2013年同等学力申硕英语考试样卷 - 完形填空

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Part IV Cloze (10 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: In this part, there is a passage with ten blanks. For each blank there are four choices

marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Almost half of UK internet users are going online via mobilephone data connections, according to the Office for National Statistics(ONS). 45% of people surveyed said they (46) use of the netwhile out and about, compared with 31% in 2010. The most rapidgrowth was (47) younger people, where 71% of internet-con-nected 16 to 24-year-olds used mobiles.

Domestic internet use also rose. According to the ONS, 77% ofhouseholds now have (48)

to a net connection. That figurewas (49)4% from the previous year, representing the slowestrate of (50)since the ONS survey began in 2006. The figurefor domestic connections contrasted sharply with the rapid growth inuptake of mobile services.

(51), the popularity of 3G broadband did not necessarilymean that more people were going online overall. Many of thoseusing mobile phones are (52)to already have home broadbandconnections.

Older users, who the government is particularly keen to get (53), appeared to (54) relatively untouched by the phenomenon. While 71% of 16 to 24-year-old who went (55)

said theyused mobile broadband, just 8% of internet users aged over 65 madeuse of the newer technology.

(46) A. made B. took C. kept D. sought (47) A. around B. within C. among D. beyond (48) A. route B. access C. way D. road (49) A. on B. up C. of D. in (50) A. survey B. internet C. mobiles D. growth (51) A. However B. Because C. Moreover D. Even if (52) A. easy B. fast C. likely D. slow (53) A. connected B. used to C. provided D. called

(54) A. have B. be C. being D. have been (55) A. abroad B. out C. online D. home Part IV Cloze(10 minutes,10 points)

(46)A(47)C(48)B(49)B(50)D(51)A(52)C(53)A(54)D(55)C Part IV Cloze (10 minutes, 10 points)

Scientists say they have found key clues into how long we willlive. One of them is a (46)

handshake. British researchersbelieve a strong grip is not just a sign of confidence but also an (47)of longevity. Lead author Dr. Rachel Cooper, of UniversityCollege London, said her study looked into 33 different reports on thestrength of handshakes. The research (48)

more than 50,000men and women and spanned 40 years. Dr. Cooper concluded thatthose with weaker handshakes were 70 per cent more likely to die earlier than those with the strongest handshakes. She concludes thatpeople with strong grips may have benefited (49)a happychildhood that included a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

The new study, (50)in the British Medical Journal, also found other signs of living a longer life. These \quickly, and being able to balance on one leg. The studyshowed that slow walkers were almost three times (52)to dieat a younger age than those who walked briskly. Those who struggled to get up from their armchairs were twice as likely to die earlierthan those who (53)out of their chairs. Dr.

Cooper believesthere needs to be more (54)into the link between physical capability and longevity. \ageingpopulation,\

(46) A. firmB. loose C. warm D. friendly (47) A. evidence B. indicator C. advantage D. opinion

(48) A. included B. questioned C. examined D. involved (49) A. of B. from C. to D. for (50) A. disclosedB. revealed C. published D. declared (51) A. move B. rate C. ratio D. pace (52) A. likelier B. likely C. as likely D. as alike (53) A. struggled B. sprang C. skipped D. skated (54) A. research B. debate C. argument D. account (55) A. cater for B. cater with C. keep up D. keep out Part IV Cioze(10 minutes,10 points)

(46)A(47)B(48)D(49)B(50)C(51)D(52)A(53)B(54)A(55)A Part IV Cloze (10 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: In this part, there is a passage with ten blanks. For eachblank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose thebest answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Hollywood propaganda films of the late thirties and early fortiescan be divided (46)

three general categories: films that praisedAmerica, films that introduced World War II allies, and films that(47)the enemy. Beginning in the late thirties, Hollywood began producing a (48)of biography films, all (49)whichglorified the American democratic tradition. John Ford's Young Mr.Lincoln(1939) and John Cromwell's Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940)were examples of Hollywood's attempt (50)that American democracy gave everyone a (51)at success. Inthe early fortiesmanyHollywood movies (52)

an introduction to the Americanallies. Films (53)Mrs. Miniver (1942) and Journey forMargaret (1942) presented a sympathetic picture of the British people. During the latter part of the forties, Hollywood was determinedto introduce American audiences to the enemy, and movies likeHitler's Children (1943) and Behind the Rising Sun (1944) portrayed German and Japanese brutality. Many of the latter anti-Ger-man and anti-Japanese films have since been criticized (54)their distorted and simplistic themes that presented the German andJapanese people (55)half-mad beasts. (46) A. into B. as C. among D. upon (47) A. praised B. described C. criticized D. resembled (48) A. list B. series C. collection D. glimpse (49) A. in B. of C. on D. for

(50) A. proving B. proved C. prove D. to prove (51) A. chance B. hope C. job D. wish (52) A. employed B. took C. offered D. showed (53) A. like B. as C. such D. that (54) A. in case of B. on behalf of C. for the sake of D. because of

(55) A. against B. for C. as D. in Part IV Cloze(10 minutes,10 points)


