unit3 Rats_and_Men_汉英翻译

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Rats and Men 人与鼠

“Insoluble Problems” ---S.I. Hayakawa早川


[1] Professor N.R.F. Maier 迈耶of the University of Michigan performed a series of experiments several years ago in which “neurosis”神经官能症 is induced 诱导in rats. The rats are first trained to jump off the edge of a platform at one of two doors. If the rat jumps to the right, the door holds fast(firmly), and it bumps its nose and falls into a net; if it jumps to the left, the door opens, and the rat finds a dish of food. When the rats are well trained to this reaction, the situation is changed. The food is put behind the other door, so that in order to get their reward犒赏 they now have to jump to the right instead of to the left.(Other changes, such as marking the two doors in different ways, may also be introduced by the experimenter.) If the rat fails to figure out (come to understand by thinking)the new system, so that each time it jumps it never knows whether it is going to get food or bump its nose, it finally gives up and refuses to jump at all. At this stage, Dr. Maier says, “many rats prefer to starve rather than make a choice.” 几年前,密歇根大学的迈耶教授在老鼠身上开展了一系列有关神经官能症的实验。首先,研究人员放一块平板,并训练老鼠从上面跳下来。如果老鼠跳向右边的门,门会打到老鼠的鼻子并且老鼠也掉到了网里;如果老鼠跳向左边的门,门会打开,老鼠会找到一些食物。当老鼠已经熟练了这种训练模式,,研究人员做了一些改变。研究人员把食物放到了右边,老鼠如果从右边跳才能得到犒赏。(研究人员也做了一些别的变动,如用不同的方式标记门。)在这种情况下,老鼠如果没能适应新的训练系统,那么每次它跳的时候它就无法判断是会得到食物还是会被打到鼻子,最后,它就放弃了并且再也不会跳了。在这种情况下,一些老鼠宁愿饿着吃不到东西也不愿意从平板的任何一边跳下来。

[2]Next, the rats are forced to make a choice, being driven to it by blasts of air强大的气流 or an electric shock. “Animals which are induced 被迫to respond in the insoluble problem situation,”says Dr. Maier, “settle down to a specific reaction (such as jumping solely at the left-hand door) which they continue to execute regardless of consequences… The reasons chosen under these conditions becomes fixated…Once the fixation appears, the animal is incapable of learning an adaptive response in this situation”. When a reaction to the left-hand door is thus fixated, the right-hand door may be left open so that the food is plainly visible. Yet the rat, when pushed, continues to jump to the left, becoming more panicky each time. When the experimenter persists in forcing the rat to make choices, it may go into convulsions抽搐, racing around wildly, injuring its claws, bumping into chairs and tables, then going into a state of violent trembling, until it falls into a coma. In this passive state, it refuses to eat, refuses to take any interest in anything; it can be rolled up into a ball or suspended in the air by its legs ----the rat has ceased to care what happens to it. It has had a “nervous breakdown.”



[3]It is the “insolubility” of the rat’s problem that leads to its nervous breakdown, and, and Dr. Maier shows in his studies of disturbed 遭困扰的,心理失常的children and adults, rats and human beings seem to go through pretty much the same stages. First, they are trained to make habitually a given choice when confronted by a given (certain)problem; secondly, they get a terrible shock when they find that the conditions have changed and that the choice doesn’t produce the expected results; third, whether through shock, anxiety, or frustration, they may fixate on执着于 the original choice and continue to make that choice regardless of consequences; fourth, they sullenly 很不高兴refuse to act at all; fifth, when by external compulsion they are forced to make a choice, they again make the one they were originally trained to make ----and again get a bump on the nose; finally , even with the goal visible in front of them, to be attained simply by making a different choice, they go crazy out of frustration. They tear around 撕抓wildly; they sulk愠怒,生闷气 in corners and refused to eat: bitter辛酸怀恨, cynical不信任一切, disillusioned心灰意冷, they cease to care what happens to them.


[4]Is this an exaggerated picture? It hardly seems so. The pattern recurs throughout human life, from the small tragedies of the home to the world-shaking tragedies among nations. In order to cure her husband’s faults坏毛病, a wife may nag 数落him. His faults get worse, so she nags him some more. Naturally his faults get worse still---and she nags him even more. Governed受摆布, like the rat, by a fixated reaction to the problem of her husband’s faults, she can meet it only in one way. The longer she continues, the worse it gets, until they are bother nervous wrecks神经上备受折磨/疲惫不堪的人.


[5]Again, white people in a northern city, deploring厌恶 the illiteracy and high crime rate among Negroes, segregate them, persecute them (it is well known that the police are almost always tougher粗暴 on Negro suspects than on whites), and deny them opportunities for employment and advancement. The denial of opportunity perpetuates(cause…last)the illiteracy and the high crime rate, which in turn perpetuate the segregation, persecution, and denial of opportunity. The search for a way to break up this vicious circle, taxes 使负重荷,使受压力the best minds among those interested in orderly social change: city councilmen市议员, educators, urban planners规划者, Negro organizations, as well as state governments and federal authorities.



[6]To cite another example, students trying to express themselves in writing may write poorly. In order to improve their writing, says the English teacher, I must teach them the fundamentals基础知识 of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. By thus placing excessive emphasis on grammar and mechanics技术性细节 while ignoring the students’ ideas, the teacher quickly destroys student interest in writing. That interest destroyed, the students write even more poorly. Thereupon the teacher redoubles his dose练习量 of grammar and mechanics. The students become increasingly bored and rebellious. Such students fill the ranks of “remedial English” classes in high school and college.


[7]Again, a nation, believing that the only way to secure peace and dignity is through armed strength, may embark on推行 a huge armaments program扩军计划. The program arouses the fears of neighboring nations, so that they too increase their armaments军备; 武器装备; [复]军事力量; 军队 to march those of the first nation. Anxiety and tension increase加剧,升温. It is clear, the first nation declares, that we shall continue to feel anxious about our national security so long as we are not adequately prepared for all emergencies; we must therefore double our armaments. This naturally makes the neighboring nations even more anxious, so that they too double their armaments. Anxiety and tension increase even more. It is clear, the first nation declares, that our mistake has been to underestimate our defense needs. This time we must be sure to be sufficiently armed保证有充分武力 to preserve peace. We must triple 再加一倍our armaments….


[8]Of course these instances are oversimplified, but it is often because of vicious circles of this kind that we are unable to get at认清 or do anything about 处理the conditions that lead to disaster. The pattern is frequently recognizable易识别的; the goal may be in sight, attainable by a mere change in methods. Nevertheless, governed by fixated reactions, the rat “cannot” get food, the wife “cannot” cure her husband’s faults, Negro will have to wait two or three generations “until the time is ripe” for social changes, and we “cannot afford” to stop devising发明 and manufacturing weapons so deadly致命的 that they cannot be used without destroying civilization itself.



[9]There is, however, and important different between the insolubility of the rat’s problems and the insolubility of human problems. Dr. Maier’s rats were driven to their nervous breakdowns by problems more complicated than would naturally occur in a rat’s environment鼠在自然状态下. But human breakdowns are ordinarily caused by problems that human beings themselves have created; problems of religious and ethical belief道德信仰; problems of money and credit 贷款and mortgages抵押 and trust funds托管基金 and stock-market fluctuations股市涨跌; problems of man-made custom and etiquette礼节 and social organization and law.


[10]Rats can hardly be blamed for not being able to solve problems set for them by Dr. Maier; there are limits to a rat’s powers of abstraction. But there are no known limits to be human capacity to abstract and organize and make use of abstractions. Hence, if human beings find problems insoluble because of fixated reactions----if they are frustrated because they can respond in only one way, regardless of context前因后果 or circumstances环境 , to certain symbolically defined situations某些以符号来界定的情形 ---they are functioning at less than full human capacity没有发挥出人的全部能力. They can be said, in Korzybski’s 科尔奇布斯基的suggestive意味深长的 phrase, to be “copying模仿 animals” in their reactions. Wendell Johnson summarized this idea aptly贴切地 when he said, “To a mouse, cheese is cheese; that’s why mouse traps work.” How do these fixations固定反应 occur in human beings? (1365)


Supplementary Reading

[1] In the 1940s, psychologist Abraham Maslow recognized that workers perform as they do in order to satisfy a wide variety of needs. He realized that these needs would have to be classified to explain motion. The model he worked out is called Maslow’s ladder. Two principles underlie this model: A human being is an animal with many needs, and only those needs not yet fully satisfied cause a person to act. When needs on a lower level are satisfied, at least in part, the rung above becomes a goal a person will strive to reach. With these principles in mind, let us now take a look at each set of needs depicted in the model.

[2] All the basic drives that sustain life—food, clothing and shelter—are called physiological needs. A person must satisfy these needs before pursuing any other objective. Most people, of course, strongly desire more than the minimum level of satisfaction required for survival:They want three meals a day instead of one and a house instead of a hut.

[3] The physiological needs are readily satisfied in modern societies by money. Even the few pennies earned by nineteenth-century laborers were strong motivation to people who had not eaten for several days. They would suffer almost any abuse to collect them and live another day.

[4] People have a strong desire to feel protected. Usually this means protection against loss of the physical necessities, the idea of cushion against misfortune. Once more, money will effectively satisfy this level of need. Even today few peole succeed in earning enough money to feel completely secure. This is why the classical theory of motivation held on so long.

[5] Business now does a reasonably good job of meeting the worker’s demands for safety. Wages are high enough to allow most workers to save for a rainy day. Guaranteed job security, pension plans, health insurance, life insurance, and employer contributions to Social Security are all examples of direct satisfaction of safety needs.

[6] Humans are social animals. Their desires to associate with others and to be loved by others are nearly as strong as their will to survive. Indeed, even when the need for safety is not totally satisfied, people begin feeling social needs.

[7] This is the first level of needs that money cannot readily satisfy.As the Hawthorne Studies clearly

showed, workers’ desire to be accepted by co-workers could motivate them more strongly than the desire to earn more money. Furthermore, workers need no impetus from management to seek satisfaction of their social needs. It is this drive that gives rise to the informal organization.

[8] People need to feel self-esteem, a sense of personal worth derived from their competence, achievement, or independence. They also need the respect of others, a respect based on a recognition of their competence rather than on friendship (a social need). The need for esteem is closely tied to the idea of status.

[9] Status is one’s rank in comparison with others in the same social group. A person with high status is one who is well regarded by friends and associates. Several factors can give a person high status in society. These include wealth, social standing, advanced education, and a prestigious occupation. We are all familiar with status symbols such as a Cadillac or a mansion. Since these familiar symbols of status all cost money, it is common to mistake a striving for status as a drive to accumulate wealth. While earning a million dollars may indeed bestow status on an individual, a person motivated by esteem needs seeks the status, not the money.

People in business often seek satisfaction of their esteem needs by pursuing a promotion. To some individuals, the status conferred by the title “vice-president” is more important than the salary that also

comes with the job. Of course, people also manifest the need for esteem when they seek one of the occupations that our society holds in high esteem, such as physician, writer, artist, actor, university professor, lawyer, or musician.

[ 10 ] Maslow defined the need for self-realization as \desire to become more what one is, to become everything one is capable of\to be done in order to feel complete as a person to fulfill a personal philosophy. It is a higher level need than the one for esteem because the person involved already feels that he or his work is worthwhile and respected. Such people find their work intrinsically interesting and satisfying.

[ 11 ] Relatively few people ever reach the stage where they are dominated by the need for self-realization. There is a tendency to think that only a Schweitzer or an Einstein is in this position. Maslow felt, however, that everyone is capable of feeling this need to some degree.

[ 12 ] Maslow's ladder is a convenient way to classify human needs. But if you see it as a simple step at a time procedure, you make a serious mistake.

It is not necessary for a person to satisfy each level of need completely before being motivated by a higher level. In our society, the majority of people have reached at least the fourth rung of needs. Thus, in real life nearly all needs are interacting within the individual. In other words, all five need levels operate in an individual at once, and he will actively strive to improve his position on all five rungs simultaneously.

[ 13 ] There is another factor to be considered as needs work out in real life. As people partially satisfy each need, they tend to require more of it for full satisfaction. This is known as the phenomenon of rising expectations. It partially explains why workers today are unhappy with their earnings even though earnings have never been higher. A starving factory worker of the 1800s was overjoyed to earn enough to buy an extra potato. A factory worker today becomes angry if he cannot afford steak.

