2014年春七年级英语下册导学案Unit 8(原创)

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Unit 8



1、朗读本课单词。 2、阅读1b听力原文。 二、预习检测(5分钟)

1、英译汉。post office post office police police station hotel restaurant bank hospital street pay pay phone near


(1)There is a restaurant on Bridge Street. ( ) (2)There is not a post office on Long Street. ( ) (3)There is a hospital on Center Street. ( ) 三、交流互动(20分钟) 四、当堂训练(10分钟)

(一)、短语翻译 1.near hear 2.on Bridge Street 3.There be… 4.police station (二)、句子翻译


— a hospital here? —Yes, .It's Bridge Street. (三)、句型转换

1.There is a pen in the pencilbox.(改为一般疑问句) a pen in the pencilbox? 2.The zoo is near_here.(对画线部分提问) the zoo?

3.There is a pay phone on Center Street.(改为否定句) a pay phone on Center Street.

4.Is there a police station near here?(作否定回答) No, .

5.Two baseballs are in the backpack.(改为同义句) two baseballs the backpack. (四)、单项选择

1.—Is there a library in your school? — .

A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't C.Yes,there is D.No,there aren't 2.Is there a near here?I want to buy some drinks.

A.pay phone B.Supermarket C.bank D.hospital 3.—Where is the park? —It's Bridge Street.

A.for B.at C.on D.with

4.Do you want home with me now? A. go B.to go to C.to go D.going

5.There isn't a shop here. A.in B.near C.from D.on

6.— _a pay phone on Center Street? —No,there isn't. A.There is B.Is there C.It is

7.I want to call the police.Is there a near here? A.hospital B.yestaurant C.pay phone

8.—Is there a bank here? —Yes,it's ________ Lincoln Street. A.on,on B.near,on C.on,near

9.There two pay phones here. A.are B.is C.have

10.You can get money(钱)in the and you can get books in the ________. A.post office,bank B.bank,garden C.bank,library 五、自我小结(5分钟) 1.There be句型 含义:

结构: be单复数: 否定: 疑问: 六、课后探究



1、朗读本课单词。 2、阅读2a/2b听力原文。 3、阅读2d原文。 二、预习检测(5分钟)

1、英译汉。acros across from front in front of behind town around


(1)There is a post office between the restaurant and the hospital. ( ) (2)The park isn’t across from the bank. ( )

(3)There is a hospital on Bridge Street. ( ) (4)The pay phone is next to the post office. ( )

(5)There is a restaurant behide the post office. ( ) (6)The police office is in front of the hotel. ( )


(1)Tony is new in town. ( ) (2)There is a bank on Center Street. ( )

(3)The park is across from the bank. ( ) (4)Center Street is far from here. ( )

(5)Linda can get to the bank on foot. ( ) 三、交流互动(20分钟) 四、当堂训练(10分钟)

(一)、短语翻译 1.Excuse me. 2.near here 3.between… and… 4.across from 5.on Bridge Street

6.next to 7.in front of… 8.in the front of… 9.behind sth 10.be new 11.in town

12.around here 13.be far from… 14.Thanks so much 15.No problem (二)、句子翻译


— any restaurants near here?—Yes,there's one the post office. 2.—公园在哪儿?—它在银行的对面,酒店的后面。

— the park?—It's the bank, the hotel. (三)、句型转换

1.There are some flowers on the dressers.(改为一般疑问句) there flowers on the dressers?

2.The zoo is between_the_hotel_and_the_bank.(对画线部分提问) the zoo?

3.Mike's house is behind his school.(改为同义句) Mike's school is his house.

4.Lucy sits on Susan's left(左边)and on George's right.(右边)(改为同义句) Lucy sits n Susan _George.

5.There is a park on the other side(另一边)of the street.(改为同义句) the street is a park.


4.The supermarket is the post office. 5.The park is just the restaurant.

6.The library is the supermarket the school. 7.The pay phone is the Fifth Avenue.

8.The hotel is the park. (五) 、单项选择题

1.The post office is ________ the park.

A.to B.on C.behind 2.There aren't ________ bananas on the table.

A.some B.any C.much 3.I ________ a new desk,________some books on it.

A.has,there are B.have,there is C.have,there are 4.—Is there a tape player on the sofa? —________.It's on the desk.

A.Yes,there is B.No,there isn't C.Yes,there isn't 5.There ________ three boys and a girl in the classroom.

A.am B.is C.are 五、自我小结(5分钟)

1.across from 2.next to 3.beteween…and… 4.on

5.in front of… 6.in the front of… 7.behind 8.near 9.be far from… 10.help 11.new 12.with 13. where 14.There be句型 含义: 结构: be单复数: 否定: 疑问:




1、朗读本课单词。 2、阅读Grammar Focus原文。 二、预习检测(5分钟)

1.英译汉。post office post office police police station hotel restaurant bank hospital street pay pay phone near acros across from

front in front of behind town around north n. adj. 2.完成课文3a,3b,内容。 三、交流互动(20分钟)


(一)、短语翻译 1.near here 2.in front of… 3.in the front of… 4.next to 5.across from

6.between…and… 7.behind sth 8.on North Street 9.the police station 10.There be… (二)、句子翻译

1.桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。 a book and two on the desk. 2.吉姆的书包里有些书。 There books in Jim's schoolbag. 3.墙上有一些地图吗? there maps on the wall? 4.学校里没有任何学生。 There students in the school. 5.铅笔盒里有五支铅笔和一支钢笔。 five pencils and a pen in the pencilbox. (三)、用there /be,have/with填空。

1.There is a schoolbag a picture of a dog in it. 2. five books and one notebook on the desk. 3.Jane a big house a nice garden. 4.Do you know the girl glasses? 5.Does Peter any friends in America? (四)、单项选择

1.—________,is there a post office near here?—________,I don't know.

A.Excuse me,Excuse me B.Excuse me,Sorry C.Sorry,Excuse me D.Sorry,Sorry 2.The hotel is ________ the bank.

A.across B.from C.near to D.next to 3.We are playing games on the playground.There's a long desk between ________and________.

A.you,I B.she,he C.her,me D.he,you 4.—________is the supermarket? —It's on Bridge Street.

A.What B.How C.Where D.Who 5.I live ________ school,so I must get up early every morning.

A.near B.far C.far from D.near to 6.There is a bank across ________ the bookshop.

A.to B.from C.on D.at 7.—What do you often do ________ classes to relax? —Listen to music or walk around the school. A.over B.through C.between D.among 8.—Where's the park? —It's ________ the post office.

A.in B.on C.at D.behind 9.A dog is sitting in front ________ the house.

A.on B.of C.to D.at 10.The shop is________ Green Street.

A.across B.between C.next D.on 五、自我小结(5分钟)

1.across from 2.next to 3.beteween…and… 4.on

5.in front of… 6.in the front of… 7.behind 8.near 9. where 10.There be句型 含义: 结构: be单复数: 否定:





1、朗读本课单词。 2、阅读1c听力原文。 二、预习检测(5分钟)

1、英译汉。along go along turn right adv. ;n. left adv. n.

turn right / turn left crossing 2、根据1c听力判断正误。

(1)There is a hotlel around here. ( ) (2)Just go along Bridge Street and turn right when you see the library. ( )

(3)Go along Long Street and it’s on the right. ( ) (4)The hotel is next to the bank and across from the supermarket. ( )

(5)Go along New Street and turn right at the first crossing. ( ) (6)The restaurant is on your right and across from the pay phone. ( ) 三、交流互动(20分钟) 四、当堂训练(10分钟)

(一)、短语翻译 1.Excuse me. 2.around here 3.go along … 4.turn left 5.turn right

6.on the left 7.on the right 8.next to 9.across from 10.at the

first crossing

11.on your left 12.Thank you very much. 13.You’re welcome.


1.打扰一下,这附近有银行吗? Excuse me. a bank around here?

2.一直沿桥街走,当你看见图书馆时向右转。 Just Bridge Street and_ when you see the library.

3.在第一个路口向右转,餐馆就在你的左边。 right the first and the restaurant is your left (三)、看图填空

A:Excuse me.Can you tell me how to get to the bank near here? B:It's easy.Go Bridge Street and turn .Then walk along Street untill you see the post office.

And turn .Go straight and you'll find the bank on the left.It's next to the post office and from the park.

(1)把画线部分翻译成中文: (四)、单项选择

1.—Is there a post office on Center Street?—________.

A.It's not far from here B.Yes,it is C.Yes,there is D.No,there aren't 3.—________?—Go along this street and turn left.

A.Where is the hotel B.Is there a hotel near here C.Welcome to our clothes store D.Do you come here

