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1) a和an均用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物 2) 指某一类人或事物中的任何一个

3) 指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或和物 4) 表示―每一‖的意思,相当于every 归纳2: 定冠词

1) 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 2) 指说话人和听话人都熟悉的人或事物 3) 上文提到过的人或事物 4) 表示世界上独一无二的事物 5) 用在序数词和形容词最高级之前

6) 用在某些形容词之前,表示某一类人或事物 7) 用在某些专有名词之前和某些习惯用语中

8) 用在姓氏复数之前,表示―某某一家人‖,―某某夫妇‖ 9) 用于江湖、海洋、山脉、群岛的名称前面。 10)用于演奏的乐器之前,活动场所或方向、方位之前。 3: 不用冠词的情况


归纳1) 专有名词人名,地名,节日,月份,年份,星期和不可数名词(一般指物

质名词和抽象名词)前一般不用冠词。 

2) 球类,棋类,语言,三餐,游戏名称和颜色前不加冠词。  3) 名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, any, no, each, every等代词作定语


4) 在表示家庭成员名称,称呼语,表示头衔或职务的名词前不加冠词。 5) 表示某一类人或事物的复数名词前。


at table是吃饭/at the table是在桌旁

at the desk在课桌旁/ at desk在学习 加冠词只表处所,无冠词则表是活动 at school上学 / at the school在学校里 by sea经海路/ by the sea在海边

go to sea出航或是当水手/ go to the sea到海边去

go to school是去上学,只有学生可以做/go to the school 是去学校,任何人都可以去学校的 go to bed去睡觉 / go to the bed到床边去 go to hospital去看病,住院/ go to the hospital去医院

in class 课堂上(指正在上课) / in the class 在课室(指在教室里) in bed 躺在床上、卧病在床 / in the bed 表示在床里面,即在被窝里

in prison 在坐牢,无冠词,表示与法律有关/ in the prison 在监狱中‖,强调地点,有冠词 in hospital在医院,泛指的/ in the hospital在那家医院(特指),对方应知道说话人指的是哪一家

in place of 代替……的位置,这是个介词短语 / in the place of在……的位置上,介词短语 in case of 假设,万一 / in the case of 在...的情况

in future今后,从今以后/ in the future 在将来

next year是现在说话时表达明年的时间/ the next year是在陈述过去的事时所提及的明年 on earth究竟,到底 /on the earth在地球上 take place发生 / take the place of 取代某人或某物的位置

in front of在…前面/ in the front of 在…前部(在某范围以内) out of question毫无疑问,无疑的,是副词性短语/ out of the question 不可能;不知底细


two of us很多人其中的两个,没特指哪两个/ the two of us很多人中特指我们两个 a teacher and a writer 是2个人/a teacher and writer 是1个人,老师兼作家


1 It's time for dinner. Kings are at table.

A. /,the B. the, the C. The,/ D./,/  2 -What do you usually have for breakfast?

-I often have bread and milk. A./,/ B./,the C. a,/ D. the, the  3 Don't give up, try for second twice.

A. the B. a C./ D. an 

4 Would you go for walk with me after supper?

A. the,/ B. a,/ C./,the D./,a 

5 There isn't water or air on the moon, and man can't live on it.

A. a B. the C. one D./ 

6 more you read English, better you'll learn.

A. The, the B./,/ C. A, a D. The, a 

1答案: C. 在姓氏复数前用the表示一家人,就餐用at table.  2答案: A. 物质名词前一般不用冠词。 

3答案: B. 根据题意,请再试一次,序数词second前加a,表示another。 4答案: B. go for a walk为固定搭配,三餐前不加冠词。  5答案: D. 当man表示人类时,前面不加冠词。 

6答案: A. 定冠词the用于比较级中,表示越…,越…。 

 3

第二次课 名词


1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 2) 饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of 3) 只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of 二、难点


1)a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。 2)Children's Day 3)a friend of my father's

4)a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。

(说明:表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 's)

5)a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。

(说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构) 6)Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk



7)Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books

(说明:表示两个名词各有的东西时,在各个名词后都加's。) 2、名词词语辨析 区别部分名词词语辨析:

I. voice, noise, sound, music

II. home, house, family, country  III.place , floor, room , ground IV. work, job

考点一 可数名词的数

1. 可数名词变复数的规则变化:

1)一般情况下,在名词尾加-s ,如:

desk---desks map---maps day---days girl---girls

2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的,在词尾加-es ,如:

bus---buses box---boxes watch---watches fox---foxes church---churches


在以ch结尾的名词中,当ch读作[ k ]时,变复数应加-s ,如: stomach---stomaches epoch---epochs

3) 以―辅音字母+y‖结尾的词,变y为i,再加-es ,如:

family---families university---universities factory---factories party---parties

4) 以―元音字母+y‖结尾的词,直接在词尾加-s ,如: day---days boy---boys key---keys

5) 以f 或fe结尾的词,变f或fe为v,加-es, 如:

knife---knives life---lives wife---wives half---halves half---halves shelf---shelves

wolf---wolves leaf---leaves thief---thieves 有些以f结尾的词也可以直接加-s, 如:

gulf---gulfs roof---roofs chief---chiefs serf---serfs belief---beliefs proof---proofs


6)以o结尾的词,大部分在词尾加-s,如: zoo---zoos radio---radios piano---pianos 有些加-es,如:

potato---potatoes tomato---tomatoes hero---heroes


考点二 不可数名词的数

1.不可数名词所表示的事物一般不能用数来计算,没有词形变化。当不可数名词需要计量时,要用―数词或冠词+量词+of+不可数名词‖的结构来表示,量词可以是单数也可以是复数,但of 后的名词只有单数。不可数名词可以喝some, any, much, little, a lot of, plenty of等词连用。 如: much/a lot of bread 许多面包 a bottle of ink 一瓶墨水

a piece of apple pie 一份苹果派 some rice 一些大米

a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力 two cups of tea 两杯茶

a drop of water 一滴水 a piece of advice 一条建议


advice(建议) furniture(家具) clothing(衣服)

fun(乐趣) homework(家庭作业) information(信息) paper(纸) sugar (糖) work(工作) fruit(水果) harm(损坏)

news(新闻) progress(进步) traffic(交通) trouble(麻烦) weather(天气) wealth(财富) value(价值)

考点三 名词作定语


computer game(电脑游戏) ice cream(冰激凌) space ship (宇宙飞船) school gate(校门口) apple tree(苹果树)

2.名词做定语时,个别情况也用复数形式。如: goods train(货车) sports meeting(运动会)

3.man和woman作定语时,其本身的单复数形式与被修饰词的单复数一致。如: a woman teacher---women teachers a man doctor---men doctors

考点四 名词所有格

1.表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格一般在名词后加-’s构成。如: Miss Green’s coat 格林小姐的大衣

2. 以-s 或 –es结尾的复数名词的所有格,只在名词的右上方加 ’ 。如:


the twins’ bedroom 那对孪生子的卧室 Teachers’ Day 教师节

3. 以-s结尾的单数名词或者人名后应加-’s构成所有格。如: a waitress’s job一个女招待的工作 Charles’s address查尔斯的地址

但是,以[z]音结尾的人名的所有格的构成是在其右上方加’或’s.如: James’/James’s wife 詹姆斯的妻子 Engels’/Engels’s works 恩格斯的著作

4. 如果某物为两个人共有的,只在后一个名词词尾加-’s;如果不是共有的,两个名词后都要加-’s。如:

Jim and Kate’s house.吉姆和凯特的房间(共有) Jane’s and Tom’s books 简和汤姆的书(不共有)

5.复合名词的所有格是在最后一个名词后加-’s构成。如: her son-in-law’s photo 她女婿的照片 my sister-in-law’s father我嫂子的父亲

6.表示―某人的家‖―店铺‖等生活、工作处所时其所有格的名词常省略。如: at Mr. Wang’s 在王先生家 at the doctor’s 在医生的诊所


today’s newspaper 今天的报纸

ten minutes’ walk 步行10分钟的路程

8.(1)表示无生命事物的名词,通常用―of+名词‖结构来构成所有格。如: the gate of the school 学校的大门、 the center of the city 市中心

(2)双重所有格的构成为―of+名词’s‖ 或―of+名词性物主代词‖。如: a friend of Lily’s莉莉的一个朋友 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友


1)Help yourself to _________.

A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken 2)________ it is today!

A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 3) Which is the way to the __________?

A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 4) This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.

A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying


1答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数)

2答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意weather不可数. 选择C和D的同学要注意weather是名词, 要用what来感叹.)

3答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.)

4答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当 ―人‖讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等)





第一人称 第二人称 他 她 它 不定


单数 主格 I you he she it one 单数 宾格 me you him her its one 复数 主格 we you they they they ones 复数 宾格 us you them them them ones 2、物主代词是表示所有关系的代词。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。列表如下。

形容词性 名词性 我的 my mine 你的 他的 his 她的 her 它的 its 我们的 our 你们的 your 他们的 their your yours his hers its ours yours theirs 如: I like his car.我喜欢他的小汽车。

Our school is here,and theirs is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在那儿。

3、指示代词是表示这个,那个,这些,那些以及it, such, same等词。指示代词在句中作主语, 宾语, 表语, 定语。指示代词分单数(this / that)和复数(these / those)两种形式,

This girl is Mary. Those men are my teachers.

This is Mary. Those are my teachers. That is a red car. 那是一辆红色汽车。 What do you like? I like this. 你喜欢什么? 我喜欢这个。

I should say I know that. 我应该说我知道这件事情。 4、反身代词是表示我自己,你自己,他自己,我们自己,你们自己,他们自己等的词。反身代词第一, 二人称构成是由形容词性物主代词加 \\(复数加 -selves )构成。 第三人称反身代词是由人称代词宾格形式加 - self (复数加 - selves ) 构成。

单数 复数 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 himself themselves 第三人称 herself themselves 第三人称 itself themselves 如: She was talking to herself. 她自言自语。

5、疑问代词是表示“谁(who),谁 (whom),谁的(whose),什么(what), 哪个或哪些 (which)”等词叫疑问代词。


4) 表示分数时,分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于1时,分母加-s。例如: three fourths, one second, two fifths 2、难点 倍数表示法

主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+ as + adj. + as

I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那么多。

考点一 基数词


1. 基数词的读写 (1)1~12 单独记:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve (2) 13~19词尾为teen: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen...

(3)20, 30, 40 等逢十的单词词尾为ty: twenty, thirty, forty... (4) 21~99在十位数和个位数之间加连字符构成。如: 73 seventy- three 88 eighty- eight

(5) 101~999 先加几百,再加and, 再加末尾两位数(或末尾数)。 如: 178 one hundred and seventy- eight 238 two hundred and thirty-eight

(6) 1000以上的数词,先从后向前数,每三位用一个“,”隔开,第一个“,”表示thousand(千),第二个“,”表示million(百万),第三个“,”表示billion(美语中的十亿),或thousand million(英国用法),然后一节一节用几百几十几的方法表示。在这类数词中hundred, thousand, million, billion等词一般都用单数形式。如:

1,004 one thousand and four

18,657,421 eighteen million, six hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and twenty- one

4,000,000,000 four billion

2. 基数词的用法

(1) 在表示具体数目时,hundred, thousand, million 等用单数;在表示“数百”“数千”“数百万”等不确定数目时,在hundreds, thousands, millions 等后接“of +名词复数”。如:

The Great Wall is over six thousand kilometers long. 长城有六千多千米长。 Those mountains are thousands of meters high.那些山有数千米高。

Many thousands of trees must be planted every year.每年必须种植数千棵树。 Four hundred years ago, the number was over 500 million.四百年前,数量是五亿多。 (3) 表示“几十”的基数词的复数形式,可用来表示某人的岁数或年代。如: He went to the United States in his twenties. 他在20多岁时去了美国。


This took place in the 1960s.(或in the 1960's.) 这件事发生在20世纪60年代。 3. 基数词的位置

(1) 位于 another, all 之后。如:

Can you have another two cakes? 你能再吃两块蛋糕吗?

The boy lost all the five pencils last week. 这孩子上周把5支铅笔全丢了。 (2) 位于 such和more 之前。如:

I can finish reading two such books in two days. 我能在两天内读完两本这样的书。

考点二 序数词

表示数目顺序的词叫序数词。 1. 序数词的构成

(1) 序数词第一~ 十九中除第一(first),第二(second), 第三(third), 第五(fifth), 第八(eighth), 第九(ninth), 第十二(twelfth)有特殊形式外,其余的均由基数词加后缀-th 构成。如: four----fourth, ten----tenth, thirteen---- thirteenth

(2) 整十的数字的序数词的构成方法是: 先将十位数词尾的y 变成i, 再加- eth. 如: thirty- thirtieth, forty- fortieth

(3) 将几十几变成序数词时,只把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变。如:

thirty-six-----thirty-sixth, ninety-eight-----ninety-eighth (4) hundred, thousand, million, billion的序数词为在词尾加-th. 如果是多位数,则前边的数用基数词,末尾数用序数词。如:

Two thousand and second (2002nd) One hundred and ninety-ninth (199th)

(5) 序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最后两个字母构成的。如:

first-- 1st second-- 2nd third-- 3rd fourth--4th twelfth-- 12th twenty-first--- 21st

one hundred and fifty-third---- 153rd forty-fifth---- 45th 2. 序数词的用法

(1) 序数词前要加定冠词the, 在句中作定语,放在被修饰的名词前。如: The second lesson is more difficult than the first. 第二课比第一课难得多。 (2) 序数词前加不定冠词a/an,表示“再一”“又一”。如:

Try it a second time. 请再试一试。

He cast it a third time, and drew in a lot of stones. 他又撒了一次网,拉上来许多石头。(已撒过两次)

(3) 给东西编号时,序号在前时用序数词表示,序号在后时用基数词表示。如:

the Fifth Lesson/ Lesson Five No. 14 middle school

考点三 年份、日期、时刻的读法

1. 年份 四位数常分两组来读。如:


1996 读作 nineteen ninety-six

1905 读作 nineteen o five 或 nineteen and five 2000 读作 two thousand 2. 日期用序数词表示。如:

July 3rd 读作 July the third

November 25th 读作 November the twenty-fifth December 1st 读作 December the first 世纪也用序数词表示,如: the 20th century

3. 时刻有两种读法:一是直接读数字,先读钟点数,后读分钟数;二是用介词past 表示几点过几分(不超过半小时)或用to 表示差几分几点(超过半小时,还差多少分钟到下一个钟点),这时先读分钟数,后读钟点数。如:

4:10 four ten/ ten past four

5:15 five fifteen/ a quarter past five 6:30 six thirty/ half past six

7:45 seven forty-five/ a quarter to eight

注意:房间号码和电话号码要一个一个分别读。如: Room 203 读作room two o three

754662 读作 seven five four double six two 3、易错点

1. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 2. ._______ trees are cut down in the forests every year.

A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of 3. Our sports meeting will be held ________. A. on 24, Tuesday, April B. in April 24, Tuesday C. on Tuesday, April 24 D. in April Tuesday 24

4. Our school will hold a sports meeting next week. Tom and I will be in boys' .

A.800-metres-race B.800-metres races C.800-metre race D.800 metre race 

5. I'm very hungry, I have eaten two cakes, would you please give me one?

A. move B. three C. a third D. the third  6. of the land in the world is covered by water.

A. Four three B. Three four C. Three fourth D. Three fourths 7. We will have holiday in the winter.

A. four weeks B. a four-week C. four week D. a four weeks 


1答案: B (选择C的同学要注意应用two months’; 选择D的同学要注意名词之间有 ―— ― 后的组合词当作形容词来用, 因此就不用所有格形式了.) 2答案: D. (选择C的同学注意词组记忆的准确性)

3答案: C. (选B的同学是受到中文的影响,要特别注意中英文的差异) May 20th,2002,the twentieth of May,2002

注意:带有数词的名词作定语时,一般用单数形式 a seven-year-old boy 

4答案: C. 800来修饰race,有两种表达法,800-metre race或800 metres' race. 5答案: C. 序数词前加不定冠词,表示―又一,再一‖,表示another。  6答案: D. 此题考查分数的写法,如果分子大于1,分母用复数。  7答案: B. 此题为一个四星期的假期,数词+名词用作定语。 

 19



简单介词:in ,on , at

复合介词:inside, without...

根据介词的形式分类 双重介词:until after 直到。。。后 from behind

短语介词: instead of 替代 thanks to 多亏

动词-ing形式介词: considering 考虑到concerning 关于

表示空间关系:off 远离 , down ,along,near

表示方位:over, 在。。。上方,below 在。。。下方,beside

根据介词的意义分类 表示时间:about, until

表示手段、施动者等:like , whith ,by

2.常用表示时间的介词 I. at, on, in

(A)at表示―在某一时刻,某一时点‖。如: I get up at 6:00 every day.我每天6点起床。 注:at noon在中午;at night在夜间;at Christmas在圣诞节期间;at the age of five在五岁时。


I heard a shot on (the morning of ) March 18.三月十八日(早晨)我听到一声枪响。 We don’t have classes on Sunday.星期天我们不上课。

(C)in表示―在某世纪、年、季度、月、周‖以及泛指的上、下午、晚上。如: in the 20th century在20世纪;in 1999在1999年;in winter在冬季;in September在九月;in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上。

II. for, during, through

(A)for后接―一段时间‖,表示某事持续多久,多与完成时连用。如: She has been ill for several days. 她已经病了几天了。 (B)during表示―在……期间‖。如:

I went to France for two weeks during the summer. 夏天我去了法国两个星期。



They worked hard through the winter. 整个冬天他们都在努力工作。

III. from, since

(A)from表示―时间的起点‖,可译作―从……‖,多用于―from…to/till…‖中。如: You can come anytime from Monday to Friday.周一至周五你什么时间来都行。 (B)since表示―自从……以来(直到现在)‖。如:

He has been away from home since 1973.他自从1973年就离开了家乡。 We have known each other since ten years ago.我们十年前就认识了。

注意:for和since都常与完成时连用,但for接时间段,since接时间点。 如for two hours(持续)两小时;since last week从上周直到现在。

IV. before, by, till, until

(A)before指―在……之前‖,与after相对。如: Please come before ten o’clock. 请10点以前来。 (B)till (until) ―直到……为止‖。

You must wait for him till tomorrow. 你必须一直等到他明天。

注:在肯定句中,till/until必须与延续动词连用;在否定句中,till/until常与非延续性动词连用。如I didn’t go to bed until 12 o’clock. 直到12点我才睡。


I. over, above, under, below

(A)over 主要强调在某一物体的正上方 The bridge over the river is very beautiful.

(B)above 强调在上方,不一定在正上方,可指温度、海拔等。 The temperature today is above 30 degree. The mountain is about 3000 meters above the sea level. (C)under 强调在正下方,是over的反义词 There is a cat under the tree.

(D)below 是above的反义词

The average temperature here is below 10 degree.

II. before、after反义词

There is a supermarket before/after my house.

III. in front of , in the front of

前者表示在某一空间外部的前面,后者表示在某一空间内部的前面 There is a tree in front of the classroom.

There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

go to church ( 去做礼拜 ) in class ( 在上课时 )


go to the church ( 到那座教堂去 ) in the class ( 在班级中) in charge of ( 负责 ) in hospital ( 生病住院 )

in the charge of ( 由…负责 ) in the hospital ( 在医院里工作或参观 )

IV. between、among


V. 介词across, along, through的区别

1) across和 through都可表示―横过‖或―穿过‖,前者主要表示从某物的表面―横过‖,涉及―面‖的概念;而后者则表示从某个空间―穿过‖,涉及―体‖的概念。如: He walked across the road carefully. 他小心地走过马路。

He walked through the forest alone. 他独自一人走过森林。

有时 across表示―横过‖也可在―体‖内进行,但此时它仍与through有差别:前者表示从某个―体‖的一端到另一端,而后者表示穿过两端。如: He walked across the hall. 他从大厅的一端走到另一端。 He walked through the hall. 他穿过大厅。

2) along表示―沿着‖,通常用于狭长的东西。如:

I saw him running along the road.我看见他沿着这条路跑。

4. 表示工具、手段和途径 with, by, in

(A)with 多指用工具,用身体的某个部位 He broke the window with a stone. He plays badminton with his left hand. (B)by表示使用的方法,手段 He makes a living by selling newspapers. Tom often goes to school by bus

(C)in 指使用某种语言、途径等 Can you say this sentence in English?

We can solve the problem in many different ways.



一、形容词 1. 形容词定义


This is a difficult problem to solve.(作定语) The weather here is very pleasant.(作表语) Maggie is very polite.(作表语) 2. 形容词的位置

形容词在句中的位置主要指作定语时与名词的排列位置。 1)作定语一般位于名词前。

如:I often have a joyful hear. 我通常都是心情愉快。 China has a peaceful environment.

2)形容词在修饰someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing等不定代词时,需要置于其后。 如:I have something important to tell you all.

3)多个形容词修饰名词时的排列顺序(本部分只出现在教师版中) 多个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,其排列顺序通常如下:


There are a few big round black new wooden French tables in the room. 二、形容词、副词等级用法

1. 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级 1)比较级和最高级的构成


构成 原级 比较级 最高级

一般在词尾加-er, -est great, hard greater, harder greatest, hardest 以字母e结尾只加-r,-st nice, wide nicer, wider nicest, widest 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写这一辅音字母后再加-er, -est big, hot bigger,

hotter biggest, hottest

以辅音字母+y结尾的词,将y变为i再加-er, -est happy, early happier, earlier

happiest, earliest

在双音节和多音节词前加more或most difficult, difficultly more difficult, more difficultly most difficult, most difficultly 2)形容词的不规则变化如下: 原级 比较级 最高级 good, well better best bad, ill, badly worse worst little less least much, many more most

far farther/further farthest/furthest old older/elder oldest/eldest




一般现在时一般现在时基本用法介绍 一般现在时的功能

1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。 3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 一般现在时的构成

1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如:I am a boy.我是一个男孩。 2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:We study English.我们学习英语。 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加\或\。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。 一般现在时的变化

1. be动词的变化。否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。

一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。如:-Are you a student? -Yes. I am. / No, I'm not. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike?

2.行为动词的变化。否定句:主语+ don't( doesn't ) +动词原形(+其它)。如:I don't like bread.

当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn't构成否定句。如:He doesn't often play. 一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。

如:- Do you often play football? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。

如:- Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:How does your father go to work?



2.现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+动词ing. 3.现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。


5.现在进行时的特殊疑问的基本结构为:疑问词 + be + 主语 + 动词ing? 但疑问词当主语时其结构为: 疑问词 + be + 动词ing?




2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting

3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping



将来时 一、概念:

表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。句中一般有以下时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, the day after tomorrow(后天)等。

二、基本结构:①be going to + do; ②will+ do.

三、否定句:在be动词(am, is, are)l后加not或情态动词will后加not成won’t。 例如:I’m going to have a picnic this afternoon.→ I’m not going to have a picnic this afternoon.

四、一般疑问句: be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换。

例如:We are going to go on an outing this weekend. → Are you going to go on an outing this weekend?

五、对划线部分提问:一般情况,一般将来时的对划线部分有三种情况。 1. 问人。Who 例如:I’m going to New York soon. →Who’s going to New York soon.

2. 问干什么。What … do.例如: My father is going to watch a race with me this afternoon. →What is your father going to do with you this afternoon.

3. 问什么时候。When.例如:She’s going to go to bed at nine. →When is she going to bed?

六、同义句:be going to = will

I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天). = I will go swimming tomorrow.

一般过去时 一般过去时

1.一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作感谢。 2.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:

⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t) ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t)


⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。 3.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子

否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.

一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:Did Jim go home yesterday? 特殊疑问句:⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如: What did Jim do yesterday?

⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to home yesterday? 动词过去式变化规则:

1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked 2.结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted


4.以―辅音字母+y‖结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied

5.不规则动词过去式: am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat



There be 句型与have, has

There be 句型与have, has的区别

1、There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人)

2、在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最*近be 动词的那个名词决定。

3、there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。 4、there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。

5、some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑问句。 6、and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句, or 用于否定句或疑问句。

7、针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语? How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语? 8、针对主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: What’s + 介词短语?


考点一:时态在状语从句中的考察。(主要是时态的搭配使用) A、“主将从现”原则

[例] ---I’ll plan a visit to Hong Kong if it ____ tomorrow . --- Really ? I think I ________with you .

A. don’t rain , go B. won’t rain , go

C. isn’t rain , will go D. doesn’t rain , will go


[例] He was sure that he his wallet in the office .

A. left B. would leave C. had left D. has left [例] When she _____ at the door, my mother _____ some washing.

A. knocked… did B. was knocking… did C. knocked… was doing D. knocks… is doing

考点二:语境中时态的对比使用(主要是时态的区分) A、一般过去时与现在完成时的区别

[例] ----______ you ever ________ Tom before ? ---- No, I _____ him just two minutes ago.

A. Did, know ; met B. Have, known ; have met


C. Have, known; met D. Did, know; had met


[例] Mr. Smith _____ short stories, but he ____ a TV play these days.

A. is writing…is writing B. is writing… writes C. writes… is writing D. writes… writes


[例] — How did the accident happen?

— You know, it difficult to see the road clearly because

it .

A. was…was raining B. was…had rained C. is…is raining D. was…rained 考点三:延续性动词在时态中与时间状语的搭配使用(主要是在完成时中的使用)

A、在特殊疑问句中的考查 [例] -- How long ______ you __________England , Sue ? -- Since two years ago.

A. have, been to B. have , gone to C. have , been in D. have , moved to


[例] It ______ two years since he _______ the Party.

A. is; has joined B. was; joined C. has been; joined D. had been; joined

C、在一般过去时与现在完成时之间进行转换中的考查 [例] The meeting has been off for two hours .

It _______________________since _______________. The meeting ___________________two hours ago.



[例] When I _____ the Children's Palace, the children _____ with joy. A. visited… was jumping B. was visiting , jumped C. visited… jumped D. visited , had jumped

[例] My father ______________in this school when he was 12 years old .

A. study B. was studying C. would study D. studied


[例] My sister to see me . She’ll be here soon.

A. comes B. is coming C. had come D. came



[例] ----______ you ______ the text?

---- Yes, we _____ it two hours ago.

A. Did, copy; did B. Have, copied; have copied C. Have, copied; did D. Did, copy; had 4、语境的限制问题

[例] ---Hi! Kelly . I didn't see you at the party. ---Oh, I ________ ready for the maths exam.

A. am getting B. was getting C. got D. have got 5、时态中的“特殊”对策的原则

[例] The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 ________Christmas Day. A. is B. was C. has been D. will be 6、母语理解干扰的问题

[例] --- I am so sorry , I ____________your number , can you say it again ? --- 89907622

A. had forgotten B. have forgotten C. forgot D. Forget




[例] ----______ you ______ the text?

---- Yes, we _____ it two hours ago.

A. Did, copy; did B. Have, copied; have copied C. Have, copied; did D. Did, copy; had 4、语境的限制问题

[例] ---Hi! Kelly . I didn't see you at the party. ---Oh, I ________ ready for the maths exam.

A. am getting B. was getting C. got D. have got 5、时态中的“特殊”对策的原则

[例] The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 ________Christmas Day. A. is B. was C. has been D. will be 6、母语理解干扰的问题

[例] --- I am so sorry , I ____________your number , can you say it again ? --- 89907622

A. had forgotten B. have forgotten C. forgot D. Forget




