2013—2014 第二学期初二英语月抽测(5月)试卷

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命题:李松 校对:周小林


A)听下面10段对话,听两遍,选择最合适的备选答案 1.What’s the woman’s father?

A .He is a teacher B.He is a cook C.He is a doctor. 2. What’s the weather like now?

A It’s rainy B. It’s cloudy C. It’s sunny 3. How do the man’s parent’s go to work now?

A. by bus B by train C by car 4.Where is John from?

A.The Eiffle Tower B. the Sydney Opera House C. The Great wall. 5.Why hasn’t the boy finished his homework? A. Because he doesn’t like it B. Because he had no time to do it C. Because he doesn’t know how to do it 6. What does the man think of the sweater?

A. It’s too big B. It’s very cheap C. It’s very expensive 7. What’s Millie’s phone number?

A.55656890 B.55626890 C.52626890 8. Why did Tom get up so early this morning? A.Because he wanted to do sports B.Because he wanted to catch a train C.Because he wanted to walk a dog. 9.Where can the woman find the history books?

A. on the first floor B. on the second floor C. on the third floor. 10.What change would Sally like to see in their school?

A. More books B .More libraries C. More clubs. B) 听一段对话回答11-12小题

11.Where is Lily going for her French lesson?

A.In her school B.In a language school. C. In an art school. 12.What is she planning to do in France?

A. To have fun B. To improve her French. C. To learn painting. 听一段对话回答 13-15小题 Volunteer are needed The perfect persons to be volunteers Service palce Their duty


13 14 15

13. A. People who have a lot of time and knowledge B People who often smile and tell jokes C People who can work fast and carefully 14. A. At the Sunshine Hospital B .At the Care Centre Office C.At the local primary school 15 A.Study with children

B. Teach children to paint

C. play with the children and make them happy 听第二篇短文回答16-20小题 16.Mike stayed___________one night.

A.on a farm B. at a station C. at a hotel. 17. The old man is _________.

A. the owner of the hotel B. Mike’s farther C. Mike’s friend 18. Mike wanted to get up at _________

A. 4:30 B.4:45 C. 5:00 19 .Mike was going to _________ the next morning.

A. catch a train B. catch a bus C. travel by plane. 20.The clock __________.

A. would ring on time B.couldn’t ring itself C. would wake up Mike. 二.单项选择题(20分)

1. ________ book named Harry Potter is ________ good friend of mine. A. A; a

B. The; the

C. The; a

D. A; the

2. Jim _____ ride to school. But now he ____ walking to school because he wants to keep fit. A. was used to; used to C. used to; is used to

B. got used to; is used to D. used to; used to

C. who to say

D. what to talk

3. Lucy had few close friends. So she didn’t know _______ about the trouble. A. who to talk to B. who to talk

4. ---Is Mr. Liu a teacher with a lot of teaching ________? ---Yes, she is. He always tells us some funny ________ after class.

A. experience; experience C. experiences; experience

B. experiences; experiences D. experience; experiences

5. — All of us thought ______ dangerous for children to play with fire. — Yes. It’s important ________ to be safe all the time.

A. it is; of them B. it; for them C. that is; of them D. that; for them 6. Nobody seems ________ than you ________ready for the exam.

A.busy; to get B. busier; getting C.busier; to get D.busy, getting 7. —A homeless man won a big prize. He became rich over night.


— ___________.

A.Better safe than sorry B. The early bird catches the worm. C. Every dog has its day. D. Actions speak louder than words.

8. You two live in the same community now. It’s too hard _____you to avoid______her. A.of; meeting B. for; to meet. C.for; meeting. D.of; to meet.

9.we’ll_____some money by holding a charity show,then ____it to poor students in the west. A. raise,donate B.donate,donate C. raise,raise D.donate,raise. 10.Nick sat ____ to his mother with his eyes half ______.

A.closed ,opened B.close, open C.closely, opening D.close, opened 11.It’s not easy ________him to take care of ___many children during the trip. A. of such; B.for such. C.of,so D for, so 12---Your father’s never been to other countries, has he? --- ________. He plans to go abroad for a second time. A. No, he has B. Yes, he hasn’t

C. Yes, he has

D. No, he hasn’t

13.The young man_______leave his office around eight o’clock last night. A.saw to B. is seen to C.was seen D.was seen to

14. ---Thank you very much for showing me how to use the computer. --- ________.

A. No, thanks B. My pleasure 15. -----Jane got an “A” in the Maths test. -----_______. She works the hardest in our class.

A. Many hands make light work B. It never rains but it pours C. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket D. No pain, no gain 16.It’s so brave ____________the solider to save the boy’s life.

A. to B. of C. for D. at 17. They ___support ___ the athletes and helped make the event a great success.. A. provided; to B provided; with C. provided; for D. provided; in 18. Li Hai has more confidence___taking part in the Special Olympics World Games..

A. because

B. because of C. so D. as a result

19. Helen knew nothing about it_______ her father told her.

A. if B. because C. after D. until 20. --Do you want to keep goldfish?

--No, it is _________difficult ________take care of them.

A. so; that B. not; enough to C. too; to D. such; that 三、完形填空。(15分)

“Never give up!(放弃)” It is my law(法则) of my life. It has brought me 1 . I learned the law from my 2 life story.

My father was 3 in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu, in China. When he was a young C. That’s right D. With pleasure


boy, he went to school in the morning, then 4 in the fields till sunset(日落). And then he did his homework 5 midnight. Life was hard, because they had no 6 !

At the age of 14, my father heard of(听说) the United States of America. It was the land of gold, there 7 people can become rich. “ 8 don’t I go to America?” he thought to himself, full of hope.

So , my father came to America. “ I thought it was easy to 9 money in America,” he told me. “But when I arrived there, I realized it was not true. They did not like to hire(雇佣) me because I spoke 10 English. Later, I worked in a small restaurant, cleaning up tables, 11 dishes and sweeping the floor. Life was 12 for the first few years. I worked from 10a.m to 11p.m. I wanted to go to school to learn English, but it was impossible. I couldn’t 13 the schooling(学费).

My father 14 working hard, and reached his goal.(达到目标)

“Alan,” he often says to me, “If you want something, you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come 15 in life.” That is what I learned from my father. 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14 15.



He came again the next day and worked until it was time to leave. His name was Jerry. He was 12 and had been at the Children's Home(孤儿院)since he was only four. \\ I thought of him. He was honest(诚实). For example, the handle (柄) of the ax (斧)broke one day. Jerry said the Children's Home would mend it. I handed him some money to pay for it. He wouldn't take the money. \

A. disaster A. father’s A. famous A. taught A. until A. experience A. kind A. What A. discover A. little A. giving A. comfortable A. borrow A. kept A. really

B. loss B. mother’s B. lucky B. worked B. towards B. energy B. poor B. How B. make B. good B. running B. cheerful B. need B. finished B. easily

C. success C. grandfather’s C. rich C. studied C. for C. time C. strong C. Why C. collect C. much C. washing C. nice C. pay for C. minded C. quietly

D. pity D. brother’s D. born D. slept D. during D. money D. lazy D. When D. spend D. excellent D. receiving D. hard D. buy D. stopped D. slowly


\speak to the seller. \

Another thing about Jerry was that he would do those little but helpful things. The things would not be badly needed but would make life so much easier. For example, he found a hole near the fireplace. \暴风雨)comes up, you can stay warm. \

One cold day, Jerry sat close by me near the fire. We watched the fire bum. He suddenly talked of something he had never talked of before. \mother, especially(特别) next to the fire\

But you were four, Jerry, 'when you came to live at the Children's Home. Do you still remember your mother?\

( )1. How long had Jerry lived at the Children's Home by the time he met the writer?

A. One year. B. Four years. C. Eight years. D. Twelve years.

( )2. How did Jerry feel after he broke the handle of the ax?

A. Sorry. B. Happy. C. Angry. D. Lucky.

( )3. What did the writer think of Jerry? He was .

A. clever, honest but lazy B. honest, helpful and worked hard C. honest, warm - hearted and strange D. careful, honest and weak

( )4. The sentence underlined (划线的)means that .

A. you should be more careful next time B. anyone can hit the wood in the right place C. I always hit the wood in the right place

D. people hit the wood sometimes in the wrong place

( )5. Which is right?

A. Jerry lived with his parents at times. B. The writer was really Jerry's mother.

C. Jerry liked the writer and the writer liked him, too. D. Jerry did not like to live with his mother. 【B】

These days many students like to make friends online. Most of them think it's interesting to know an unknown person through the Internet. So, many students like to use computers to talk with those friends. And they spend too much time on it. Some of them can not do well in their school work. Their parents often don’t think the children are as good as before. So many teachers and parents are worried about their children.

In fact, only very few of them can get real good friends in this way. Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends. And some of the students did wrong things online. It’s terrible for students to use too much time to make friends and talk online.

So we should be careful of making friends online and should not spend too much time on it.


We’d better pay more attention to study. We will be really happy when we do well in school and at home.

( ) 6. Many students like to make friends online because _______________. A. they are interested in it

B. they can learn better in this way C. they always get real friends in this way D. their parents worry about them

( ) 7. Many teachers and parents are worried about their children because __________. A. the students don’t work so hard as before

B. the students spend too much time chatting with online friends C. the students think lessons are less interesting than before D. all of above

( ) 8. ____________ of the students can get real friends online. A. All B. Many C. Some D. Few

( ) 9. Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends. Here “cheated” means_____.

A. 聊天 B. 欺骗 C. 恩惠 D. 鞭打

( ) 10. Which of the following is right?

A. We should never make friends online.

B. It’s necessary for us to talk with our online friends every day. C. It’s really happy that we students do well in school and at home. D. Making online friends is more important than study.

【 C 】

\couldn't believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.

Time proved(证明) that the baby's hearing was very good though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, \me a freak (畸形的).\

The boy's father asked the family doctor. \

\植入) on a pair of outer ears if they could be got,\They tried to find a person who was helpful for the young man.

One day, his father said to the son, \someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is.\ The operation(手术) was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life. He once asked his father, \ \know...not yet.\

For years they kept it a secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his


mother's body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.


( ) 11.The mother was surprised to see her baby for the first time because the baby__. A. had no outer ears B. was born without hair C. was in her arms D. could not hear her ( ) 12.The sentence\

A. a new baby was born in the hospital B. a stranger came into the hospital C. a new doctor took care of the boy D. the boy began to live a new life ( )13. Why did the boy's mother never cut her hair? A. Because she liked her thick, brown hair.

B. Because her work didn't allow her to do that C. Because the hair was good for her health

D. Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret

( )14. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The boy couldn't hear without ears at first.

B. The boy didn't know the truth(真相) until his mother died. C. His parents often encouraged him to work hard. D. His classmates were always making fun of him. ( )15. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. A Clever Boy B. Kind Parents C. Great Love D. An Ear Operation 五.词汇 (15分)

1. Parents should have more ______________ (交流) with their children. 2.some people like to read ____________(评论) about a book before reading it.

3.These soft songs are popular all over the world,____________(尤其)with young people. 4.After studying five years in a __________(医学的)school, he became a doctor. 5.The old man and the old woman are a happy _________________(夫妇)。 6.We never give up _____________(achieve) our dreams. 7.Tom is my _____________( close) calssmate of all in my class.

8.we found it meaningful for scientists __________(develop) morden medicine to improve lives.. 9.We will go to the party if we __________(invite) tonight. 10.How __________ (polite) he was talking to the librarian!

11. Gulliver found himself ___(able) to move, because he was tied to the ground. 12. Great changes______________ (take) place in Beijing in the past few years. 13. The teacher needs us __________ (express) our true feelings about her class. 14. Don't leave the tap______________ (run). It's a waste of water.

15.He was patient enough to spend a long time _______(explain) the thing to us.



Alice is my pen friend. She is a 16-year-old girl from the UK, but now she lives in China. She is a middle school student in Nanjing. She likes going to school, but there are some things she doesn’t like, such as PE. She enjoys playing sports. She thinks sports are interesting and exciting. But she doesn’t like doing physical exercises in PE classes. She feels that they are boring! Her favourite subject is Science. It seems that the amazing and useful Science attracts(吸引) her. She thinks she is on the way to be a scientist. She wishes to invent things to make the world more and more beautiful.

In her free time, she often goes to the beach. She loves just sitting around and talking to friends there. She’s getting better at understanding boys, but she hates listening to hours of talk about football. “It’s not interesting at all!” she once said to me.

That is my penfriend Alice.

Information about Alice Basic Name: Alice Age: sixteen(1) old. What Playing sports. Likes Going to the (3) Favourite subject: Science Dislikes Having (6) classes. (8) talks about football. To be a scientist. Wishes To invent things. Why /For what Interesting and (2) Sitting around and (4) to friends. (5) and useful. Physical exercises are (7) Not interesting at all. Be (9) in Science. Make the world (10) beautiful. information Birth place: in the UK Living now: in China 七、阅读表达。(10分)

Do you live in a city? Do you know how cities began? Long long ago, there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people moved from place to place. They moved over the land, hunting(打猎) animals for food.

A long time passed. These people began growing crops. No one knows how or when those people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed, they did not have to move houses any more.

They could stay in one place and grow it. People began to live near each other. And so the first villages grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew bigger and bigger. Then people had machines, and lives in the villages changed again. They built factories. So the villages grew into cities. Some of them grew very big. Today, some people are moving back to small towns. 1. How many people were there in the world long long ago?


________________________________________________________________ 2. When didn’t people have to move houses any more ?

_________________________________________________________________3. What did the villages






factories? Why


_________________________________________________________________4. people move from place to place long long ago?

_______________________________________________________________ 5. Who knows when people learned about growing food?


“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily lives.

One day while I was w__1_ in the street, a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing(轻擦) against my handbag. He continued his way, but turned b_2__ and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didn’t f_3__to say “sorry”. One day, after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper was passing me the change, but I wasn’t ready for it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “Sorry, madam,” he said w__4__ bending(弯腰) to pick it up. I was s__5__ why he said “sorry” to me. Another time, I stepped(踩) on a man’s f__6__ at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time, we b__7__ said “sorry”. Slowly, I got to know that when something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British don’t c__8__ much about who is wrong. If someone is in t___9__ , a “sorry” is always necessary. Perhaps that is w_10__ I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain. 九、书面表达(20分)

泰山公园最近有很多问题。请你写一封80词左右的信呼吁人们保护环境,遵守规则。要点如下,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。要点如下: 1.首先,不要乱扔垃圾,保持公园的清洁,不要摘公园里的花; 2.其次,在公园里大声谈笑是粗鲁无礼的,请把声音放低; 3.第三,如果有人挡住你的路,可以说“劳驾”等他移动; 4.还应向人们解释保护公园的重要性; 5.做这些对我们的环境以及健康都有好处。 Dear all,

The environment in Taishan Park has become worse recently. We must do something to Stop it.

_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,



