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Passive voice

【知识总结归纳】 一般现在时

am / is / are + P.P.

1) Do they speak French? Is French spoken by them? 2) They don’t use the room.

The room isn’t used by them.

一般过去时 was / were + p.p.

1) The hunter killed a tiger.

A tiger was killed by the hunter. 2) He wrote many stories last year.

Many stories were written by him last year.


am / is / are +being +p.p.

1) These workers are building a new bridge. A new bridge is being built by these workers. 2) He is mending his car.

His car is being mended by him.


was / were + being + p.p. 1) He was selling books.

Books were being sold by him.

2) They were discussing the plan at that time.

The plan was being discussed by them at that time.


have / has + been + p.p.

1) She has learned many English words.

Many English words have been learned by her. 2) He has finished the work.

The work has been finished by him.

过去完成时 had + been + p.p.

1) They have solved the problem.

The problem had been solved by them. 2) We had told him the news by then. The news had been told to him by us.


shall / will be + p.p. 1) I shall make a plan.

A plan will be made by me.

2) They are going to fix the radio in an hour.

The radio is going to be fixed by them in an hour.

过去将来时 would be + p.p.

was / were going to be + p.p.

1) He told me they would paint the room.

He told me the room would be painted by them.

第1页 (共8页)

2) They were going to put on a play the next week. A play was going to be put by them the next week.


can / may / must / should + be + p.p. 1) We should hand in our homework.

Our homework should be handed in by us. 2) You must answer the question in English.

The question must be answered in English by you.

四. 如何正确使用被动语态

1. 有些动词带有两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语,变被动语态时,可把其中一个宾语变成主语,另一个留在被动结构谓语后面。需要注意的是:若把直接宾语变成被动语态的主语,有的需要在间接宾语之间加上介词“to”。

eg. He often tells us interesting stories.(主动语态)

Interesting stories are often told to us (by him).(被动语态) ▲常带双宾语的词有:tell, show, lend, pass, ask, five, offer等。

2. 在主动语态中,某些动词之后带有复合宾语,即宾语和宾语补足语,这个复合宾语由动词不定式来充当,to被省略,但在被动语态中,这个to还要还原。 eg. I often hear her sing this popular song.(主动语态)

She is often heard to sing this popular song.(被动语态)

▲ 有这种用法的常用动词有:make, let, see, hear, watch, feel, notice等。

3. 有些“be + 过去分词”的结构并不是被动语态,它们有可能是“系表结构(即系动词之后由过去分词来充当表语) 。”

比较: 1) In this village almost everyone is married by the same priest.(被动语态) 2) She is married to an Englishman.(系表结构)

4. 只有及物动词和可有宾语的动词+介词词组才可以有被动语态。

被动语态练习(1) 一. 选择填空

1. The river smells terrible. People must _____ dirty things into it. A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop form throwing 2. Paper _____ first invented in China.

A. is B. are C. was D. were 3. — Do you like the flower? — Yes, it _____ sweet.

A. is smelling B. smelt C. is smelt D. smells 4. It snowed heavily last night. The ground _____ thick snow. A. was covered with B. was filled with C. was made of D. covered with 5. The light in the room _____ before you leave.

A. must turn off B. will turn off C. are turned D. must be turned off 6. _____ the kind of question often _____ in your class, Ann?

A. Does, ask B. Is, asked C. Has, asked D. Will, ask 7. The bridge _____ in three weeks.

A. will build B. is built C. will be built D. builds 8. The old men and the children must _____ in our country.

第2页 (共8页)

A. take good care B. be taken good care C. take good care of D. be taken good care of 9. Paul doesn’t have to be made _____. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning 10. The girl was unhappy because she _____ by some boys in the class.

A. is laughed B. was laughed C. laughed at D. was laughed at 11. We _____ that the English test _____ next Monday. A. are told, gives B. tell, will give C. are told, will be given D. told, is going to be given 12. Great changes _____ place in China since 1978.

A. have been taken B. have taken C. has been taken D. took 13. _____ the red pencil-box _____ by your father last week?

A. Has, bought B. Was, bought C. Does, buy D. Did, buy 14. Mary _____ many songs at the party.

A. heard sing B. heard to sing C. was heard sing D. was heard to sing 15. _____ trees usually _____ in April?

A. Have, planted B. Are, planted C. Do, plant D. Were, planted 16. When we got there, the broken road _____ repaired.

A. is being B. was being C. has been D. / 17. The windows of the room _____ once a week.

A. has been cleaned B. is cleaned C. are cleaned D. are cleaning 18. In 1620, about half the USA _____ forests.

A. was covered B. was covered by C. were filled with D. covered with 19. The young tree _____ the stick.

A. should be tied to B. must be tied by C. should tie to D. can be tied with 20. A present _____ me by my friend on my birthday.

A. is giving B. was given to C. is given for D. will give to 21. By _____ was the book _____?

A. who, wrote B. whom, write C. whom, written D. whom, writing 22. Films about crime and violence _____ by young children.

A. should not see B. should be not seen C. should not be seen D. should be seen 23. In warm weather fruit and meat _____ long.

A. can’t be kept B. don’t keep C. is not kept D. aren’t keeping 24. Half the world’s telephone calls _____ in English.

A. are made B. are making C. make D. is made 25. That building _____ now.

A. is building B. is built C. is being built D. builds 26. The trees in our school _____ every Friday afternoon.

A. are watered B. are watering C. have watered D. water 27. More “Great Green Walls” must _____ all over the world.

A. build B. are built C. be building D. be built 28. His school bag _____ by a woman ten minutes ago.

A. took away B. was taken away C. was taken off D. is taken 29. It _____ that she _____ very clever.

A. was said, is B. was said, were C. is said, is D. is said, is being 30. Yesterday a visitor _____ something about his hometown.

A. was asked B. was asking C. is asked D. asked

第3页 (共8页)

31. Do you like this kind of paper? Yes, it _____ very nice. A. is felt B. felt C. is feeling D. feels 32. He assured me that this book _____ well.

A. sells B. are being sold C. would sell D. is sold 33. The boy _____ lost on his way home yesterday. A. got B. is C. gets D. has

34. Though the coat is a bit large now, it _____ me very soon. A. will be fit B. will fit C. fit D. fits 35. Football _____ everywhere in the world.

A. is played B. play C. is playing D. plays 36. Everybody here was _____ a present.

A. gave B. given C. To give D. Giving 37. A new factory _____ in our city last year.

A. built B. has built C. was built D. is building 38. All trees must _____ well when it is dry.

A. be watered B. are watered C. water D. be watering 39. This shirt _____ silk.

A. must be made in B. make by C. must be made of D. must be made by 40. These books _____ good care of.

A. must taken B. must take C. have to take D. must be taken 41. Stamps _____ by people for sending letters.

A. use B. in using C. used D. are used 42. More trees _____ next year.

A. will be planted B. will plant C. have planted D. are planting 43. — When _____ the People’s Republic of China _____? — On October 1, 1949.

A. did …found B. was …found C. was … founded D. is … founded 44. Today, too many trees are still _____ in the world.

A. cutting down B. cut down C. being cut down D. cutted 45. This kind of machine _____ Japan.

A. is made by B. is made from C. is made in D. is made of 46. The teacher says that the man will _____.

A. be well taken care B. well look after C. take care well D. be well looked after 47. — I think the shop _____.

— No, It’s open. It _____ at six.

A. is close … close B. is closed … closes C. closed … closes D. is closed 48. I was astonished to hear that the colour TV set _____ 5, 000 yuan. A. has cost B. cost C. costed D. was cost 49. He was seen _____ something from the shop.

A. steal B. to steal C. to be stolen D. stealed 50. She has _____ by her classmates.

A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at

二. 用正确的时态和语态填空

1. Nearly everybody here __________(know) when the old museum __________(build) .

2. The building can __________(see) from every part of the city; It __________(build) many years ago.

第4页 (共8页)

3. Yesterday Tom __________(tell) me that his bike __________(break) last week. 4. The students ______ often __________(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs. 5. Now he __________(be) asked if the meeting __________(hold) next Friday. 6. It is known to all that the moon __________(turn) round the earth.

7. Miss Li often __________(use) a recorder in her English class. But she __________(not use) it tomorrow.

8. Vegetables, eggs and fruits __________(sell) in this shop. 9. English __________(speak) here.

10. The song __________(like) by us all twenty years ago. 11. The pictures __________(take) by Jack tomorrow. 12. The computer __________(can use) in the room. 13. The room __________(paint) now.

14. The novel __________(translate) into many languages since it was published. 15. That clock __________(call) Big Ben.

16. Last week, when I __________(ask) about English culture, I couldn’t answer it well. 17. What language __________(speak) in your country?

18. School football games ______ often __________(hold) on Friday evenings. 19. The film __________(show) again sometime next week. 20. If anything __________(happen) to him, let me know. 21. ______ the pair of new shoes __________(suit) you? 22. The bottle __________(break) by the cat yesterday. 23. A tall tree __________(can, see) in the picture. 24. The sports meeting __________(hold) last week.

25. We __________(tell) yesterday that Jane would come back from Australia. 26. Look, Mr Smith __________(take) to the station by Mark in his car. 27. These trees should __________(water) after they __________(plant) .

28. The TV set __________(make) in Beijing __________(produce) last April. 29. Have you moved into the new house?

Not yet. The rooms __________(paint) now.

30. She __________(tell) the good news as soon as she arrived.


被动语态练习(1) [参考答案]

一. 选择填空

1—5 BCDAD 6—10 BCDBD 11—15 CBBDB 16—20 BCBAB 21—25 CCAAC 26—30 ADBCA 31—35 DCABA 36—40 BCACD 41—45 DACBC 46—50 DBBBD 二. 用正确的时态和语态填空

1. knows, was built 2. be seen, was built 3. told, was broken 4. are, told 5. is, will be held 6. turns 7. uses, won’t use 8. are sold 9. is spoken 10. was liked 11. will be taken 12. can be used 13. is being painted 14. has been translated 15. is called 16. was asked 17. is spoken 18. are, held 19. will be shown 20. happens 21. Does, suit 22. was broken 23. can be seen 24. was held

25. were told 26. is being taken 27. be watered, are planted 28. made, was produced 29. are being painted 30. was told

第5页 (共8页)


1. If city noises ____ from increasing,people ____ shout to be heard even at dinner. A. are not kept;will have to B. are not kept;have C. do not keep;will have to D. do not keep;have to

2. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are ____ and perfected right now. A. developed B. have developed C. are being developed D. will have been developed 3. —____ the sports meet might be put off. —Yes,it all depends on the weather. A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D. I told 4. I need one more stamp before my collection ____. A. has completed B. completes C. has been completed D. is completed

5. Rainforests ____ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut 6. The new suspension bridge ____ by the end of last month. A. has been designed B. had been designed C. was designed D. would be designed 7. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____. A. breaks B. is broken C. were broken D. had been broken 8. Great changes ____ in the city, and a lot of factories ____. A. have been taken place; have been set up B. have taken place; have been set up C. have taken place; have set up D. were taken place; were set up 9. That suit _____ over 60 dollars. A. had costed B. costed C. is cost D. cost 10. —Look! Everything here is under construction.

—What’s the pretty small house that _____ for?

A. is being built B. has been built C. is built D. is building 11. —Do you like the material?

—Yes, it _____ very soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 12. It is difficult for a foreigner _____ Chinese.

A. write B. to write C. to be written D. writes 13. I have no more letters _____,thank you.

A. to type B. typing C. to be typed D. typed 14. Take care! Don’t drop the ink on your shirt, for it _____ easily.

A. won’t wash out B. won’t be washed out C. isn’t washed out D. isn’t washing out

15. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _____.

A. be put up B. give in C. be turned on D. go out 16. The computers on the table _____ Professor Smith.

A. belong B. are belonged to C. belonging to D. belong to 17. —What do you think of the book?

—Oh, excellent. It’s worth ___ a second time. A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read 18. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _____.

A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch 19. This page needed _____ again.

A. being checked B. checked C. to check D. to be checked 20. _____ many times, the boy still didn’t know how to do the exercises.

A. Having taught B. Having been taught C. taught D. Teaching 21. It is said that a new robot ____by him will be on exhibit in a few days.

第6页 (共8页)

A. designed B. has been designed C. will be designed D. will have been designed 22. We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema.

A. will already have started B. would already have started C. shall have already started D. has already been started 23. She will stop showing off if no notice _____ of her.

A. is taken B. takes C. will be taken D. has taken 24. Diamond _____ in Brazil in 1971.

A. is found B. has been found C. was found D. had been found 25.“Have you moved into the new flat?”“Not yet. The room____.”

A. has been painted B. is painted C. paints D. is being painted 26. My pictures _____ until next Friday.

A. won’t develop B. aren’t developed C. don’t develop D. won’ t be developed 27. Tim _____ since he lost his job three weeks ago.

A. had been unemployed B. was unemployed C. has been unemployed D. has unemployed 28. A great number of colleges and universities _____ since 1949.

A. has been establish B. have been established C. have established D. had been established

29. I’ll have to push the car to the side of the road because we _____ if we leave it here.

A. would be fined B. will be fined C. will being fined D. will have been fined

30. _____ two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it


A. They have been given B. I have been given C. I am given D. They have given to me 31. The subject of these lectures _____ by the lecture committee.

A. is announced B. have been announced C. are announced D. has been announced 32. I found an aspirin bottle _____ dropped on the floor of David’s room.

A. was B. had C. had been D. is 33. The goods _____ when we arrived at the airport.

A. were just unloading B. were just been unloading C. had just unloaded D. were just being unloaded 34. If one _____ by pride, he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.

A. overcomes B. is overcome C. was overcome D. overcome

35. Most environment problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them _____ taken in

the past.

A. was not B. were not C. were not being D. had not been 36. You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now _____ sour.

A. I smell B. it is smelt C. it smells D. it is smelling 37. After the race_____, the celebration began.

A. was won B. is won C. will be won D. has been won 38. He was here for a little while, but I don’t know where she _____ now.

A. is B. was C. had been D. has been 39. The young teacher has _____ competent.

A. proved being B. proved to be C. been proved D. proved being

40. Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, _____ photographically in March 1930.

A. discovered B. was discovered C. by discovery D. when discovered 41. To get a better view of the stage, _____.

A. our seats had to be changed B. our seats were changed C. we had to change our seats D. someone changed our seats 42. After synthetic_____, engineers had a better choice of material.

第7页 (共8页)

A. created B. has created C. has been created D. had been created

43. I think much attention _____ your pronunciation since you have so many errors in reading aloud.

A. must be paid to B. must have been paid to C. must pay to D. should have been paid to

44. Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts _____ Vitamin C, which they believe can remedy the common

cold. A. took B. have been taken C. have been taking D. were taking 45. I don’t remember _____ the chance to try this method.

A. having been given B. to have been given C. having given D. to have given

46. We could ask someone to do the work privately without it _____.

A. know B. be known C. being known D. to be known 47. The construction of the laboratory _____ by the end of next month.

A. must be completed B. must have been completed C. will be completing D. will have been completing 48. They would tell how the African boy _____ on a ship to an American port.

A. brought B. could have been brought C. had been brought D. was to be brought 49. He does not possess a bicycle, this one he uses _____ to Peter.

A. is belonged to B. belonged C. belongs D. is belonging

50. Negotiation _____ again with Moscow tomorrow, a great event will be discussed then.

A. is to be opened B. can be opened C. opened D. opens 51. The reason for all the changes being made _____ to us yet.

A. has not explained B. has not been explained C. was not explained D. were not explained

52. Experiments in the photography of moving objects _____ in both the United States and Europe well

before 1900.

A. were conducting B. were conducted C. had been conducted D. had conducted 53. When he turned the corner, he found himself _____ by a man in black.

A. tailed B. has been tailed C. was being tailed D. had been tailed 54. A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination _____ at this moment.

A. is interviewing B. being interviewed C. is being interviewed D. interviewing 55. As we approached the worksite, the workers were seen _____ the new house.

A. building B. build C. built D. to build 56. As we know, all the regulations in school _____.

A. must keep to B. must be kept C. must keep D. must be kept up 57. The composition _____ any more.

A. need not to be corrected B. doesn’t need to be corrected C. doesn’t need be corrected D. need not correct

58. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _____ in broad daylight yesterday.

A. to be robbed B. to have keen robbed C. robbed D. having been robbed 59. Hurry up, or the tickets _____ out by the time we get there.

A. will have sold B. will sell C. have sold D. will have been sold 60. He cleaned the glasses carefully for fear that they _____.

A. were damaged B. might be damaged C. damaged D. must be damaged


被动语态练习(2) [参考答案] 1—5 ACADC 21—25 AAACD 41—45 CDACA

6—10 BCBDA 26—30 DCBBB 46—50 CACCA 11—15 CBCAD 31—35 DCDBB 51—55 BCACA

第8页 (共8页)

16—20 DCCDB 36—40 CAABB 56—60 BBBDB

