第四讲 名词和名词词组

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第四讲 名词和名词词组



教学重点:1. 名词的分类

2. 名词的数

3. 单位词

教学难点: 名词的使用

教学方法:1. 分析法

2. 列举法

3. 讨论法


教学步骤:1. 名词的解析

2. 学生讨论

3. 疑难解答



英语名词,可以分为普通名词(man, city)、专有名词(Tom, China)、集体名词(staff, team)、物质名词(iron, water)和抽象名词(fear, joy)。


iron 铁(物质名词) an iron 熨斗(普通名词)

money 钱(物质名词) moneys 金额,款项(普通名词)

necessity 必要性(抽象名词) necessities 必需品 (普通名词)


1. 大多数英语名词没有性的区别,只有一个共同的形式

artist 艺术家 doctor医生,professor教授,scholar 学者,reader 读者,debtor债务人,buyer 买主

2. 有些名词具有性别的不同形式

阳 性 阴 性

man woman

drake duck

friar / brother nun / sister

3. 有些名词直接加-ess构成阴性,以-ter或-tor结尾的词改为-tress构成阴性,以-rer或-ror结尾的词改为-ress构成阴性,以-der结尾的词改为-dress构成阴性,但有例外。

阳 性 阴 性

actor actress

heir heiress

enchanter enchantress

4. 有些名词在词尾加-ette构成阴性 usher usherette

5. 惯用于男性的名词和惯用于女性的名词

有些名词已惯用于男性,其代词用he, him, his等对应;有些名词惯用于女性,其代词用she, her等对位。

1) 惯用于男性的词: general, lawyer, fellow, lover, soldier, sailor

2) 惯用于女性的词:nurse, typist, dressmaker, housekeeper

3) 拟人化的阳性词(伟大,强大,恐怖): Time, Mountain, Wind, War, the Ocean, Storm, Thunder,

Sleep, Winter, Summer, Autumn, Despair,Fear, Anger, Death, the Sun, Revenge, Murder,

Hurricane 代词用he.

4) 拟人化的阴性词(柔和,优美):Moon, Spring, Night, Nature, Peace, Hope, Virtue,

Truth, the Earth, Liberty, Justice, Fame, Victory, Faith, Humility, Pride, Mercy, Art,

Science, Soul 代词用she

The sun shed his powerful rays upon the plains.

Nature rewards those who love her.

船、火车等通常看作阴性。 The Queen Mary was on her maiden voyage then.

国家、都是通常看作阴性。 China is proud of her rich natural resources.

6. 名词前加he, she, girl等可以表示性别

在现代英语中,对无性别区分的名词一般可以通过在该词前加上he, she, girl, lady, male, female, woman, boy, man等词来区分性别。有些词则在后面加man, woman等区别性别。

student→ boy student girl student

air-man air-woman landlord landlady


hero heroine beau belle

8. man 可以包括woman

man 可以包括woman在内,统指一切人,代词用he和his.

Every man has his weak points.


1. 规则名词复数形式

1.1 –s类 大多数名词的复数形式是在单数名词后加-s.

1.2 –es 类 以o, s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es.

★ 如果词尾的ch发k音,要加-s. monarch →monarchs

★ 但是有些以字母o结尾的外来词或缩写词的复数形式只加-s,如果o前面是元音字母,也只加-es.

如: kilo, piano, photo, bamboo, tobacco, cuckoo, dynamo, cameo, soprano, Alamo, bronco, gringo, alto, casino, ego, obligato伴奏, two, torso, folio, canto, embryo, portfolio, studio, zoo, Hindoo印度人, curio, rodeo

★ 但下面的名词加-s或-es均可。zero, cargo, volcano, mango, memento, commando, grotto, halo,

lasso, tornado, motto, portico, proviso, mosquito等。

★ 下面的几个名词有两种变化形式:

buffo → buffos / buffi cello → cellos / celli solo →solos / soli

1.3 –y类

1)以辅音加y结尾的名词,变y为i再加-es. fly → flies

但也有例外,如dry(禁酒论者)→ drys stand-by(声援者)→ stand-bys

2) y前面是元音字母时只加-s. key →keys guy → guys

1.4 f或fe类

1)有十四个名词以f或fe结尾,构成复数时要去掉f或fe再加-ves,它们是:calf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf, elf, housewife。

2) 名词:scarf, wharf, staff, dwarf, handkerchief, hoof变为复数时,可以加-s或-es。 scarf→scarfs→scarves

3)其他以f或fe结尾的名次变复数时一般加-es,常见的有:chief, cliff, grief, turf, belief, reef, gulf, brief, mischief, proof, cuff, fife, roof, safe, strife, sheriff, tariff等。

Note: 比较下列名词复数的不同意义


calf →calfs / calves 小牛 → calves 小腿

beef → beefs 牢骚 →beeves 长成待宰的牛

1.5 4’s类


Your 3’s look like 8’s.

Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.

1.6 Smiths类


Kansas City →Kansas Citys Mayor Brown→ Mayor Browns

但Rocky→Rockies 落基山脉 Sicily →Sicilies 西西里


Charles, Mary, January, February.


Mr. Smith → the Messrs. Smith→the Mr. Smiths

Miss Alice → Misses Alice →Miss Alices

Lady Brown → the Ladies Brown →the Lady Browns

4) 任命不同,但头衔相同只有一种复数形式

Dr. Smith and Anderson → Drs. Smith and Anderson

Professor Black and Brown → Professors Black and Brown

5) 人名相同但身份、头衔不同只有一种复数形式

Mr. Mrs. And Misses Huntington 亨廷顿先生,亨廷顿夫人和亨廷顿小姐

★注意 两个名词的复数形式:lady friends, the Smith sisters


2.1 ox 等类 有些名词以改变元音的方法变为复数,有些辅音也有变化。

ox→ oxen, foot→feet, mouse→mice, goose→geese, child→children, louse→lice, alderman→aldermen, dormouse→dormice, tooth→teeth

Note: 1)当foot表示infantry步兵,horse表示cavalry骑兵,sail表示ship船时,表示复数意义亦不作变化。例如:15,000 foot and 5,000 horse


foot→foots (= dregs 沉淀物,渣滓) goose→gooses(=iron 弯把熨斗)

2.2 deer 类

1)有些名词单复数形式相同。例如:deer, sheep, swine, trout, cod, salmon, means, aircraft, steelworks炼钢厂,works 工厂,barracks 兵营,bellows 风箱,crossroads 十字路口,gasworks 煤气厂,kennels狗窝,head(),brace, hundred-weight, horsepower, series, species, précis, stone, lazybones, Chambers, Butchers, Jennings。

2)下面这些词是法语词,作单数用时s不发音,作复数用时,s读作 ︳z︴。chassis, patois, corps, rendezvous, shamois, faux pas.

3)下面这些词表示某一个国家的人,也是单复数同形。Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, Vietnamese, Burmese。


a busy crossroads 一个繁忙的十字路口 several busy crossroads 几个繁忙的十字路口


ten li fifteen dan five yuan

3)下面几个词单复数也同形 vietcong 越共 yen 日元 sen 钱

2.3 crisis类


crisis →crises datum →data erratum→errata base→bases

2.4 criterion类

少数外来词有两种复数形式,原有的复数形式多位科学用语,英语复数形式多为一般用语或用在口语中。 phenomenon→phenomena,phenomenons stratum →strata, stratums

2.5 genius类


index →indices指数 indexes 索引 genius →genii 妖怪 geniuses 天才

3. 只有单数形式的名词

3.1 有生命集体名词


class, crew, couple, committee, enemy, audience, association, family, jury, majority, mob, government, staff, opposition反对党, party, team, troop, troupe, swarm, school学术界, shoal, pack, litter, flock, herd, population, humanity, (the) press, livestock牲畜,vermin害虫

3.2 无生命集体名词


machinery, weaponry, clothing, sweat, poetry, jewelry, millinery, cutlery, stationary, crockery, hosiery, footwear, underwear, glasswear, hardwear金属器皿,sugar, salt, rice, corn, powder, flour, sand, dust, dirt, garbage, grass, hair, furniture, mail, equipment, food, meat, bread, toast, iron, copper, chalk, paper, wood, soap, gasoline, merchandise, foliage, scenery, traffic, landscape, nature, baggage, money, codeine, bunting, pastry, junk, game, linen, stubble, type, blood, oxygen, hydrogen.

3.3 抽象名词

这类名词常见的有:education, homework, knowledge, filth, bravery, fun, photography, correspondence, strength, happiness, laughter, honesty, loyalty, anger, companionship,

friendship, promotion, interference, approval, failure, childhood, truth, freedom, wealth, wisdom, ignorance, ease, luck, love, peace, information, intelligence, fun, pleasure, entertainment, room空间,recreation, relaxation, sunlight, sunshine, lightning, thunder, weather, geology, chemistry, biology, music, philosophy, darkness, light, heat, electricity, energy, power等。

Note : 1) 下面是一些复数形式但谓语动词一般用单数的名词:economics, statistics, physics, mathematics, civics, mechanics, genetics, mumps, diabetes, pediatrics, obstetrics, tennis, molasses.


youth 青春→ youth 青年们 audience 接见 → audience 观众

4. 只有复数形式的名词

4.1 表示由两个相同部分组成的东西的名词 scissors, trousers pants, compasses, tweezers, tongs, pliers, glasses, spectacles, shorts, stockings, calipers, flares, jeans, shades, slacks, breeches, braces, flannels, forceps, clippers, pyjamas, pincers, shears, suspenders, tights, trunks, knickers, nylons, bellows, binoculars, handcuffs. Goggles, knickerbockers.

4.2 一些词尾为-ing的名词(表示“多量”) savings, findings, greetings, surroundings, earnings, winnings, lodgings, belongings, fillings, clippings, tidings, sightings, takings, bookings, diggings, sweepings, doings, combings, droppings, peelings, pickings.

4.3 overalls等常以复数形式出现的名词(表示“多量,若干量”) overalls, remains, fireworks, arms, outskirts, links, measles, clothes, headquarters, amends, lazybones, entrails, fidgets, auspices, shambles, cards, the Netherlands, proceeds等。



1. 一般表示个数的单位词

这类单位词包括piece, bit, item, article,它们的搭配能力很强,特别是piece, bit,一般不可数名词通常都可以和它们搭配。

2. 表示形状的单位词

这类单位词,如cake, bar, drop, ear, flight, grain, head, loaf, lump, spiral, slice等,都与物类的形状有关,因此搭配能力颇受限制。

3. 表示容积的单位词

这类单位词,如bottle, bowl, pail, bucket, glass, cup, handful, spoonful, truckload, lorryload等,都是一些表示容积的普通名词,搭配能力较强。

4. 表示动作状态的单位词

这类单位词,如fit, peal, flash, display等,通常只限于某些固定搭配。

5. 表示成双、成组、成群的单位词

这类单位词包括pair, group, flock, herd, litter, swarm, bench, troupe, pack, shoal, school等,通常也只限于某些固定搭配。





