上海牛津版2B第二单元试卷 - 图文

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Class________ Name ________

一、 听力练习

I Listen and circle (听录音,圈出听到的字母组合和单词)

1. A. p d B. q b 2. A. g j B. j g 3. A. O E B. Q F 4. A. bear B. pear 5. A. quilt B. pencil 6. A. sheep B. ship 7. A. brown B. blue 8. A. big B. bag II Listen and number (听录音,给图片编号)

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

III Listen and judge(听录音,用“T”或“F”判断是否与图片内容一致)

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) ( )

IV Listen and match(听录音,选择与动物相应的内容)

1. ( ) A. fat and pink

2. ( ) B. big and grey(灰色的)

3. ( ) C. black and white

4. ( ) D. big and brown

V Listen and circle (听录音,圈出正确的应答句) 1. A. I hear a tiger. B. I see a tiger. 2. A. I like monkeys. B. Yes, I like monkeys. 3. A. It’s white. B. It’s big. 4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it has. VI Listen and tick (听录音,圈出你听到的句子)

1. A. Look at the bear. B. Look at the bell. 2. A. It’s big and brown. B. It’s small and white. 3. A. I like the horse. B. I like the tiger. 4. A. Who is she? B. Who is he? 5. A. I have a friend. B. She has a friend. 二、 读写练习。

I Read and write (写出所给字母的邻居)

1. ___Pp ___ 2. ___ Nn____ 3. ____ I i____ 4. ___ Oo___ 5. ____ Kk _____ 6. ____ Bb ___

II Write the correct letters. (正确书写下列字母的大小写)

Dd Ff Jj Ll Nn Qq

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III Read and circle (圈出不同类的单词)

1. A. brown B. little C. pink 2. A. pear B. panda C. bear 3. A. come B. go C. here 4. A. draw B. write C. white 5. A. five B. six C. fine IV Look and tick. ( 看图并勾出正确的句子) 1. A. Come here, Ben. ( ) B. Go there, Ben. ( )

2. A. Look at it. It is white. It has two red eyes. ( ) B. Look at it. It is white. It has two short ears. ( )

3. A. I like the pear. ( ) B. I like the peach. ( )

4. A. Look at the animal. It is white and black. ( ) B. Look at the animal. It has a long nose. ( )

5. A. The pencil is on the desk. ( ) B.The pencil is in the desk. ( ) V Match the right words. (配对连线) 1. 中英文连线

horse 大象 elephant 马 pig 猪

monkey 棕色的 tiger 老虎 brown 猴子 2. 反义词连线

tall slow big black fast short fat small white thin VI Read and choose. (选择正确的应答句。) ( )1. -- Good afternoon. -- ________.

A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. ( )2. -- What do you like to do? -- _________.

A. I like apples. B. I like to eat apples. ( )3. -- How are you? -- _______.

A. I am OK. B. I am 8 years old. ( )4. – What do you see? -- __________.

A. I hear a duck. B. I see a duck. ( )5. – What have you got? -- _________.

A. I’ve got a pencil. B. I need a pencil. VII Read and choose. (选择正确的中英文翻译) ( )1. Come here, Spotty.

A. 过来,Spotty. B. 回来, Spotty. ( )2. Look at the panda.

A. 看那只熊猫。 B. 指着那只熊猫。 ( )3. The monkey is thin and fast.

A. 猴子瘦瘦的,跑得很快。 B. 猴子瘦瘦的,跑得很慢。

( )4. The rabbit has two red eyes.

A. 兔子有两只红眼睛。 B. 兔子有两只长耳朵。 ( )5. Who is my friend?

A. 我的朋友是谁? B. 你的朋友是谁? ( )6. 我听见了牛叫声。

A. I see a cow. B. I hear a cow. ( )7. 我有一个娃娃。

A. I see a doll. B. I have got a doll. ( )8. 谁是你的朋友?

A. Who is my friend? B. Who is your friend? VIII Read and judge. (判断句子与图片是否一致)

1. It’s fat and slow. ( )

2. It’s small and thin. ( )

3. It’s white and black. ( )

4. It’s big and brown. ( )

5. It’s fast and small. ( )

