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实战演练·高三英语20套 第页(共160页) 江苏省普通高等学校招生考试高三模拟测试卷(一)

英 语本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间


第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分)

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


( )1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. At a bank. B. On campus. C. In a library. ( )2. What can we learn about the man?

A. He is asking for an advertisement. B. He is applying for a temporary job.

C. He is having trouble with the Internet. ( )3. What does the man say about their work? A. He suggests giving a lecture. B. He suggests taking on more tasks.

C. He suggests doing a combined presentation. ( )4. How does the woman probably feel? A. Anxious. B. Relieved. C. Satisfied.

( )5. What does the woman think of Michael O'Brien? A. He worked hard 20 years ago. B. He is excited as always.

C. He is still very popular among the fans. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 ( )6. Who might the woman be?

A. A customer. B. A friend. C. A visitor.

( )7. What does the man want to do to assist the woman? A. He will check his own identity.

B. He will give a new password to the woman. C. He wants to log in to the Web Net account. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

( )8. Why does the woman call the man?

A. She wants to buy a house. B. She wants to sign up a contract. C. She wants to check some details. ( )9. Where is the alarm?

A. Next to the light switch. B. On the back door. C. Outside the kitchen.


( )10. What does the woman remind the man?

A. He's got a meeting at 10:00. B. The printer has run out of paper. C. Sherri is on leave for about six months.

( )11. What does the man say about the online order?

A. They have the lowest price. B. They have a quick delivery. C. They have the best selection.

( )12. What should the woman do first when she returns? A. Take her lunch break. B. Place an order online. C. Go to the finance department.

( )13. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Boss and secretary. C. Husband and wife. 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 ( )14. What is the man writing?

A. A detective story. B. Math exercises. C. A history paper. ( )15. What did the man ask Professor Grey for? A. More time. B. More advice. C. More books. ( )16. What does the woman do when she gets stuck?

A. She just keeps going. B. She writes down all her thoughts. C. She does something totally different. ( )17. Where will the man go next?

A. To a bookstore. B. To a jewelry store. C. To a police station. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

( )18. Where will the latest creative works of local artists be displayed? A. In Gallery 1. B. In Gallery 2. C. In Bertrand's Music and Video Store. ( )19. On which days will Gallery 2 be open? A. Tuesdays. B. Thursdays. C. Saturdays.

( )20. What is the ticket price for seniors to watch The Great Expectations? A. $15. B. $20. C. $40.

第二部分:英语基础知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


( )21. He advised farmers to choose the best seed-heads, ________ that had the best colour.

A. those B. ones C. it D. one

( )22. At first, the company ________ many fine promises to Jack in order to get him to work for them.

A. held up B. held back C. held off D. held out

( )23. Many homeless people, ________ not mentally ill, simply lack the everyday survival skills needed to turn their lives around.

A. when B. if C. as D. while

( )24. John deserves enormous ________ for the way his team performed, not only yesterday but throughout his first year in charge.

A. comment B. consideration C. credit D. cooperation ( )25. —Have you got the washing machine fixed? —I paid a lot of money, but still it ________ to work. A. fails B. is failing C. has failed D. had failed

( )26. Life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups ________ mean nothing.

A. would B. must C. should D. shall

( )27. We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until ________ we've become used to suddenly disappears.

A. when B. where C. what D. why

( )28. Adapted versions of foreign shows have gained massive audiences, thus ________ more Chinese television groups to buy foreign materials.

A. to inspire B. inspiring C. inspired D. having inspired

( )29. —________ that otherwise successful people and companies don't break through to the next level?

—I think they are too content with themselves to move on. A. How it is B. How is it C. What it is D. What is it

( )30. As our awareness increases, our eagerness for health and well-being will be ________, moving us into a more positive and natural relationship with ourselves.

A. achieved B. recognized C. promoted D. sponsored

( )31. There is something amazing in the Chinese that has stayed unchanged, something from Confucianism, ________ the family and ancestors.

A. in demand of B. in respect of B. in line with D. in common with ( )32. Yang Jiang's Reaching the Brink of Life, the title of ________ refers to her late husband's collection of essays, was published at the age of 97.

A. that B. which C. whose D. what

( )33. Sometimes, we say, “I love you” to our parents or ________ others

when we hang up the phone, not because we mean it, but out of habit.

A. significant B. intelligent C. remarkable D. distinguished

( )34. Shakespeare played a vital role in ________ modern English and helping to make it the world's language.

A. writing B. acquiring C. shaping D. recording

( )35. —How much do you know about the latest development of Brexit? —________. Honestly, I'm not interested at all. A. You got me there B. You make it C. You got me wrong D. You name it

第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 It's the American dream—getting married, buying a home, and settling down to have children. Everyone knows that parenthood is one of the great joys of life and that it __36__ greatly to one's happiness and sense of well-being. But in that __37__, everyone may be wrong: Research shows that not only does having children not __38__ produce increased happiness, but it may actually __39__ it.

Sociologist Robin Simon, who studied thousands of American families, __40__ her findings this way: “Parents experience lower levels of emotional well-being, less frequent positive emotions and more frequent __41__ emotions than their childless peers(同龄人). In fact, no group of parents—married, __42__, step or even empty nest—reported greater emotional well-being than people who __43__ had children.”

Of course, parenthood is not without its rewards. __44__ lower levels of happiness, parents also report more purpose, more meaning, and eventually more __45__ with life than nonparents. But research data do not show that children bring greater happiness to their parents.

Why, then, does the belief that children bring great happiness persist(继续存在)? One possible reason is that we learn them from our __46__. People who believe that parenting is a satisfying, life-improving experience are more likely to have children than people who don't. The former group has more children to whom to __47__

their beliefs, while the latter group's less rosy prospect(前景) is less likely to get conveyed to the next generation.

Another reason for people's continued __48__ in the joys of parenting has to do with selective recall. When people think of __49__ of their parenting experiences, they are likely to focus on the __50__ rare best of times: a baby's first words or first smile, a fun day at the park, or graduation day. The __51__ of parenthood—nighttime feedings, dirty diapers, fighting siblings(兄弟姐妹) and so forth—may be much more common but tend to withdraw into the background when parents reflect back on the experience.

__52__ when parents are asked whether having children enriches their lives, they tend to __53__ definitely. But when parents' current sense of well-being is actually __54__ at various points in time, the truth appears: Parents are not actually happier than people who do not have children, and on some occasions the parents actually seem to do __55__. On any given day, parents have fewer freedoms but more worries to deal with than do their childless peers.

( )36. A. appeals B. subscribes C. contributes D. corresponds ( )37. A. case B. regard C. way D. opinion

( )38. A. necessarily B. possibly C. normally D. reasonably ( )39. A. remove B. accumulate C. influence D. reduce ( )40. A. explored B. commented C. summarized D. addressed ( )41. A. negative B. objective C. mixed D. changeable ( )42. A. poor B. independent C. responsible D. single ( )43. A. seldom B. almost C. already D. never

( )44. A. In spite of B. In addition to C. Regardless of D. Apart from ( )45. A. disappointment B. satisfaction C. agreement D. discomfort ( )46. A. peers B. parents C. friends D. teachers ( )47. A. hold on B. carry on C. pass on D. rely on ( )48. A. faith B. dream C. honour D. pride

( )49. A. troubles B. theories C. memories D. impressions ( )50. A. evidently B. slightly C. perfectly D. relatively

( )51. A. reliefs B. rewards C. stresses D. shortcomings ( )52. A. So B. Or C. But D. Though

( )53. A. deny B. contradict C. respond D. agree

( )54. A. measured B. determined C. balanced D. challenged ( )55. A. better B. worse C. less D. more 第三部分: 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



I am a disciplined person, especially when it comes to food. I watch what I eat. I regularly consume admirable quantities of fruits and vegetables. I strictly monitor my intake of sweets. I do not keep cookies, candy or cakes in the house. I rarely allow myself to order dessert in a restaurant. If I must have chocolate, I_make_sure_I_have_to_walk_to_the_store_to_get_my_candy.

But my discipline disappears when it comes to the Personal Box of Chocolates. When such a gift comes into my life, I abandon all pretense of sensible eating and sink into that rare environment that many adults silently long for—the No-Share Zone.

This is what happened when a dear friend handed me a wrapped birthday present. “Don't leave this sitting out in the heat,” she said and I knew it contained chocolate. That night, I tore into the wrappings, then removed the plastic that protected a small Whitman's Sampler.

That small box of chocolate transported me to that mystical Zone, where politeness gave in to the primal(原始欲望) and I embraced a supremely selfish indulgence(沉迷) of the highest order. I was home alone. I was going to eat what I wanted, how I wanted, and I was not going to consider any other human being in the process.

I bit into two chocolates, the caramel and the coconut. I loved the insolence(不礼貌) of only partially eating each one. Then I reviewed the remaining chocolates, thinking about the order I might sample them in. I had no thoughts of calories or control—I had only the pure joy of possession.

When I was growing up, the Whitman box came into our household once a year, a symbol of romance from my father to my mother. My mother, normally a very sharing person, kept tight control over the Sampler. Her face looked almost pained as she offered my brother and me one chocolate each. I remember studying the map of those chocolates more carefully than I ever studied any atlas(地图册). Nuts, chew, creams, caramels—making the right choice was important. After that candy, the box would disappear, hidden somewhere in my mother's bedroom.

At that time I thought my mother was selfish and unfair. But now, I understood and applauded her. Like so many moms, I realized how much she had to share, all day, every day. I imagined how luxurious(奢侈的) she must have felt, surveying her box of chocolates, sampling, tasting and savoring, without worry that anyone would disturb.

Like my mother before me, my candy box allowed me to simply care for myself. This bliss of the No-Share Zone, that lovely luxury of not worrying about even one other person, renewed and delighted me.

My small Sampler was an invitation to be beautifully indulgent. I took a bite of a nut bar and let the flavors flow through my mouth. For this moment, I was feeding only myself and that made the chocolate even sweeter.

( )56. What does the writer mean by saying “I make sure I have to walk to the store to get my candy”?

A. She watches her intake of sweets. B. She desires to have chocolate. C. She prefers getting there on foot. D. She wants to burn off the extra calories. ( )57. What can we know from Paragraph 6?

A. The writer's mother would eat all the chocolates in the box. B. The writer's mother would share the whole Whitman box with the kids. C. The writer was careful to choose the most delicious chocolate from the box. D. The writer was careful to hide the chocolate box in her mother's bedroom. ( )58. What is the writer's attitude towards her mother now?

A. Teasing. B. Appreciating. C. Defensive. D. Critical.


New U.S. nutrition labels will emphasize calories and sugar

By Alexandra Sifferlin

AFTER MORE THAN 20 YEARS, NUTRITION LABELS IN THE U.S. ARE GETTING A MAKEOVER. THAT'S THANKS TO a new directive from the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that will require significant changes to the labels that appear on packaged foods. The nutrition facts are meant to serve as a window into a food's healthfulness, and 77% of Americans say they read them, but they can be misleading or confusing. In 2018, food companies will have to single out added sugars—sweeteners added to foods, as opposed to those that occur naturally, like those in fruit. They'll also have to bump up the size of the type that lists the total number of calories, and tweak serving sizes to be more in line with how much people are likely to eat in one sitting. “It will be easier for shoppers to tell how much sugar is in food and ought to encourage food companies to reduce the amounts,” says Marion Nestle, a nutrition expert at New York University. “These changes are cause for celebration.”

( )59. What does the underlined word “those” in Paragraph 1 refer to? A. Nutrition facts. B. Food companies. C. Sugars. D. Calories.

( )60. In which aspect is the change of calories emphasized on the new nutrition label?

A. Type size. B. Total number.

C. Amount per serving. D. Calories from fat.

( )61. What can be inferred from the paragraph entitled “ADDED SUGARS”? A. You can find a picture of sweeteners on the new label. B. Total sugars account for 13% of people's daily calories. C. You can know the exact amount of sweeteners on the new label. D. More sugars are required to be added to foods during manufacturing.


Don't make friends with the sales staff. The more you interact(互动) with the sales staff, the more likely it is that you will buy something. This is because you feel like you don't want to let down someone who has helped you.

Leave your credit cards at home. Research shows people are willing to spend more money with plastic than with cash. The less immediate the payment the more easily people will spend.

At the Supermarket

Slow down and double-check what you're picking up. Stores can make sales very specific and confusing, such as placing a sign offering 50% off a 2kg ham wedged(嵌入) between the full-price 3kg ones. Shoppers could wind up grabbing the wrong one and paying full price.

Don't think when you buy in bulk(大批量) you're getting a better deal. That's not always the case. In the produce department, for example, individual capsicums are almost always cheaper than those in the multi-pack.

Don't buy something in bulk just because it's on sale. The ten-for-$10 promotion is one of the most effective. This is what stores do to get volume out the door—even if they've raised the unit price to do it.

Shopping Online

Hide your cookies. Companies use online cookies(a piece of data from a website stored on your web browser that informs the site of related net activity) to target shopper with relevant ads, but they can also reveal information from your browsing history. Stick to budget-friendly sites to bump into lower offers. And use your browser settings to block third-party tracking cookies.

Look online first. Even if you choose to shop in store rather than online, check sites with user reviews and ratings, such as amazon.com and cnt.com, to find products with the most positive feedback. If the highest-rated items are cheaper online, including delivery, ask the store to match the total price.

Geo-blocking is what some multinational retails do to charge different prices for the same product in different markets. With a little more effort, you can get around geo-blocking. Apple, for instance, will let you shop in their US store by

using US iTunes gift-cards that can be bought online.

Play the Game to Get Instant Bargains

Speak up! Not happy with the view from your hotel window, or the way the burger is cooked? Don't be forced to put up with the poor experience, give honest, polite feedback and we're almost certain you'll be treated to what you expected—and paid for.

Find better online actuation(驱动) deals. Misspelled it! One of the best ways to find great deals on eBay is via auctions(拍卖) that have misspelled words. For example, an “Xbox Connect” will often sell for less than an “Xbox Kinect” since fewer people search for the wrong version. Website fatfingers.com helps you find these listings. With thousands of items listed on eBay with spelling mistakes each year, you're likely to find what you're looking for at much lower prices.

( )53. To control the impulse of shopping, the writer suggests that shoppers ________.

A. follow their inner needs

B. try to visit as many shops as possible C. pay in cash instead of by credit card

D. have a close relationship with the sales staff

( )54. When shopping online, shoppers can fight back against stores and advertisers by ________.

A. blocking third-party tracking cookies B. thinking twice before buying in bulk C. buying products from other countries only D. avoiding being trapped by spelling mistakes

( )55. The writer offers shoppers the game plan of shopping to ________. A. tell them how to get a perfect bargain B. show them the ways to save shopping time C. warn them of the danger of the shopping game D. teach them how to communicate with retailers


Attitudes toward new technologies often fall along generational lines. That is, generally, younger people tend to outnumber older people on the front end of a technological shift.

It is not always the case, though. When you look at attitudes toward driverless cars, there doesn't seem to be a clear generational divide. The public overall is split on whether they'd like to use a driverless car. In a study last year, of all people surveyed, 48 percent said they wanted to ride in one, while 50 percent did not.

The fact that attitudes toward self-driving cars appear to be so steady across generations suggests how varying the shift to driverless cars could be. Not everyone wants a driverless car now—and no one can get one yet—but among those who are open to them, every age group is similarly involved.

Actually, this isn't surprising. Whereas older generations are sometimes reluctant to adopt new technologies, driverless cars promise real value to these age groups in particular. Older adults, especially those with limited moving or difficulty driving on their own, are one of the classic use-cases for driverless cars.

This is especially interesting when you consider that younger people are generally more interested in travel-related technologies than older ones.

When it comes to driverless cars, differences in attitude are easily noticeable based on factors not related to age. College graduates, for example, are particularly interested in driverless cars compared with those who have less education, 59 percent of college graduates said they would like to use a driverless car compared with 38 percent of those with a high-school diploma or less.

Where a person lives matters, too. More people who live in cities and suburbs said they wanted to try driverless cars than those who lived in rural areas.

While there's reason to believe that interest in self-driving cars is going up across the board, a person's age will have little to do with how self-driving cars can become mainstream. Once driverless cars are actually available for sale, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.

( )56. What happens when a new technology appears?

A. It often leads to great inventions in other related fields. B. It contributes greatly to the advance of society as a whole. C. It further widens the gap between the old and the young. D. It usually draws different reactions from different age groups. ( )57. What does the author say about the driverless car? A. It does not seem to create a generational divide. B. It will not necessarily reduce road accidents. C. It has given rise to unrealistic expectations. D. It may start a revolution in the car industry.

( )58. Why does the driverless car appeal to some old people? A. It saves their money and energy. B. It helps with their moving.

C. It adds to the safety of their travel. D. It makes their life more interesting.

( )59. What is likely to affect one's attitude toward the driverless car? A. The field of their special interest. B. The location of their living place. C. The amount of training they received. D. The length of their driving experience.


Twenty years ago, I was at a party, talking to a man whose name I have long since forgotten. Sometimes I think this man came into my life for the unique purpose of telling me this story, which has delighted and inspired me ever since.

The story he told me was about his younger brother, who was trying to be an artist; it was a real story about how brave, creative and trusting his brother was. For the purpose of this story, let's call the little brother Little Brother.

Little Brother, a young painter, went to France to surround himself with beauty and inspiration. He lived on the cheap, painted every day, visited museums, traveled to picturesque places, bravely spoke to everyone he met, and showed his work to anyone who would look at it. One afternoon, he struck up a conversation at a cafe with a group of charming young people who turned out to be some fancy nobles. They took

a liking to Little Brother and invited him to a party that weekend in a castle in the Loire Valley. They said this was going to be the party of the year. It would be attended by the rich and famous and by several crowned heads of Europe. Best of all it was a masquerade ball(化装舞会) where nobody would hesitate in their spending on the costumes(特殊场合穿的套服). “Dress up,” they said, “and join us!”

Excited, Little Brother worked all week on a costume that he was certain would be highly impressive. He held back on neither the details nor the imagination of this creation. Then he rented a car and drove three hours to the castle. He changed into his costume in the car and went up the castle steps. Little Brother entered the ballroom, head held high.

Upon arrival, he immediately realized his mistake.

This was indeed a costume party—his new friends had not misled him there—but he had missed one detail in translation: This was a themed costume party. The theme was “a medieval court”. And Little Brother was dressed as a lobster(龙虾).

All around him, the wealthy and beautiful were dressed in fancy clothes, wearing sparkling jewels. Little Brother, on the other hand, was wearing a red coat, red tights, red ballet slippers, and giant red claws. Also, his face was painted red. And he was the only American in the room, too.

He stood at the top of the steps for one long, frightful moment. Running away in shame seemed like the easiest response. But he didn't run. Somehow, he found his determination. He'd come this far, after all. He'd worked really hard to make this costume, and he was proud of it. He took a deep breath and walked onto the dance floor.

As he moved into the crowd, a silence fell. The dancing stopped. The other guests gathered around Little Brother. Finally someone asked him what on earth he was.

Little Brother bowed deeply and announced, “I am the court lobster.” Then: laughter.

Not ridicule—just joy. They loved him. They loved his sweetness, his weirdness(怪诞), his giant red claws, and his skinny legs in his bright tights. He made the party. Little Brother even ended up dancing with the queen of Belgium.

This is how you must do it, people.

At some point or another, I have created something in my life that did make me feel like I was the guy who just walked into a fancy ball wearing a homemade lobster costume. But you must stubbornly walk into that room, and you must hold your head high. Never apologize for it, never explain it away, and never be ashamed of it. You did your best with what you knew, and you worked with what you had, in the time you were given. You were invited, you showed up, and you simply cannot do more than that.

They might throw you out—then again, they might not. The ballroom is often more welcoming and supportive than you could ever imagine. You might end up dancing with royalty.

Or you might just end up having to dance alone in the corner with your big, ugly red claws waving in the empty air.

That's fine too. Sometimes it's like that. What you absolutely must not do is walk out. Otherwise you will miss the party, and that would be a pity because—please believe me—we did not come all this great distance, and make all this great effort, only to miss the party at the last moment.

( )60. According to Paragraph 3, Little Brother as a young painter was ________.

A. enthusiastic but mean B. optimistic but stubborn C. open-minded and generous D. determined and easy-going ( )61. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that ________. A. Little Brother was quite confident about his own costume B. Little Brother cared little about the details of the costume C. it cost Little Brother a lot of money to prepare the costume D. people were not allowed to drive in a lobster costume

( )62. Why did Little Brother finally choose not to leave the ballroom? A. He thought it was a great shame to run away.

B. It was too tiring for him to drive another 3 hours back. C. He decided not to waste the effort he had made for the party.

D. Nobody at the party could recognize him with his face painted red. ( )63. What is the turning point of the story?

A. Little Brother stood at the top of the steps for a moment. B. As Little Brother showed up in the crowd, a silence fell. C. Someone at the party asked Little Brother what he was.

D. Little Brother bowed and replied that he was the court lobster. ( )64. What is the message the writer wants to convey in the passage? A. We can do everything at our pleasure at a party. B. Dancing with a royal member is the symbol of success. C. We shouldn't be so afraid of being foolish and ridiculous. D. A homemade costume is most welcome at a fancy dress ball. ( )65. What would be the best title for the passage? A. A Costume Made by Hand B. A Lobster Walking into a Party

C. A Masquerade Ball Held by Nobles D. A Young Artist Realizing His Dream

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共40分)



66. —When given praise, the Chinese will be shy while the Americans will willingly accept it.

—The cultures of the East and West really v________ from each other a lot. 67. —He gave himself a new name to hide his i________ when he went to carry out the secret task.

— No wonder they couldn't find in which hotel he stayed. 68. —What makes the promotion of his new product so successful? —T________ career women as his primary customers.

69. —Why was he not chosen to join in the project and work with the other students?

—As you know, he prefers i________ work because he hardly believes in others. 70. —Your elder brother is very patient with the sick babies.

—That's true. As a doctor, he cannot a________ any mistakes, which will be dangerous for the patients.



Empty nest syndrome(空巢综合征) is a feeling of sadness and loneliness parents may feel when their children leave home for the first time, such as to live on their own or to attend a college or university. It is not a clinical condition. However, it can affect the immune(免疫的) system and result in certain psychological barriers, if left untreated.

All parents are sensitive to empty nest syndrome, although some factors can create a tendency to it. Such factors include an unstable or unsatisfactory marriage, or difficulty accepting change in general. Adults who are also dealing with other stressful life events such as the death of a spouse(配偶) or retirement are also more likely to experience the syndrome.

Symptoms of empty nest syndrome can include depression, a sense of loss of purpose, worry, stress, and anxiety over the child's welfare. Many empty nest parents prefer staying indoors, and end up becoming people of few words. Parents who experience empty nest syndrome often question whether or not they have prepared adequately for their child to live independently. Others even have feelings of guilt over lost opportunities to be more involved in their children's lives before they left home.

Empty nest parents often face new challenges, such as establishing a new kind of relationship with their children, having to find other ways to occupy their free time, reconnecting with each other, and a lack of sympathy from people who believe that parents should be happy when their children leave home.

One of the easiest ways for parents to cure empty nest syndrome is to keep in contact with their children. Technological developments such as cellphones, text messaging, and the Internet all allow for increased communication between parents and their children.

Parents going through empty nest syndrome can ease their stress by pursuing their own hobbies and interests in their increased spare time. Discussing their grief with each other, friends, families, or professionals may help them. Experts have advised that overwhelmed(不知所措的) parents keep a journal, or go back to work if they were full-time parents.

However, prevention is always better than cure. If one child has moved out and you still have others living at home with you, plan in advance for the day when your nest will be empty of all children. Small changes made over time will mean less of a shock when your last child moves out. You may find, with thought and careful planning, that the occasion of your last child leaving home will offer a little happiness, too, as you can then carry out your plans for an independent life with your spouse.

Title: Empty Nest Syndrome

Empty nest syndrome is a feeling of depression experienced (71)________ by parents when their children grow up and leave home ●The leaving of children from “the nest” makes parents feel Causes of empty nest syndrome a sense of loss ●Parents who (72)________ to make adjustments to sudden life changes may suffer from empty nest syndrome ●Besides the harm done to the immune system, empty nest syndrome can affect a person (74)________ (73)________ influences ●Empty nest parents are (75)________ to go out to communicate with others ●Parents regret not having done much to prepare their children with their (76)________ life (77)________ for empty nest syndrome ●Parents can depend on high technology to increase (78)________ with their children ●Parents can (79)________ themselves with something

interesting to pass time ●Parents should plan in advance to (80)________ themselves better to the situation 第六部分:书面表达(满分25分)


One day, a mother horse told her son, “My child, will you happily go and carry this bag of wheat to the mill(磨坊) to grind it into flour?” The little horse happily agreed without hesitation, and ran out of the house with a bag of wheat on his back.

After quite a long journey, the little horse came to a river, which blocked his path to the mill. He suddenly got confused. Looking around, he saw a cow. So he asked the cow, “Auntie Cow, can you tell me whether I can cross the river?” The cow answered, “Definitely you can. The water is very shallow.” When the little horse was about to cross the river, a squirrel shouted to him, “Little horse, don't cross the river. You will drown.” The little horse didn't know what to do, so he decided to go back to ask his mother.

After he told his mother everything that happened on his way, his mother said, “My child, it's not enough to only listen to others; you have to give it a try by yourself, and then you'll know the answer.”

With those words, he walked carefully across the river. The water was neither shallow nor deep. It was just fine for him. Finally the little horse crossed the river and completed his task.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 然后以约120个词就“亲身实践”谈谈你的看法,内容包括: (1) 你读完这个故事后的感受。

(2) 讲述一次你通过亲身实践学会一项技能的经历。 (3) 你从这次经历中所体会到“亲身实践”的重要性。 【写作要求】

