s extraordinary frankness and penetrating realism.(坦诚的态度和现实描绘)

② novelty of subject matter and point(新颖的题材和视角)

③ novelty of its form.(新颖的形式)

2)、John Milton 约翰.弥尔顿 a great poet 诗人 ( poem 诗歌 blank verse )

《Defense for the English People》为英国人辩护

《Paradise Lost》失乐园 ―Satan is not a villain‖撒旦不是坏人

《Paradise Regained》复乐园

)、John Bunyan 约翰.拜扬 a great prose writer ―give us the only great allegory(寓言)‖ Pilgrim‘s Progress》天路历程 prose 散文

该书采用的写作手法―written in the old-fashioned(旧体形式), medieval form of allegory(比喻) and dream‖

六、The Age of Enlightenment (18世纪) 启蒙运动

prose 散文

1、Emphasized formality or correctness of style, to write prose like Addison, or verse like Pope. 强调正确的格式和写作规范,像艾迪生一样创作散文,和蒲柏一样创作诗歌。

The Enlightenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism.


The enlighteners repudiate the false religious doctrines about the viciousness of human nature, and prove that man is born kind and honest, and if he becomes depraved, it is only due to the influence of corrupted social environment.


Contrary to all reasoning, social injustice still held strong, found the power of reason to be insufficient, and therefore appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice.


2、18th century 文学的三个方面:

Classicism(古典主义)、revival of romantic poetry(新兴的浪漫主义诗歌)、beginnings of the modern novel(刚启萌的现代派小说)


1)、Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔.笛福 realistic novel 现实主义小说

Novel:《Robinson Crusoe》鲁宾逊漂流记 《Jonathan Wild》乔纳森.威尔德 《Moll Flanders》摩尔.弗兰德斯

2)、Henry Fielding 亨利.菲尔丁 father of modern fiction(现代小说之父)

《Joseph Andrews》约瑟夫.安德鲁斯 受到了理查森的《帕美勒》的启发

作家之间的不同:Richardson —— no humor, minces words, moralizes. 不幽默,咬文嚼字,说教

Fielding —— direct, vigorous, hilarious, and coarse to the point of vulgarity,full of animal spirits, tells the story of a vagabond life 语言直接、生动、欢快、粗糙,甚至有点俗,精神焕发,讲述流浪者的故事。

《The History of Tom Jones, a foundling》弃婴汤姆.琼斯的故事 the best novel of him

3)、Jonathan Swift 乔纳森.斯威夫特

《Gulliver‘s Travels》格列佛游记 novel 反讽

作品特点:no visible sign of anger, nor raising the voice; the tone is cold, restrained, ironic, varied only by some flashes of fooling when Swift‘s sense of the ridiculour gets the better of him.


《A Modest Proposal》一个温和的建议

4)、Samuel Richardson 塞缪尔.理查森

《Pamela》帕美勒 The method of psychological analysis 心理分析的方法

In the form of letters 书信体小说

5)、Richard B. Sheridan 理查德.B.谢尔丹

《School for Scandal》造谣学校,喜剧 comedy

6)、Oliver Goldsmith‘s 奥利佛.哥尔德斯密斯 散文作家 essayist

《The Vicar of Wakefield》威克菲尔德的牧师,小说 novel

《She Stoops to Conquer》委曲求全,欢乐喜剧 rollicking comedy

《The Deserted Village》荒村,诗歌 poems

4、Sentimentalism 感伤主义 no belief 没有信仰

The representatives of sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism but they vaguely sensed at the same time the contradictions of bourgeois progress that brought with it enslavement and ruin to the people.


代表人物:Thomas Gray 托马斯.格雷 《Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard》墓园挽歌

七、the Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义

散文 prose

1、前浪漫主义代表人物:William Blake 威廉.布莱克 诗人 poet

Robert Burns 罗伯特.彭斯 苏格兰诗人 poet

Pre-Romanticism was greatly influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution 前浪漫主义极大地影响了工业革命和法国大革命。

2、教育意义Educational:liberty, equality and fraternity 自由,平等,博爱

3、开始的标志:beginning with the publication of William Wordsworth‘s 《Lyrical Ballads》 从威廉.华兹华斯发表的"抒情歌谣"开始4、lake poets(湖畔诗人):Coleridge Southey Wordsworth5、代表人物: 1)、William Wordsworth 威廉.华兹华斯 poet-laureate (桂冠诗人) 《The Prelude》序曲 自传性诗歌Autobiographical poetry

With S.T.coleridge, they jointly published the ―Lyrical Ballads‖. 与s.t.coleridge一起,联合发表了―抒情民谣‖

作品特点:simplicity and purity of the language, fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry

简单而纯洁的语言,反传统形式的18世纪诗歌 2)、Lord Byron 拜伦 《Childe Harold Pilgrimage》查尔德?哈罗德游记 cantos 诗章 成名作 《Don Juan》唐璜 poem 诗 satiric masterpiece 讽刺的杰作 《Hours of Idleness》闲散时刻 poem 诗 the first volume of poem 首卷诗 3)、Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱 《Prometheus Unbound》解放的普罗米修斯 drama 戏剧 《Ode to the West Wind》西风颂 poem 诗 4)、John Keats 济慈 poet 诗人 《The Eve of St. Agnes》圣阿格良斯之夜 poem 《On a Greeian Urn》希腊古瓮颂 poem 《To a Nightingale》致夜莺 poem ―Beauty is truth, truth beauty‖美学原则 5)、Walter Scott 沃特.斯科特 He is the creator and a great master of the historical novel. 他是创造者和历史小说大师 6)、Jane Austen 简.奥斯丁 女 《Pride and Prejudice》傲慢与偏见 《Sense and Sensibility》理智与情感 《Emma》爱玛 写作特点:the love-making of her young people, though serious and sympathetic, is subdued by humor to the ordinary plane of emotion on which most of us live. She was the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middleclass people. 她是中产阶级小说的发起人。

7)、Charles Lamb 查尔斯.兰伯 essayist散文家6、十九世纪散文的特点:In the first of these two periods Addison and Steele socialized the essay, so to speak; they brought it into everyday life and made it familiar and delightful to the multitude. 在这两个时期的开始,艾迪生和斯蒂尔的社会散文把散文带入日常生活,并使其熟悉和并令人愉快。 Early in the nineteenth century it became more definitely a means of intimate self-expression.在十九世纪前期,散文变得对自我的表达越来越肯定

八、Critical Realism 批判现实主义 ,Victorian Period 维多利亚时期 humanism 人文主义

1、意义:Chartism signified the first great political movement of the proletariat in English history.在英国的历史中,宪章运动是伟大的无产阶级政治运动。2、代表人物: 1)、Charles Dickens 狄更斯 《Hard Times》艰难时刻 《Pickwick Papers》匹克威克外传 《Oliver Twist》雾都孤儿 《A Tale of Two Cities》双城记(描述了法国大革命French Revolution)特点:describing the misery and sufferings of common people.描述苦难和苦难的群众。 2)、Charlotte Bronte 夏洛特.勃郎特 女 《Shirley》雪利 《Jane Eyre》简.爱 Emily Bronte 艾米丽.勃郎特《Wuthering Heights》呼啸山庄(主人公:Mr. Heathcliff) 特点:brought to the novel an introspection and an intense concentration on the inner life of emotion which before them had been the province of poetry alone. 3)、Mrs. Gaskell 《Mary Barton, North and South》玛丽.巴顿,北方和南方 4)、William Makepeace Thackeray 《Vanity Fair》名利场 — this title was borrowed by Thackeray from The Pilgrim‘s Progress by Bunyan. Thackeray draws a broad panorama of social life in his novel, ruthlessly criticizing money worship, cruelty and unscrupulousness. 在他的小说中描绘了广阔的社会生活,无情抨击了残酷和不择手段的拜金主义 人物:Rebecca Sharp — a perfect embodiment of the spirit of Vanity Fair as her only aspiration in life is to gain wealth and position by and means.唯一的愿望人生就是在名利场中,完美的获取财富和地位的手段。 特点: novels mainly contain a satirical portrayal of the upper strata of society。小说是一个含有讽刺意味的上流社会写照。 5)、George Eliot 乔治.艾略特 女 《Adam Bede》novel 《The mill on the floss》《Middlemarch》 Her preoccupation was always with the serious consideration of the moral position of the individual in the universe, but her psychological insight into the development of character.她最认真考虑的是个人的道德立场,但是她的心洞察了个性的发展。 特点:the significance of G. Eliot‘s work lies in the portrayal of the pettiness and stagnancy of English provincial life 艾略特写作的意义在于琐碎的描绘和英国生活的停滞。3、桂冠诗人(poet-laureate):1)、Alfred Tennyson 2)、Robert Browning 《My last duchess》已故的公爵夫人 Jealousy(嫉妒) Stingy(小气) 贡献:Dramatic monologues 戏剧独白 dramatic lyrics 戏剧抒情诗 dramatic romances 戏剧传奇

九、The transition from 19th to 20th century in English literature 19到20世纪英国文学的过渡期

1、Aestheticism 唯美主义 ―art for art‘s sake‖ 为艺术而艺术 2、代表人物。1)、Thomas Hardy 悲观主义者 Pessimists 《Tess of the D‘Urbervilles》 苔丝 《Jude the obscure》裘德 novel 特点:His career is thus divided sharply between his Victorian novels and his post-Victorian poetry. 他的生涯就是他的小说和他的后维多利亚诗歌之间的尖锐分歧。2)、Oscar Wilde ―art for art‘s sake‖ 为艺术而艺术 3)、George Bernard Shaw 剧作家(playwright) 《Mrs. Warren‘s profession》华莱夫人的职业4)、D. H. Lawrence 《Lady Chatterley‘s Lover》查泰莱夫人的情人 《The Rainbow》彩虹 《Sons and lovers》儿子与情人3、 ―stream of consciousness‖意识流代表人物:1)、Virginia Woolf 《Mrs. Dalloway》 《A Room of One‘s Own》 Woolf was much concerned with the position of women. 非常重视妇女的地位 2)、James Joyce 《Ulysses》

