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N银行提升核心竞争力的策略研究 论文题名:


Strategic Research on How to Enhance the Core Competitiveness of N Bank

中文关键词:城 市商业银行;核心竞争力;评价体系;SWOT分析 英文关键词:

city commercial banks;core competitiveness;evaluation system;SWOT analysis

商学院 所属院系: 公开 保密级别:

工商管理专业 所属专业: 郝璐 作者姓名: 作者国别: 中国 商学院 第一导师单位:

所属学位:工 商管理硕士(MBA) 所属学科:工 商管理 答辩日期:2 012-11-25 作者学号:2 01022010188 研究方向:金 融与投资 第一导师姓第二导师姓第三导师姓

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论文认为结合N银行内外部环境的特点,应通过完善法人治理结构、明确战略规划管理、提升科技创新及应用水平、加强市场营销和区域服务职能、提高人力资源管理水平、建立高效风险防范机制等六个方面的措施来提升核心竞争力,充分体现了商业银行经营管理“安全性”、“流动性”、“效益性”的经营原则,其研究成果对国内其他城市商业银行的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。 英文摘要:

Compared with State-owned commercial banks, Urban commercial banks have greater flexibility in property arrangements, mechanisms and institutional settings since the day of their establishment. After more than 20 years of development, urban commercial banks have become an irreplaceable and indispensable components of China’s financial system. But today, with the

acceleration of international economic integration, great changes have taken place in the development environment of financial sector. China's financial industry faces fresh changes such as foreign banks’ full access, interest rates marketization, monetary policy changes, adjustment in regulatory policy, and so on. Competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Urban commercial banks not only have to deal with these changes, also are faced with challenges such as resolving problems left over by history, macroeconomic policy adjustment and further severe financial regulation, internal competition within the banking system. It can be said that in such a competitive, open and diversified financial system, Nanyang Bank faces unprecedented external environment.

Nanyang Bank needs to address these problems such as how to accelerate the development, improve core competitiveness, and secure its own advantage. Based on this background, this article conducts an intensive analysis and comparison using a method of combining theoretical and data analysis. First of all, this article shows the background and purpose of study, sets out the basic concepts and features of enterprise's core competitiveness. Secondly, it analyzes the socio-economic environment in which Nanyang Bank operates , and analyzes its own advantages and disadvantages using SWOT analysis methods. Then, it makes a longitudinal comparison in terms of Nanyang Bank’s market size, asset quality, profitability, liquidity, and growth prospect using a large amount of data. It also makes a comparison with its main competitor-- state-owned commercial banks and finally arrives at the conclusions of the lower core competitiveness for Nanyang Bank. Finally, it provides the strategies and methods for Nanyang Bank to enhance its core competitiveness.

With the internal and external environment in mind, this article believes that to enhance Nanyang Bank’s core competitiveness, the following need to be on the agenda: to improve the corporate governance structure, clarify strategic planning and management, enhance the level of innovation and the application of science and technology, strengthen marketing and regional service functions, improve the level of human resources management, establish efficient risk prevention mechanism. The above six aspects fully embody the operating principle of “security”, “liquidity”, and “benefit” in running and managing commercial banks. At the same time, the research result also has a certain referential significance for the development of other domestic city commercial banks. 参考文献

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