人教版7年级英语下册Unit5 Im watching TV的教学设计

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学科类别(不要以编号代替):中学英语 论文题目 Unit5 I'm watching TV SectionA教学设计 作者姓名 朱普立 学校名称 青溪中学 课题组成 员姓名 学校地址 遵义市(州、地)绥阳 县(市、区、特区)青杠塘 乡(镇) 联系电话 固定电话: 移动电话:13511855952 论文内容摘要(200字左右) Unit5 I'm watching TV SectionA的教学设计是根据人教版新目标英语7年级下册第5单元SectionA(1A,1B,1C)的内容而编写。本单元以everyday activities为话题谈论人们正在做什么。通过一些表示活动的短语:watching TV ,doing homework ,playing basketball, eating dinner , swimming , reading newspaper等和表示地点的词如library,mall, pool , classroom ,shop等,来学习和掌握现在进行时的的定义和用法。主要通过 what are you dong?开展各种教学活动。如通过小组之间,生生之间,师生之间的对话表演练习来对新句型进行理解应用。 个人诚信承诺(在括号内打“√”): 1、所写论文为本人原创,并非从网上直接下载或抄袭他人( √ ) 2、所写案例真实,源于本人亲历的课堂( √ ) 说明:

一、学科类别分别为:1.中学语文 2.中学数学 3.中学英语 4、中学物理5.中学化学 6.中学生物 7、中学政治 8.中学历史 9、中学地理 10.小学语文 11、小学数学 12、小学思品 13、小学英语 14、小学科学 15、中小学音乐 16.中小学体育与健康 17.中小学美术 18.中小学信息技术 19.中小学综合实践活动 20. 学前教育 21.综合(凡不是纯学科性的论文都归在这一类,如:如何做好班主任工作、如何提高学生的心理素质等)。


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Unit5 I'm watching TV

Scetion A (教学设计)

遵义市绥阳县青溪中学:朱普立 教材分析:

本单元以 everyday activities为话题谈论人们正在做什么。通过一些表示日常活动的短语:watching TV ,doing homework ,playing basketball, eating dinner , swimming , reading newspaper等和表示地点的词如library,mall, pool , classroom ,shop等,来学习和掌握现在进行时的的定义和用法。通过老师和学生正在做的某些动作而导入新的时态————现在进行时。主要通过 what are you dong?开展各种教学活动。如通过小组之间,生生之间,师生之间的对话表演练习来对新句型进行理解应用。第一课时的教学任务完成Section A 中的1a,1b和1c。1a要求学生把表示正在进行的活动的词汇与相应图片搭配;1b要求学生通过听的形式学习和应用人们正在进行的活动;1c要求在老师的指导下,以pairwork的方式练习谈论正在进行的活动。在整个教学活动过程中力求使所有的学生都有机会进行说的练习,在学生问答的过程中及时提醒或纠正错误。不要忘了助动词be和动词后要加-ing.并注意现在分词的构成规律。通过有限的课堂练习活动,能准确地用现在进行时表达自己和他人正在进行的动作和正在做的事。


教学的对象是初一学生,部分学生基础差。在英语学习中他们不敢大胆地读英语,不敢大胆地说英语,应尽量让周围的同学多带动。在设计任务活动时,应由易到难。活动中要经常给予帮助和鼓励。在教学活动中要想办法尽量让他们参与到活动中来,使他们有更多说英语的机会,通过学生之间的合作学习与对话练习,减少他们的紧张感和恐惧感,降低对他们的学习要求难度,使他们能体验到成功的喜悦。因此在教学设计中要多激发他们的兴趣和表现欲。同时在阅读和书面表达中加以落实,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,力求使各层次的学生都有所收获。 教学目标:

1.知识目标(Knowledge goals)

1)New words and phrases: clean , read , wait,swim , watch TV ,do homework , eat dinner , swimming , read newspaper. 2)Key drills: what are you dong? I am watching TV. what is he dong? He is reading. 2.能力目标(Ability goals)

1)Enable the students to listen to and talk about what people are doing.

2)Help the students to practice listening, speaking,reading writing skills .

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3.情感目标(Emotional goals)

1)Train the students to cooperate each other and help each other. 2) Let the students obey the rules and try to be good students. 教学重点和难点:

1,教学重点(Teaching important points)


watching TV ,doing homework ,playing basketball, eating dinner , swimming , reading newspaper等和表示地点的词如library,mall, pool , classroom ,shop等,

2)现在进行时:(Subject + be + doing +...) What are you doing? I am watching TV.

What is he / she doing? He is reading.

What are they doing?

They are playing basketball. (注意动词现在分词的变化规则.) 2,教学难点 (Teaching Difficult points)

1) How to understand and use “am/is /are +V-ing” 2) 现在进行时的构成和动词现在分词的变化。 教学方法: 1)图片展示; 2)幻灯片展示:


4) 突出学生 个体,尊重学生差异。

教学用具准备:powerpoint 制作的课件、录音机、一些日常活动的图片、单词卡片

教学课时安排:1课时 (SectionA 1a, 1b, 1c,). 教学过程设计:

Step1 Greetings and lead-in

1) Greet the whole class as usual.(用英语像平常一样给同学们打招呼.) 2) T:Hello,boys and girls .Nice to see you again.Today we are going to talk about everyday activities.And now I will act out some activities. T: What am I doing ?(Take out a banana and eat.) T: I am eating a banana.

T: What am I doing ? (Open a book and read it) T: I am reading a book. (引出现在进行时,导入新课) 3) Lean the new words(幻灯片展示) T: Who can name the activity in it?

( Show the students a picture of watching TV ) S1: \

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T: He is watching TV.

T: And what about this picture? S2: \

T: She is eating dinner. T: What about these pictures? S3: \

T: They are playing soccer. (etc.) S4: \ S5: \ 2) Teach the verb phrases

T: Look at the picture and read after me,\ Ss: \

( Ask the students to \classroom , eat dinner, talk on the phone \

( 用幻灯片展示日常活动中的情境,使学生身临其镜,直观、易理解、吸引学生注意力。在真实的情境中学习词汇,能够学以致用) Step 2 Presentation

教师出示几组幻灯图片或者图片,引出现在进行时的结构和用法。 (1) 叫一位学生按照老师图片上的提示做动作,教师接着说: T: He/ She is eating dinner now. They are watching TV now.

T: What is he/ she doing ? He/ She's eating dinner now T: What are they doing ?

They are watching TV now.

2)然后叫一个学生做动作,另一个学生问,进行问答练习。 S1: What are you doing now? S2: I'm watching TV. (etc.)


eat----eating read---reading clean---cleaning watch----watching play---playing (etc)

(这样设计的目的是让学生在交际情景中感受出现在进行时的结构和用法。) Step 3 Match work (1a) 1. (Ask the students to read the words and the picture ,and then match the activities with the pictures a-f.) e.g Who is Jenny?

What is Jenny doing? He is watching TV.

What are Dave and Mary doing? They are eating dinner.(etc.)

(通过问答,进一步搞清楚谁是Jenny、Dave and Mary,以及他们正在

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做的事,通过练习,加深对现在进行时的理解和应用) Step 4 Pairwork (1c)

1. Show some pictures and let the students ask and answer in pairs. e.g What are you doing ? I am singing

What is he doing ? He is watching TV. What are they doing? They're eating dinner 2. Ask the students to practice: What is...doing? ---What is he / she doing?

---He/ She is reading/ cleaning/ doing homework/ eating dinner/ talking on the phone/ watching TV. 3. 启发学生归纳出现的现在进行时的结构句型.

主语 + am/ is / are+ 动词的现在分词 4. 动词的现在分词的构成: verb play ride put ly verbing playing riding putting lying The ruler of present participle: 1) add “ing”

2) take away “e” and “ing” 3) double “t”and add “ing”

4) Change “ie”into “y”,add “ing”

(通过小组合作练习、运用、归纳和老师的纠正,激发学生的学习的乐趣,巩固对现在进行时的应用,使不同层次的学生都有所提高。) Step 4 Listening(1b)

(Ask the students to read the name in Activity 1b and write the number from 1a.)

1) What are the people doing? 2) Write numbers from 1a below.

3) Check the answers in pairs like this:

A: What is Jenny doing? B: He is watching TV. A: What are Dave and Mary doing? B: They are eating dinner.

A: What is John doing? B: He is doing homework. (通过听力训练,现在进行时的结构得以很好的落实) Step 5 Homework:

1) 熟记本课时的单词、词组和句型。 2) 写出下列动词的现在分词:

① clean ________ ② read ________ ③ shop _______ ④ Play _______ ⑤ Talk ________ ⑥ write _______ ⑦ Put ________ ⑧ eat _________ ⑨ swim _______ 3) 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

① What are you doing now? I am ______ (clean) the window. ② I like _______ (swim) very much.

③ Look, The boy is ______ (sit) at the table.He is _____(drink).

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④ He wants to _______ (be) a docter. 4) 观察今晚自己一家人正在做的事。


New Words: New Sentences: shopping A What’s he doing ? watching TV B He’s reading . cleaning A What are dong now? Eating dinner B Thay are watching TV now. reading




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④ He wants to _______ (be) a docter. 4) 观察今晚自己一家人正在做的事。


New Words: New Sentences: shopping A What’s he doing ? watching TV B He’s reading . cleaning A What are dong now? Eating dinner B Thay are watching TV now. reading




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