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(1)尺子 rulerslk (2)书包 iutbageo (3)书 ocubookj (4)蜡笔 xcrayoneh (5)钢笔 wzpennks



(1)当你对某人的提议表示赞同时,应该说:( A.See you! B.GreatC.Welcome!

(2)当某人向你打招呼说:“Hello”时,你应该说:( ))!

A.Bye! B.Me too! C.Hi! (3)当怀特老师向你说:“Goodbye”时,你应该说:( ) A.Hello


C.Bye,Miss White! 思考题


(1)( )What's your name? (2)( )I have a book. (3)( )Are youToto? (4)( )Who's there? (5)( )Let's play!Ok? A.Guess!

B.No,I'm Sarah. C.Me too!

D.My name's Chen Jie.





铅笔____ 尺子____ 橡皮____ 蜡笔_____



resaer( ) pneilc( ) Aeya( ) oto( ) 思考题

3、根据情境,选择正确的答语补全对话 (1)______ Hi!

(2)______ Hello, I'mLucy. (3)______ Me too!


必做题 1、连线

尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 选做题


Hello! GOOd bye! Bye! Hi! 思考题



___!I'm Wu Yifan. 2、-我有一把尺子。 -我也有。 -I___a__.





包( ) 名字( ) 你好( 钢笔( ) 你(们)的( ) 书( 选做题


( )(1)、My name __ Mike. A.Are B.Is Cam ( )(2)、-Good bye!

-___,Miss White.

A.Bye B.Hi C.Hello ( )(3)、-Hello!I'm Mike.What's -our name?

-___name is Sarah.

A.Your B.You C.My

))y 思考题

3、将左右两边的内容连线,使之成为一个完整的句子 What's say my ABCs. Open your your pen. I can your name. I have pencil box. Show me a ruler.


必做题 1、连线

书包 book 钢笔 pencilbox 文具盒 pen 书 bag 选做题 2、情景交际 (1)你

A.Hello B.I'm Mike

(2)你想知道别人的名字,你会说:(A.Bye B.What's your name? 思考题 3、补全句子


) (

(1)What's_____name? (2)____name's John. (3)Good________.


1、结合上下文补全对话。 (1)Hello!

(2)_____!Who's there? A.__________________! B._______you Tutu?

(1)No! Ha! Ha! I'm Zoom. (2)Hi,Zip!My___Zoom. (1)______play!Ok? (2)__________.

第二单元 Colours 研究性作业



(1)红色 re dslk (2)白色 w h i t egeo (3)绿色 ocg r e e nj (4)黄色 xcraye l l o w (5)黑色 wzb l a c ks 选做题 2、情景交际

(1)当你对某人的提议表示赞同时,应该说:( ) A.See you! B.Great! C.Welcome!

(2)当某人向你打招呼说:“Hello”时,你应该说:( )

A.Bye! B.Me too! C.Hi! (3)当怀特老师向你说:“Goodbye”时,你应该说:( ) A.Hello


C.Bye,Miss White! 思考题 3、选词填空

am are is (3)I__fine,thank you.

(4)Mr Black,this__Miss White. (5)How__you?


必做题 1、连线

红色 yellow 黄色 red 绿色 blue

蓝色 green 选做题 2、连词成句

miss is this green . _____________________________. green I see . ______________________________. 思考题 3、单项选择

( )1.Good morning.Miss-his___Joe

A.Is B.Are C.Am ( )2.Show___red. A.I B.My C.Me ( )3.I see___.

A.bye B.fine C.Blue第一课时巩固性作业




( ) (1)Apple A.苹果 B.蚂蚁 ( ) (2)Cat A.小猫 B.蜡笔 ( ) (3)Duck A.小狗 B.鸭子 ( ) (4)Bag A.书包 B.书 选做题


blue green yellow red (3)一只黄色的蜡笔 a__crayon (4)一朵红色的花 a__flower (5)一个蓝色的球 a__ball (6)一面绿色的旗 a__flag 思考题


( )1.a green book A.一支蓝色的铅笔 ( )2.a blue pencil B.一本绿色的书 ( )3.a yellow crayon C.一个红色的包 ( )4.a red bag D.一支黄色的蜡笔


必做题 2、连线

黑色 brown 白色 orange 橙色 black

棕色 white 选做题


( )1、下午问候别人,你可以说: A.Good morning! B.Bye!

C.Good afternoon!

( )2、你要向Miss Green介绍你的好友Lily,你可以说:

A.Hello!Miss green.This isLily.

B.Her name isLily. C.She is Lily. 思考题 3、趣味选词

green black orange biue (4)The grass(草) is___.

(5)The blackboard (黑板)is___. (6)The sky(天空) is___.

(7)The orange(桔子) is___.



1、看汉语,选出相应的单词中缺少的字母,并画上“-” (1)绿色 _reen A.g B.f C.b (2)棕色 br_ _n A.ew B.ow C.ou (3)黑色 _lack A.p B.b C.c (4)白色 w_ite A.e B.h C.o (3)橙色 _range A.b B.d C.o (4)黄色 _ellow A.y B.m C.Q 选做题 2、连词成句

you meet nice to . ____________________ Afternoon yifan good . ________________________ 思考题 3、单项选择

( )1.Good afternoon.Miss Green. T-his___Joe

A.Is B.Are C.Am ( )2.Show___black.

A.I B.My C.Me ( )3.I see___.

A.bye B.fine C.Blue



例: meat ( meet ) ( 见面 ) nine ( ) ( ) six ( ) ( ) us ( ) ( )

第三单元 《look at me》


必做:E F G H I 写在四线三格当中。 选做:选择。 ( )1.眼睛

A.ear B.eye ( )2.头

A.hand B.head 思考:连词成句。 are you how(?)


第一课时 强化作业


g h i f e H I G E F 选做:选择。

( )1.早晨,你见到人打招呼时,你应该说:


A.Good morning. B.I`m John. C.Bye. ( )2.你的同学向你说“How are you?”时,你应该说:

—————— A. Fine,thank you. B. How are you? C. Hello!

思考:翻译。 让我们去学校吧! ————go to school!

第一课时 巩固作业

必做:排列字母顺序。 F H G E I________ 选做:

( )1.你想问对方身体怎么样,应说:

A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.Fine,thank you. ( )2.初次见面应该说:

A.How are you? B.Nice to meet you! C.Good morning! 思考:补充完整。 这是我的脸。 This is_____

第二课时 强化作业


脸 nose 耳朵 foot 鼻子 face 眼睛 ear 脚 eye 选做:选出不同类。

( )1.A.body B.pen C.bag ( ) 2.A.black B.eye C.ear 思考:连词成句。 at me look(!) _______________

第二课时 巩固练习

必做:连线。 Very fine.

I`m the leg. This is a puppet! Let`s make well. 选做:找出不同类。

( )1.A.hand B.head C.brown ( )2.A.green B.yellow C.foot 思考:连词成句。 shake body your(.) _________________



( )1.Make the bodys. ( )2.Touch your hands. ( )3.Clap your hands. ( )4.Shake your body. ( )5.This is my head. A.制作身体。 B.这是我的脑袋。 C.拍拍手。 D.晃动身体。 E.摸摸你的手。

第四单元 《We love animals》


必做:把J K L M N G写在四线三格当中。 选做:单选。

( )1.I have a ribbit .


A. Cool! B.I like it.

( )2.May I have a look? Sure.

A. Here you are . B.Thank you ! 思考:连词成句。

has some he ducks(.) ————————————

第一课时 强化作业

必做:选出正确的句子。 ( )猫

A. look at the cat. B. Look at the dog. 选做:选出不同类的单词。 ( )red yellow cat ( )pear bear apple 思考:补充句子。

这是什么?这是一只鸭子。 —————?It`s a________.

第一课时 巩固作业



squirrel_______panda_____________rabbit ___________ 选做:选出不同类。

( )1.monkey elephant dog pink ( ) 2.hunt panda climb fly 思考:根据提示,写出是那种动物。 Woof!Woof!It`s a_________

第二课时 强化作业


rabbit panda monkey dog

熊猫 狗 兔子 猴子 选做:根据单词选句子。 ( )that is what A. What`s that? B. Is that what? 思考:猜猜看。

I`m black and white.I like bamboos(竹子).I`m a(n)_______.

第二课时 巩固作业


猴子mo____ey 老虎tig____ 熊猫p_n_a 选做:判断。

( )1.看,它是老虎,我喜欢它。Look,it`s a dog,I like it. ( )2.这只鸟真大,它是棕色的。It`s a big bird,It`s brown. 思考:连词成句。

1.is my this panda (.)

———————————— 2.I rabbit have a (.)



将下列英语单词按所给汉语的顺序排列。 cat, duck, dog, panda, rabbit, monkey. 猫→狗→猴子→熊猫→兔子→鸭 ( ) →( ) →( ) →( ) →( ) →( )

第五单元 《Let’s eat》


必做:O P Q R S T如何在四线三格中占格 选做:


1.water 2.juice 3.rice 4.cat 5.milk 6.pig 7.cake 8.dog

食物类:______________________ 饮料类:______________________ 动物类:______________________ 二、选出正确的选项。

( )1.I’d like some juice,please.

A.牛奶 B.果汁 C.矿泉水 ( )2.I’d like some bread.

A.面包 B.面条 C.牛肉

( )3.I’d like some bread and eggs.

A.牛肉、鸡蛋 B.果汁、鸡蛋 C.面包、牛奶 思考:排序

(7)Have some juice,too. (8)I’d like some bread,please. (9)Thanke.

(10)Mom,I’m hungry! (11)Here you are. ————————————

第一课时 强化作业


面包 cake 果汁 bread 蛋 fish 牛奶 bread 水 rice 蛋糕 juice 鱼 water 米饭 egg 选做:仿照例句造句。 3、I like bread. I like____________. 4、Have some juice. Have some_________. 思考:选出不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.bread B.pen C.eraser ( )2.A.nore B.ear C.cake ( )3.A.red B.blue C.milk

第一课时 巩固性作业

必做:写出相应的大小写字母。 O__ s__ T__ r__ p__ Q__ 选做:单项。

( )1.I’d like__pears.

A.some B.a C.an ( )2.Mom,I’m__! Have some cake.

A.big B.fat C.hungry 思考:填空。

1.Have some_________. 2、Eat some__________. 3、Drink some________.



2、Can I have some tea?______________. 3、Sure,Here you are.________________. 4、You’re welcome.__________________. 选做:连词成句。 3、milk some have(.) 4、Are you here(.) 思考:造句。

Can I have a____________. Can I have some_________.



( )I`m hungry,I`d like some fish.

A.鸡蛋 B.鱼 选做:翻译。

Can I have some cake?_________________? 思考:排列顺序。

A. No,thanks.I like coke. B. Thank you. C. Have some juice. D. You`re welcome. E. OK.Here you are. __________________________



C.sure, Here you are B.Good afternoon! C.YouD.No,thanks! E.Here you are. A:Good afternoon, mom! B:_________________! A:Can I have cake? B:_________________. A:Thank you.

B:______________Have some Coke! A:______________I like juice! B:Ok,___________.

’re welcome! A:Thank you!

第六单元 Happy birthday



|、写出单词中缺少的字母,并把其汉语意思写在方框里。 h t ( ) ght ( ) si ( ) bro er ( ) 2 、 把英语和对应的数字连线

One six three four five nine eight ten two seven

1 6 8 9 7 4 3 10 5 2 选做题:


( )1. Two ten too ( )2. Cake ruler pen ( )3. Brother plate mom

( )4. Seven hand eight 2、单项选择

( )I am six years 。 A. old B.happy C.big ( )What is name? A.you B.your C.yours ( )How are you? A.old B.many C.do ( )I have two 。 A. bood B.the books C.books. 思考题:

根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1、 我有两个礼物。

I have . 2、 让我们一起来吃蛋糕。 the cake !



1、 按类别写单词,每类至少三个

动物 食品

学习用具 选做题:

2、用所给单词的正确形式填空 I have two (cake). John has one (egg) We have eight (book) LI Lei have three (eraser) 思考题:


Drink many old see cut are 1 How are you? 2 How candles? 3 I so many candles? 4 How you? 5 the water! 6 the cake!

第一课时巩固性作业 必做题:


Four mouth bread nose cake ten pencil three fish

ruler seven foot


一、 将对应的大小写配对连线。(10分) g h i f e

H I G E F 二、找出不同类的单词。(15分) ( )1.A.body B.pen C.bag ( )2.A.hand B.head C.yellow ( )3.A.green B.yellow C.leg ( )4.A.arm B.greet C.eye ( )5.A.black B.ear C.foot 三、看图片,选择对应的单词。(20分)

四、根据情境提示,选择正确的答案。(20分) ( )1.早晨,你见到人打招呼时,你应该说:


A.Good morning. B.I`m John. C.Bye.

( )2. 你的同学向你说“How are you?”时,你应该说:

—————— A.ine,thank you. B.How are you? C.Hello!

( )3你想邀请你的同学一起去上学,你对他说:


A.I`m going to school. B.Let`s go to school. C.This is my school.

( )4.你对你的朋友说“摸你的脸”。你应说:

—————— A.Touch your nose. B.Touch your ear. C.Touch your face.

( )5.当你认为这是个好主意,你应说:

—————— A.Good afternoon.

B.Good idea. C.Fine,thanks.


1.at my look ears(!) __________________ 2.is my head this(.) _________________ 3.your mouth open(.) _________________ 六、找朋友。(20分) ( )1.This is John. ( )2.Let`s go to school! ( )3.Nice to meet you. ( )4.How are you? ( )5.Good afternoon,Mike. A.Nice to meet you. B.Nice to meet you too. C.OK!

D.Good afternoon. E.I`m fine,thanks.



1. ( ) A. mouth B.nose C.cat 2. ( ) A.monkey B.elephant C.pink 3. ( ) A. hunt B.panda C.fly 4. ( ) A.cool B.duck C.great 5. ( ) A.ear B.eraser C.pencil 6. ( )A.cat B.dog C.zoo 7.( )A.really B.mouse C.bear 8.( )A.squirrel B.rabbit C.yellow 9. ( ) A.white B.bird C.blue 10.( ) A.pencil B.rabbit C.duck 二.选择正确的答案,把编号填在前面的括号里。(16分) 1.( ) ---Look! I have a dog. ---_____________. A. It’s lovely. B. It’s yellow C. It’s dog. 2.( ) ---May I have a look? ---__________. A. Yes,I can. B.Sure. C. No,I’m not. 3.( ) The eagle comes from ______ A.China B. USA C. Australia 4.( ) Follow ______,monkey. A.I B. my C. me 5.( )Walk like ______elephant. A. a B.an C. /

6.( ) Look! I ______ a rabbit . A. is B. have C. has

7.( ) ---Here you are. ---____________ . A.Sure B.Bye C.Thank you 8.( ) look______the cat. A. at B. are C. in 三. 读一读,选择恰当的答句。(20分)

1.( ) Look!I have panda. A. Fine,thanks 2.( ) Here you are. B. Super

3.( ) May I have a look? C. Sure. Here you are. 4.( ) Nice to meet you. D.Thank you

5.( ) How are you. E. Nice to meet you,too. 四.选择。(24分)

1.( )表演得像猫一样。 A.I have a rabbit. 2.( )我有一只兔子 。 B.Walk like an elephant. 3.( )像大象一样走路。 C.Follow me. 4.( )我可以看一看吗? D.Act like a cat. 5.( )跟着我。 E.May I have a look? 6.( )给你。 F.Here you are. 五.把正确答句或问句的标号写在横线上.(20分)

A. I have a toy rabbit. B. Thank you . C. May I have a look ? D. Here you are.

E. Oh,it’s nice.I like it. A:_______________.

B: Oh,really ._____________ ? A:Sure.______________. B: Thank you.______________. A: _____________.



1.coffee Coke juice chicken 2.hot dog bread dog hamburger 3.cake water dog French fries 4.ear arm eye tea 5.bear bird milk pig 6.cat dog big zoo 二、连词成句(24分)

1、I , some, Have, juice

———————————————————— 2. I, cake, like ___________________

3. have, Can, fish, I, some. __________________________-

4、bread, Eat, the _____________________ 5、do What like you _____________________

6、look, I a monkey have ________________________________. 连线(18分)

Have some water Thank you You’ re welcome Here you are Can I have some cake ? Climb like a bear 21分)

( )1.Have some cake.

A. Thank you B. Bye

C. You’re welcome ( )2. ______________ .

-------You’re welcome. A. Pass me the egg. B. Here you are.

A.谢谢你 B.不用谢 C.像熊一样爬 D. 我能吃些蛋糕吗E.喝些水 F.给你 三 四、选择填空(C. Thank you

( )3、_____have an ice cream,please?

A、Can I B、I can C、Can i

( )4、当朋友问你喜欢吃什么,你应怎样回答;

A. Eat the hot dog. B. I like hamburgers. C. I like coffee.

( )5、在上学的路上,小明向你说;Goodmorning你应怎样说

A. Good morning B. Thank you C. Good afternoon.

( )6、当你饿的时候,妈妈可以对你说

A. Have some eggs. B. Drink some milk. C. Have some juice.

( )7.你想表达你对朋友的谢意时,你应该说

A. Thank you,I like bread. B. I`d like juice. C. I`d like milk.

五、 将下面各个句子,根据你的判断,填到对话的横线上,只填句


A. Sure. Here you are. B. Good afternoon! C. You’re welcome. D. No, thanks! E. Here you are.

A : Good afternoon, mom! B : _____________________ A : Can I have some chicken? B : _____________________ A : Thank you.

B : ____________________ Have some Coke! A : ____________________ I like juice. B : Ok! __________________ A : Thank you.




( )1. school A. 学校 B. 尺子 C. 橡皮 ( )2. mouth A. 鼻子 B. 手指 C. 嘴 ( )3. blue A. 蓝色的 B. 白色的 C. 粉红色的 ( )4. rabbit A. 鸭 B. 猪 C. 兔子 ( )5. bread A. 蛋糕 B. 热狗 C. 面包 ( )6. three A. 四 B. 三 C. 五 ( )7. ten A. 十 B. 八 C. 六 ( )8. juice A. 果汁 B. 牛奶 C. 水 ( )9. elephant A. 鸟 B. 大象 C. 猴子 ( )10.red A.红色的 B. 绿色的 C. 橙色的 三、单项选择(20分) ( )1、Look____ _ me. A.at B.in C.to ( )2、 are you? I’m fine,thank you. A.What B.How C.Who ( )3、Let’s school! A.go B.to go C.go to

( )4、Open your . A.mouth B.face C.nose ( )5、It’s a cat, I like it.

