牧原股份猪舍监控系统原理结构与安装调试 周耀昌 1402314040 测控技术与仪器 - 图文

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南 阳 理 工 学 院


学 院:机械与汽车工程学院 专 业:测控技术与仪器 学 生:周耀昌 指导教师:何一文 老师 实践单位:牧原食品股份有限公司 实践时间:3月15日至5月5 日

完成日期 2016 年 5 月



Principle, Structure, Installation and Debugging of Piggery Monitoring and Control System for Muyuan Company

总 计:毕业实践(报告)28页

表 格: 1 个

插 图 : 24 幅


测控技术与仪器专业 周耀昌

[摘 要]自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,受改革开放政策的影响,养殖产业向集约化、规模化方向发展,使得养殖企业进一步向自动化靠拢,为了使我能够在短的时间内全面了解本专业的专业知识,提高自己专业水平,顺利完成学校、社会之间的心态过渡,使得在校学习专业知识与企业所需相结合,特安排了这次的实习。


[关键词]集约化养殖; 环境控制系统; 安全监控系统;

Principle, Structure, Installation and Debugging of Piggery Monitoring and Control System for Muyuan Company

Measurement & Control Technology and Instruments Major ZHOU Yaochang Abstract: Since the 1970s, while aquaculture industry was scale and intensive, the farming enterprises were further automated. In order to learn the professional knowledge comprehensively and to improve professional ability, the internship was arranged to combine the professional and practical knowledge.

During the internship, It mainly cultivated the professional knowledge about workplace and equipment. In the early of the internship, the training was mainly about the culture and idea of the enterprise, then the training was to study the piggery hardware and software of related content led by company technicians. The training in-troduced the normal operation of piggery, including piggery of the theoretical study and application of the principle of various modules, the installation and debugging, the normal work of the environmental control system hardware of the piper laying, safety monitoring and control system of layout design. Finally, under the help of colleague and my own efforts, the basic knowledge of the piggery heating, cooling, ventilation, working principle and security monitoring system was mastered. The internship had laid a solid basis for the job and improved the social skills further.


Keywords: Intensive farming; Environmental control system; Security monitoring




1.实习单位(地点)简介 ......................................................................... 1 2.实习目的 .................................................................................................. 3 3.实习内容 .................................................................................................. 5 4.专题内容分析 ......................................................................................... 7

4.1环境控制系统的结构组成概述 .................................................... 7 4.2 温度控制装置工作流程 ................................................................ 9

4.2.1供热装置的安装与选用 ....................................................... 9 4.2.2水帘降温装置 ..................................................................... 13 4.3湿度控制工作原理 ...................................................................... 15 4.4光照控制结构原理 ...................................................................... 16 4.5 CO2浓度控制 .............................................................................. 17 5.安全监控系统 ....................................................................................... 18

5.1系统的概述 .................................................................................. 18 5.2公司监控系统组成 ...................................................................... 18 6.实习收获与体会 ................................................................................... 21 参考文献 ................................................................................................... 22 致谢 ........................................................................................................... 23


