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Lesson Eight My Personal Manager

I. Teaching objectives:


Get the students to learn the positive spirit of the short boy. The language is typical of young students in the U.S. The text is therefore good for imitation and all kinds of oral activities. Get students to turn it into a play and act it out in class.

II. Teaching focus:

(1) Words:

audience, auditorium, bother, concentrate, congratulate, embarrass, exaggerated, promote, sensible, terrific, volunteer

(2) Phrases:

run into, tear into, have sth. in common, to be through with, to make the best of it , to burst into flower, to dig sth. up, to put one's heart into sth. to make sth. of oneself, to go through with it, manage to do sth., to let loose, for all one's worth, to look sb. in the eyes/face

(3) Structures:

now that

to be to do sth.

III. Teaching Procedure:

(1) Finish the pre-class exercises.

(2) Dictation of new words.

(3) Free Talk

(4) Introduce the background information about the article.

(5) Analyze the article.

(6) At the end of the lesson, have students discuss the positive spirit of the short boy.

(7) Consolidation by way of dictation.


IV. Language Points:

The value of this article lies precisely in the fact that it is so common--the characters are common, the story is common, the background is common, and the message is also common. In fact, they are so common that we readers can all relate easily to them.

It was one of those golden days in late October.

golden days/years/age: very happy or successful days/years/age in the past. 黄金时代

The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English drama.

The 1990s were the golden years of internet businesses.

late: (only before noun) near the end of a period of time 晚的,晚期的

He's in his late 30s. 他快四十了./ 他三十八九岁了.

Late summer is my favorite time of year. 夏末是我一年中最喜欢的时节.

That sort of hairstyle went out of fashion in the late eighties.那种发型在八十年代晚期就不流行了.

2. It's funny you should say that, …

"should "here is a modal verb, used to show an opinion or feeling.表示一种感情色彩,类似于中文的"竟然"E.g.

It's strange that she should refuse this offer.

I'm surprised he should be so rude to you.

3. --I may be short, but I can promote big things.

--Like me.

big things: big ideas or big activities.


What did Karen mean by saying so

When Carlos said big things, he meant important products or businesses. Karen of course knew what he meant, but being sensitive of her height, she intentionally interpreted the "big things" as "things large in size", like herself. This self-mock seemed to be a way she used to protect herself and conceal her lack of self-confidence.

4. I was tearing into the classroom when I ran into something solid.

1)The past continous is used here to provide the background of what was going to happen. "When" could be placed at the beginning of the sentence. Its present position, however, makes what happened more unexpected and dramatic. Eg:

Wu Song was walking through a wood when he heard the terrible roar of a tiger.

I was watching TV when the power suddenly went off.

2) to tear: move quickly, especially in a careless way 飞跑,飞奔,冲

She tore out of the house shouting "Fire!" 她冲出房子高喊"着火了".

All passengers tore off the train immediately after it pulled into the station.

3) to run into: to meet sb. by chance (Here it means "to bump into" or "to hit").

A truck ran into a car in the crossroad.

I ran into an old friend this morning in the supermarket.

5. That would be the last straw.

the last/final straw comes from the saying "the last straw that breaks the camel's back", meaning that after a series of problems or blows, this additional one is more than you can bear. (一系列打击,不快事件中)最终令人无法忍受的事,终于导致垮台(或失败等)的因素 e.g.

Losing my job was bad enough, but getting divorced from my wife was the last straw.丢了工作已经够坏的了,但和妻子离婚令我无法忍受.

She's always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother.

consider n. (to be / as) n./adj.: to have a particular opinion about sb. or sth. or to think of as认为,把…当作 e.g.

We all consider him (to be / as) a hero.

We don't consider her (to be)suitable for the job. 我们认为她不适合这项工作.

Do you consider him (as) a friend or a colleague 你把他当作朋友还是同事

7. ... a good two inches taller than I. Here "a good" is used before expressions of measurement or quantity, meaning "rather more than". E.g.

She is a good ten years younger than he is.

The nearest station was a good five miles away.

8. .... every time I blew out my birthday candles and made a wish, it was for a date with Reed Harrington.

(1) It is the custom in the West for people to make their wishes at their birthday party as they blow out the birthday candles.

(2) "Every time" can be viewed as a conjunction, meaning "whenever". E.g.

Every time I see him, he seems bursting with energy.

9. to come back/down to earth: to stop dreaming; to come back to the real world(从幻想中)回到现实, e.g.

You had better come down to earth and cook something for us.

When his money ran out, he came back to earth. 他把钱用光时,才如梦初醒.

to bring sb. back/down to earth: 使某人回到现实中来,使某人从幻想中清醒过来


Emily's voice brought him back to earth.

But I need a couple of dictionaries.

Carlos was saying that he was too short and therefore needed to put some dictionaries under him on his chair. He was making fun of his own height, which showed that he was a very easy-going person.

11. I ought to know better: I ought to be wise enough not to do that stupid thing or make that foolish mistake.

"Ought to" is often used to express an apology (I ought to...) or criticism (you ought to...).

12. hold out:

伸出,端出, e.g.

He held out his arms to embrace his son.

提出,提供, e.g.

For those not totally deaf, electronics holds out hope.

抵抗,坚持,坚定不移,不退让,拒绝妥协,拒绝达成协议, e.g.

The city held out for three months under siege.

We held out against the strong wing and big waves for three days and nights.

The strikes held out for better pay and conditions.

维持,继续生存(或运行等), e.g.

Will the water supply hold out through the summer

This tyre won't hold out another mile.

His father will not hold out through the winter.

(5) 扣留, e.g.

hold out information important to the case


He held himself out as a competent workman.

13. I brushed by him and said sharply, "You wouldn't understand."

1) brush by/past: to touch sb/sth for a very short time when you go past them. 接近某人(某物)时轻轻相碰

She brushed past him without saying a word. 她经过时碰了他一下,一句话也没说.

A cat brushed by her leg in the darkness. 黑暗中,一只猫蹭着了她的腿.

2) Why did Karen say so

She must be very sensitive, introvert and lacking in self-confidence. She refused to tell others about her problems for fear that they couldn't understand and thus laughed at her.

14. to have sth. in common: to be similar or the same in some way 有共同之处e.g.

They have one thing in common. They are both mad about music.

The countryside obviously has nothing in common with the city areas.

15. How come: (informal) is used to express surprise. 怎么会 为什么 e.g.

How come he told you

How come you didn't call me last night

How come Miss Wang knows so much about teaching

16. point blank/point-blank: (adv./adj.)directly, without trying to explain the reasons, 断然的/地,直截了当的/地,明白的/地, e.g.

He told me point-blank that he would not go.

I thought she would take the job. I did not expect her to refuse point-blank.


a point-blank refusal

a point-blank question

to mind sth./doing sth. to feel annoyed, upset, or unhappy about sth./doing sth. 介意(做)某事,在乎(做)某事

Some old people do not mind being poor, but they do mind being lonely.

Do you mind turning down the radio

As a clown, I don't mind doing silly things as long as I can make children laugh.

I might have known I couldn't get a sensible answer from you.

I might have known/guessed: is used to say that one is not surprised at a situation. 我就知道/猜 I might have known that you would say no.

I might have known that you would come to me with an excuse.

I might have known that she would not tell the truth.

19. to be through doing sth./with : have finished完成,结束, e.g.

He was through with his homework.

He is through with his new girlfriend. 他跟新交的女朋友吹了.

Julia and I are through. 朱丽娅和我已经不来往了.

20. …I just decided to make the best of it and concentrate on being myself.

1) to make the best of: to use an opportunity as successfully as possible, 充分利用(时间,机会等)尽情享用

to make the best of it : to accept a bad or difficult situation without complaining and try to deal with it as well as you can在不利的情况下尽力而为,勉为其难;以随遇而安的态度对待不利情况e.g.

The boy didn't like to mop the floor, but he made the best of it.这个男孩不喜欢拖地板,可他还是乖乖地拖了.

We do not have much land, so we must make the best of it.

Japan is poor in natural resources. Therefore it tries to make the best of its human


to make the best of oneself 尽力而为

2) to concentrate on sth. / doing sth.: to give all your attention to the thing you are doing.集中精力做某事 eg:

Having failed my English exam, I decided to concentrate on science subjects. 我因英语考试不及格而决心专攻理科.

This firm concentrates on the European market. 这家公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场. We must concentrate on improving education. 我们必须集中精力改进教育工作.

21. And you could be pretty. In fact, you might be more than pretty: You could be pretty. In fact, you might be beautiful. ("Could" and "might" can both be used to express possibility. But you are less certain when you use "might".)

22. suggest {sth. eg: She suggests a visit to the museum this afternoon.

{that eg: She suggests that we (should) visit the museum this afternoon.

{doing sth. eg: She suggests visiting the museum this afternoon.

{sb. to do sth. She suggests us to visit the museum this afternoon.

23. to be to do sth.: is used to describe what you will do or what will happen according to plan, agreement, or arrangement.

--Tell me about your plan for the outing.


--Well, we are to set out at 8 a.m. Some are to go by bus. But most of us are to go by


24. work on:

engage in physical or mental activity从事于;致力于 e.g. He is working on a new novel. 他正在写一部新小说.

(2)have the desired result or effect 产生预期的结果或作用 e.g. His charm doesn't work on me.他的魅力对我不起作用.

(3) try to persuade or influence试图影响,努力说服 e.g. Senator Smith worked on the other Committee members to vote for the bill. 参议员史密斯游说其他委员投票赞成这项提案.

25. to dig up: to find sth. hidden or forgotten by careful searching挖掘出,发现 e.g.

We dug up an old Greek statue here last month. 我们上个月在这儿挖出了一尊古希腊雕像. When we investigated this case, we dug up some interesting facts.

26. No way: It is used to say that you will definitely not do something. 决不E.g.

No way will I go on working for that man. 我决不再为那个人工作了.

You can't take these books out of the library. No way.

Write off their debt No way! 把他们的债一笔勾销 没门儿!

27. to put on: produce or present (a play, an exhibition, etc.) 上演,举办

This is the play put on by the freshmen last week.

We're putting on a concert and all the proceeds of it will go to the Project Hope. 我们要举办一场音乐会,此次活动的所有收入将捐给希望工程.

28. .... and make a laughing stock of myself...

1) laughing stock: someone who has done sth. so foolish that everyone laughs at him笑柄 e.g. His mistakes have made him a laughing stock.他的错误使他成为笑柄.

Stop fooling around---you're making yourself a laughing stock. 别成天混日子了,你使自己成了笑柄.

2) to make sth. of oneself: to turn oneself into sth.

29. to go through with: to do sth. as you promised although you really do not want to do把…进行到底,完成,实行(计划等)e.g.

I can't go through with this performance. I'm so nervous.

I begged her to do me a favor and pretend to be my girlfriend. She agreed but said that she wasn't sure she could go through with it.

30. to manage to do sth.: to succeed in doing sth. although it is not easy

31. to tell: to be able to recognize sth. according to the signs. 辨别,分辨,断定

Children must learn to tell black from white.

Can you tell where I'm from

I could tell there was somebody in the house.

32. chuckle:

(1) n. 轻笑(声)e.g. The humor merits a chuckle.


(2) a. 笨拙的,大而不灵活的,木头一样的,迟钝的

(3) vi. 暗笑,咯咯地轻声笑 e.g. Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers. (鸡等)咕咕地叫,(流水)汩汩做声 e.g.

The clear, bright water chuckled over gravel.

狂喜,高兴 e.g. chuckle over sth.


(4) vt. 以轻笑声表示 e.g. His colleagues nodded brightly abd chuckled agreement with one another.

33. From then on I let loose and acted for all I was worth: From then on, I completely relaxed and acted with as much effort as possible.

1) to let loose:


When we escape, shall we let loose the other prisoner

He caught my arm and would not let loose.

(2) 发泄(愤怒等),发出(声音等),发射,降倾盆大雨e.g.

Let loose one's indignation

A machine gun let loose on me.

The low black skies let loose on us and we became soaked to the skin.

(3) allow sb. to do as he likes with sth.放任,给(某人)以自由(或机会)e.g.

Mother let Tom loose on the apple pie.

Let me loose for a week to reorganize the office.

(4) to let oneself act freely and naturally in the way he/she wantes任意说话(或行动)e.g. Mother let loose on her shopping trip today and bought things for all of us.

(5) 突然倒塌 e.g.

The guardrail let loose and we very nearly plunged over the edge.

2) for all one is worth: with all one's efforts 尽力,拼命 e.g.

He ran for all he was worth to catch the bus.

34. to tower above/over: to be much taller than the people or things around 远高于周围的人或物 eg:

Even late at night, we can still see the skyscrapers towering above New York. 即使在深夜,我们也能看到高耸于纽约市的摩天大楼.

He towers over the other players in the team. 他比队里其他的球员都高出一大块.

35. to look sb. in the eyes/face: to look directly at someone when you are speaking to him/her, often to show that you are sincere, or are telling the truth, or are not afraid(心地坦然地)正视某人,直视某人

36. now that: is often used to mean "because of the fact (that)". It implies a change from the original intention or opinion. 用来引导原因状语从句,不过通常暗示情况出现了某些变化.既然,由于,如今 e.g.

Now that I had a chance to speak to her alone, I didn't know what to say.

I always thought money could solve my problem. Now that I'm rich, I still don't feel


She has always wanted to go abroad. But now that she is abroad, she begins to miss home. V. Consolidation by Way of Dictation:

One problem that often troubles young students is a lack of confidence or self-esteem. It may come from what they consider as physical defects or their poor academic performance, or other causes. And often young students have trouble handling the situation. The problem the hero and heroine in this story encounter may seem trivial, but it is very real, and unless they learn how to deal with it, it is bound to have serious consequences.

VI. Homework:

Memorize the new words and expressions.


Make up the sentences by use of the new phrases in the article. Preview the next lesson.

