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The Magician—Steve Jobs


Nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs. His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up a “magical” or “incredible” new electronic gadget in front of an awed crowd, were the peorformances of a master showman. All computers do is fetch and shuffle numbers, he once explained, but do it fast enough and “the results appear to be magic”. He spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy to use products.


He had been among the first, back in the 1970s, to see the potential that lay in the idea of selling computers to ordinary people. In those days of green-on-black displays, when floppy discs were still floppy, the notion that computers might soon become ubiquitous seemed fanciful. But Mr Jobs was one of a handful of pioneers who saw what was coming. Crucially, he also had an unusual knack for looking at computers from the outside, as a user, not just from the inside, as an engineer—something he attributed to the experiences of his wayward youth.


Mr Jobs caught the computing bug while growing up in Silicon Valley. As a teenager in the late 1960s he cold-called his idol, Bill Hewlett, and talked his way into a summer job at Hewlett-Packard. But it was only after dropping out of college, travelling to India, becoming a Buddhist and experimenting with psychedelic drugs that Mr Jobs returned to California to co-found Apple, in his parents’ garage, on April Fools’ Day 1976. “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences,” he once said. “So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions.” Bill Gates, he suggested, would be “a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger”.

乔布斯从小在硅谷长大,使得他从小便有机会耳濡目染到计算机的世界。在20世纪60年代末,他有幸认识了自己心目中的偶像比尔·休利特(Bill Hewlett),并成功地为自己获得了到休利特创办的惠普做暑期兼职的机会。此后他在读了1年大学后辍学、前往印度、开始笃信佛教并尝试了迷幻药剂,最终他选择回到了加利福尼亚州并与好友联合创办了苹果。他的公司于1976年的愚人节当天在他的父母的车库里正式开张。他曾经表示:“很多在我们这个行业的人都没有过如此复杂的经历,因此他们没有足够的经验来推出非线性的解决方案。”他表示比尔·盖斯“如果在年轻的时候吸吸迷幻药或者经常去花天酒地一下的话,他的眼界肯定将会更加开阔。”

Dropping out of his college course and attending calligraphy classes instead had, for example, given Mr Jobs an apparently useless love of typography. But support for a variety of fonts was to prove a key feature of the Macintosh, the pioneering mouse-driven, graphical computer that Apple launched in 1984. With its windows, icons and menus, it was sold as “the computer for the rest of us”. Having made a fortune from Apple’s initial success, Mr Jobs

expected to sell “zillions” of his new machines. But the Mac was not the mass-market success Mr Jobs had hoped for, and he was ousted from Apple by its board.


Yet this apparently disastrous turn of events turned out to be a blessing: “the best thing that could have ever happened to me”, Mr Jobs later called it. He co-founded a new firm, Pixar, which specialised in computer graphics, and NeXT, another computer-maker. His remarkable second act began in 1996 when Apple, having lost its way, acquired NeXT, and Mr Jobs returned to put its technology at the heart of a new range of Apple products. And the rest is history: Apple launched the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad, and (briefly) became the world’s most valuable listed company. “I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple,” Mr Jobs said in 2005. When his failing health forced him to step down as Apple’s boss in 2011, he was hailed as the greatest chief executive in history. Oh, and Pixar, his side project, produced a string of hugely successful animated movies.


In retrospect, Mr Jobs was a man ahead of his time during his first stint at Apple. Computing’s early years were dominated by technical types. But his emphasis on design and ease of use gave him the edge later on. Elegance, simplicity and an understanding of other fields came to matter in a world in which computers are fashion items, carried by everyone, that can do almost anything. “Technology alone is not enough,” said Mr Jobs at the end of his speech introducing the iPad, in January 2010. “It’s technology married with liberal arts, married with humanities, that yields the results that make our hearts sing.” It was an unusual statement for the head of a technology firm, but it was vintage Steve Jobs.


His interdisciplinary approach was backed up by an obsessive attention to detail. A carpenter making a fine chest of drawers will not use plywood on the back, even though nobody will see it, he said, and he applied the same approach to his products. “For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.” He insisted that the first Macintosh

should have no internal cooling fan, so that it would be silent—putting user needs above engineering convenience. He called an Apple engineer one weekend with an urgent request: the colour of one letter of an on-screen logo on the iPhone was not quite the right shade of yellow. He often wrote or rewrote the text of Apple’s advertisements himself.


His on-stage persona as a Zen-like mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper. But his egomania was largely justified. He eschewed market researchers and focus groups, preferring to trust his own instincts when evaluating potential new products. “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them,” he said. His judgment proved uncannily accurate: by the end of his career the hits far outweighed the misses. Mr Jobs was said by an engineer in the early years of Apple to emit a “reality distortion field”, such were his powers of persuasion. But in the end he changed reality, channelling the magic of computing into products that reshaped music, telecoms and media. The man who said in his youth that he wanted to “put a ding in the universe” did just that.



1 Ben Affleck got some vindication and Jodie Foster made a revelation at the Golden Globe Awards.


2 Affleck’s Argo earned him best motion picture drama and director honors at Sunday night’s ceremony. The awards came just a few days after Affleck was surprisingly omitted from the best-director category at the Academy Award nominations. Affleck also stars in the real-life drama as the CIA operative whoorchestrated a daring rescue of six American embassy employees during the 1979Iranian hostage crisis.


3 These wins seem to shake up the Oscar race, in which Steven Spielberg’s stately, historical epicLincoln was



a juggernaut.





nominations, Lincoln earned just one award: best actor for Daniel Day- Lewis’ intense, richly detailed portrayal of Abraham Lincoln as he fought for passage of the 13thAmendment, abolishing slavery. Spielberg’s film heads into the Feb. 24 Academy Awards with a leading 12



4 The other big winner of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s honors was Les Miserables. Based on the international musical sensation and Victor Hugo’s novel ofstrife and redemption in 19th century France, it won best picture musical or comedy, best actor for Hugh Jackman and best supporting actress for Anne Hathaway.

好莱坞外国记者协会的另一个最大赢家是《悲惨世界》。基于法国十九世纪国际音乐感和维克多.雨果的冲突与赎罪小说改编,它获得了最佳音乐/喜剧片,最佳男演员授予休.杰克曼,最佳女配角授予安妮.海瑟薇。 5 “Honestly, I would have played a musket, so I’m thrilled I got to sing a really good song,” Hathaway joked backstage. She belts out the dramatic “I Dreamed a Dream” as the doomed prostitute Fantine.


6 But perhaps the biggest news of the night was from Foster, who came out without really coming out and suggested she was retiring from acting but then backpedaled a bit backstage. Foster was this year’s recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award, which is announced beforehand and is usually a pretty respectful and predictable part of the evening. 也许当晚的最大新闻,就是朱迪·福斯特发表了并非出柜的“出柜”宣言,并暗示她将息影,但是随后在后台的福斯特稍微变了点儿卦。福斯特是今年塞西尔.B.德米尔终身成就奖的获得者,这个奖项事先公布,常常是晚上一个最受尊重和可预测的部分。

7 But the 50-year-old Oscar-winner for The Silence of the Lambs and The Accused, who’s been protective of her private life and reluctant to discuss her sexual orientation, used this opportunity to speak from the heart in a rambling and emotional speech that confirmed what long had been an open secret. The veteran actress seized control of what is every year a noisy, boozy ballroom; the crowd of A-listers quickly quieted down as it became apparent that she had something serious and important to say.


8 She was coy at first, suggesting she had a big announcement that would make herpublicist nervous. (At this point, the audio inexplicably dropped out of the NBC broadcast, even though nothing off-color was said.)


9 Then she stated:”I’m just going to put it out there, loud and proud… I am, uh, single,” pausing for dramatic effect before that last word. “I hope you’re not disappointed that there won’t be a big coming-out speech tonight. I already did my coming-out about a thousand years ago back in the Stone Age.”


10 She also made it sound as if this would be her last time on stage, but clarified for reporters afterward: “I could never stop acting. You’d have to drag me behind a team of horses. I’d like to be directing tomorrow. I’m more into it than I have ever been.”


11 Among the other multiple winners of the night, Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino’s spaghetti Western-blaxploitation mashup, earned two awards: for supporting actor Christoph Waltz as a charismaticbounty hunter and for Tarantino’s script. The writer-director thanked his friends for letting him read scenes to them as he works through his scripts.


12 “You guys don’t know how important you are to my process,” he said. But he added: “I don’t want input. I don’t want you to tell me if I’m doing anything wrong. Heavens forbid.” 他说“我的朋友们你不知道在我的创造过程中,你们是多么重要,”但他有补充说“我不想输入,我不想你告诉我是否我做的事情是错误的。但愿不会如此!”

13 Zero Dark Thirty, which also has been a major contender throughout awards season, earned Jessica Chastain a best-actress Globe for her portrayal of a driven CIA operative at the center of the hunt for Osama bin Laden. That film’s director, Kathryn Bigelow, also was left out of the best-director category at the Academy Awards even though it’s up for best picture— a result of having nine best-picture nominees and only five best-director slots.


14 Looking ahead to how the wins for Argo might change the Oscar race, Affleck said backstage he tries not to handicap those kinds of things.

展望如何胜出的逃离德黑兰可能改变奥斯卡的角逐,阿弗莱克在后台说他没有被那些东西所妨碍。 15 “We got nominated for seven Oscars,” he told reporters. “If you can’t be happy with that, your prospects for long-term happiness are pretty dim.”


16 “I also didn’t get the acting nomination,” he added, getting a big laugh. “No one is saying I got snubbed there.”


17 On the television side, Game Change and Homeland were the big winners with three awards apiece.Game Change, the made-for-HBO movie about 2008 vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, won for best motion picture or miniseriesmade for television best actress for Julianne Moore and best supporting actor for Ed Harris’ portrayal of John McCain. Homeland was named best TV drama series, and its stars Claire Danes and Damian Lewis received the dramatic acting awards.



Many countries have shale gas, but, as it did with the internet revolution, America leads in exploiting it (see our special report this week). Federal money helped finance development of the “fracking” technology that makes shale gas accessible, just as it paid for the internet’s precursors. However its use was commercialized by a Texas wildcatter called George Mitchell, the sort of risk-taker America has in abundance. In Europe shale gas has been locked in by green rules and limited property rights. In America shale has already lowered consumers’ energy bills and, by displacing coal, carbon emissions. In future, it will give a spur to the domestic manufacture of anything needing large amounts of energy.

很多国家都蕴藏有页岩气资源,不过同因特网革命一样,美国也带头开采页岩气(见本期特别报道)。联邦政府为开采页岩气的“水力压裂”技术提供资金支持,就像当年资助开发因特网的先驱一样。不过页岩气的商业化是通过德克萨斯州一个名叫George Mitchell的“野猫”钻井者(美国不乏这样乐于冒险的人)实现的。而欧洲页岩气的开采却受相关环保法规和财产权的制约。美国页岩气的使用降低了消费者的能源支出,同时也取代了部分煤炭使用,减少了碳排放量。将来,这会刺激任何高能耗产品的制造。 America’s work-out is not finished. Even when the results are more visible, it will leave many problems unsolved. Because the companies leading the process are so productive, they pay high wages but do not employ many people. They may thus do little to reduce unemployment, while aggravating inequality. Yet this is still a more balanced and sustainable basis for growth than what America had before—and a far better platform for prosperity than unreformed, elderly Europe. 美国人要做的远不止这些。尽管改革成果愈发明朗,但也会留下很多待解决的问题。比如在经济复苏中发挥重要作用的公司效率极高,他们给的员工工资丰厚,但用工少。这不但不会帮助减少失业,还会拉大收入差距。与昔日之美国不同,今天美国经济发展的基础更加均衡、更具可持续性。而且与缺乏改革、死气沉沉的欧洲相比,美国经济发展的平台更加广阔。What should the next president do to generate muscle in this new economy? First, do no harm. Not driving the economy over the fiscal cliff would be a start: instead, settle on a credible long-term deficit plan that includes both tax rises and cuts to entitlement programs. There are other madness brewing. Some Democrats want to restrict exports of natural gas to hold down the price for domestic consumers—a brilliant strategy to discourage domestic investment and production. A braver Mr. Obama would expedite approval of gas exports. For his part, Mr Romney should back off his promise to brand China a currency manipulator, an invitation to a trade war.


Second, the next president should fix America’s ramshackle public services. Even the most productive start-ups cannot help an economy held back by dilapidated roads, the world’s most expensive health system, underachieving union-dominated schools and a Byzantine immigration system that deprives companies of the world’s best talent. Focus on those things, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney, and you will be surprised what America’s private sector can do for itself.



Japan Seeks Slow Nuclear Phase-out


1 TOKYO—The Japanese government unveiled a long-term energy plan that seeks an end to nuclear power by 2040, responding to strong antinuclear sentiment but stopping short of a clear commitment to make the country nuclear-free.


2 The plan, which comes after considerable backstage wrangling, largely rejects warnings from corporate Japan that moving away from nuclear power could hasten the hollowing out of the country's battered manufacturing base. \goal of having no nuclear plants operating by the end of the 2030s,\Friday by the government's energy and environmental committee.


3 The long-awaited decision comes in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi crisis in March 2011 and follows moves by Germany last year to phase out its nuclear plants. But the plan is unlikely to appease opponents of nuclear power in the earthquake-prone country since it assumes that nuclear-energy production will actually rise from low levels now as some idled plants are gradually brought back on line.


4 In addition, the government said that renouncing nuclear power will require more discussion. \zero-nuclear status is an ambition, not a commitment,\said a government official after a briefing.


5 Under the policy, which still requires final endorsement by the cabinet, a new nuclear regulatory body will adopt toughened standards to ensure that plants are safe enough be restarted. But output isn't expected to return to the previous level of nearly 30% of electric output. That figure has fallen to 2.1% as only two reactors—both at a plant in western Japan—have been restarted in the past 18 months.


6 As plants reach their life span of 40 years, the policy calls for them to be taken out of service, with all plants offline \


7 The plan also said uranium enrichment and reprocessing would continue as discussions are

held with local authorities and the international community. The decision to continue with reprocessing—in which uranium and plutonium are extracted and recycled into new fuel bundles—puts to rest questions about the dispositionof Japan's growing stockpile of plutonium and spent fuel rods.

该计划还表示,铀浓缩和后处理将继续举行讨论,以得到地方当局和国际社会的认可。继续进行后处理的决定---提取铀和钚并将其回收到新的燃料束—余下是关于日本日益增长的钚处置问题和燃料棒消耗问题。 8 Tokyo's decision to spare the fuel-cycle program and move toward restarting more idled reactors is being viewed by some in the nuclear industry as a net positive, at least in the near term.


9 “Japan is not following the same path as Germany in terms of seeking an immediate reduction\in nuclear-power-generating capacity, said Armand Laferrère, president of the Japanese unit of France's Areva SA, which joined with Japan to build its reprocessing facilities.The decision on reprocessing lowers the potential Japan will have to rely solely on France or other nations to reprocess its spent fuel. It also could reduce a growing stockpile of plutonium that some say could be further processed and used in nuclear weapons.


10 “This is very significant because it means the slightly frightful prospect of a Japan brimmingwith fuel rods and not knowing what to do with them can be avoided,\ère.


11 The future of the government's plan is in some doubt, however, given that Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's hold on power is tenuous, with parliament deadlocked amid fierce attacks by the opposition. Mr. Noda is expected to call general elections in November or early next year. 政府未来的计划还有一些疑问,不过,鉴于首相野田佳彦对权利的掌控是脆弱的,再加上议会因反对派激烈的攻击而陷入僵持状态。野田佳彦预计将呼吁于11月或明年年初举行大选。

12 Opinion polls show strong opposition to a renewed heavy reliance on nuclear power plants, over concern about their resiliency to natural disasters. Of those responding to a government survey on the issue, some 87% said they wanted to abandon nuclear power altogether, although broader polls show a more mixed picture, with around 30% to 40% wanting Japan to be nuclear-free and another 30% to 40% saying nuclear power should be kept to no more than 15% of the total energy mix.

民调显示,强烈反对再度过分依赖核电站的关注超过他们对抵御自然灾害的关注度。在这个问题上政府调查的反馈:大约87%的人说他们想完全放弃核电,但更广泛的民意调查显示,一个更复杂的局面,大约有30%至40%希望日本成为无核国,另外30%至40%的人说核电应保持在不超过15%的总能源结构。 13 “The government, the regulators, the operators all lost the confidence of the public,\Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner William Magwood at a recent Senate hearing in Washington. The main opposition Liberal Democratic Party—which was closely allied with the nuclear industry before losing power in 2009—hasn't said whether it would feel bound by an antinuclear pledge if

it regains control.


14 Analysts also point out that much can change over the nearly 30 years it would take to achieve the shutdown. Sweden agreed in a 1980 referendum to wind down nuclear energy over a 30-year period, only to reverse course in June 2010 as global warming became a more urgent concern. 分析师也指出近三十年的改变,它可能被关闭。根据1980年的公民投票,在未来30年间,瑞典政府同意放缓核能发展。仅仅是想扭转2010年6月因为全球变暖而成为一个更加迫切的关注焦点的局面。 15 The government hopes to switch to greater use of renewable energy. Renewables, mostlyhydroelectric power, account for around 10% of energy supply at present.

政府希望转变成更广泛使用可再生能源。可再生能源,主要是水利发电,目前约占10%的能源供应。 16 That leaves Japan increasingly dependent on imported fossil fuels, a risk that had been one of the driving factors in the decades long push to increase nuclear energy.

这使得日本越来越依赖于进口化石燃料,这一直是驱动因素之一,经过几十年的长推,增加了核能的危险。 17 Despite compromise language watering down the commitment to go nuclear-free, the plan received a largely negative reaction from industry leaders. The chairman of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, Kansai Electric Power Co.9503.TO inYour ValueYour Change Short position President Makoto Yagi, on Friday called the DPJ proposal \warned that costs for electricity could surge if nuclear energy is phased out. \hope the government cools down and makes realistic decisions.\

尽管折中的语言缓和了无核的承诺,但是这个计划还是受到来自大部分行业领导者的消极回应。日本电力公司联盟主席,关西电力公司总裁MALOTO Yagi 在上周五向民主党提议:“极为惊人”并且警告说,如果核能被淘汰,电力成本可能激增“我们希望政府冷静下来,并作出符合现实的决定。” —Mochizuki, Takashi, Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2012

Round Up the Guns! Or Don’t


REST easy, gun-owners of Cherokee County, Georgia: your sheriff is on your side. Roger Garrison, who won election last year to a sixth term as Cherokee County's sheriff despite questionable taste in Halloween costumes, is \\County.\\through the use of executive orders, prevent law-abiding American citizens from possessing certain firearms and ammunition magazines.\


Mr Garrison is not alone: the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers' Association (CSPOA) boasts \

Georgia, says that she \which is quite a relief. That precisely nobody in Mr Obama's administration—or indeed anyone outside the perfervid and overworked imaginations of the paranoid fringe right—has proposed doing such a thing seems to have passed unnoticed. In that vein, I wonder what the Gilmer County's sheriff's positions are on making Ashanti America's official language, or selling unicorn steaks without a permit.


It may dismay Mr Garrison, but issuing executive orders is not an impeachable offense. Presidents do it all the time. And it may surprise Mr Garrison, but the executive orders Mr Obama has issued are in fact rather anodyne. They do not ban or attempt to ban any guns, accessories or magazines of any kind; in fact, by providing more money for \assigned to schools), they may well increase the number of regularly-armed Americans.


Now, Mr Obama also has among his legislative goals a strengthened assault-weapons ban, as well as bans on armour-piercing bullets and magazines that hold more than ten bullets, but those will have to pass Congress, just like any other law. It may both surprise and dismay Mr Garrison that in fact nothing Mr Obama has proposed runs afoul of the constitution. In 2008 the Supreme Court held in District of Columbia v Heller that the second amendment allows private gun-ownership, and that total bans on handguns, like the one at issue in Heller, are therefore unconstitutional. But the court also held that \not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose\

现在,奥巴马在他的立法目标也有一个加强突击武器的禁令,以及对穿甲子弹和容纳超过10发子弹弹仓的禁令,但这些禁令必须通过国会,就像任何其他的法律。这可能会让加里森先生沮丧和吃惊,但事实是奥巴马先生的建议没有与宪法相违背。2008年最高法院裁决了哥伦比亚特区诉海勒案。在这一案的判决中,以宪法第二条修正案为据,宣称个人有权在家中拥有强制武器,并称绝对禁止枪支像海勒案中的问题,是不符合美国宪法规定的。但是法庭也支持“第二条修正案的权利是有限制的。法案规定不管以何种方式和因为何种目的都没有权利存有和持有武器。”顺便说一句,这是由安东宁.斯卡利亚所指定的条文。 Mr Garrison and his ilk among CSOPA seem gripped by two common fallacies. The first is the belief that county sheriffs can violate federal laws that they happen to disagree with, and can deny federal officers the right to enforce federal law in their counties. This is simply hogwash. It is true that as a local law officer Mr Garrison will not be required to enforce federal laws, but neither can he violate them just because he happens to believe they are unconstitutional. As for keeping federal officers out, well, the South has tried that a couple of times before. It did not end well. 在CSOPADE 的加里森先生和他的同类似乎被二个常识性的错误所吸引。首先是他们相信当联保法律与他们本身发生冲突时,城市的执行长官们可以违反联邦法律,而在他们的城市中他们能够否定联邦官员执行联邦法律的权利。这简直是一派胡言。事实上是,作为一位当地的执法官员加里森先生不会被要求强制执


The second is a misguided notion that the second amendment is the best and surest constitutional protection against tyranny. As Conor Friedersdorf sagely noted, the Bill of Rights offers much more effective and less costly checks on government power. There is the fourth amendment, which protects against unreasonable search andseizure; the fifth amendment, which guarantees due process; the sixth amendment, which establishes fair trials; and so on. When these rights were hollowed out during the war on terror—by acts of Congress, the courts and even through executive orders—where was the outrage from those who see tyranny in every gun law?

第二个误导的观点是第二条修正案是反对暴政的最好最可靠的宪法保护。美国记者Conor friedersdorf贤明的支出,《权利法案》提出了更加有效而低成本的方法来制约政府的权利。第四修正案:不受无理搜查和扣留的权利。第五修正案:保障正当程序;第六修正案建立公开的审判;等等。当这些权利在反恐战争中被国会、法院的行为,甚至总统行政令架空的时候,那些在一切控枪法律中看到暴政的人,怎么就不见他们义愤填膺呢?

The second amendment has a lizard-brain appeal: it is sexier to imagine yourself a lone soldier for justice defending your loved ones against an oppressive, tyrannical government than it is to imagine yourself protesting warrantless wiretapping. Mr Garrison approvingly cites a letter written by another sheriff, which states: \criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws.%unobjectionable. I wonder if he had the same response to the Patriot Act.


Obama’s 23 Executive Actions on Gun Violence

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.

4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.

5. Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.

6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.

7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.

8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission). 9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered

in criminal investigations.

10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement. 11. Nominate an ATF director.

12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.

13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.

14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.

15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies. 16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.

17. Release a letter to health-care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law-enforcement authorities. 18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.

19. Develop model emergency-response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental-health services that Medicaid plans must cover.

21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.

22. Commit to finalizing mental-health-parity regulations.

23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.


1. 总统备忘录要求各联邦机构披露相关资料以加强联邦个人背景调查系统。

2. 删去不必要的法律障碍,尤其是那些与健康保险相关的。这些健康保险会阻止各州为个人背景核实而进行相关信息的简化。

3. 改善激励机制,使各州之间可以为个人背景核实系统分享信息。

4. 司法部将检查并管理那些因性格特征原因而被禁止拥有枪支的个人信息,这样那些潜在危险分子亦无法接近枪支。

5. 拟定法规,在归还个人枪支时,要遵循个人背景核实的法律。

6. 为具备联邦营业资质的枪支经销商颁布酒、烟和枪支管理局宪章,教他们如何对个人枪支销售商进行背景核查。

7. 开展全国性的、针对个人枪支使用责任的运动。 8. 对门锁以及装有枪支的保险柜进行安全标准检查。

9. 发放总统备忘录,要求施行联邦枪支追查法,追查从犯罪调查中得来的枪支。 10. 司法部颁发分析失踪或失窃枪支的信息报告,并且此报告可以供安全机构使用。 11. 任命酒、烟和枪支管理局负责人(6年无需领导)。

12. 要为教育机构中心提供最大的安全保障措施以应对枪击事件,而且还要为机构的公职人员提供培训,增强他们在枪击情景下的反应能力。

13. 在预防枪支暴力和犯罪方面的努力要最大化。

14. 向疾病控制中心发放总统备忘录,调查枪支暴力对的起因和预防措施。

15. 就枪支以及挑战私有行业发展创新科技,总检察长发行关于安全的新技术的拥有以及最有效使用的报告。

16. 法律阐明卫生改革不会禁止医生询问病人家中是否拥有枪支。

17. 没有任何法律禁止精神卫生保健的提供单位向警察机构报告可能的暴力威胁。 18. 向那些聘用警卫人员、增强校区安全的学校提供奖励。

19. 为学校、礼拜场所以及高等教育机构开发紧急情况应对计划模式。

20. 要求各州卫生机构(包含提供精神卫生服务的机构)必须履行医疗救助计划。 21. 采用规定阐明医疗改革的基本益处。 22. 致力于缔结精神卫生的公平法规。

23. 由卫生部秘书长凯瑟琳-西贝利厄斯和教育部秘书长阿恩-邓肯牵头,开展一次关于精神卫生的全国性对话。

