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Unit 3 Under the sea


It’s not every day that the United States history mixes with microbes (微生物) in the soil.But when the grassland on the National Mall in Washington,D.C.was replaced,it offered scientists the opportunity to study changes in the soil beneath.

The work focused on the bacteria present in the soil.To the researchers’ surprise,the communities of microbes did not change a lot before and after the replacement.These communities in the soil are known as the soil microbiome (微生物群).

“My lab is interested in how microbes can move around in the environment,and how they change and adapt as a result of this movement,” explains Jo Anne Crouch,the lead author of the study.“We thought that the new ‘imported’ turf (草皮) from New Jersey would introduce different communities of bacteria to the National Mall.However,we found that they weren’t significantly different.”

Crouch’s work focused on turf grass,defined as a large area of green grass.It is made up of the grass,its roots,and the soil and microbes found with them.

Think of the soil microbiome as similar to the collection of microbes found in the human body.When the microbes are out of balance,it can make someone sick.Crouch says it’s the same for the soil microbiome.Many of the worst diseases in crops or other environments are linked with changes in the soil microbiome.

Additionally,Crouch says that even though the changes between the soils were small,scientists are also starting to appreciate that sometimes a really important microbe is a rare one.This means it would be hard to observe but could greatly affect how the groups function as a whole.“Agricultural areas and other natural spaces are highly and easily hurt by negative changes,” she says.“Microbiomes offer an almost entirely new opportunity to influence interactions among plants and microbes to improve plant productivity and health.”

1.Why did the researchers feel surprised when they focused on the bacteria in the soil? A.More bacteria appeared in the soil. B.Microbes were replaced obviously.

C.Soil microbiome almost remained stable.

D.The soil microbiome damaged the environment.

2.By studying the turf grass,what did Crouch and her team find? A.Microbes grew faster in their own community. B.Soil microbiomes were different in different places. C.Turf grass adapted to the environment nearby very soon. D.Similar communities of bacteria were brought by turf grass. 3.Why did the author mention the microbes in the human body? A.To indicate the two play a similar role. B.To prove they are both the causes of diseases. C.To examine the environments people live in. D.To analyze the changes of human microbes. 4.What does Crouch mean in the last paragraph? A.Microbes are still as hard to observe as before. B.Studies on microbiomes can be beneficial to agriculture. C.Scientists are still puzzled about the effect of microbiomes. D.Too many microbiomes in the soil mean no harm to plants.

语篇解读:正如人体的微生物群落对人体的健康有影响一样,土壤的微生物群落也会对植物的产量和健康产生影响。 答案及剖析:

1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的To the researchers’ surprise,the communities of microbes did not change a lot before and after the replacement.These communities in the soil are known as the soil microbiome.可知,令研究者惊讶的是土壤微生物群落几乎保持稳定。 2.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的We thought that the new ‘imported’ turf from New Jersey would introduce different communities of bacteria to the National Mall.However,we found that they weren’t significantly different.可知,通过研究草皮,克劳奇和她的团队发现新移植过来的草皮带来的微生物群落与原来的微生物群落类似。

3.A 推理判断题。根据第五段第一句Think of the soil microbiome as similar to the collection of microbes found in the human body.及该段后面的内容可推知,作者提及人类体内的微生物是为了表示这两种类型的微生物扮演着类似的角色。

4.B 推理判断题。最后一段提到微生物群落提供了一个提高庄稼产量、促进植物健康的全新机会。由此可知,对微生物群落的研究对农业是有益的。


How to deal with your homework

Write it down.1. Make a note on your notebook.Always be sure to write down all your homework for school so you won’t forget anything.

Create a homework station.Find somewhere comfortable and quiet to work.

2. It will take twice as long to get the homework done.Shut off your mobile phone,log off your computer (unless you will need it for your homework) and close the door.

Do it as early as possible.Don’t leave homework to the last minute.3. The earlier you start doing your homework,the sooner you will finish! Do all your homework as early as you can,so you don’t have a pile of homework the next day.

4. Think about how long it will take you to complete each subject.For example:English—ten minutes,science—ten minutes,math—forty minutes,history—twenty minutes.

Treat yourself.You can easily get tired of your homework by sitting through an hour or two without stopping.Once you finish homework for a subject,take a small break.Just make sure it’s quick (no more than 15 minutes).Do not turn on the TV,or you will never go back and finish your homework.5. A.Use your time wisely.

B.Start as soon as you get home. C.Start with your hardest homework.

D.Never do your homework in front of the TV. E.You can take a walk or find something to eat.

F.After short breaks,return to finish up the rest of your homework. G.Keep a homework notebook where you record all your homework. 答案:1-5 GDBAF Ⅲ.完形填空

Growing up like all children,when I was growing up all I wanted was to be grown up.I always kept a close eye on my role 1 —my parents,and always tried to do anything they did.The skills I learnt and the attitude I 2 from a young age would be of great help to me in my 3 years.

From the age of four or five,the memories I have are those of 4 my parents in their

shop and helping them sell goods.The job I did was just 5 on the chair so that I could reach the counter and 6 at everyone who came in. 7 these are so insignificant,I always got a sense of 8 and satisfaction in my work.When I was seven years old,I went to primary school and my family moved to the town 9 I lived today. At the beginning,everything around me was 10 .I felt it hard to breathe 11 friends.But my family told me,“Never be a 12 ! Keep smiling and try to play with others!” So I tried to smile at others and play with others.Soon,it 13 .I got my happiness again.And those words are always in my 14 till today.Now,as a high school student,I have a nice class and many charming and 15 friends and teachers around me.I feel 16 and beautiful! Meanwhile,the support that I have received and 17 to receive from my family is always a major 18 for me to succeed as well.

In my opinion,everyone’s growth is full of good and bad experiences all the time.The key is to 19 the good ones and find a way of turning a negative situation into a 20 one.

1.A.plays B.models

C.relieves D.glories

2.A.dreamt of B.ignoring C.thought highly of D.acquired 3.A.hard

B.later C.last D.precious


4.A.following B.employing C.inspecting

5.A.sitting B.relying C.putting D.standing 6.A.shouting 7.A.When

B.staring C.smiling D.laughing

C.Although D.Since

C.shame D.humor


8.A.pride B.confidence

9.A.which B.how C.why D.where 10.A.impressive B.anxious C.unfamiliar 11.A.without

B.with C.among D.between


12.A.loser B.success C.slave D.quitter 13.A.arose B.owed C.worked


14.A.brain B.eye C.mouth D.mind

15.A.truthful B.hopeful C.careful D.powerful 16.A.upset B.sensitive C.sweet D.calm 17.A.agree B.manage

C.continue D.mean

18.A.treatment B.limit C.happiness D.drive 19.A.select B.appreciate 20.A.common B.secure

C.struggle for D.deal with

C.positive D.valuable

语篇解读:本文讲述在作者的成长中,父母给作者树立了很正面的榜样,给了作者非常好的指导,让作者在成长的道路上走得更加坚实。 答案及剖析:

1.B 根据下文我总是尽力做他们做的事,可知我总是密切关注着我的榜样(models)。

2.D 此处指我从小获得(acquired)的态度。dream of梦想……;ignore忽视;think highly of高度赞扬……。

3.B hard艰难的;later以后的;last最后的,上一个;precious珍贵的。本文描述的是我的成长经历,故in my later years(在以后的岁月里)符合语境,故选B。

4.A 句意:从四五岁的时候,我记得的就是在父母的商店里跟着(following)他们并帮忙卖东西。employ雇用;inspect检查;charge控诉,索价。

5.D 对于四五岁的孩子来说,要想够到柜台,肯定要站在椅子上,故选D。 6.C 根据常识可知,卖东西的人对进来买东西的人应该是微笑。

7.C 句意:尽管这些非常不重要,但是我总会从工作中获得自豪感和满足感。根据句意可知,用although引导让步状语从句,故选C。

8.A pride自豪;confidence自信;shame羞愧;humor幽默。a sense of pride自豪感。 9.D 这里是定语从句,先行词是the town,此处在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where引导。 10.C impressive给人印象深刻的;anxious焦急的;unfamiliar不熟悉的;embarrassing使人尴尬的。刚搬到一个陌生的地方,自然对周围的一切都不熟悉,故选C。

11.A 刚搬到这座城镇,根据常识可知,此处指没有朋友。without没有,符合语境。

12.D loser失败者;success成功;slave奴隶;quitter半途而废者,轻言放弃的人。句意:但是,我的家人告诉我:“不要做轻言放弃的人!保持微笑,试着和其他人一起玩!”根据句意可知,选D。 13.C arise出现;owe感激,归功于;work起作用;shine发光。根据下句“我又一次获得了快乐”推知,我试着对其他人微笑和其他人一起玩,这很快就起作用了。

14.D 句意:直到今天我仍然记得那些话语。in my mind “在我脑海中”,故选D。

15.A truthful诚实的,真实的;hopeful有希望的;careful仔细的;powerful强大的。空处和“charming”是并列关系,共同修饰“friends and teachers”,故truthful最符合语境。 16.C upset失落的;sensitive敏感的;sweet甜蜜的;calm冷静的。和beautiful并列的形容词,用sweet最合适,故选C。

