更新时间:2023-06-01 15:25:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
(1) When it comes to XX, there is no agreement among people as to the issue of XX: some people hold a positive attitude towards it while others are against it. In such an environment where XX is playing an increasingly important role in XX, almost XX come to believe that XX talks. There are numerous reasons(methods/approaches) to account for the phenomenon ( 或者 to contribute to this issue), I would explore the most conspicuous ones below.
第二段:One of the primary reason(方法:method, to my mind, is that such a phenomenon as revealed in the picture (topic/ problem)has aroused wide-spread social concern ,Nowhere in history has the issue been talked about so much as in our society today. Apart from that, the painting(topic/ problem) reveals an upsetting story and similar events happened and happening are hared or reported in nearly all aspects of our life .What is also worth noticing (considering) fact is that Enhancing people’s awareness of such practices and setting up relevant rules and regulations ought to be top priorities of the agenda.
第三段:In conclusion, taking into account of the above(或 In brief, we may safety (safely) arrive at the conclusion that), we may reach the conclusion that it is high time that such stories were (should be) terminated or at least reduced. Only when such happenings come to an end can we maintain a happy and harmonious society as we all wish, vice and verse.
What the drawing is trying to express is symbolic and philosophic ! (并列押韵, 可以说是有用的废话)Featured in the above image are two men who , each of them having only one leg , are running forward together. (妙在 featured 和 who,插入的 独立主格结构。这句话是得分重点,需要自己组织一个简单的切题的句子。) However ridiculous and humorous(押韵) it may seem at first glimpse ,this cartoon does carry rather significant implications . (可以认为是有用的废话.)
1. 基础 -- 核心句写作
____________, 主语,_____________, 谓语 (及物动词后加宾语),_________. 具体步骤
步骤1:看清图画的主要含义,并因此确定S + V .(或者S + Vt + n)迅速写出句子。每幅图一句。 (此步重点:确定主语,也就是抓住图画中最主要的事物是关键,一般这一事物居于图画正中间) 例如 A lamp is flickering.
1.找出可以修饰主语的形容词(单个的放在主语前边)A small oil lamp is flickering.
2.找出主语的同位语后加定语从句 (主语后)A small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light , is flickering.
3.找出可以修饰主语的介词短语 (主语后边)A small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering.
4.找出主语发出的其它动作,做成伴随状语,放在主语前做导入Standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering.
步骤3 围绕谓语展开细节并添加到句子当中,包括:
1.找出可修饰动作的副词,放在谓语后Standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly.
2.看看动作发生的时间和地点可不可以用介词短语来做,放谓语及副词的后边,地点在前,时间在后Standing lonely but full of
confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time.
3.看看句子谓语动作造成什么结果或意义没有,如果有,做成后置的伴随状语Standing lonely but full of confidence , a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness to everything around it.
confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time.
3.看看句子谓语动作造成什么结果或意义没有,如果有,做成后置的伴随状语Standing lonely but full of confidence , a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness to everything around it.
步骤4 如果谓语后有宾语,再按主语扩展模式略作处理(加前后定语,尽量短)
最终版本:Standing lonely but full of confidence , a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness to everything around it. (37字) 大家再看一个例子,进一步熟悉一下以上四个步骤 中外文化的融合图片描述
1. An American girl appears pleasant.
2. A beautiful young American girl appears pleasant.
3. A beautiful young American girl, an international student, appears pleasant.
4. A beautiful young American girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional Chinese costume, appears pleasant.
5. Standing under a tree, a beautiful young American girl, an international student who is dressed
in traditional Chinese costume, appears pleasant. 6. Standing under a tree, a beautiful young American girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional Chinese costume, appears obviously pleasant.
在小作文当中,也是利用同样的方法,迅速的说明事由,细节的添加主要以回答下列几个问题为主:谁(who)在什么时候(when)在什么地方(where)出于何种原因(why)通过何种方式(how)作了什么事情(what) 例如:投诉信:---对两条狗进行投诉
1. These dogs were abandoned and have been causing trouble. 2. These vicious dogs were abandoned and have been causing trouble.
3. These vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought, were abandoned and have been causing trouble.
4. These vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have been
causing trouble.
5. Last week, these vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have
been causing trouble.
6. Last week, these vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have
been causing trouble in our neighborhood ever since.
7. Last week, these vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have
been causing trouble in our neighborhood ever since, barking day and night, leaving waste everywhere, and even attacking both residents and passers-by. (44字)
1. 起点就是终点 (提示:主语是男孩,谓语是跑向终点) 2. 温室的花朵第一幅 (提示:主语是花朵,谓语是挺立) 3. 温室的花朵第二幅 (提示:主语还是花朵,谓语是变得虚弱) 4. 把上两句话用 -------------, while ----------- 的模式连成一句
提解决方案, 分个人和社会两句来写 坏事
Without this necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society, nothing could ever be achieved and everything will be in a chaos.
Without this necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society, nothing could ever be achieved and everything will be in a chaos.
Therefore, a person with no idea of love, most people believe, is an unfortunate failure in the 21centry, deprived of one of the most valuable intrinsic qualities they should possess.
Therefore, a person with no idea of love, most people believe, is an unfortunate failure in the 21centry, deprived of one of the most valuable intrinsic qualities they should possess.
Once convinced of the seriousness and urgency of this issue, sb should seek to dispel their misunderstanding and put the cultivation of a more rational attitude on the agenda of priority. Once convinced of the seriousness and urgency of this issue, sb should seek to dispel their misunderstanding and put the cultivation of a more rational attitude on the agenda of priority. In addition to the effort on the part of the individual, the government and departments concerned should also assume their own responsibility, pass relevant regulations and put them into force. In addition to the effort on the part of the individual, the government and departments concerned should also assume their own responsibility, pass relevant regulations and put them into force. Realizing the important role played by…….in our life, we should seek to fully appreciate its
true meaning and put the cultivation of a good habit / attitude on the agenda of priority. Realizing the important role played by love in our life, we should seek to fully appreciate its true meaning and put the cultivation of a good habit / attitude on the agenda of priority.
In addition, the government and departments concerned, once convinced of the benefit that
sth brings, should assume their own responsibilities and take necessary measures to foster this underlying current.
In addition, the government and departments concerned, once convinced of the benefit that sth brings, should assume their own responsibilities and take necessary measures to foster this underlying current

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