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1.(2018?杭州三模)假定你是李华,最近你的美国笔友Robert要来杭州体验中国传统文化,请根据他的问题回复邮件,为他设计杭州一日游的活动,帮助他体验中国传统文化.内容包括: 1.打算去的地方; 2.具体的活动安排; 3.安排的理由. 注意:1.词数80左右;


2.(2018?杭州模拟)假定你是高三学生李华,最近你从互联网上看到香港中文大学计划在浙江招收20名高三毕业生的信息,你对此非常感兴趣并有意报考该校的英语专业.请你给香港中文大学写一封申请信.信的内容包括以下要点: 要点:


2.你的个人优势:如所取得的成绩,特长,爱好等、 3.进入香港大学后的设想

注意: 1. 80词左右,2. 可适当增减细节,以使行文连贯

3.(2018?3月份模拟)假如你是李华,校学生会主席.为弘扬传统文化,增强合作意识和动手能力,你校将举办第25届校园风筝节,你打算邀请你校的外教老师Mary担任评委.请给Mary写一封邮件,内容包括: 1. 活动主题; 2. 活动时间和地点; 3. 活动的主要内容. 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. Dear Mary,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

4.(2018?嘉定区二模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Conflict of the Orders

The types of people who served as officials in the Roman government changed over time. These changes stemmed from the attempts of common people to more rights. The struggles became known as the Conflict of the Orders.

In the early republic, Romans were divided into two classes of people: patricians and plebeians. Patricians were powerful landowners who controlled the government. As nobles, they inherited their power. Plebeians, who made up most of the population, were mainly farmers and workers. For many years, plebeians had few rights. They could vote, but they were barred from holding most public offices. Plebeians could not even know Roman laws because laws were not written down. In court, a judge stated and applied the law, but only patricians served as judges.

Over time, plebeians increased their power through demand and strikes. They gained the right to join the army, hold government office, form their own assembly, and elect leaders. In one of their greatest victories, they forced the government to write down the laws of the Roman Republic. In about 450, B.C. the Romans engraved their laws on tablets called the Twelve Tables. The laws were placed in the Forum, the chief public square, for all to view.

The first plebeians were appointed to the government in the late 400s B.C. After 342B.C., a plebeian always held one of the consul positions. By about 300B.C. many plebeians had become so powerful and wealthy themselves that they joined with patricians to form the Roman nobility. From that time on, the distinction between patricians and plebeians was not a important. Membership in


the nobility was still very important, however, since government officials were not paid a salary, only wealthy nobles could afford to hold office. Thus, the nobles still controlled the republic.

5.(2018?中山市模拟)假定你是李华,你负责的学校英语报刊\中国传统文化\栏目拟刊登外国友人对中国传统节日的了解和看法.请用英文向外教Bruce发电子邮件约稿.内容包括: 1. 栏目(column)介绍;

2. 稿件要求(内容、词数及交稿日期). 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.


风筝 特性 形状 材质 尺寸 价格 注意:



7.(2018?浙江模拟)新华学校是一所国际学校.假定你是新华学校的学生会主席李明,请你用英文写一封邀请函,邀请在华外籍学生家长,前来观摩新华学校即将举办的科技节活动(Science Fair).内容包括:


A B 鹰状 塑料 1.6m*0.9m 80元 蝴蝶状 布 1.1m*0.6m 100元

1.时间和地点; 2.活动目的; 3.活动安排.

注意:1. 词数80左右;




2.设立原因:汉字具有悠久的历史,书法是一项传统艺术,都应被传承和保护; 3.该日主要活动:书法(calligraphy)竞赛及优秀作品展览等. 注意:


2.开头和结尾已经写出,不计入总词数; 3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. Dear John,

I'm writing to tell you something about Chinese Character Writing Day in our city. You are welcome to visit us at any time.

Yours, Li Jin

9.(2018?金山区二模)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

As technology grows, many university instructors are finding ways to guide online learning platforms into their classrooms. Programs such as Blackboard, WebCT and Moodle allow teachers to post reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes and quizzes for students to complete outside of class. While posting lessons online can be friendly to students' communication styles and easily


accessible, they also cause disadvantages.

One disadvantage is that it may encourage students to depend on technology in the classroom. Instead of physical textbooks, many now bring cellphones to access materials during class discussions. While electronic devices can be valuable learning tools, they also can lead to distractions from learning, such as social networking and online games. It is extremely difficult for students being exposed to multiple electronic tasks to focus or remember key information.

A second disadvantage is that online lessons open up potential for cheating. Many instructors require students to complete quizzes, post within discussion groups or submit major assignments online. As a result, there are some students having someone else complete their assignments. A contributing factor is that online assignments are best suitable for those self﹣motivated, self﹣directed students. Students who struggle with organization and completing assignments may find it easy to cheat online.

In spite of these disadvantages, educators can take steps to make sure students use online lessons responsibly. If instructors are uncomfortable with electronic devices in the classroom, they can require students to print out assignments and readings to reference during sessions. To prevent cheating, teachers can use online assignments as a supplement to traditional in﹣class work, or create open﹣ended assignments rather than using assignments like multiple﹣choice quizzes that have only one right answer. Being familiar with what the platform looks like from a student perspective also can help instructors avoid potential pitfalls.

10.(2018?中山市二模)假如你是李华,你校邀请了部分澳大利亚中学生来校参加寒假为期一周的\体验中国文化\的交流活动(The \exchange program).其中就有你的朋友Tom.他来信想了解这次活动的具体细节.请给他写封回信.要点如下: 1. 具体时间及住宿安排

2. 活动内容:学习中文、唱中国民歌、欣赏中国绘画及传统中国戏剧


